64 research outputs found

    Biotic Factors in the Phytosanitary Technology of Green Pea Cultivation in the Trans-Urals

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    This article presents the results of studying the phytosanitary situation in the cultivation of 10 varieties of green pea in the Trans-Urals. We noted that the economic threshold of harmfulness by the soilborne and leaf-and-stem disease agents was crossed in the majority of the varieties. All varieties of the peas were affected by root rot above the economic threshold of damage (15%). In 2018, the level of root rot development was 55.5% on average in the varieties, or an excess of EPR by 3.7 times; and in 2019, the development of rot was 44.6% or an excess of EPR by 3 times. High rates of Fusarium blight were evident in the Zauralskiy 4, Kulon, Krepysh, and Samarius varieties, and bacterial blight in the Krepysh and Tomas varieties. Rust development varied on average over the two years from 10.5% to 16.5%, and 12% of the standard cultivar Aksayskiy Usatii 55 was affected. 11% of Samarius 13% of Agrointel and 11.5% of Zauralskiy 3 were affected. For all varieties, the development of powdery mildew was below the economic threshold of harmfulness (EPV = 15%). A higher percentage of disease development was noted in the Zauralsky 4 variety (11.0%) and in the Yamalsky 305 variety (13.5%). The productivity of the seeds treated with chemical fungicide increased 1.2-1.9 times as compared to the reference sample. The productivity growth of the seeds treated with biofungicides amounted to 1.09-1.11 times the reference. The authors recommend a pre-sowing treatment of pea seeds with preparations of symbiotrophic nitrogen fixers (such as nitragin, rhizotorfin), combined with their treatment with microelements: ammonium molybdate with 50% content of the active ingredient (250 g / t of seeds) and boric acid (250-300 g / t of seeds). Keywords: green pea, varieties, diseases, fungicide, yield.This article presents the results of studying the phytosanitary situation in the cultivation of 10 varieties of green pea in the Trans-Urals. We noted that the economic threshold of harmfulness by the soilborne and leaf-and-stem disease agents was crossed in the majority of the varieties. All varieties of the peas were affected by root rot above the economic threshold of damage (15%). In 2018, the level of root rot development was 55.5% on average in the varieties, or an excess of EPR by 3.7 times; and in 2019, the development of rot was 44.6% or an excess of EPR by 3 times. High rates of Fusarium blight were evident in the Zauralskiy 4, Kulon, Krepysh, and Samarius varieties, and bacterial blight in the Krepysh and Tomas varieties. Rust development varied on average over the two years from 10.5% to 16.5%, and 12% of the standard cultivar Aksayskiy Usatii 55 was affected. 11% of Samarius 13% of Agrointel and 11.5% of Zauralskiy 3 were affected. For all varieties, the development of powdery mildew was below the economic threshold of harmfulness (EPV = 15%). A higher percentage of disease development was noted in the Zauralsky 4 variety (11.0%) and in the Yamalsky 305 variety (13.5%). The productivity of the seeds treated with chemical fungicide increased 1.2-1.9 times as compared to the reference sample. The productivity growth of the seeds treated with biofungicides amounted to 1.09-1.11 times the reference. The authors recommend a pre-sowing treatment of pea seeds with preparations of symbiotrophic nitrogen fixers (such as nitragin, rhizotorfin), combined with their treatment with microelements: ammonium molybdate with 50% content of the active ingredient (250 g / t of seeds) and boric acid (250-300 g / t of seeds). Keywords: green pea, varieties, diseases, fungicide, yiel

    Bishop Apollos (Belyaev) and Development of Vyatka Diocese in 1866—1885

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    Using mainly historical-comparative and historical-genetic methods, the issue of the development of the Vyatka and Slobodsk dioceses, which coincides within the borders with the Vyatka province, under Bishop Apollos (Belyaev), is considered in the article. The author pays special attention to the process of organizing religious, educational and missionary activities, and up to the appointment of Bishop Apollos, the results of this work were insignificant. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time it comprehensively examines the activities of the Vyatka Bishop Apollos in terms of the implementation of a nationwide religious course, which included active educational and missionary work of the local clergy. Under Bishop Apollos, to increase the influence of the clergy on the local population, including the Old Believers and non-Orthodox, important transformations were carried out: a separate vicariate was allocated in the diocese, the Vyatka Committee of the Orthodox Missionary Society and the Vyatka Brotherhood of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker were opened, and the work of the local clergy was also generally reorganized. This gave the first positive results in strengthening the position of the Russian Orthodox Church among the local population of the Vyatka diocese

    Sarapul Ascension Brotherhood and Its Activities in the Late XIX - Early XX Centuries

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    The article raises the question of the implementation of religious policy within the borders of the Vyatka province in the second half of the 19th century in terms of creating religious educational organizations to increase the effectiveness of the clergy with the Old Believer and non-Orthodox populations. Based on archival documents and published sources, the history of the foundation and the main activities of the Ascension Brotherhood on the territory of the Sarapul Vicariate, created to conduct religious and educational work among the local population and provide assistance to other religious organizations of the Vyatka diocese, are examined. The novelty of the study is that a comprehensive review of the history and activities of the Ascension Brotherhood, opened in Sarapul in 1892, is carried out for the first time. The author dwells on the religious and educational work of the Ascension Brotherhood, which was his main business. It is reported that members of the fraternity, with the assistance of the local clergy, engaged in religious-educational readings and conversations, which were popular with the local population. It is noted that this activity was initially supported by the local authorities of Sarapul, but over time, assistance to the Ascension Brotherhood from the local secular authorities became minimal. It turned out that members of the Ascension Brotherhood and the organizers of the readings were forced to continue their activities at the expense of material assistance from donors and support from the clergy of the Vyatka diocese

    Creation of the Vyatka Brotherhood of the Saint Nicholas the Miracle Worker in the Context of the Interaction of the Secular and Spiritual Authorities of the Vyatka Province

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    Using mainly historical-comparative and historical-genetic methods, the question of the interaction of secular power in the person of the governor of the Vyatka province N. A. Troinitsky and the spiritual power in the person of Bishop of the Vyatka and Sloboda provinces Apollos (Belyaev) in terms of resolving the issue of opening a brotherhood in the Vyatka province to work with Old Believers, is raised in the article. In this work, on the basis of archival materials, the process of preparation for the opening of the Vyatka brotherhood of St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker in the city of Vyatka in 1882 is considered. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of the position of the Bishop of Vyatka and Sloboda Apollos regarding the creation of the Vyatka brotherhood. In the course of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that Bishop Apollos was a supporter of the initiative of Archpriest Stephen Kashmensky in terms of creating a brotherhood, but at the same time sought to limit the material base of the brotherhood and create a brotherhood without funding from the consistory. As a result, through the Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod K. P. Pobedonostsev, the misunderstanding between the secular and spiritual authorities of the Vyatka province was eliminated, and in the fall of 1882, with the blessing of the Bishop of Vyatka and Sloboda Apollos, the Vyatka brotherhood of St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker was established

    Missionary Activity of Russian Orthodox Church in the Second Half of the XIX - Early XX Centuries (Vyatka province)

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    The study is devoted to the analysis of the missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries in the context of the history of church-state relations of the period. An attempt is made to classify the key problems of missionary activity based on an analysis of its leading areas using a regional approach. Based on archival documents (primarily the reports of Vyatka bishops and governors), the main problems of the missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in the vast Vyatka province, which is one of the largest in empire in terms of population are analyzed in the paper. The authors proceed from the position that the organization of missionary activity was an important element in ensuring the unity of the state in the period under review, and in this regard consolidated the interests of secular and spiritual authorities both at the central and regional levels. The range and content of the problems of missionary activity, according to the authors, were largely determined by the specifics of the national and confessional composition of the population of the region, the nature of its settlement, as well as unique models of church-state relations that developed at the local level

    Religious and Educational Activities in Vyatka Province in Second Half of 19th — Early 20th Centuries: Participation of Female Population in Religious Work

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    Based on archival materials and published sources, the problem of changing the status of women in the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries using the example of the Vyatka province, primarily with the support of the clergy of the Vyatka diocese and as part of the inclusion of women in religious and educational activities is examined in the article. The relevance of the study is due to the interest in the problem of equality of rights and obligations, as well as opportunities for women and men. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the proportional ratio of the female population to the male population in cities and rural areas. The question of the place of a woman in the society of the Vyatka province, of new trends in terms of intensifying the struggle of women for their rights, first of all, the right to receive an education is raised in the article. The question is raised about the participation of the Vyatka clergy in solving the problem of creating educational institutions for women and getting jobs as teachers in schools. Based on the analysis of source materials, it is proved that, despite the patriarchal structure of the Vyatka society and the limited material resources of the Vyatka clergy, the female population of the Vyatka province got the opportunity not only to study, but also to work as teachers, thanks to which women, primarily from the peasant class, were able to receive certain autonomy and independence

    25 лет Юдинским чтениям

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    The article describes the history of the library, its collections and the owner - Siberian manufacturer Gennady Vasilyevich Yudin. Uneasy fate of the Yudin’s Collection, his relationship with domestic and foreign counterparts had led to the ambiguity of his contribution and recognition of his achievements. However, since 1990, there are conducted Yudin Readings, and in 2015 the Readings were held for the eighth time. His heritage is being studied, catalogued, contributing to the reconstruction of the past of Siberia and Russia.Непростая судьба книг и архивных документов, собранных Геннадием Васильевичем Юдиным, его взаимоотношения с отечественными и зарубежными коллегами привели к неоднозначной оценке его вклада и позднему признанию его заслуг. Тем не менее, с 1990 г. проводятся Юдинские чтения, которые в 2015 г. прошли уже в восьмой раз. Его наследие изучается, каталогизируется, способствуя восстановлению прошлого Сибири и России

    Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich and the Development of Religious and Educational Activities in the Vyatka Province in the Late XIX - Early XX Centuries

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    Based on archival materials and published sources, the article examines the activities of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich as one of the zealous patrons of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is indicated that the Grand Duke was the chairman of numerous societies, including the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society, engaged in religious, educational and scientific activities in the Middle East, and sought to provide public support in the territory of the Russian Empire. Particular attention is paid to the development of the network of departments of the Orthodox Palestinian Society since 1894, after the opening of which in the territory of the Russian Empire, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich became their patron. It is reported that in the Vyatka province, the Vyatka department of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society was opened, also under the patronage of the Grand Duke. The authors described the degree of participation of the Grand Duke in the activities of the Vyatka Division of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society and the main interests of the patron in terms of the development of the department. Attention is paid to the activities of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich as the patron saint of another organization of the Vyatka eparchy - the Vyatka fraternity of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is concluded that the patronage of the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, although it was largely nominal - edifying - in nature but played an important role in the development and strengthening of local organizations of the Vyatka eparchy


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    The problem of comorbidity is one of the most important problems in clinical immunology. The commonest non-organ specific autoimmune diseases — rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriasis are linked with accelerated atherosclerosis progression and increased cardiovascular risk. In autoimmune disorders associated with comorbidities the use of multitargeted drugs holds a promise. Examples of such drugs include the inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (statins) and agonists of PPARα (fibrates) which exert antiinflammatory, immunomodulating, and anti-atherogenic activities. In this review we summarize our own research on statins and fibrates pre-clinical pharmacology, their efficacy and safety in patients with RA and psoriasis