516 research outputs found

    Projective Ring Line Encompassing Two-Qubits

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    The projective line over the (non-commutative) ring of two-by-two matrices with coefficients in GF(2) is found to fully accommodate the algebra of 15 operators - generalized Pauli matrices - characterizing two-qubit systems. The relevant sub-configuration consists of 15 points each of which is either simultaneously distant or simultaneously neighbor to (any) two given distant points of the line. The operators can be identified with the points in such a one-to-one manner that their commutation relations are exactly reproduced by the underlying geometry of the points, with the ring geometrical notions of neighbor/distant answering, respectively, to the operational ones of commuting/non-commuting. This remarkable configuration can be viewed in two principally different ways accounting, respectively, for the basic 9+6 and 10+5 factorizations of the algebra of the observables. First, as a disjoint union of the projective line over GF(2) x GF(2) (the "Mermin" part) and two lines over GF(4) passing through the two selected points, the latter omitted. Second, as the generalized quadrangle of order two, with its ovoids and/or spreads standing for (maximum) sets of five mutually non-commuting operators and/or groups of five maximally commuting subsets of three operators each. These findings open up rather unexpected vistas for an algebraic geometrical modelling of finite-dimensional quantum systems and give their numerous applications a wholly new perspective.Comment: 8 pages, three tables; Version 2 - a few typos and one discrepancy corrected; Version 3: substantial extension of the paper - two-qubits are generalized quadrangles of order two; Version 4: self-dual picture completed; Version 5: intriguing triality found -- three kinds of geometric hyperplanes within GQ and three distinguished subsets of Pauli operator

    Stac Proteins Suppress Ca2+-Dependent Inactivation of Neuronal L-type Ca2+ Channels

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    Stac protein (named for its SH3-and cysteine-rich domains) was first identified in brain 20 years ago and is currently known to have three isoforms. Stac2, Stac1, and Stac3 transcripts are found at high, modest, and very low levels, respectively, in the cerebellum and forebrain, but their neuronal functions have been little investigated. Here, we tested the effects of Stac proteins on neuronal, high-voltage-activated Ca2+ channels. Overexpression of the three Stac isoforms eliminated Ca2+-dependent inactivation (CDI) ofL-type current in rat neonatal hippocampal neurons (sex unknown), but not CDI of non-L-type current. Using heterologous expression in tsA201 cells (together with ÎČ and α2-ÎŽ1 auxiliary subunits), we found that CDI for CaV1.2 and CaV1.3 (the predominant, neuronalL-type Ca2+ channels) was suppressed by all three Stac isoforms, whereas CDI for the P/Q channel, CaV2.1, was not. For CaV1.2, the inhibition of CDI by the Stac proteins appeared to involve their direct interaction with the channel’s C terminus. Within the Stac proteins, a weakly conserved segment containing ~100 residues and linking the structurally conserved PKC C1 and SH3_1 domains was sufficient to fully suppress CDI. The presence of CDI forL-type current in control neonatal neurons raised the possibility that endogenous Stac levels are low in these neurons and Western blotting indicated that the expression of Stac2 was substantially increased in adult forebrain and cerebellum compared with neonate. Together, our results indicate that one likely function of neuronal Stac proteins is to tune Ca2+ entry via neuronal L-type channels. © 2018 the authors

    On Invariant Notions of Segre Varieties in Binary Projective Spaces

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    Invariant notions of a class of Segre varieties \Segrem(2) of PG(2^m - 1, 2) that are direct products of mm copies of PG(1, 2), mm being any positive integer, are established and studied. We first demonstrate that there exists a hyperbolic quadric that contains \Segrem(2) and is invariant under its projective stabiliser group \Stab{m}{2}. By embedding PG(2^m - 1, 2) into \PG(2^m - 1, 4), a basis of the latter space is constructed that is invariant under \Stab{m}{2} as well. Such a basis can be split into two subsets whose spans are either real or complex-conjugate subspaces according as mm is even or odd. In the latter case, these spans can, in addition, be viewed as indicator sets of a \Stab{m}{2}-invariant geometric spread of lines of PG(2^m - 1, 2). This spread is also related with a \Stab{m}{2}-invariant non-singular Hermitian variety. The case m=3m=3 is examined in detail to illustrate the theory. Here, the lines of the invariant spread are found to fall into four distinct orbits under \Stab{3}{2}, while the points of PG(7, 2) form five orbits.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure; v2 - version accepted in Designs, Codes and Cryptograph

    A novel stepwise integrative analysis pipeline reveals distinct microbiota-host interactions and link to symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome

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    Although incompletely understood, microbiota-host interactions are assumed to be altered in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). We, therefore, aimed to develop a novel analysis pipeline tailored for the integrative analysis of microbiota-host interactions and association to symptoms and prove its utility in a pilot cohort. A multilayer stepwise integrative analysis pipeline was developed to visualize complex variable associations. Application of the pipeline was demonstrated on a dataset of IBS patients and healthy controls (HC), using the R software package to analyze colonic host mRNA and mucosal microbiota (16S rRNA gene sequencing), as well as gastrointestinal (GI) and psychological symptoms. In total, 42 IBS patients (57% female, mean age 33.6 (range 18–58)) and 20 HC (60% female, mean age 26.8 (range 23–41)) were included. Only in IBS patients, mRNA expression of Toll-like receptor 4 and genes associated with barrier function (PAR2, OCLN, TJP1) intercorrelated closely, suggesting potential functional relationships. This host genes-based “permeability cluster” was associated to mucosa-adjacent Chlamydiae and Lentisphaerae, and furthermore associated to satiety as well as to anxiety, depression and fatigue. In both IBS patients and HC, chromogranins, secretogranins and TLRs clustered together. In IBS patients, this host genes-based “immune-enteroendocrine cluster” was associated to specific members of Firmicutes, and to depression and fatigue, whereas in HC no significant association to microbiota was identified. We have developed a stepwise integrative analysis pipeline that allowed identification of unique host-microbiota intercorrelation patterns and association to symptoms in IBS patients. This analysis pipeline may aid in advancing the understanding of complex variable associations in health and disease

    Flavanols in the nuclei of the tea bush (<i>Camellia sinensis</i>) - broadening the perspectives to human health

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    Flavanols as a small subclass of the flavonoids stain selectively blue with the special reagent p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (DMACA). Because of the prominent blue colour it is easy to recognize the flavanols histochemically in the vacuoles of expanding and maturing cells. However, the cells of the tea shrub (Camellia sinensis L.) show those blue coloured flavanols also in the nuclei. Silenced interphase nuclei of mature parenchyma cells indicate a pronounced diffuse distribution of blue stained flavanols. By contrast, in activated nuclei the flavanols reflect a variable, mosaic-like blue patterning enclosed by white interchromatin spaces. Subnuclear expression of euchromatin displays relative tiny blue dots of flavanols as compared with the larger-sized blobs of heterochromatin. From metaphase to telophase, the chromosomes stain a fairly dark blue with a more or less diffuse appearance. Those nuclei running through mitotic interphases from G 1 to G 2 have well-defined flavanol-free nucleoli. The flavanol pattern of meristematic chromosomes found in the tea plant is basically also valid for herbaceous plants, such as Hyacinthus romanus, Tulipa gesneriana and Allium cepa, which genuinely do not contain nuclear flavanols. This was verified by incubation of their rootlets in solutions of green tea and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Also human nuclei demonstrate an easy import of added flavanols and the resulting blue stained chromatin reflects in much the same way the structural modifications as already described for the plant nuclei. Possible roles of flavanols in organizing basic mechanisms of chromatin remodelling are discussed. Hereby, also the overall problem of easy oxidizable flavanols should be integrated. Flavanols have the potential to associate to the histone proteins of chromatin. Even small fragments of histones can aggregate to catechin as shown on the basis of kinetic measurements for the H4-core peptide HAKRKT and its acetylated product HAK(ac)RK(ac)T according to the epigenetic histone code

    Subgroups of IBS patients are characterized by specific, reproducible profiles of GI and non-GI symptoms and report differences in healthcare utilization: A population-based study

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    Background: In a previous clinical sample of IBS patients, subgroups characterized by profiles of GI and non-GI symptoms were identified. We aimed to replicate these subgroups and symptom associations in participants fulfilling IBS diagnostic criteria from a population-based study and relate them to healthcare utilization. Methods: An Internet-based health survey was completed by general population adults from United States, Canada, and UK. Respondents fulfilling IBS diagnosis (Rome III and IV) were analyzed for latent subgroups using Gaussian mixture model analysis. Symptom measures were derived from validated questionnaires: IBS-related GI symptoms (Rome IV), extraintestinal somatic symptoms (PHQ-12), and psychological symptoms (SF-8). Key Results: A total of 637 respondents fulfilled Rome III criteria (average age 46 years, range 18-87, 66% females) and 341 Rome IV criteria (average age 44, range 18-77, 64% female) for IBS. Seven subgroups were identified in the Rome III cohort, characterized by profiles of GI symptoms (constipation-related, diarrhea-related, and mixed, respectively), and further distinguished by the presence or absence of non-GI comorbidities. The Rome IV cohort showed five similar but less distinct subgroups with a preponderance of mixed symptom profiles. Higher severity of non-GI comorbidities was associated with more frequent healthcare visits and medication usage. Conclusions and Inferences: In line with previous findings in a clinical IBS cohort, we were able to identify population-based subgroups characterized by a combination of GI symptoms with the additional distinction made by varying severity of non-GI symptoms and with differences in healthcare utilization

    New Tools for Decomposition of Sea Floor Pressure Data - A Practical Comparison of Modern and Classical Approaches

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    In recent years more and more long-term broadband data sets are collected in geosciences. Therefore there is an urgent need of algorithms which semi-automatically analyse and decompose these data into separate periods which are associated with different processes. Often Fourier and Wavelet Transform is used to decompose the data into short and long period effects but these fail often because of their simplicity. In this paper we investigate the novel approaches Empircial Mode Decomposition and Sparse Decomposition for long-term sea floor pressure data analysis and compare them with the classical ones. Our results indicate that none of the methods fulfils all the requirements but Sparse Decomposition performed best except for computing efficiency.Comment: 20 pages, 2 tables, 7 figure

    Constraining Antimatter Domains in the Early Universe with Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    We consider the effect of a small-scale matter-antimatter domain structure on big bang nucleosynthesis and place upper limits on the amount of antimatter in the early universe. For small domains, which annihilate before nucleosynthesis, this limit comes from underproduction of He-4. For larger domains, the limit comes from He-3 overproduction. Most of the He-3 from antiproton-helium annihilation is annihilated also. The main source of He-3 is photodisintegration of He-4 by the electromagnetic cascades initiated by the annihilation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revtex, (slightly shortened

    The Putative Drp1 Inhibitor mdivi-1 Is a Reversible Mitochondrial Complex I Inhibitor that Modulates Reactive Oxygen Species

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    Mitochondrial fission mediated by the GTPase dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) is an attractive drug target in numerous maladies that range from heart disease to neurodegenerative disorders. The compound mdivi-1 is widely reported to inhibit Drp1-dependent fission, elongate mitochondria, and mitigate brain injury. Here, we show that mdivi-1 reversibly inhibits mitochondrial complex I-dependent O2 consumption and reverse electron transfer-mediated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production at concentrations (e.g., 50 ΌM) used to target mitochondrial fission. Respiratory inhibition is rescued by bypassing complex I using yeast NADH dehydrogenase Ndi1. Unexpectedly, respiratory impairment by mdivi-1 occurs without mitochondrial elongation, is not mimicked by Drp1 deletion, and is observed in Drp1-deficient fibroblasts. In addition, mdivi-1 poorly inhibits recombinant Drp1 GTPase activity (Ki > 1.2 mM). Overall, these results suggest that mdivi-1 is not a specific Drp1 inhibitor. The ability of mdivi-1 to reversibly inhibit complex I and modify mitochondrial ROS production may contribute to effects observed in disease models. © 2017 Elsevier Inc
