13 research outputs found

    The derived category of a locally complete intersection ring

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    In this paper, we answer a question of Dwyer, Greenlees, and Iyengar by proving a local ring RR is a complete intersection if and only if every complex of RR-modules with finitely generated homology is proxy small. Moreover, we establish that a commutative noetherian ring RR is locally a complete intersection if and only if every complex of RR-modules with finitely generated homology is virtually small.Comment: 14 page

    A partial converse ghost lemma for the derived category of a commutative noetherian ring

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    In this article a condition is given to detect the containment among thick subcategories of the bounded derived category of a commutative noetherian ring. More precisely, for a commutative noetherian ring RR and complexes of RR-modules with finitely generated homology MM and NN, we show NN is in the thick subcategory generated by MM if and only if the ghost index of NpN_\mathfrak{p} with respect to MpM_\mathfrak{p} is finite for each prime p\mathfrak{p} of RR. To do so, we establish a "converse coghost lemma" for the bounded derived category of a non-negatively graded DG algebra with noetherian homology.Comment: 10 pages, comments welcom

    Bounds on cohomological support varieties

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    Over a local ring RR, the theory of cohomological support varieties attaches to any bounded complex MM of finitely generated RR-modules an algebraic variety VR(M)V_R(M) that encodes homological properties of MM. We give lower bounds for the dimension of VR(M)V_R(M) in terms of classical invariants of RR. In particular, when RR is Cohen-Macaulay and not complete intersection we find that there are always varieties that cannot be realized as the cohomological support of any complex. When MM has finite projective dimension, we also give an upper bound for dimVR(M) \dim V_R(M) in terms of the dimension of the radical of the homotopy Lie algebra of RR. This leads to an improvement of a bound due to Avramov, Buchweitz, Iyengar, and Miller on the Loewy lengths of finite free complexes. Finally, we completely classify the varieties that can occur as the cohomological support of a complex over a Golod ring.Comment: 23 pages. Comments welcom

    Constructing non-proxy small test modules for the complete intersection property

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    A local ring RR is regular if and only if every finitely generated RR-module has finite projective dimension. Moreover, the residue field kk is a test module: RR is regular if and only if kk has finite projective dimension. This characterization can be extended to the bounded derived category Df(R)\mathsf{D}^f(R), which contains only small objects if and only if RR is regular. Recent results of Pollitz, completing work initiated by Dwyer-Greenlees-Iyengar, yield an analogous characterization for complete intersections: RR is a complete intersection if and only if every object in Df(R)\mathsf{D}^f(R) is proxy small. In this paper, we study a return to the world of RR-modules, and search for finitely generated RR-modules that are not proxy small whenever RR is not a complete intersection. We give an algorithm to construct such modules in certain settings, including over equipresented rings and Stanley-Reisner rings.Comment: Comments welcome. Changes in v2: added Example 4.4 and corrected small typo

    Exceptional complete intersection maps of local rings

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    This work concerns surjective maps φ ⁣:RS\varphi\colon R\to S of commutative noetherian local rings with kernel generated by a regular sequence that is part of a minimal generating set for the maximal ideal of RR. The main result provides criteria for detecting such exceptional complete intersection maps in terms of the lattices of thick subcategories of the derived category of complexes of finite length homology. A key input is a characterization of such maps in terms of the truncated Atiyah class of φ\varphi.Comment: 16 pages; added a missing hypothesis to Lemma 2.8, and minor changes to the proofs of Theorems 3.4 and 5.6. To appear in the Pacific Journal of Mathematic

    Locally complete intersection maps and the proxy small property

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    It is proved that a map φ ⁣:RS\varphi\colon R\to S of commutative noetherian rings that is essentially of finite type and flat is locally complete intersection if and only SS is proxy small as a bimodule. This means that the thick subcategory generated by SS as a module over the enveloping algebra SRSS\otimes_RS contains a perfect complex supported fully on the diagonal ideal. This is in the spirit of the classical result that φ\varphi is smooth if and only if SS is small as a bimodule, that is to say, it is itself equivalent to a perfect complex. The geometric analogue, dealing with maps between schemes, is also established. Applications include simpler proofs of factorization theorems for locally complete intersection maps.Comment: V2: 19 pages, some substantial simplifications and clarifications, to appear in IMR

    The homotopy Lie algebra of a Tor-independent tensor product

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    In this article we investigate a pair of surjective local ring maps S1RS2S_1\leftarrow R\to S_2 and their relation to the canonical projection RS1RS2R\to S_1\otimes_R S_2, where S1,S2S_1,S_2 are Tor-independent over RR. Our main result asserts a structural connection between the homotopy Lie algebra of S:=S1RS2S:=S_1\otimes_R S_2, denoted π(S)\pi(S), in terms of those of R,S1R,S_1 and S2S_2. Namely, π(S)\pi(S) is the pullback of (adjusted) Lie algebras along the maps π(Si)π(R)\pi(S_i)\to \pi(R) in various cases, including when the maps above have residual characteristic zero. Consequences to the main theorem include structural results on Andr\'{e}-Quillen cohomology, stable cohomology, and Tor algebras, as well as an equality relating the Poincar\'{e} series of the common residue field of R,S1,S2R,S_1,S_2 and SS.Comment: 20 pages. Corrected a mistake in 1.7; simplified and reorganized Sections 4 and