19 research outputs found


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    Цель. Недостаточная информированность людей о гипнозе и, как следствие, распространенные заблуждения, порождающие чувство страха перед данным методом психотерапии, не препятствуют его активному использованию в различных направлениях медицины.Целью нашего исследования стало изучение эффективности методов эриксоновской гипнотерапии в рамках косметологии на примере процедуры скульптурного массажа лица по тибетской технике.Материалы и методы. В исследовании участвовали 22 женщины в возрасте от 22 до 69 лет (средний возраст 43,52±10,34 лет). Контрольную группу составили 22 женщины от 35 до 66 лет (средний возраст 48,81±10,33 лет). Участницы, по собственному желанию, были распределены на контрольную и экспериментальную группы. В ходе исследования, каждой участнице экспериментальной группы проводилось три сеанса скульптурного массажа лица по тибетской технике в сочетании с эриксоновской гипнотерапией.Критерием оценки эффективности стал анализ изменения линии бровей, рассчитываемый по формуле: «наружный кантус-точка назиона» (КН) / расстояние «наружный кантус-бровь» (КБ)»(Сергиенко В.И., Кулаков А.А., Петросян Н.Э., Петросян Э.А.), а так же опросник САН: самочувствие, активность, настроение (В.А. Доскин, Н.А. Лаврентьева, В.Б. Шарай и М.П. Мирошников).Результаты. Объективные результаты исследования, оцениваемые при помощи критерия Манн-Уитни, оказались в зоне незначимости. По объективным показателям психологического состояния исследуемых различий в сеансах с гипнотической индукцией и без нее нет. По субъективным высказываниям в экспериментальной группе намного реже присутствовали ощущения болезненности процедуры (14 %), а в контрольной группе на болезненность процедуры жаловались все участницы (100%).Заключение. Использование методов эриксоновской терапии во время проведения болезненной техники массажа дает эффект обезболивания, процедура переносится мягче, с субъективно положительными эмоциями. Субъективные отзывы участниц наводят на мысль о необходимости дополнительного исследования возможностей использования техник эриксоновской гипнотерапии в рамках современной косметологии и дерматовенерологии, либо разработки специального инструментария для оценки результатов воздействия гипнотической индукции.Purpose. A lack of awareness about hypnosis and, as a result, widespread misconceptions that provoke a fear of this method of psychotherapy do not prevent from active use of this method in various disciplines of medicine.The aim of our research is the study of efficiency of Erickson hypnotherapy methods in cosmetology using the procedure of sculpture face massage based on the Tibetan technique as an example.Methodology. 22 women aged 22 to 69 (the average age is 43,52 ±10,34 years old) participated in the study. The control group consists of 22 women aged 35 to 66 (the average age is 48,81 ±10,33 years old). The participants were voluntarily divided into the control and experimental groups. During the study each participant had 3 sessions of sculpture massage based on the Tibetan technique in combination with Erickson hypnotherapy.The criterion for assessing the efficiency of the method was the analysis of the change of the brow line which is calculated according to the formula: “outer cantus-point of nasion” (CN)/ the length of “outer cantus-brow (CB)” (Sergienko V.I., Kulakov A.A., Petrosyan N.E., Petrosyan E.A.), as well as WAM questionnaire: well-being, activity, mood (Doskin V.A., Lavrentjeva N.A., Sharay V.B., Miroshnikov M.P.).Results. The use of hypnotic induction during quite painful technique of face massage has an effect of anesthesia, the patients undergo the procedure more smoothly with subjectively positive emotions. Objective results of the study evaluated with the Mann-Whitney U-test were in the zone of irrelevance. According to the objective indicators of the psychological well-being of the participants there is no difference between sessions with hypnotic induction and without it. However according to the subjective feedback, the participants of the experimental group far less frequently met the painfulness of the procedure (14%), while all the participants of the control group suffer from the painfulness of the procedure (100%).Conclusion. Subjective feedback of the participants suggests the necessity of further study of the possibilities of use of Erickson hypnotherapy in modern cosmetology and dermatovenereology, or the elaboration of specialized toolkit to assess the results of hypnotic induction

    A multi-omics approach to describe crosstalk between gut microbiota and host: epigenetic and virome role

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    La microbiota intestinal juga un paper crucial en el manteniment de la salut i l'homeòstasi humanes, per tant, el desenvolupament de la microbiota intestinal durant els primers anys de vida té un impacte significatiu a la salut posterior. La disbiosi, que fa referència als canvis en la composició de la microbiota intestinal, s'ha associat amb trastorns de salut a llarg termini, com la malaltia celíaca. Tot i això, encara que la microbiota bacteriana ha estat àmpliament estudiada, el viroma, que és molt més divers que tots els altres regnes, és relativament menys conegut. La interacció trans-regne entre bacteris i virus té un impacte en la salut de l'hoste més enllà dels seus efectes individuals, cosa que emfatitza la importància d'explorar aquesta relació. Amb l'objectiu d'aprofundir en la relació entre la microbiota i el seu hoste en etapes primerenques de la vida i en el context de la malaltia celíaca infantil, aquesta tesi doctoral es proposa descriure la microbiota de meconi i mostres de femta de lactants alimentats amb llet, així com avaluar possibles alteracions en nens celíacs adherits a una dieta sense gluten en comparació amb nens sans. A més, s’avalua l’efecte de l’administració de probiòtics en un model animal de malaltia celíaca. En utilitzar una combinació de diferents ciències òmiques, aquesta tesi té el potencial de descobrir informació valuosa sobre la funcionalitat i l’activitat de la microbiota intestinal i la seva relació amb les malalties. La investigació en aquesta tesi contribuirà a una millor comprensió de la importància de la interacció entre regnes i el seu paper a l'homeòstasi de l'hoste i les condicions de salut.La microbiota intestinal juega un papel crucial en el mantenimiento de la salud y la homeostasis humanas, por lo tanto, el desarrollo de la microbiota intestinal durante los primeros años de vida tiene un impacto significativo en la salud posterior. La disbiosis, que se refiere a los cambios en la composición de la microbiota intestinal, se ha asociado con trastornos de salud a largo plazo, como la enfermedad celíaca. Sin embargo, aunque la microbiota bacteriana ha sido ampliamente estudiada, el viroma, que es mucho más diverso que todos los demás reinos, es relativamente menos conocido. La interacción trans-reino entre bacterias y virus tiene un impacto en la salud del huésped más allá de sus efectos individuales, lo que enfatiza la importancia de explorar esta relación. Con el objetivo de profundizar en la relación entre la microbiota y su huésped en etapas tempranas de la vida y en el contexto de la enfermedad celíaca infantil, esta tesis doctoral se propone describir la microbiota de meconio y muestras de heces de lactantes alimentados con leche, así como evaluar posibles alteraciones en niños celíacos adheridos a una dieta sin gluten en comparación con niños sanos. Además, se evalúa el efecto de la administración de probióticos en un modelo animal de enfermedad celíaca. Al utilizar una combinación de diferentes ciencias ómicas, esta tesis tiene el potencial de descubrir información valiosa sobre la funcionalidad y la actividad de la microbiota intestinal y su relación con las enfermedades. La investigación en esta tesis contribuirá a una mejor comprensión de la importancia de la interacción entre reinos y su papel en la homeostasis del huésped y las condiciones de salud.The gut microbiota plays a crucial role in maintaining human health and homeostasis. Therefore, the development of gut microbiota during early life significantly impacts later health. Dysbiosis, or changes in the gut microbiota composition, has been associated with long-term health disorders such as celiac disease. However, while the bacterial microbiota has been extensively studied, the virome, which is much more diverse than all other kingdoms, is relatively less understood. Transkingdom interplay between bacteria and viruses impacts host health beyond their individual effects, emphasizing the importance of exploring this relationship. To gain further insight into the relationship between the microbiota and its host in early life stages and in the context of childhood celiac disease, this doctoral thesis aims to describe the microbiota of meconium and stool samples from milk-fed infants and to compare the possible alterations of healthy children with that of children with celiac disease adhering to a gluten-free diet. Additionally, it assesses the effect of probiotic administration in an animal model of celiac disease. By utilizing a combination of different omics sciences, this thesis has the potential to uncover valuable insights into the functionality and activity of the intestinal microbiota and its relationship with diseases. The research in this thesis will contribute to a better understanding of the significance of transkingdom interplay and its roles in host homeostasis and health conditions

    Free Amino Acids and Methylglyoxal as Players in the Radiation Hormesis Effect after Low-Dose γ-Irradiation of Barley Seeds

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    Low-dose γ-irradiation can stimulate plant growth and development; however, the knowledge on the molecular mechanisms of such stimulation is yet fragmented. Irradiation of seeds leads to the mobilisation of endosperm resources and reallocation of available nitrogen to facilitate development. Based on the metabolomic analysis, several metabolites possibly involved in radiation stimulation were studied using the HPLC approach in barley cultivars after γ-irradiation of seeds. The comparison of changes in metabolite concentrations and changes in morphological traits after irradiation revealed seven metabolites that may be involved in the growth stimulation after γ-irradiation of barley seeds. Among them are free amino acids, such as γ-aminobutyric acid, β-alanine, arginine, lysine, glutamine, methionine, and a signalling compound methylglyoxal

    Gut Microbiome and Small RNA Integrative-Omic Perspective of Meconium and Milk-FED Infant Stool Samples

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    The human gut microbiome plays an important role in health, and its initial development is conditioned by many factors, such as feeding. It has also been claimed that this colonization is guided by bacterial populations, the dynamic virome, and transkingdom interactions between host and microbial cells, partially mediated by epigenetic signaling. In this article, we characterized the bacteriome, virome, and smallRNome and their interaction in the meconium and stool samples from infants. Bacterial and viral DNA and RNA were extracted from the meconium and stool samples of 2- to 4-month-old milk-fed infants. The bacteriome, DNA and RNA virome, and smallRNome were assessed using 16S rRNA V4 sequencing, viral enrichment sequencing, and small RNA sequencing protocols, respectively. Data pathway analysis and integration were performed using the R package mixOmics. Our findings showed that the bacteriome differed among the three groups, while the virome and smallRNome presented significant differences, mainly between the meconium and stool of milk-fed infants. The gut environment is rapidly acquired after birth, and it is highly adaptable due to the interaction of environmental factors. Additionally, transkingdom interactions between viruses and bacteria can influence host and smallRNome profiles. However, virome characterization has several protocol limitations that must be considered

    Novel Amino Acid Derivatives for Efficient Methane Solidification Storage via Clathrate Hydrates without Foam Formation

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    Although anionic surfactants are considered the most efficient kinetic gas hydrate promoters for gas storage applications, gas recovery and reuse of surfactants are difficult due to high foam formation during hydrate melting. Additionally, most anionic surfactants are toxic, which has an intense environmental effect. In this study, novel amino acid derivatives (ACDs) were developed as the first class of superior promoters compared to surfactants without foaming during the formation and recovery of gas hydrates. The results of high-pressure autoclave experiments indicated that all ACDs significantly enhanced the kinetics of methane hydrate formation at 500 ppm. ACD5 derived from leucine showed the best promotion effect in distilled water by providing a total mole consumption of 436.1 mmol. ACD5 increased the degree of water-to-hydrate conversion from 39.6% in pure water to 94.3%, which was higher than in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solution (87.8%). Moreover, differential scanning calorimetry experiments demonstrated that ACDs could form methane hydrates at relatively lower temperatures than pure water. They increased the onset temperature of methane hydrate formation from −15 °C in pure water to −12 °C at 500 ppm. A higher promotion activity than SDS was also observed for ACDs in salt water, suggesting that seawater can be used to produce methane hydrate instead of pure water to reduce gas storage costs. Besides, visual observations revealed that no foam was formed during melting hydrates and releasing methane in the presence of ACDs. These findings show that a slight modification of amino acids makes them efficient candidates for improving gas hydrate formation for seawater desalination and gas storage applications


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    The objective of the study: To evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment in patients with the occupational chronic mercury intoxication and vibration disease, related to the local vibration exposure using pulsed magnetic stimulation.Materials and methods: The study involved 20 patients with the chronic mercury intoxication and 24 patients with the vibration disease. The treatment was carried out using a magnetic stimulator. The study was conducted with the approval of the ESSC HE SB RAMS Ethics Committee. Electroencephalography with the recording of the evoked potential, electroneuromyography, algesthesia and vibration sensitivity, hands temperature, psychological examination was carried out after and before treatment.Results: The improvement of interaction of subcortical-stem structures and associative areas of the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain after treatment of patients with the chronic mercury intoxication is observed. The time of the wave of afferent excitation at the level of the cervical spinal cord and the time required for the activation of neurons near field somatosensory cortices and associative areas of the brain are decreased. The previously reduced speed of the pulse on peripheral nerves in the hands has restored. According to the psychological examination decreased levels of emotional tension, anxiety is decreased and patients’ psychological comfort is improved. The time of the afferent excitation wave at the level of the cervical spinal cord, subcortical structures and the time of central holding in patients with vibration disease is decreased. The previously reduced speed of the pulse of the distal tibial and median nerve on the ulnar nerve in the elbow joint has restored. Indicators characterizing the state of memory, attention and psychoemotional sphere are improved.Conclusion: thus, using pulsed magnetic stimulation can increase the efficiency of the treatment process of occupational diseases and improve patients’ functional and psycho-emotional state.Цель. Оценить эффективность применения импульсной магнитной стимуляции при лечении пациентов в отдаленном периоде профессиональной хронической ртутной интоксикации (ХРИ) и с вибрационной болезнью (ВБ), связанной с воздействием локальной вибрации.Материалы и методы. Обследованы 20 лиц в отдаленном периоде ХРИ и 24 пациента с ВБ. Лечение осуществлялось магнитным стимулятором. Исследования выполнены с информированного согласия пациентов на участие в исследовании. Исследование одобрено Этическим комитетом ВСНЦ ЭЧ СО РАМН. До и после терапии проводились: электроэнцефалография с регистрацией вызванных потенциалов, электронейромиография, экспериментально-психологическое обследование, альгезиметрия, определялась вибрационная чувствительность, тепловизография кистей.Результаты. После лечения у пациентов с ХРИ улучшалось взаимодействие подкорково-стволовых структур и ассоциативных областей лобных и височных долей мозга. Уменьшалось время проведения афферентной волны возбуждения на уровне шейного отдела спинного мозга, время, необходимое для активации нейронов ближнего поля соматосенсорной зоны коры. Восстанавливалась скорость проведения импульса по периферическим нервам. Снижались уровни эмоциональной напряжённости, тревожности, улучшался психологический комфорт пациентов. При ВБ отмечалось уменьшение времени проведения афферентной волны возбуждения на уровне шейного отдела спинного мозга, подкорковых структур, времени центрального проведения. Восстанавливалась СПИ по дистальным отделам нервов на руках и ногах. Отмечалось улучшение показателей, характеризующих состояние мнестико-аттенционной и психоэмоциональной сфер деятельности.Заключение. Применение импульсной МС позволит повысить эффективность лечебного процесса профзаболеваний, улучшая при этом функциональное и психоэмоциональное состояние пострадавших

    Multi-Omics Analysis of <i>Vicia cracca</i> Responses to Chronic Radiation Exposure in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

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    Our understanding of the long-term consequences of chronic ionising radiation for living organisms remains scarce. Modern molecular biology techniques are helpful tools for researching pollutant effects on biota. To reveal the molecular phenotype of plants growing under chronic radiation exposure, we sampled Vicia cracca L. plants in the Chernobyl exclusion zone and areas with normal radiation backgrounds. We performed a detailed analysis of soil and gene expression patterns and conducted coordinated multi-omics analyses of plant samples, including transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. Plants growing under chronic radiation exposure showed complex and multidirectional biological effects, including significant alterations in the metabolism and gene expression patterns of irradiated plants. We revealed profound changes in carbon metabolism, nitrogen reallocation, and photosynthesis. These plants showed signs of DNA damage, redox imbalance, and stress responses. The upregulation of histones, chaperones, peroxidases, and secondary metabolism was noted

    Early response of barley embryos to low- and high-dose gamma irradiation of seeds triggers changes in the transcriptional profile and an increase in hydrogen peroxide content in seedlings

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    International audienceAt low intensity, certain stress conditions may have a positive effect on growth and development of plants (eustress). Growth stimulation of barley plants after gamma irradiation of seeds in low doses was observed as an increase in root and shoot lengths. Hydrogen peroxide concentrations in shoots of irradiated plants were significantly higher than in control, while the opposite effect was observed in the roots. To elucidate the molecular basis of growth stimulation after gamma irradiation of barley seeds, we performed the transcriptomic analysis of barley embryos at different stages of seed germination. The transcriptomic data were correlated with morphological parameters and the hydrogen peroxide levels in irradiated and control plants. These data indicate that the growth stimulation by low-dose irradiation involves the transcriptional control of genes related to phytohormones, antioxidant system, late embryogenesis abundant proteins and cell wall components, with possible involvement of jasmonate and ABA signalling. Gamma irradiation of seeds at dose 100 Gy caused significant growth inhibition and promoted expression changes in transcripts related to cell cycle arrest, DNA damage repair and antioxidant system