7 research outputs found

    Characterizing the culturable surface microbiomes of diverse marine animals

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Keller, A. G., Apprill, A., Lebaron, P., Robbins, J., Romano, T. A., Overton, E., Rong, Y., Yuan, R., Pollara, S., & Whalen, K. E. Characterizing the culturable surface microbiomes of diverse marine animals. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 97(4), (2021): fiab040, https://doi.org/10.1093/femsec/fiab040.Biofilm-forming bacteria have the potential to contribute to the health, physiology, behavior and ecology of the host and serve as its first line of defense against adverse conditions in the environment. While metabarcoding and metagenomic information furthers our understanding of microbiome composition, fewer studies use cultured samples to study the diverse interactions among the host and its microbiome, as cultured representatives are often lacking. This study examines the surface microbiomes cultured from three shallow-water coral species and two whale species. These unique marine animals place strong selective pressures on their microbial symbionts and contain members under similar environmental and anthropogenic stress. We developed an intense cultivation procedure, utilizing a suite of culture conditions targeting a rich assortment of biofilm-forming microorganisms. We identified 592 microbial isolates contained within 15 bacterial orders representing 50 bacterial genera, and two fungal species. Culturable bacteria from coral and whale samples paralleled taxonomic groups identified in culture-independent surveys, including 29% of all bacterial genera identified in the Megaptera novaeangliae skin microbiome through culture-independent methods. This microbial repository provides raw material and biological input for more nuanced studies which can explore how members of the microbiome both shape their micro-niche and impact host fitness.Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation (Biological Oceanography) award #1657808 and National Institutes of Health grants 1R21-AI119311–01 to K. E. Whalen, as well as funding from the Koshland Integrated Natural Science Center and Green Fund at Haverford College. This constitutes scientific manuscript #298 from the Sea Research Foundation

    Bacterial quorum-sensing signal arrests phytoplankton cell division and impacts virus-induced mortality

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Pollara, S. B., Becker, J. W., Nunn, B. L., Boiteau, R., Repeta, D., Mudge, M. C., Downing, G., Chase, D., Harvey, E. L., & Whalen, K. E. Bacterial quorum-sensing signal arrests phytoplankton cell division and impacts virus-induced mortality. Msphere, 6(3), (2021): e00009-21, https://doi.org/10.1128/mSphere.00009-21.Interactions between phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria fundamentally shape marine ecosystems by controlling primary production, structuring marine food webs, mediating carbon export, and influencing global climate. Phytoplankton-bacterium interactions are facilitated by secreted compounds; however, linking these chemical signals, their mechanisms of action, and their resultant ecological consequences remains a fundamental challenge. The bacterial quorum-sensing signal 2-heptyl-4-quinolone (HHQ) induces immediate, yet reversible, cellular stasis (no cell division or mortality) in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi; however, the mechanism responsible remains unknown. Using transcriptomic and proteomic approaches in combination with diagnostic biochemical and fluorescent cell-based assays, we show that HHQ exposure leads to prolonged S-phase arrest in phytoplankton coincident with the accumulation of DNA damage and a lack of repair despite the induction of the DNA damage response (DDR). While this effect is reversible, HHQ-exposed phytoplankton were also protected from viral mortality, ascribing a new role of quorum-sensing signals in regulating multitrophic interactions. Furthermore, our data demonstrate that in situ measurements of HHQ coincide with areas of enhanced micro- and nanoplankton biomass. Our results suggest bacterial communication signals as emerging players that may be one of the contributing factors that help structure complex microbial communities throughout the ocean.Funding for this work was supported by an NSF grant (OCE-1657808) awarded to K.E.W. and E.L.H. K.E.W. was also supported by a faculty research grant from Haverford College as well as funding from the Koshland Integrated Natural Science Center and Green Fund at Haverford College. E.L.H. was also supported by a Sloan Foundation research fellowship. B.L.N. was supported by an NSF grant (OCE-1633939). M.C.M. was supported by an NIH training grant (T32 HG000035). Mass spectrometry was partially supported by the University of Washington Proteomics Resource (UWPR95794). D.R. was supported by funding through the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (grant 6000), a Simons Collaboration for Ocean Processes and Ecology grant (329108), and an NSF grant (OCE-1736280). R.B. was supported by an NSF graduate research fellowship and an NSF grant (OCE-1829761)

    Differences in replication kinetics and cell tropism between neurovirulent and non-neurovirulent EHV1 strains during the acute phase of infection in horses

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    International audienceEquine herpesvirus 1 (EHV1) replicates in the respiratory tract of horses, after which infected leukocytes transport virus throughout the body, resulting in abortion or nervous system disorders. Two EHV1 strains circulate in the field: neurovirulent and non-neurovirulent. To investigate differences in replication in the upper respiratory tract (URT), an experimental inoculation study in ponies was performed with both strains. Two groups of six ponies, were inoculated intranasally with 10 TCID of either strain. Clinical signs, nasal shedding and viremia were evaluated. At early time points post inoculation (pi), one pony of each group was euthanized. Tnoculation with either strain resulted in nasal shedding and replication in several tissues of the URT. Both strains replicated in a plaquewise manner in epithelium of the nasal mucosa, but replication in epithelium of the nasopharynx was largely limited to non-neurovirulent EHV1. Plaques were never able to cross the basement membrane, but individual infected cells were noticed in the connective tissue of all examined tissues for both strains. The total number of these cells however, was 3-7 times lower with non-neurovirulent EHV1 compared to neurovirulent EHV1. CD172a cells and CD5+ lymphocytes were important target cells for both strains. Interestingly, in lymph nodes, B-lymphocytes were also important target cells for EHV1, irrespective of the strain. Viremia was detected very early pi and infected cells were mainly CD172a for both strains. In summary, these results are valuable for understanding EHV1 pathogenesis at the port of entry, the URT

    Development of the immune system

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