1,717 research outputs found

    Convergent Perturbation Theory for a q-deformed Anharmonic Oscillator

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    A qq--deformed anharmonic oscillator is defined within the framework of qq--deformed quantum mechanics. It is shown that the Rayleigh--Schr\"odinger perturbation series for the bounded spectrum converges to exact eigenstates and eigenvalues, for qq close to 1. The radius of convergence becomes zero in the undeformed limit.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure using eps

    An Almost Single Inference : Kant\u27s Deduction of the Categories Reconsidered

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    By taking into account some texts published between the first and the second edition of the Critique of Pure Reason that have been neglected by most of those who have dealt with the deduction of the categories, I argue that the core of the deduction is to be identified as the \u27almost single inference from the precisely determined definition of a judgment in general,\u27 which Kant adumbrates in the Metaphysical Foundations in order to \u27make up for the deficiency\u27 of the A-deduction. Whereas the first step of the B-deduction is an attempt to show that the manifold of an intuition belongs to the \u27necessary unity of self-consciousness\u27 by means of the synthesis of the understanding, the second step has the task of showing that the very same synthesis is responsible for the spatio-temporal unity of the manifold. Thus, Kant\u27s \u27answer to Hume\u27 is that no spatio-temporal objects of experience at all are merely \u27given\u27, independently of the conceptual activities of the understanding. Against the established view I substantiate the claim that with this \u27almost single inference\u27 of the second proof step the distinction between judgments of perception and judgments of experience consequently vanished from Kant\u27s thinking

    Roman Propaganda in the Age of Augustus

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    This paper is an examination of the methods and utilizations of propaganda in the Late Republic/Early Imperial period of Ancient Rome. The focus is on the propaganda of Augustus Caesar whose rulership ushered in the era referred to as the Pax Romana or Roman Peace. Augustus created a mythical image of himself that served as inspiration for future emperors. This image and its influence on future Romans is also examined. Today, we have film and/or television acting as the primary focal point for propaganda. In ancient Rome, the primary methods were literature, statues, monuments, and coins (though these are still used today as well). This paper will examine Augustus’ use of propaganda to seize power and also to remain in power in a monumentally transformative period of the Roman Empire now known as the Pax Romana

    Application of ERTS imagery to the study of residual kaolins

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    Impact of thiopurines and anti-tumour necrosis factor therapy on hospitalisation and long-term surgical outcomes in ulcerative colitis.

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    Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting the large bowel and is associated with a significant risk of both requirement for surgery and the need for hospitalisation. Thiopurines, and more recently, anti-tumour necrosis factor (aTNF) therapy have been used successfully to induce clinical remission. However, there is less data available on whether these agents prevent long-term colectomy rates or the need for hospitalisation. The focus of this article is to review the recent and pertinent literature on the long-term impact of thiopurines and aTNF on long-term surgical and hospitalisation rates in UC. Data from population based longitudinal research indicates that thiopurine therapy probably has a protective role against colectomy, if used in appropriate patients for a sufficient duration. aTNF agents appear to have a short term protective effect against colectomy, but data is limited for longer periods. Whereas there is insufficient evidence that thiopurines affect hospitalisation, evidence favours that aTNF therapy probably reduces the risk of hospitalisation within the first year of use, but it is less clear on whether this effect continues beyond this period. More structured research needs to be conducted to answer these clinically important questions

    Diagnostic imaging and radiation exposure in inflammatory bowel disease.

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    Diagnostic imaging plays a key role in the diagnosis and management of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However due to the relapsing nature of IBD, there is growing concern that IBD patients may be exposed to potentially harmful cumulative levels of ionising radiation in their lifetime, increasing malignant potential in a population already at risk. In this review we explore the proportion of IBD patients exposed to high cumulative radiation doses, the risk factors associated with higher radiation exposures, and we compare conventional diagnostic imaging with newer radiation-free imaging techniques used in the evaluation of patients with IBD. While computed tomography (CT) performs well as an imaging modality for IBD, the effective radiation dose is considerably higher than other abdominal imaging modalities. It is increasingly recognised that CT imaging remains responsible for the majority of diagnostic medical radiation to which IBD patients are exposed. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and small intestine contrast enhanced ultrasonography (SICUS) have now emerged as suitable radiation-free alternatives to CT imaging, with comparable diagnostic accuracy. The routine use of MRI and SICUS for the clinical evaluation of patients with known or suspected small bowel Crohn's disease is to be encouraged wherever possible. More provision is needed for out-of-hours radiation-free imaging modalities to reduce the need for CT
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