77 research outputs found

    New Exact Solutions of a Generalized Shallow Water Wave Equation

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    In this work an extended elliptic function method is proposed and applied to the generalized shallow water wave equation. We systematically investigate to classify new exact travelling wave solutions expressible in terms of quasi-periodic elliptic integral function and doubly-periodic Jacobian elliptic functions. The derived new solutions include rational, periodic, singular and solitary wave solutions. An interesting comparison with the canonical procedure is provided. In some cases the obtained elliptic solution has singularity at certain region in the whole space. For such solutions we have computed the effective region where the obtained solution is free from such a singularity.Comment: A discussion about singularity and some references are added. To appear in Physica Script

    Wp-2 basic investigation of transition effect

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    An important goal of the TFAST project was to study the effect of the location of transition in relation to the shock wave on the separation size, shock structure and unsteadiness of the interaction area. Boundary layer tripping (by wire or roughness) and flow control devices (Vortex Generators and cold plasma) were used for boundary layer transition induction. As flow control devices were used here in the laminar boundary layer for the first time, their effectiveness in transition induction was an important outcome. It was intended to determine in what way the application of these techniques induces transition. These methods should have a significantly different effect on boundary layer receptivity, i.e. the transition location. Apart from an improved understanding of operation control methods, the main objective was to localize the transition as far downstream as possible while ensuring a turbulent character of interaction. The final objective, involving all the partners, was to build a physical model of transition control devices. Establishing of such model would simplify the numerical approach to flow cases using such devices. This undertaking has strong support from the industry, which wants to include these control devices in the design process. Unfortunately only one method of streamwise vortices was developed and investigated in the presented study

    Correlação pedológico-geotécnica do Município do Rio de Janeiro.

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    A correlação direta entre o conhecimento gerado nos levantamentos pedológicos e o seu aproveitamento para os diagnósticos geotécnicos preliminares dos problemas que afetam o uso do solo e o meio ambiente é o objetivo deste trabalho.bitstream/CNPS-2010/13993/1/doc117-2009-pedologia-rio-de-janeiro.pd

    Оценка эффективности управления деятельностью предприятия

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    Целью исследования является оценка эффективности управления деятельностью предприятия как интегрального показателя, то есть управления совокупностью деятельностей, таких как производственная, инвестиционная, инновационная, маркетинговая и финансовая

    Устойчивость никелевых промышленных катализаторов метанирования к воздействию органических абсорбентов удаления диоксида углерода из синтез-газа

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    Received: 16.06.2017; accepted: 06.09.2017; published: 20.10.2017.Поступило: 16.06.2017; принято: 06.09.2017; опубликовано: 20.10.2017.We report the results of studies on the influences of the organic carbon dioxide absorbent – aqueous solution of activated methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) – on the physico-chemical and mechanical characteristics of nickel-alumina catalyst NIAP-07-01 (NKM-1) and cement-containing catalysts NIAP-07-07 (NKM-7), Meth-134 and Meth-135 for the hydrogenation of carbon oxide (methanation). It is established that for the nickel-alumina and nickel-cementcontaining catalysts subjected to activated methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) it’s possible to restore their strength and catalytic properties. In order to increase the time of operation of the methanator it is recommended to apply a new Nickel cement-containing catalyst NIAP-07-07 (NKM-7), which can be produced as tablets, rings or extrudates.Приведены результаты исследований воздействия органического абсорбента в виде водного раствора активированного метилдиэтаноламина (МДЭА), являющегося абсорбентом диоксида углерода при его удалении из азото-водородной смеси, на физико-химические и физико-механические характеристики никельалюминиевого марки НИАП-07-01 (НКМ-1) и цемент-содержащих марки НИАП-07-07 (НКМ-7), Meth-134 и Meth-135 катализаторов гидрирования оксидов углерода (метанирования). Установлено, что никельалюминиевые и никельцементсодержащие катализаторы, подвергнутые воздействию активированного метилдиэтаноламина (МДЭА), восстанавливают свои прочностные и каталитические свойства. Для увеличения времени эксплуатации метанатора рекомендуется применять новый никелевый цементсодержащий катализатор марки НИАП-07-07 (НКМ-7), который может изготавливаться в виде таблеток, колец или экструдатов

    Устойчивость никелевых промышленных катализаторов метанирования к воздействию органических абсорбентов удаления диоксида углерода из синтез-газа

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    We report the results of studies on the influences of the organic carbon dioxide absorbent – aqueous solution of activated methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) – on the physico-chemical and mechanical characteristics of nickel-alumina catalyst NIAP-07-01 (NKM-1) and cement-containing catalysts NIAP-07-07 (NKM-7), Meth-134 and Meth-135 for the hydrogenation of carbon oxide (methanation). It is established that for the nickel-alumina and nickel-cement-containing catalysts subjected to activated methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) it’s possible to restore their strength and catalytic properties. In order to increase the time of operation of the methanator it is recommended to apply a new Nickel cement-containing catalyst NIAP-07-07 (NKM-7), which can be produced as tablets, rings or extrudates.Приведены результаты исследований воздействия органического абсорбента в виде водного раствора активированного метилдиэтаноламина (МДЭА), являющегося абсорбентом диоксида углерода при его удалении из азото-водородной смеси, на физико-химические и физико-механические характеристики никельалюминиевого марки НИАП-07-01 (НКМ-1) и цементсодержащих марки НИАП-07-07 (НКМ-7), Meth-134 и Meth-135 катализаторов гидрирования оксидов углерода (метанирования). Установлено, что никельалюминиевые и никельцементсодержащие катализаторы, подвергнутые воздействию активированного метилдиэтаноламина (МДЭА), восстанавливают свои прочностные и каталитические свойства. Для увеличения времени эксплуатации метанатора рекомендуется применять новый никелевый цементсодержащий катализатор марки НИАП-07-07 (НКМ-7), который может изготавливаться в виде таблеток, колец или экструдатов

    Biodisponibilidade de Cd em latossolo acrescido de lodo de esgoto

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    This study was carried out to obtain the bioavailability of cadmium in a latosol increased of a single dose of sewage sludge. Representative samples of Bw horizon of a latosol, from Duque de Caxias city - RJ, and sewage sludge from ETE Ilha do Governador, in Rio de Janeiro city were collected. These materials were characterized due to its chemical, physical and mineralogical characteristics. Latter on, the samples were mixed together and bioavailability tests were accomplished. The results show that cadmium became bioavailable in the solution in the first hour of assay. After this interval the concentration of the available metal in solution it diminished, occurring stabilization in the subsequent hours of collection.O presente trabalho trata do estudo da biodisponibilidade de Cd no horizonte Bw de latossolo acrescido de uma única dose de lodo de esgoto. As amostras de latossolo e de lodo, respectivamente, foram coletadas no município de Duque de Caxias - RJ e na estação de tratamento de esgoto da Ilha do Governador (ETE Ilha), no município do Rio de Janeiro. A parte preliminar do estudo consistiu na caracterização dos materiais em laboratório por meio de ensaios físicos (granulometria, massa específica dos grãos, limites de Atterberg), químicos e físico-químicos (pH, carbono orgânico, CTC, ataque sulfúrico, fertilidade, análise química total) e mineralógicos (mineralogia por difração de raios-X). O lodo posteriormente foi incorporado ao latossolo e avaliou-se a biodisponibilidade do Cd na fração solúvel da mistura em questão. Os resultados mostraram que o Cd tornou-se biodisponível na solução na primeira hora de ensaio. Depois deste intervalo a concentração do metal disponível em solução diminuiu, ocorrendo uma estabilização nas horas subseqüentes de coleta

    A checklist of native freshwater fish from Brantas River, East Java, Indonesia

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    Hasan V, Mamat NB, South J, Ottoni FP, Widodo MS, Arisandi P, Isroni W, Jerikho R, Samitra D, Faqih AR, Simanjuntak CPH, Mukti AT. 2022. A checklist of native freshwater fish from Brantas River, East Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 6031-6039. This study aims to provide information on the freshwater fish species composition of the Brantas River, the second-largest river in Java, Indonesia. All samples used in this study were the caught activities during Fish Resource Survey (form May 5, 2021 to August 20, 2022). Sampling was carried out in four stations of the Brantas River, representing upstream, the Karangkates Reservoir, midstream, and downstream. This work recorded 42 fish species divided into 35 genera and 21 families. Cyprinidae was the dominant family, comprising 12 genera and 15 species. According to the IUCN Red List, most fish species inhabiting the Brantas River have a conservation status of Least Concern (LC) or Data Deficient (DD), except for Rasbora lateristriata which is categorized as Vulnerable (VU). Genera Tor and Neolissochilus are rarely found in Javanese waters. We suggest that the conservation status of these species should be reviewed. Information on habitat use and ecological interactions of fish occurring in the Brantas River are needed urgently to make appropriate conservation decisions and plans. Therefore, we suggest that more collections need to be carried out in the studied river, as well as studies based on eDNA analysis and research incorporating both morphological and molecular data