23 research outputs found

    Approaches to Assessing the Demand for Vocational Education

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    The article discusses the prospects for the development of regional systems of secondary vocational education (on the basis of basic general education) through the prism of assessing the demand for secondary vocational education and covering this level of education in the context of demography and competition from schools Keywords: secondary vocational education, demand for education, educational coverage, private educational organizations, regional education system

    The Need for Regional Labor Markets for Mid-Level Specialists and the Priorities of Graduates of Secondary Vocational Education in Employment Issues

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    The article considers the problems of imbalance of supply and demand in regional labor markets, as well as the role of career guidance in choosing a profession. The article discloses the main management decisions for regulating reception targets, taking into account labor market requirements. The authors give examples of calculating the imbalance of supply and demand in personnel in regional labor markets using the example of the region’s need for mid-level medical workers. The article considers the aspects of employment of graduates of professional educational organizations, including labor migration and international experience. As a result of the study, the authors identified and formulated the general laws of labor migration of graduates of professional educational organizations and solutions to reduce the outflow of labor resources from the region. Separately, the authors examined the employment of graduates of the SVE (secondary vocational education) system in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The article was completed within the framework of the topic of the State Task of the RANEPA N 11.5 “Study of models for the transformation of regional systems of secondary vocational education and their need for resource support” for 2021


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    The article is devoted to interstate educational space EU, EEU: describe the mechanisms for their establishment and highlighted their main characteristics. Russia has become a party at different times of all of that interstate educational spaces. . Given the fact that the humanitarian cooperation in the field of education has economic consequences, measured in concrete terms, the article analyzed the capacity of pro-labor market of highly qualified personnel (labor mobility) and the educational market (academic mobility) countries participating in intergovernmental alliances. The authors concluded that the trend of the growth of regionalization of education, as evidenced, in particular, the growing regional academic and labor mobility. Moreover, if the foundations for the EU-governmental regional centers of education were Germany and France, for the EEU – Russia. For Russia, for the first time facing the challenge of working on the reduction-settlement, participation in international educational alliances can bring additional dividends if the solution to this problem will go the way of increasing labor migration and training of the participating countries of the EEU. In this case, Existing-exists the need for correction of the state policy in the field of attracting highly qualified you are, foreign experts and training issues for foreign countries.Статья посвящена межгосударственным образовательным пространствам ЕвропейскогоСоюза и Евразийского Экономического Союза: описаны механизмы их создания и выделены их основные характеристики. Россия стала в разное время участницей всех перечисленных образовательных пространств. С учетом того, что гуманитарное сотрудничество в области образования имеет экономические последствия, измеряемые в конкретных показателях, в статье проанализированы емкости рынка труда высококвалифицированных кадров (трудовая мобильность) и образовательного рынка (академическая мобильность) стран-участниц межгосударственных альянсов. Авторами сделан вывод о нарастании тенденции регионализации образования, о чем свидетельствуют, прежде всего, возрастающие потоки региональной академической и трудовой мобильности. Причем, если для Европейского Союза основными региональными центрами образования стали Германия и Франция, то для Евразийского Экономического Союза – Россия. Для России, впервые стоящей перед проблемой сокращения трудоспособного населения, участие в межгосударственных образовательных альянсах может принести дополнительные дивиденды, если решение этой проблемы пойдет по пути увеличения трудовой и учебной миграции из стран-участниц Евразийского Экономического Союза. В этом случае существует необходимость коррекции государственной политики в области привлечения высококвалифицированных зарубежных специалистов и вопросы подготовки кадров для зарубежных государств


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    Objective: to develop an effective, well-tolerated, convenient for outpatient care (without installing a subclavian catheter) three-component treatment regimen that includes ftorafur – an original oral fluoropyrimidine drug.Materials and methods. The study included 25 patients with disseminated colorectal cancer that have never received specific pharmacotherapy. We evaluated the efficacy and safety of a new first-line three-component treatment regimen with oxaliplatin + irinotecan + ftorafur. Patients in group 1 (n = 6) received this regimen for 3 weeks, whereas patients in group 2 (n = 19) received it for 2 weeks.Results. Only preliminary results of the study are currently available. Median time to progression and overall survival are not yet estimated. Three (50 %) patients from group 1 achieved partial regression of metastases; 3 patients from this group had long-term (≥6 months) disease stabilization. Therapeutic effect (partial remission + long-term stabilization) was observed in all patients. Time without progression varied between 6 and 20 months. In group 2, therapeutic effect was estimated in 18 patients that received at least 2 courses of chemotherapy. Eight out of these 18 patients had partial response (2 of them underwent radical surgery); 8 patients had disease stabilization. Thus, 88.8 % of patients from group 2 responded to treatment. In the whole study population (both groups), response to treatment was achieved in 91 % of patients.Conclusion. Our preliminary results suggest that the combination of oxaliplatin, irinotecan and ftorafur is safe and has an acceptable toxicity profile; therefore, it can be used in weakened patients.Цель исследования – разработка удобного для амбулаторной практики (без необходимости установки подключичного порта), хорошо переносимого и эффективного трехкомпонентного режима, включающего пероральный оригинальный препарат фторпиримидинового ряда фторафур.Материалы и методы. В исследование были включены 25 пациентов с распространенным колоректальным раком, не получавших ранее специфического лекарственного лечения, у которых в 1-й линии лечения оценены эффективность и безопасность нового трехкомпонентного режима иринотекан + оксалиплатин + фторафур. В 1-й группе пациентов (n = 6) был применен 3-недельный режим химиотерапии, во 2-й группе (n = 19) – 2-недельный.Результаты. В настоящее время получены предварительные результаты. Медианы времени до прогрессирования и общей выживаемости не достигнуты. В 1-й группе частичная регрессия метастазов достигнута у 3 (50 %) пациентов, длительная (≥6 мес) стабилизация болезни отмечена еще у 3 пациентов. Лечебный эффект (частичная ремиссия + длительная стабилизация) отмечен у всех пациентов. Время без прогрессирования составляло от 6 до 20 мес. Во 2-й группе эффект оценен у 18 пациентов, получивших как минимум 2 курса химиотерапии. У 8 из 18 пациентов отмечен частичный ответ (из них 2 пациента были радикально прооперированы), у 8 наблюдалась стабилизация болезни. Таким образом, во 2-й группе ответ на лечение достигнут у 88,8 % пациентов. Суммарный ответ на лечение в обеих группах составил 91 %.Выводы. Предварительные данные могут свидетельствовать о том, что комбинация оксалиплатина, иринотекана и фторафура является эффективной, имеет приемлемый профиль токсичности и может быть использована у ослабленных пациентов

    Development of the system of continuous education in Netherlands: state and prospects

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    An article focuses on the experiences of Netherlands VET in Europe


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    The article is devoted to interstate educational space EU, CIS: describe the mechanisms for their establishment and highlighted their main characteristics. Russia has become a party at different times of all of that interstate educational spaces. Given the fact that the humanitarian cooperation in the field of education has economic consequences, measured in concrete terms, the article analyzed the capacity of pro-labor market of highly qualified personnel (labor mobility) and the educational market (academic mobility) countries participating in intergovernmental alliances. The authors concluded that the trend of the growth of regionalization of education, as evidenced, in particular, the growing regional academic and labor mobility. Moreover, if the foundations for the EU-governmental regional centers of education were Germany and France, for the CIS - Russia.For Russia, for the first time facing the challenge of working on the reduction-settlement, participation in international educational alliances can bring additional dividends if the solution to this problem will go the way of increasing labor migration and training of the participating countries of the CIS. In this case, Existing-exists the need for correction of the state policy in the field of attracting highly qualified you are, foreign experts and training issues for foreign countries

    Education alliance European Union and Eurasian Economic Union: status and prospects of expansion

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    The article is devoted to interstate educational space EU, EEU: describe the mechanisms for their establishment and highlighted their main characteristics. Russia has become a party at different times of all of that interstate educational spaces. . Given the fact that the humanitarian cooperation in the field of education has economic consequences, measured in concrete terms, the article analyzed the capacity of pro-labor market of highly qualified personnel (labor mobility) and the educational market (academic mobility) countries participating in intergovernmental alliances. The authors concluded that the trend of the growth of regionalization of education, as evidenced, in particular, the growing regional academic and labor mobility. Moreover, if the foundations for the EU-governmental regional centers of education were Germany and France, for the EEU – Russia. For Russia, for the first time facing the challenge of working on the reduction-settlement, participation in international educational alliances can bring additional dividends if the solution to this problem will go the way of increasing labor migration and training of the participating countries of the EEU. In this case, Existing-exists the need for correction of the state policy in the field of attracting highly qualified you are, foreign experts and training issues for foreign countries


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    Article focuses on the experiences of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the modernization of the system of technical and vocational education. As part of the modernization of technical vocational education system has been carried out activities at the legislative, organizational, content and other levels. Experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the reform of the system of technical vocational education is one of the best national practices implemented in recent years in the worl

    Radioresistant T lymphocytes in mice: distribution in organs, Thy-1 antigen content and helper activity.

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    Radioresistant T lymphocytes (RRTL) were derived from spleens of CBA mice after gamma-irradiation (2000 rad). RRTL comprise 2.2-3.5% of the total T-cell population. Adult thymectomy and treatment with ATS or cortisol do not affect the yield of RRTL. The Thy-1 antigen content on RRTL surfaces exceeds that on thymocytes and splenic T lymphocytes. 51Cr-labelled RRTL fail to home into lymph nodes: a considerable number of labelled RRTL persist in the blood. In an adoptive transfer system RRTL display poor helper activity. The adoptive response of normal B cells plus RRTL was reduced when RRTL donors were preimmunized with the same antigen. It is not clear if the unusual properties of RRTL were induced by irradiation or if they pre-existed