22 research outputs found

    Socialna opora starejših, ki živijo v domačem okolju, v času prvega vala epidemije koronavirusa v Sloveniji

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    Slovenija sodi med hitro starajoče se države, kar zahteva prilagoditve družbe na različnih področjih. Eno izmed njih je skrb za starejše, ki zaradi težav, povezanih s staranjem, potrebujejo vrsto storitev in pomoči. Del potrebne pomoči lahko pokrijejo formalne storitve (kot je osebna pomoč na domu), zelo pomembni pa so tudi neformalni viri socialne opore (sorodniki, prijatelji, sosedi). Raziskave kažejo, da ima del starejših razmeroma zadostno socialno oporo, obstaja pa tudi nezanemarljiv delež starejših s šibko socialno oporo ali brez virov neformalne socialne opore. Ti so lahko še posebej ranljivi v okoliščinah, kot je pandemija koronavirusa SARS-CoV-2. Tako članek naslavlja značilnosti omrežij socialne opore starejših, ki živijo doma, v času popolnega zaprtja javnega življenja v prvem valu pandemije, in sicer na podlagi podatkov, zbranih v okviru spletnega panela JazVem. Gre za verjetnostni vzorec 605 oseb, starejših od 64 let. V raziskavi so bile merjene čustvena in instrumentalna opora, opora v smislu neformalnega druženja, pa tudi elementi formalne opore in različne značilnosti omrežij. V vzorcu je bila dobra desetina starostnikov z omejenimi viri socialne opore. To so starostniki, ki niso navedli nobenega vira socialne opore, in starostniki s samo oddaljenimi viri socialne opore. Na število in dostopnost virov socialne opore v času pandemije vplivata spol in velikost gospodinjstva starostnika

    Potentially toxic planktic and benthic Cyanobacteria in Slovenian freshwater bodies: detection by quantitative PCR

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    Due to increased frequency of cyanobacterial blooms and emerging evidence of cyanotoxicity in biofilm, reliable methods for early cyanotoxin threat detection are of major importance for protection of human, animal and environmental health. To complement the current methods of risk assessment, this study aimed to evaluate selected qPCR assays for detection of potentially toxic cyanobacteria in environmental samples. In the course of one year, 25 plankton and 23 biofilm samples were collected from 15 water bodies in Slovenia. Three different analyses were performed and compared to each other; qPCR targeting mcyE, cyrJ and sxtA genes involved in cyanotoxin production, LC-MS/MS quantifying microcystin, cylindrospermopsin and saxitoxin concentration, and microscopic analyses identifying potentially toxic cyanobacterial taxa. qPCR analyses detected potentially toxic Microcystis in 10 lake plankton samples, and potentially toxic Planktothrix cells in 12 lake plankton and one lake biofilm sample. A positive correlation was observed between numbers of mcyE gene copies and microcystin concentrations. Potential cylindrospermopsin- and saxitoxin-producers were detected in three and seven lake biofilm samples, respectively. The study demonstrated a potential for cyanotoxin production that was left undetected by traditional methods in both plankton and biofilm samples. Thus, the qPCR method could be useful in regular monitoring of water bodies to improve risk assessment and enable timely measures

    Dynamics of Responses in Compatible Potato - Potato virus Y Interaction Are Modulated by Salicylic Acid

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    To investigate the dynamics of the potato – Potato virus Y (PVY) compatible interaction in relation to salicylic acid - controlled pathways we performed experiments using non-transgenic potato cv. Désirée, transgenic NahG-Désirée, cv. Igor and PVYNTN, the most aggressive strain of PVY. The importance of salicylic acid in viral multiplication and symptom development was confirmed by pronounced symptom development in NahG-Désirée, depleted in salicylic acid, and reversion of the effect after spraying with 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid (a salicylic acid - analogue). We have employed quantitative PCR for monitoring virus multiplication, as well as plant responses through expression of selected marker genes of photosynthetic activity, carbohydrate metabolism and the defence response. Viral multiplication was the slowest in inoculated potato of cv. Désirée, the only asymptomatic genotype in the study. The intensity of defence-related gene expression was much stronger in both sensitive genotypes (NahG-Désirée and cv. Igor) at the site of inoculation than in asymptomatic plants (cv. Désirée). Photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism gene expression differed between the symptomatic and asymptomatic phenotypes. The differential gene expression pattern of the two sensitive genotypes indicates that the outcome of the interaction does not rely simply on one regulatory component, but similar phenotypical features can result from distinct responses at the molecular level

    Določanje učinkovitosti bakterijske filtracije različnih tipov mask

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    Face coverings, such as surgical masks and respirators, have an important role in preventing bacterial and viral transmission, especially during a global pandemic like COVID-19. Therefore, to secure their availability, new manufacturers and the use of novel materials must be encouraged. However, masks and their materials must first be properly tested for safety and efficiency, as required by the relevant standard, valid in a specific region. All standards prescribe determination of the bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) of masks. In this study, we report the establishment of a test method for the BFE of face masks in accordance with European standard EN 14683:2019, by which we tested 52 samples, each composed of 3 to 5 subsamples, of surgical and cloth masks, respirators, filters, and mask materials. Forty-seven out of the 52 samples reached a BFE above 75 %. Of these, 16 samples had a BFE of 75 % to 95 %, 3 had a BFE of 95 % to 98 %, while 28 reached a filtration efficiency above 98 %. Our findings show that all tested samples provided some level of protection, most of which met the requirements for the national or European market

    Omrežja socialne opore Ljubljančanov

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    Tako teorija kot številne empirične raziskave kažejo, da je socialne opora večrazsežen pojem. Lahko ga razdelimo na štiri večje razsežnosti: materialna (instrumentalna), informacijska, in emocionalna opora ter opora v smislu neformalnega druženja. V članku analiziramo omrežja socialne opore prebivalcev Ljubljane, glavnega mesta Slovenije. Podatki so bili zbrani v letu 2000 s telefonskim anketiranjem na slučajnem vzorcu 1033 polnoletnih prebivalcev Ljubljane. Rezultati se ujemajo z rezultati nekaterih zgodnejših podobnih raziskav, pokazali pa so se tudi nekateri novi in zanimivi rezultati.Theory and empirical studies show that social support is a multidimensional concept. It can be subdivided into four major dimensions: material (instrumental) support, informational support, emotional support, and social companionship. In the paper, the personal support networks of the residents of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, are described. The data were collected in the year 2000 by telephone interview on a random sample of 1033 residents of Ljubljana. The preliminary results confirm some findings of the earlier similar studies, but also some new and interesting results were obtained

    Primary Metabolism, Phenylpropanoids and Antioxidant Pathways Are Regulated in Potato as a Response to Potato virus Y Infection.

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    Potato production is one of the most important agricultural sectors, and it is challenged by various detrimental factors, including virus infections. To control losses in potato production, knowledge about the virus-plant interactions is crucial. Here, we investigated the molecular processes in potato plants as a result of Potato virus Y (PVY) infection, the most economically important potato viral pathogen. We performed an integrative study that links changes in the metabolome and gene expression in potato leaves inoculated with the mild PVYN and aggressive PVYNTN isolates, for different times through disease development. At the beginning of infection (1 day post-inoculation), virus-infected plants showed an initial decrease in the concentrations of metabolites connected to sugar and amino-acid metabolism, the TCA cycle, the GABA shunt, ROS scavangers, and phenylpropanoids, relative to the control plants. A pronounced increase in those metabolites was detected at the start of the strong viral multiplication in infected leaves. The alterations in these metabolic pathways were also seen at the gene expression level, as analysed by quantitative PCR. In addition, the systemic response in the metabolome to PVY infection was analysed. Systemic leaves showed a less-pronounced response with fewer metabolites altered, while phenylpropanoid-associated metabolites were strongly accumulated. There was a more rapid onset of accumulation of ROS scavengers in leaves inoculated with PVYN than those inoculated with PVYNTN. This appears to be related to the lower damage observed for leaves of potato infected with the milder PVYN strain, and at least partially explains the differences between the phenotypes observed

    First Insights into the Antiviral Activity of Chitosan-Based Bioactive Polymers towards the Bacteriophage Phi6: Physicochemical Characterization, Inactivation Potential, and Inhibitory Mechanisms

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    The outbreak of the worrisome coronavirus disease in 2019 has caused great concern among the global public, especially regarding the need for personal protective equipment with applied antiviral agents to reduce the spread and transmission of the virus. Thus, in our research, chitosan-based bioactive polymers as potential antiviral agents were first evaluated as colloidal macromolecular solutions by elemental analysis and charge. Three different types of low and high molecular weight chitosan (LMW Ch, HMW Ch) and a LMW Ch derivative, i.e., quaternary chitosan (quart-LMW Ch), were used. To explore their antiviral activity for subsequent use in the form of coatings, the macromolecular Chs dispersions were incubated with the model virus phi6 (surrogate for SARS-CoV-2), and the success of virus inactivation was determined. Inactivation of phi6 with some chitosan-based compounds was very successful (>6 log), and the mechanisms behind this were explored. The changes in viral morphology after incubation were observed and the changes in infrared bands position were determined. In addition, dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering studies were performed to better understand the interaction between Chs and phi6. The results allowed us to better understand the antiviral mode of action of Chs agents as a function of their physicochemical properties