7,494 research outputs found

    Etching of aluminum for bonding Patent

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    Etching aluminum alloys with aqueous solution containing sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid, and an alkali metal dischromate for adhesive bondin

    Optical Detection of Blade Flutter

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    Dynamic strain gages mounted on rotor blades are used as the primary instrumentation for detecting the onset of flutter and defining the vibratory mode and frequency. Optical devices are evaluated for performing the same measurements as well as providing supplementary information on the vibratory characteristics. Two separate methods are studied: stroboscopic imagery of the blade tip and photoelectric scanning of blade tip motion. Both methods give visual data in real time as well as video tape records. The optical systems are described, and representative results are presented. The potential of this instrumentation in flutter research is discussed

    High-resolution surface temperature measurements on rotating turbine blades with an infrared pyrometer

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    A high-resolution pyrometer was developed and tested on a modified turbine engine. The pyrometer was used to obtain temperature profiles of the viewed surface of turbine blades in the engine at tip speeds up to 366 meters per second. The combination of coherent fiber optics, a silicon avalanche detector, and high-speed electronics enabled surface resolution of a spot diameter of 0.05 centimeter. The data, in the form of temperature profiles, was obtained in near real time as a hard copy output from a computer display terminal. Temperatures measured with the pyrometer and with thermocouples agreed within 2 percent at temperatures between 977 to 1144 K

    Tetralogy of fallot

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    Isaac Leon Kandel: A Pioneer in Comparative and International Education

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    Abrupt Transition from a Free, Repulsive to a Condensed, Attractive DNA Phase, Induced by Multivalent Polyamine Cations

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    We have investigated the energetics of DNA condensation by multivalent polyamine cations. Solution small angle x-ray scattering was used to monitor interactions between short 25 base pair dsDNA strands in the free supernatant DNA phase that coexists with the condensed DNA phase. Interestingly, when tetravalent spermine is used, significant inter-DNA repulsion is observed in the free phase, in contrast with the presumed inter-DNA attraction in the coexisting condensed phase. DNA condensation thus appears to be a discrete, first-order-like, transition from a repulsive gaseous to an attractive condensed solid phase, in accord with the reported all-or-none condensation of giant DNA. We further quantify the electrostatic repulsive potentials in the free DNA phase and estimate the number of additional spermine cations that bind to DNA upon condensation

    Aeolian abrasion on Venus: Preliminary results from the Venus simulator

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    The role of atmospheric pressure on aeolian abrasion was examined in the Venus Simulator with a constant temperature of 737 K. Both the rock target and the impactor were fine-grained basalt. The impactor was a 3 mm diameter angular particle chosen to represent a size of material that is entrainable by the dense Venusian atmosphere and potentially abrasive by virtue of its mass. It was projected at the target 10 to the 5 power times at a velocity of 0.7 m/s. The impactor showed a weight loss of approximately 1.2 x 10 to the -9 power gm per impact with the attrition occurring only at the edges. Results from scanning electron microscope analysis, profilometry, and weight measurement are summarized. It is concluded that particles can incur abrasion at Venusian temperatures even with low impact velocities expected for Venus

    Inter-DNA Attraction Mediated by Divalent Counterions

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    Can nonspecifically bound divalent counterions induce attraction between DNA strands? Here, we present experimental evidence demonstrating attraction between short DNA strands mediated by Mg2 ions. Solution small angle x-ray scattering data collected as a function of DNA concentration enable model independent extraction of the second virial coefficient. As the [Mg2] increases, this coefficient turns from positive to negative reflecting the transition from repulsive to attractive inter-DNA interaction. This surprising observation is corroborated by independent light scattering experiments. The dependence of the observed attraction on experimental parameters including DNA length provides valuable clues to its origin

    Measuring Inter-DNA Potentials in Solution

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    Interactions between short strands of DNA can be tuned from repulsive to attractive by varying solution conditions and have been quantified using small angle x-ray scattering techniques. The effective DNA interaction charge was extracted by fitting the scattering profiles with the generalized one-component method and inter-DNA Yukawa pair potentials. A significant charge is measured at low to moderate monovalent counterion concentrations, resulting in strong inter-DNA repulsion. The charge and repulsion diminish rapidly upon the addition of divalent counterions. An intriguing short range attraction is observed at surprisingly low divalent cation concentrations, ~16 mM Mg2+. Quantitative measurements of inter- DNA potentials are essential for improving models of fundamental interactions in biological systems
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