19 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of the spot-on combination of moxidectin and imidacloprid (Advocate®) in the treatment of ocular thelaziosis by Thelazia callipaeda in naturally infected cats

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    Background: The present study evaluated the therapeutic effectiveness of moxidectin 1.0% (w/v) and imidacloprid 10% (w/v) (Advocate® spot-on solution for cats, Bayer Animal Health) against natural infections with the eyeworm Thelazia callipaeda in cats. This study was conducted as a GCP, negative-controlled, blinded and randomised field study in privately owned cats living in an area in southern Italy where T. callipaeda is enzootic. Methods: The study was carried out in 30 cats (19 females and 11 males, aged from 8 months to 5 years, weighing 1.2-5.2 kg) of different breeds, naturally infected by T. callipaeda. At study inclusion (Day 0), animals were physically examined and the infection level was assessed by examination of both eyes for clinical score and live adult T. callipaeda count. Each cat was weighed and randomly assigned to one of the treatment groups (G1: Advocate, G2: untreated control). Clinical assessments and T. callipaeda adult counts were performed on Day 14. At the study completion visit on Day 28, clinical assessments and counts of T. callipaeda adults and larvae were performed. All cats were daily observed by their owners and general health conditions were recorded during the entire period of the study. Results: The primary effectiveness variable was the percentage of animals in G1 group (Advocate) showing a complete elimination (parasitological cure) of adult eye worms at Day 14 and Day 28. The effectiveness of the treatment in the G1 group was 93.3 and 100% at Day 14 and Day 28, respectively, when compared to group G2. Total worm count reduction from both eyes for Advocate was 96.3% on Day 14 and 100% on Day 28. Clinical data were confirmed by the examination of conjunctival pouch flushing. An overall reduction in the number of cats with lacrimation and conjunctivitis was observed following treatment despite the fact that in a few cats treated with Advocate clinical signs persisted due to the chronic nature of the disease. Conclusions: Based on the results of the present trial, a single dose of Advocate was found to be safe and highly effective in the treatment of natural T. callipaeda infection in cats

    Determination of the effect of collars containing 10% w/w imidacloprid and 4.5% w/w flumethrin (Seresto®) on the incidence of Leishmania and other canine vector-borne pathogen infections in Greece

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    Background: The objective of this field study was to assess the effect of treating a considerable portion of a dog population naturally exposed to canine vector-borne pathogens (CVBPs) in endemic areas with a 10% w/w imidacloprid/4.5% w/w flumethrin collar (Seresto®) on the transmission of CVBPs and the resulting incidence of infection. Methods: A total of 479 dogs from two sites were enrolled in the study. Collars were placed on all dogs continuously for 21 months, with replacement of the collar every 7 months. All dogs were examined, including body weight and blood/conjunctival swab collections, every 7 months. Serum samples were analysed for the presence of antibodies against Leishmania infantum, Ehrlichia canis and Anaplasma phagocytophilum. PCR assays were also performed on blood samples and conjunctival swab collected from the dogs for the presence of L. infantum, and on blood samples only for the presence of Ehrlichia spp. and Anaplasma spp. Sand flies were collected, identified to species level and molecularly tested for L. infantum throughout two vector activity seasons. Results: The results showed that the Seresto collar was safe with continuous use. At study inclusion, 419, 370 and 453 dogs tested negative for L. infantum, Ehrlichia spp. and Anaplasma spp., respectively (353 dogs tested negative for any pathogen). Overall, 90.2% of the dogs were protected from L. infantum infection on both sites combined. The entomological survey confirmed the presence of competent vectors of L. infantum at all monitored locations, namely the sand flies Phlebotomus neglectus and Phlebotomus tobbi, both of which are regarded as the most important competent vectors in the Mediterranean basin. All captured sand flies tested negative for L. infantum. Protection against ticks and fleas was high, with only two dogs showing a low number of ticks and seven dogs having low numbers of fleas at single evaluation time points. Across the entire study population, a number of dogs became infected with tick-transmitted pathogens, but prevention of transmission was 93% for E. canis and 87.2% for Anaplasma spp. when all cases from both sites were combined. Conclusions: The Seresto® (10% w/w imidacloprid/4.5% w/w flumethrin) collar significantly reduced the risk of CVBP transmission when compared to previously observed incidences of CVBP infections in two highly endemic areas under field conditions

    Defining the concept of ‘tick repellency’ in veterinary medicine

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    Although widely used, the term repellency needs to be employed with care when applied to ticks and other periodic or permanent ectoparasites. Repellency has classically been used to describe the effects of a substance that causes a flying arthropod to make oriented movements away from its source. However, for crawling arthropods such as ticks, the term commonly subsumes a range of effects that include arthropod irritation and consequent avoiding or leaving the host, failing to attach, to bite, or to feed. The objective of the present article is to highlight the need for clarity, to propose consensus descriptions and methods for the evaluation of various effects on ticks caused by chemical substances

    Infrared Ellipsometry Analysis of Heritage Photographic Prints

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    [EN] Focusing on the photographic archive of Julian Carrillo (Mexico), we study and characterize the photographic processes of a set of 13 photographs dated between 1884 and 1925. By using infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry, we classified a selected set of photographs according to its kind of binder. Thus, we recognized for each photograph, the presence of proteins, and therefore, the particular photographic process. Furthermore, we have identified the presence of baryta layer, the use of plasticizer, and the eventual coating utilized to protect the photograph, whose composition was based in natural organic components, mainly shellac, beeswax, or camphorNieto-Villena, A.; Martinez, JR.; Flores-Camacho, JM.; Lastras-Martinez, A.; De La Cruz-Mendoza, JA.; Ortega-Zarzosa, G.; Valcarcel Andrés, JC.... (2018). Infrared Ellipsometry Analysis of Heritage Photographic Prints. Studies in Conservation. 63(8):466-476. https://doi.org/10.1080/00393630.2018.1476962S466476638Brambilla, L., Riedo, C., Baraldi, C., Nevin, A., Gamberini, M. C., D’Andrea, C., … Toniolo, L. (2011). Characterization of fresh and aged natural ingredients used in historical ointments by molecular spectroscopic techniques: IR, Raman and fluorescence. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 401(6), 1827-1837. doi:10.1007/s00216-011-5168-zCasoli, A., & Fornaciari, S. (2014). An analytical study on an early twentieth-century Italian photographs collection by means of microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. Microchemical Journal, 116, 24-30. doi:10.1016/j.microc.2014.04.003Cattaneo, B., Chelazzi, D., Giorgi, R., Serena, T., Merlo, C., & Baglioni, P. (2008). Physico-chemical characterization and conservation issues of photographs dated between 1890 and 1910. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 9(3), 277-284. doi:10.1016/j.culher.2008.01.004Daher, C., Paris, C., Le Hô, A.-S., Bellot-Gurlet, L., & Échard, J.-P. (2010). A joint use of Raman and infrared spectroscopies for the identification of natural organic media used in ancient varnishes. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 41(11), 1494-1499. doi:10.1002/jrs.2693Edwards, H. G. M., Farwell, D. W., & Daffner, L. (1996). Fourier-transform Raman spectroscopic study of natural waxes and resins. I. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 52(12), 1639-1648. doi:10.1016/0584-8539(96)01730-8Fujiwara, H. (2007). Spectroscopic Ellipsometry. doi:10.1002/9780470060193Hendriks, K., & Ross, L. (1988). Chemical Treatments of Discoloured Photographic Prints: Image Manipulation or Legitimate Restoration? The Journal of Photographic Science, 36(3), 132-132. doi:10.1080/00223638.1988.11736990Mallégol, J., Gardette, J.-L., & Lemaire, J. (2000). Long-term behavior of oil-based varnishes and paints. Photo- and thermooxidation of cured linseed oil. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 77(3), 257-263. doi:10.1007/s11746-000-0042-4Nieto-Villena, A., Martínez, J. R., de la Cruz-Mendoza, J. A., Valcárcel-Andrés, J. C., Ortega-Zarzosa, G., Solbes-García, Á., & Vázquez-Martínez, E. (2018). Atomic force microscopy as a tool for binder identification in ancient photographic processes. Surface and Interface Analysis, 50(4), 496-505. doi:10.1002/sia.6408Ostroff, Eugene. 1966. “Restoration of Photographs by Neutron Activation.” Science 154 (3745): 119–123. http://science.sciencemag.org/content/154/3745/119.Othmer, Kirk, ed. 2005. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. 17, 5th ed. New York: Wiley.Ricci, C., Bloxham, S., & Kazarian, S. G. (2007). ATR-FTIR imaging of albumen photographic prints. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 8(4), 387-395. doi:10.1016/j.culher.2007.07.002Sifontes, Á. B., Cañizales, E., Toro-Mendoza, J., Ávila, E., Hernández, P., Delgado, B. A., … Cruz-Barrios, E. (2015). Obtaining Highly Crystalline Barium Sulphate Nanoparticles via Chemical Precipitation and Quenching in Absence of Polymer Stabilizers. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2015, 1-8. doi:10.1155/2015/510376Stulik, Dusan, Herant Khanjian, Alberto de Tagle, and Alexandra M. Botelho. 2002. “Investigation of Jean-Louis-Marie-Eugene Durieu’s Toning and Varnishing Experiments: A Non-Destructive Approach.” ICOM Committee for Conservation 13th Triennial Meeting, Río de Janeiro, 658–663.Price, Beth A., and Boris Pretzel, eds. 2009. Infrared and Raman Users Group Spectral Database. 2007 ed. Vol. 1 & 2. Philadelphia: IRUG. Accessed June 20, 2014. http://www.irug.org/.Vila, A., & Centeno, S. A. (2013). FTIR, Raman and XRF identification of the image materials in turn of the 20th century pigment-based photographs. Microchemical Journal, 106, 255-262. doi:10.1016/j.microc.2012.07.01

    Efficacy of a moxidectin/imidacloprid spot-on formulation (Advocate®) for the treatment of Troglostrongylus brevior in naturally infected cats in a field study in Greece

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    Background: Troglostrongylus brevior is a lungworm of wild felids that recently has been recognized as agent of severe respiratory disease in domestic cats in Mediterranean and Balkan countries. Nevertheless, the information on treatment options for feline troglostrongylosis is still poor. The aim of this pilot field trial was to evaluate the efficacy of the spot-on formulation containing 1% w/v moxidectin and 10% w/v imidacloprid (Advocate® spot-on solution for cats, Bayer Animal Health GmbH) in the treatment of T. brevior infection in naturally infected cats in Greece. Methods: The trial was a negative control, multicentre, clinical efficacy study conducted according to the standards of Good Scientific Practice (GSP). Sixteen cats in two study sites, naturally infected with T. brevior, were allocated to an untreated control group (G1, n = 8) or a treatment group (G2, n = 8), according to a randomization list. Animals assigned to G2 were treated with Advocate® for cats on days 0 and 28 at the recommended dose rate and animals assigned to G1 received a rescue treatment with the same product on days 56 and 84. Efficacy was assessed on days 28 and 56 in G2 and on days 84 and 112 in G1 by faecal larval counts. The primary efficacy criterion was the absence of T. brevior first-stage larvae (L1) following treatment. Other efficacy parameters were the quantitative comparison of L1 presence before (baseline) and after one or two treatments in both groups. Results: All G2 cats were negative for T. brevior L1 at the first post-treatment evaluation (100% efficacy) while G1 cats were persistently shedding L1. The difference of the mean number of L1 per gram between G2 and G1 was statistically significant (P < 0.001). All G1 cats were negative (100% efficacy) for T. brevior L1 at the first post-rescue-treatment evaluation. Therefore, treatment efficacy at study completion was 100% in both groups in terms of stopping the L1 shedding in the faeces of the animals. No adverse effects were observed during the study. Conclusions: These results indicate that Advocate® spot-on solution for cats represents an option for treating cats naturally infected with T. brevior

    Efficacy of moxidectin 2.5% and imidacloprid 10% in the treatment of ocular thelaziosis by Thelazia callipaeda in naturally infected dogs

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    Thelazia callipaeda (Spirurida, Thelaziidae) has been documented as agent of ocular infection in domestic animals (dogs and cats), wildlife (e.g., foxes, hares, rabbits), and humans. In the last two decades, this parasitosis has been increasingly reported in several European countries. Both adult and larval stages of the eyeworm are responsible for symptoms ranging from mild (e.g., lacrimation, ocular discharge, epiphora) to severe (e.g., conjunctivitis, keratitis, and corneal opacity or ulcers). The present study evaluated the clinical efficacy and safety of imidacloprid 10% and moxidectin 2.5% spot on (Advocate®, Bayer Animal Health) in comparison to milbemycin oxime/praziquantel tablets (Milbemax®, Novartis-Animal Health), as positive control, in the treatment of canine thelaziosis in naturally infected dogs and, a third group was used as an untreated control. Forty-seven dogs (27 females and 20 males) harbouring at least one live adult worm of T. callipaeda in one eye were enrolled from an endemic area of southern Italy. Each dog was then weighed and assigned in accordance with a random treatment allocation plan to one of the treatment groups (G1: imidacloprid 10% and moxidectin 2.5% spot on, G2: Untreated control and G3: milbemycin oxime/praziquantel tablets). On Day (D) 7, 14, 28 and 35 dogs were physically examined and the infection level was assessed by examination of both eyes, including conjunctival pouch and third eyelid for live adult T. callipaeda count and clinical scores. Dogs in G1 were treated on D0 and D28, whereas those in G3 on D0 and D7. Efficacy in G1 was 100% at each day post treatment (p < 0.01). For the G3 group efficacy was 57.39% on D7 (p < 0.05), 92.79% on D14 and 100% on D28 and D35 (p < 0.01). The application of the spot on formulation moxidectin 2.5% and imidacloprid 10% was highly effective in the treatment of canine thelaziosis caused by T. callipaeda. Advocate® spot on can be recommended for the control of T. callipaeda infection, considering that this formulation is currently licensed in Europe for the treatment of a wide range of parasites affecting dogs

    The ability of a topical novel combination of fipronil, amitraz and (S)-methoprene to protect dogs from Borrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum infections transmitted by Ixodes scapularis

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    Healthy, purpose-bred laboratory beagle dogs that had not been exposed to ticks and were seronegative for Borrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum were randomly assigned to four groups of eight dogs each. Control group 1 was not treated. Groups 2, 3 and 4 were treated with a single topical application of a new formulation of fipronil, amitraz and (S)-methoprene (CERTIFECT™, Merial Limited, GA, USA) at 28, 21 or 14 days prior to tick infestation, respectively. Each dog was infested with 25 female and 25 male field-collected adult Ixodes scapularis ticks that had infection rates of 66% for B. burgdorferi sensu stricto and 23% for A. phagocytophilum, as determined by polymerase chain reaction. Two and five days after tick infestation, control dogs had an average of 9.5 and 13.9 attached adult female ticks, respectively, whilst the 24 treated dogs remained tick-free aside from a single tick on the 2nd day after infestation. Serial serological tests demonstrated that the ticks successfully infected 8/8 control dogs with B. burgdorferi and co-infected 6/8 with A. phagocytophilum. B. burgdorferi infection also was confirmed in most control dogs by culture (6/8) and PCR (7/8) of skin biopsies. In contrast, CERTIFECT protected all 24 treated dogs against infection by both B. burgdorferi and A. phagocytophilum, as demonstrated by their negative serological tests throughout the study and the absence of any positive skin biopsy culture or PCR in these dogs. © 2011 Elsevier B.V

    Disrupted function of lactate transporter MCT1, but not MCT4, in Schwann cells affects the maintenance of motor end-plate innervation.

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    Recent studies in neuron-glial metabolic coupling have shown that, in the CNS, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes support neurons with energy-rich lactate/pyruvate via monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs). The presence of such transporters in the PNS, in both Schwann cells and neurons, has prompted us to question if a similar interaction may be present. Here we describe the generation and characterization of conditional knockout mouse models where MCT1 or MCT4 is specifically deleted in Schwann cells (named MCT1 and MCT4 cKO). We show that MCT1 cKO and MCT4 cKO mice develop normally and that myelin in the PNS is preserved. However, MCT1 expressed by Schwann cells is necessary for long-term maintenance of motor end-plate integrity as revealed by disrupted neuromuscular innervation in mutant mice, while MCT4 appears largely dispensable for the support of motor neurons. Concomitant to detected structural alterations, lumbar motor neurons from MCT1 cKO mice show transcriptional changes affecting cytoskeletal components, transcriptional regulators, and mitochondria related transcripts, among others. Together, our data indicate that MCT1 plays a role in Schwann cell-mediated maintenance of motor end-plate innervation thus providing further insight into the emerging picture of the biology of the axon-glia metabolic crosstalk