154 research outputs found

    Sustentación de caso: propuesta de un plan estratégico del ingreso al mercado peruano de una empresa del sector fast fashion

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    En un mercado cada vez más competitivo y en crecimiento constante, las empresas de moda tienen un gran desafío para la penetración de nuevos mercados y la satisfacción de los mercados en los que se encuentran actualmente. Con un público cada vez más digitalizado y exigente, las tiendas de moda deben innovar cada vez más y mejorar en distintos procesos que pueden iniciar en la adquisición de materiales, producción, logística, precio, ventas, diseño, entre otros que finalmente buscan más que satisfacer a su cliente; fidelizarlo y mantener un incremento de ventas a través del tiempo sin descuidar la rentabilidad del negocio. Las Fast Fashion hoy en día tienen un gran desafío y en el Perú la competencia por el precio, promociones y beneficios son las que comienzan a liderar la preferencia de muchos consumidores de estas marcas y en general en las marcas de ropa en el mundo retail.En el trabajo expuesto se analizará el negocio Fast Fashion con el ejemplo con el grupo Fast Retailing y su empresa ícono UNIQLO, empresa japonesa que atiende negocios en diferentes ciudades alrededor del mundo en distintos continentes, para validar su posible ingreso al mercado peruano. Para ello, mediante una visión general del negocio y la aplicación de estrategias de administración, se analizará la factibilidad de ingresar a un mercado muy competitivo, en donde no solo hay una producción local muy calificada, con bajos precios y en tendencia, sino otras marcas internacionales reconocidas que buscan incrementar su participación entroel mercado peruano. El trabajo se divide en 4 granes bloques que ayudan a entender bien tanto el negocio como el mercado y sus necesidades, comenzando por un diagnóstico interno y externo de la empresa mediante el análisis de la cadena de valor y la determinación de las fortalezas y debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas. Seguido a lo mencionado viene la formulación estratégica en donde gracias a diferentes matrices como la FODA, EFI, EFE y estratégicas genéricas podremos sacar algunas conclusiones sobre las necesidades de la empresa además de las oportunidades que tendría para el ingreso al mercado peruano. Luego, veremos qué estrategias aplicar para poder combatir y contra restar nuestras debilidades y amenazas y poder resaltar y aprovechar nuestras fortalezas y oportunidades. La combinación de diferentes estrategias desde las más macro como globales, corporativas y de negocio hasta el micro como las funcionales, sacaron como conclusión de que era factible el ingreso de esta fast fashion al mercado peruano. Finalmente mediante una estrategia de control y el apoyo de un cuadro de mando integral se pueden definir medios de control por cada área del negocio y mejorando así el plan de ingreso y mantenimiento al mercado peruano.In an increasingly, competitive and constantly growing market, fashion companies have a great challenge for the penetration of new markets and the satisfaction of markets they are currently in.With an increasingly digitalized and demanding audience, fashion stores must innovate more and improve in different processes like acquisition of materials,production, logistics, price, sales, design, among others that finally seek more than satisfy their customer, they look for loyalty and maintain an increase in sales over time without neglecting the profitability of the business.Fast Fashion companies today have a great challenge and in Peru the competition for price, promotions and benefits are those that begin to lead the preference of many consumers of these brands and in general in clothing brands in the retail world.In the exposed work, the Fast Fashion business willbe analyzed with the example of the company Fast Retailing and its icon brand UNIQLO, a Japanese company that serves businesses in different cities around the world on different continents. We will validate the possible entry into the Peruvian market.Forthis, through an overview of the business and the application of management strategies, the feasibility of entering a very competitive market will be analyzed, where there is not only a very qualified local production, with low prices and in trend, but other international brands recognized that seek to increase their participation among the Peruvian market.The work is divided into 4 large blocks that help to understand both the business and the market and its needs, starting with an internal and external diagnosis of the company through the analysis of the value chain and the determination of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats.Following the aforementioned comes the strategic formulation where, thanks to different matrices such as the SWOT, EFI, EFE and generic strategies we can draw some conclusions about the needs of the company in addition to the opportunities it would have for entering the Peruvian market.Then, we will see witch strategies to apply to combat and against subtracting our weaknesses and threats and to highlight and take advantage of our strengths and opportunities. The combination of different strategies from the most macro as global, corporate and business to micro as the functional ones, concluded that the entry of this fast fashion to the Peruvian market was feasible. Finally, through a control strategy and the support of a comprehensive balance scorecard, control can be defined for each area of the business and thus improving the entry and maintenance plan for the establishment in the Peruvian market

    Análisis de perfil de textura, parámetros colorimétricos y microbiológicos en piña mínimamente procesada con recubrimientos comestibles

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    Context: The conservation of minimally processed fruits is a very important topic in the food industry due to the increased consumption of this type of food. This work studies the effects caused by edible coatings based on aloe vera and cassava starch on minimally processed pineapple. Method: Properties such as texture and color were evaluated, and microbial analysis was conducted after 12 days of storage at 4 °C. Four treatments (T1, T2, T3, and T4) were tested: Honey Gold pineapple with coating solutions of different aloe vera/starch concentrations (T1:75/25, T2:50/50, T3:25/75), and a control treatment (T4) consisting of the fruit without coating. Coating was carried out by immersing the fruit for 1 min. Results: The results indicated that the T2 treatment achieved the best texture, and that T4 showed a higher luminosity. The microbiological parameters remained within those established by the Colombian Technical Standard (NTC 4519) for minimally processed fruit during the 12 days of conservation. Conclusion: Edible coatings can maintain the texture and inhibit the growth of microorganisms in Honey Gold pineapple. However, fruit luminosity may be affected by the use of these edible coatings.Contexto: La conservación de frutas mínimamente procesadas es un tema muy importante en la industria alimentaria debido al incremento en el consumo de este tipo de alimentos. Esta investigación estudia los efectos que provocan los recubrimientos comestibles a base de aloe vera y almidón de yuca en piña mínimamente procesada. Método: Se evaluaron propiedades como textura y color, y se realizó análisis microbiano después de 12 días de almacenamiento a 4 °C. Se probaron cuatro tratamientos (T1, T2, T3 y T4): piña Oro Miel con soluciones de recubrimiento con diferentes concentraciones de aloe vera/almidón (T1:75/25, T2:50/50, T3:25/75) y un tratamiento control (T4) que consistió en la fruta sin recubrimiento. Los recubrimientos se realizaron sumergiendo la fruta previamente procesada durante 1 min. Resultados: Los resultados indicaron que el tratamiento T2 obtuvo la mejor textura y T4 mostró una mayor luminosidad. Los parámetros microbiológicos se mantuvieron dentro de los establecidos por la Norma Técnica Colombiana (NTC 4519) para fruta mínimamente procesada durante los 12 días de conservación. Conclusión: El recubrimiento comestible puede mantener la textura e inhibir el crecimiento de microorganismos en la piña Oro Miel. Sin embargo, la luminosidad de la fruta puede verse afectada por el uso de estos recubrimientos comestibles

    Evaluación de la conservación de la piña “oro miel” mínimamente procesada mediante la aplicación de recubrimientos comestibles a base de almidón de aloe vera y casabe

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    In this research the effect of edible coatings based on aloe vera and cassava starch on the physicochemical properties and the kinetic parameters of degradation of ascorbic acid (AA) in pineapple minimally processed during 16 days of storage at 4 ° C was evaluated. Five treatments (T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5) were tested, pineapple “honey gold” with coating solutions of different aloe vera / starch concentrations (100/0, 75/25, 50/50, 25/75 and 0/100 respectively), and a control treatment (T6 ) that corresponds to fruit without coating. The coatings were carried out by immersing the fruit previously processed for 1 minute. The results show that the treatment with the best pH values, titratable acidity (AT) and maturity index (IM) was T3 (pH: 3.61, AT: 0.0480, IM: 2.915), in terms of moisture and soluble solids (SS) the T1 treatment (% Moisture: 81.725) and T4 (SS: 11.19) showed the most optimal values. The model that best described the degradative behavior of AA is zero order, being the T4 treatment the most adequate to preserve vitamin C with a value (k: 0.781), a half-life (t ½: 28 days) and a decimal reduction time (D: 93 days).En esta investigación se evaluó el efecto de los recubrimientos comestibles a base de aloe vera y almidón de mandioca sobre las propiedades físico-químicas y los parámetros cinéticos de degradación del ácido ascórbico (AA) en piña mínimamente procesada durante 16 días de almacenamiento a 4ºC. Se probaron cinco tratamientos (T1, T2, T3, T4 y T5), la “miel de oro” de piña con soluciones de recubrimiento de diferentes concentraciones de aloe vera / almidón (100/0, 75/25, 50/50, 25/75 y 0/100 respectivamente), y  un  tratamiento  de  control  (T6)  que  corresponde  al  fruto  sin  recubrimiento.  Los  recubrimientos  se realizaron por inmersión de la fruta previamente procesada durante 1 minuto. Los resultados muestran que el tratamiento con los mejores valores de pH, acidez titulable (AT) e índice de madurez (IM) fue T3 (pH: 3.61, AT: 0.0480, IM: 2.915), en términos de humedad y sólidos solubles (SS) el tratamiento T1 (% Moisture: 81.725) y T4 (SS: 11.19) mostró los valores más óptimos. El modelo que mejor describe el comportamiento degradativo del AA es el orden cero, siendo el tratamiento T4 el más adecuado para preservar la vitamina C con un valor (k: 0,781), una vida media (t ½: 28 días) y un tiempo de reducción decimal (D: 93 días)

    What Do University Students Know about Sustainable Development Goals? A Realistic Approach to the Reception of this UN Program Amongst the Youth Population

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    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute a working agenda for the international community with the aim of ensuring a better world for future generations. In this context, the development of competences related to SDGs is a challenge for Higher Education Institutions. Although there are several studies that address the relationship between SDGs and university teaching, the students’ knowledge about this subject has not been set out yet. In order to evaluate students’ knowledge, a questionnaire was designed, validated, and administered to students from di erent degrees. Statistical analysis showed a high reliability for the constructs (Smallest Cronbach’s Alfa = 0.859). The results showed interesting insights, either with descriptive analysis or inferential ones. For example, a low knowledge, in a general way, of SDGs was identified in the whole sample; significant di erences between the scores obtained in professional and personal implications of SDGs were also detected and several di erences arose between Health and Education students, the latter being more professionally involved with SDGs than the rest of the students

    Exit for success. Gamifying science and technology for university students using escape-room. A preliminary approach

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    There is a growing tendency to incorporate gamification activities with the aim of improving student's motivation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) courses. One of the strategies to apply gamification in the classroom is the use of the escape room. In this work different experiences of escape room in the context of formal university education are analysed. The analysis of students' opinions shows that such activities are well received regardless of background (engineering or education) or gender. The emotions that arise from the experience are mostly positive and the students state that they have developed both specific and transversal competencies. Finally, practical considerations are proposed based on the lessons learned from the developed experiences

    Tissue Engineering Strategies for Myocardial Regeneration: Acellular Versus Cellular Scaffolds?

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    Heart disease remains one of the leading causes of death in industrialized nations with myocardial infarction (MI) contributing to at least one fifth of the reported deaths. The hypoxic environment eventually leads to cellular death and scar tissue formation. The scar tissue that forms is not mechanically functional and often leads to myocardial remodeling and eventual heart failure. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine principles provide an alternative approach to restoring myocardial function by designing constructs that will restore the mechanical function of the heart. In this review, we will describe the cellular events that take place after an MI and describe current treatments. We will also describe how biomaterials, alone or in combination with a cellular component, have been used to engineer suitable myocardium replacement constructs and how new advanced culture systems will be required to achieve clinical success

    Nonscientific University Students Training in General Science Using an Active-Learning Merged Pedagogy: Gamification in a Flipped Classroom

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    Innovative teaching strategies are designing a new and promising landscape in education. They fill lessons with creativity and imagination for either the students or teachers. This article addresses an attempt to make the approach to science easier in a nonscientific environment: primary education at university level. Gamification methodologies were combined with a flipped classroom in order to free up in-class time and engage the students with the taught courses. A qualitative study was merged with quantitative measures of emotional and motivational parameters. These results were improved with four semistructured interviews. The results clearly showed a rise in the students’ motivational levels, an acknowledgment of good teaching practices, and an evident enhancement of felt positive emotions toward science teaching and scientific issues.Economy and Competitiveness Ministry of Spanish Government and AEI/FEDER, UE EDU2016-77007-RJunta de Extremadura (España)/Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo IB16068Regional Government of Extremadura (Spain) GR1800

    Virtual Visits as a Learning Tool for Historical Heritage in Two Specific Examples: Évora and Mérida

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    This paper presents an educational experience in the area of learning about Art History, in particular, about the Greco-Roman period, using an innovative resource that is available due to current technology: the virtual visit. This resource allows students to experience immersion in the reconstruction of classic monuments that have deteriorated with time. The combination of current images with this type of virtual visit provides greater ease for understanding the monuments and their function in antiquity, and it is converted into an important motivating factor in the study of this artistic period. The experience has been carried out with 1st year ESO (compulsory secondary education) and 2nd year A-level students, focusing on close context heritage elements, such as the monuments of Mérida or Évora. The results obtained show an increase in the students’ interest in this artistic period due to their greater ability to understand the monuments they are studying

    Evaluación de lodos de coagulación de agua cruda tratada con Moringa oleífera para uso agrícola

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    La coagulación-floculación es el proceso fisicoquímico responsable de la mayor producción de lodos residuales en la potabilización de aguas crudas naturales. Convencionalmente se ha utilizado como coagulante el sulfato de aluminio o alumbre. Sin embargo, la disposición de los lodos que produce ha resultado problemática para el ambiente debido al exceso de aluminio. Actualmente se estudia la conveniencia de utilizar coagulantes naturales como extractos de semilla de Moringa oleífera (MO), aunque se desconocen las propiedades del lodo residual que produce y su posible reutilización. En este trabajo se evaluaron las características físicas, químicas y nutricionales de los lodos de MO, siguiendo métodos estandar, para verificar su posible utilización en suelos agrícolas. El pH, la conductividad eléctrica, la capacidad de intercambio iónico, la materia orgánica y los micronutrientes del lodo de MO resultaron apropiados para ser aplicados en suelos con vocación agrícola; pero la deficiencia de macronutrientes y la presencia de coliformes fecales lo restringe a ser utilizado como mejorador de suelos y no como abono. La estabilización del lodo con calhidratada, en dosis iguales o superiores a 3 %, resultó efectiva para garantizar la eliminación de microorganismos patógenos y para la obtención de un biosólido de clase A, sin restricciones para uso agrícola y conveniente para suelos ácidos.Coagulation-flocculation is a physical-chemical process responsible for producing the largest amount of sludge in the purification of natural raw water. Conventionally, aluminum sulfate or alum has been used as a coagulant. However, disposal of the sludge produced has been problematic for the environment due to excess aluminum. Currently, the convenience of using natural coagulants such as seed extracts from Moringa oleifera (MO) is being studied, although, the properties of sewage sludge produced and its possible reuse are unknown. In this paper the physical-chemical, nutritional and dangerous characteristics from MO sludge were evaluated by using standard methods to verify its potential use in agricultural soils. Results indicated that pH, electrical conductivity, ion exchange capacity, organic matter and micronutrients from sludge were suitable for application to soils with agricultural potential; but deficiency of macronutrients and presence of fecal coliforms limits it to be used as soil improver and not as fertilizer. Sludge stabilization with hydrated lime at doses greater than or equal to 3 % was effective to ensure the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms and to obtain a Class A sludge, unrestricted for agricultural use and suitable for acid soils

    Análisis de perfil de textura, parámetros colorimétricos y microbiológicos en piña mínimamente procesada con recubrimientos comestibles

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    Contexto: La conservación de frutas mínimamente procesadas es un tema muy importante en la industria alimentaria debido al incremento en el consumo de este tipo de alimentos. Esta investigación estudia los efectos que provocan los recubrimientos comestibles a base de aloe vera y almidón de yuca en piña mínimamente procesada. Método: Se evaluaron propiedades como textura y color, y se realizó análisis microbiano después de 12 días de almacenamiento a 4 °C. Se probaron cuatro tratamientos (T1, T2, T3 y T4): piña Oro Miel con soluciones de recubrimiento con diferentes concentraciones de aloe vera/almidón (T1:75/25, T2:50/50, T3:25/75) y un tratamiento control (T4) que consistió en la fruta sin recubrimiento. Los recubrimientos se realizaron sumergiendo la fruta previamente procesada durante 1 min. Resultados: Los resultados indicaron que el tratamiento T2 obtuvo la mejor textura y T4 mostró una mayor luminosidad. Los parámetros microbiológicos se mantuvieron dentro de los establecidos por la Norma Técnica Colombiana (NTC 4519) para fruta mínimamente procesada durante los 12 días de conservación. Conclusión: El recubrimiento comestible puede mantener la textura e inhibir el crecimiento de microorganismos en la piña Oro Miel. Sin embargo, la luminosidad de la fruta puede verse afectada por el uso de estos recubrimientos comestibles