1,458 research outputs found


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    ANALISIS PENGARUH DIVIDEND PAYOUT RATIO, ASSET STRUCTURE, PROFITABILITAS DAN FREE CASH FLOW TERHADAP REALISASI KEBIJAKAN HUTANG PADA PERUSAHAAN PROPERTY DAN REAL ESTATE YANG GO PUBLIK DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA Oleh Wingky L. D. Polly ABSTRAK Suatu perusahaan menginginkan adanya pertumbuhan bagi perusahaan disisi lain juga membayarkan dividen kepada para pemegang saham tetapi kedua tujuan tersebut bertentangan. Sebab jika makin tinggi dividen yang dibayarkan kepada pemilik berarti semakin sedikit laba yang ditahan yang dapat dipergunakan sebagai modal sendiri pada akhirnya akan menghambat pertumbuhan perusahaan dalam menghasilkan profitabilitas. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menguji secara empiris apakah terdapat pengaruh antara Dividend Payout Ratio, Asset Structure, Profitability dan Free cash flow terhadap Kebijakan Hutang dan untuk mengetahui dan menguji secara empiris manakah diantara variabel Dividend Payout Ratio, Asset Structure, Profitability dan Free Cash Flow yang mempunyai pengaruh dominan terhadap Kebijakan Hutang. Perusahaan Properti dan Real Estate yang go publik di BEI periode 2005-2008 merupakan populasi dari penelitian dan 9 perusahaan Properti dan Real Estate yang terdaftar pada BEI pada tahun 2005-2008 yang dijadikan sampel dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linier berganda menunjukkan bahwa variabel Dividend Payout Ratio (X1), Asset Structure (X2), Profitabilitas (X3) dan Free Cash Flow (X4) secara simultan dan parsial tidak berpengaruh terhadap kebijakan hutang perusahaan (Debt to Equity Ratio) (Y) sehingga hipotesis ke-1, 2, 3, 4 dan 5 tidak teruji kebenarannya

    Morphometrics and evolution: the challenge of crossing rugged phenotypic landscapes with straight paths

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    Geometric morphometrics is widely used to study underlying causal factors in phenotypic evolution and to reconstruct evolutionary history of phenotypes. However, non-linearities in the phenotypic landscape may exist such that analytical solutions derived from comparison of phenotypes in morphospace may have complex or contradictory relationships in the space of the underlying factors. Ancestral reconstruction of horn morphology based on two mammalian ungulates illustrates how biologically improbable results can arise from the mathematical properties of geometric morphometric morphospaces. Raup’s shell coiling equations are used to illustrate the potential for contradictory conclusions to be drawn from ancestral reconstructions in parameter spaces (such as measurements of levels of gene expression or allele frequencies) versus shape spaces (such as morphospaces based on phenotypic analysis). These examples are generalizable to many real morphometric studies, suggesting that care should be taken when drawing conclusions about genetic, developmental, or environmental processes based on morphometric analyses. Dense sampling of shape space and the use of fully multivariate and, perhaps, nonlinear methods can help forestall potential problems

    What women know: Perceptions of seven female superintendents

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    An anomalous concentration of female superintendents in mostly rural South Texas prompted this inquiry. South Texas faces critical shortages in personnel due to impending retirement and turnover of existing school administrators and superintendents (Wesson & Marshall, 2012). It is difficult to recruit and retain the best talent necessary to solve tough school improvement challenges—high dropout rates, high poverty, low student achievement, and complex multi-cultural issues—in high needs, Hispanic majority, primarily rural school districts (Trevino Jr., Braley, Brown, & Slate, 2008; Wesson & Marshall, 2012). Krüger (2008) stated women are stronger educational leaders than men. Females seek and obtain leadership credentials for the express purpose of impacting education for students (Young & McLeod, 2001). Schools of all sizes and levels with female administrators achieved higher student success than schools with male administrators, according to a 7000 campus Texas study, in the 2006-2007 academic year (Roser, Brown, & Kelsey, 2009). In every ethnic group, women earn more doctoral degrees in education than men; women earn bachelors and masters degrees in education in proportion to their representation in the field; and women have more years of teaching experience than men (Shakeshaft, Brown, Irby, Grogan, & Ballenger, 2007). Women also outnumber men in education administration preparation programs (Petrie & Lindauer, 2001). Yet women are not ascending to the superintendency in proportion to their representation in the education profession (Shakeshaft et al., 2007). This naturalistic study of seven female superintendents in South Texas, including leaders in large and small rural districts, illuminated perceptions and experiences of female school leadership through portraiture and lent insight into common themes of aspiration and motivation

    Infectious agents and colorectal cancer: a review of Helicobacter pylori, Streptococcus bovis, JC virus, and human papillomavirus.

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    Based on the high volume of bacteria and viruses that the intestine is exposed to and the importance of infectious agents in some gastrointestinal and anogenital cancers, it is not surprising the many studies have evaluated the association between colorectal cancer and infectious agents. This review highlights investigations of four agents in relation to colorectal cancer. Helicobacter pylori, Streptococcus bovis, JC virus, and human papillomavirus have all been evaluated as possible etiologic agents for colorectal cancer. For each of these agents, a review of possible mechanisms for carcinogenesis and epidemiologic evidence is discussed, and future directions for research are proposed

    Komputerisasi Pengolahan Data Akademik pada SD Inpres Oebobo 1 Kupang NTT

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    Peran sistem informasi yang terkomputerisasi dalam dunia pendidikan khususnya untuk mengolah data-data akademik sangat dibutuhkan sehingga dapat memberikan kemudahan-kemudahan bagi pengguna, pengolahan data dengan menggunakan komputer akan lebih cepat dan mudah serta dapat disimpan dalam jangka waktu yang lama. SD Inpres Oebobo 1 merupakan salah satu sekolah dasar yang berada di kota Kupang. Saat ini, sekolah tersebut masih menggunakan sistem yang masih manual yakni mencatat seluruh data akademik pada buku, sehingga banyak sekali terjadi kesalahan dan membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk memperoleh informasi. Bertolak dari permasalahan tersebut maka penulis membangun suatu sistem terkomputerisasi yang dapat mengolah data akademik seperti data siswa, data guru, data kelas, data mata pelajaran, data tahun ajaran, data agama siswa dan guru, data pekerjaan orang tua siswa, data detail mata pelajaran, data wali kelas, data pengajar, data kepala sekolah, data nilai siswa, data nilai siswa pindahan dan data rapor siswa serta akan menghasilkan keluaran sistem berupa laporan data siswa, laporan data guru, laporan data kelas, laporan data detail mata pelajaran, laporan daftar hadir siswa, laporan data wali kelas, laporan data pengajar, laporan data kepala sekolah, laporan data nilai siswa, laporan data nilai siswa pindahan dan laporan data rapor siswa serta grafik kenaikkan kelas dan grafik kelulusan siswa
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