7,669 research outputs found

    Perceptually smooth timbral guides by state-space analysis of phase-vocoder parameters

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    Sculptor is a phase-vocoder-based package of programs that allows users to explore timbral manipulation of sound in real time. It is the product of a research program seeking ultimately to perform gestural capture by analysis of the sound a performer makes using a conventional instrument. Since the phase-vocoder output is of high dimensionality — typically more than 1,000 channels per analysis frame—mapping phase-vocoder output to appropriate input parameters for a synthesizer is only feasible in theory

    Antitrust Scrutiny of the Health Professions: Developing a Framework for Assessing Private Restraints

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    This Article has suggested that courts adopt an intermediate level of scrutiny, between per se and Rule of Reason analysis. Under this analysis, a rebuttable presumption of illegality attaches to those practices which in other contexts are per se illegal. The weight of this presumption varies with the familiarity of the court with the restraint, its similarity to traditional per se conduct, and the strength of the procompetitive justification.This analytical approach is desirable for two reasons. First,courts are reluctant to apply commercial per se rules of illegality to professional restraints, and with good reason. Professional practices do differ from purely commercial transactions. At the same time, however, some professionals do engage in highly anticompetitive practices. Courts ought to have a test for assessing these practices that is less cumbersome than full-blown Rule of Reason analysis. Second, a truly competitive market for health services will provide better assurance of high quality care and reasonable prices than a market controlled by dominant professional groups. Competition will create incentives for providers and insurers to disseminate more information to consumers--information about prices, availability, billing procedures, and provider qualifications. Also,competition may encourage development of alternative forms of delivering services, particularly those that have the potential for increasing efficiency and reducing costs. By focusing on the procompetitive effects of professionally imposed restraints, courts will be able to review objectively both the economic and social consequences of the challenged activity. An intermediate level of review is not a radical departure from existing case law. Nevertheless, recognizing that it exists and spelling out how it should be conducted is important for the further development of the law in this area

    Rich Situated Attitudes

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    We outline a novel theory of natural language meaning, Rich Situated Semantics [RSS], on which the content of sentential utterances is semantically rich and informationally situated. In virtue of its situatedness, an utterance’s rich situated content varies with the informational situation of the cognitive agent interpreting the utterance. In virtue of its richness, this content contains information beyond the utterance’s lexically encoded information. The agent-dependence of rich situated content solves a number of problems in semantics and the philosophy of language (cf. [14, 20, 25]). In particular, since RSS varies the granularity of utterance contents with the interpreting agent’s informational situation, it solves the problem of finding suitably fine- or coarse-grained objects for the content of propositional attitudes. In virtue of this variation, a layman will reason with more propositions than an expert

    Structural Polymorphism of the Cytoskeleton: A Model of Linker-Assisted Filament Aggregation

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    The phase behavior of charged rods in the presence of inter-rod linkers is studied theoretically as a model for the equilibrium behavior underlying the organization of actin filaments by linker proteins in the cytoskeleton. The presence of linkers in the solution modifies the effective inter-rod interaction and can lead to inter-filament attraction. Depending on the system's composition and physical properties such as linker binding energies, filaments will either orient perpendicular or parallel to each other, leading to network-like or bundled structures. We show that such a system can have one of three generic phase diagrams, one dominated by bundles, another by networks, and the third containing both bundle and network-like phases. The first two diagrams can be found over a wide range of interaction energies, while the third occurs only for a narrow range. These results provide theoretical understanding of the classification of linker proteins as bundling proteins or crosslinking proteins. In addition, they suggest possible mechanisms by which the cell may control cytoskeletal morphology.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Vivaldi 1991 - A study of the formation, circulation and ventilation of Eastern North Atlantic Central Water

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    31 páginas, 10 figuras, 1 tablaA synoptic, hydrographic data set comprising 32 full depth CTD casts and 2500 CTD/SeaSoar profiles to 500 m is used to describe the 0/S properties and circulation of Central Water east of the mid-Atlantic Ridge and between 39°N and 54°N. Eastward transport of 20 x 10 ~ m 3 s l in the North Atlantic Current turns entirely northwards to the west of 54°N, 20°W. This transport consists in the upper layers of Western North Atlantic Water freshened at temperatures below 10°C by mixing with SubArctic Intermediate Water. Northern and Southern branches of the North Atlantic Current are well defined and both turn northwards west of 20°W. A further l0 x l0 s m 3 s "1 of Eastern North Atlantic Water forms and recirculates anticyclonicaily to the west of Spain south of the North Atlantic Current and north of 40°N. Eastern North Atlantic Water is most weakly stratified east of 20°W and there is clear correlation between weakly stratified pycnostads and positive salinity anomalies relative to Western North Atlantic Water. Thus Eastern North Atlantic Water is a winter Mode Water in which strong winter cooling has increased the density and hence also the salinity anomaly at a given temperature. Near the southern entrance to the Rockall Trough there is evidence that salinities are also increased by Mediterranean Water influence. Circulation south of the North Atlantic Current is complex. There is no evidence for direct ventilation southwards across 40°N where water properties (0/S, potential vorticity and CFC-113) and historical data all indicate westward ventilation east of 24°W, with weak southward ventilation occurring further west, in the vicinity of the Azores. The circulation pattern suggested is remarkably similar to that proposed by Helland-Hansen and Nansen in 1926 (The eastern North Atlantic, Geophysiske Publicajoner, 4, 1-76), with anticyclonic circulation of colder Eastern North Atlantic Water north of 40°N meeting warmer water from south of 40°N circulating cyclonically north of the Azores Current. The distribution of pycnostads and 0IS properties between 20°W and 35°W north of the Azores indicates alternate bands of Western and Eastern North Atlantic Water moving eastward and westward respectively, including evidence for westward motion immediately south of the Southern branch of the North Atlantic Current, possibly by westward propagation of anticyclonic eddies containing deep pycnostadsPeer reviewe

    A Qualitative Exploration of Using Experiential Groups to Train Future Group Counselors

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    As counselors routinely provide both individual and group-based services, it is important to prepare trainees to effectively utilize both approaches. One popular method for engaging students in group work training requires them to participate in experiential small groups. Although this requirement meets CACREP’s (2015) standard that students engage in 10 hours of group membership, less specific focus is placed on engaging students in active group facilitation training. This study analyzes qualitative interviews with seven counseling graduates who participated in experiential small groups during their training. Five emergent themes provide insight for counselor educators and accreditors into students’ group training experiences
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