41 research outputs found

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    Contactless measurement of the conductivity of II-VI epitaxial layers by means of the partially filled waveguide method

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    We report the contactless determination of the conductivity, the mobility and the carrier concentration of II-VI semiconductors by means of the technique of the partially filled waveguide at a microwave frequency of 9 GHz. The samples are CdHgTe epitaxial layers, grown on CdZnTe substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. The conductivity is determined from the transmission coefficient of the sample in the partially filled waveguide. For the analysis of the experimental data, the complex transmission coefficient is calculated by a rigorous multi-mode matching procedure. By varying the conductivity of the sample, we obtain an optimum fit of the calculated data to the experimental results. Comparison with conductivity data determined by the van der Pauw method shows that our method allows to measure the conductivity with good accuracy. The behaviour of the transmission coefficient of the sample is discussed in dependence on the layer conductivity, the layer thickness and the dielectric constant of the substrate. The calculations require to consider in detail the distribution of the electromagnetic fields in the sample region. The usual assumption of a hardly disturbed TE10_{10} mode cannot be used in our case. By applying a magnetic field in extraordinary Voigt configuration. galvanomagnetic measurements have been carried out which yield the mobility and thus the carrier concentration. These results are also in good agreement with van der Pauw transport measurements

    Employees competencies in logistics in the company sž-vit

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    V diplomski nalogi smo najprej razložili, kakšna je definicija kompetenc ter delitev kompetenc. Definicijo in delitev kompetenc smo povzeli po različnih avtorjih, in sicer po Mileni Majcen, Andreju Kohontu, Branetu Grubanu in Ivanu Svetliku. V nadaljevanju smo pojasnili cilje diplomskega dela in uporabljene metode, ki so nam pri tem pomagale. Metode smo opisali in pojasnili, kako jih uporabljamo. Za deset izbranih delovnih mest, ki delujejo na področju logistike v podjetju SŽ-VIT, smo zapisali delovne naloge in kompetence, potrebne za uspešno opravljanje teh nalog. Izbrali smo naslednja delovna mesta: koordinator, pomočnik direktorja, obratovodja, višji strokovni sodelavec I, višji strokovni sodelavec II, strokovni sodelavec II/1, tehnični referent III/1, tehnolog I, tehnolog II in skladiščnik. Kompetence smo pri tem razdelili na ključne in na delovno specifične. Želeli smo izvedeti, katere kompetence so zaposleni pridobili v času študija in katere v času zaposlitve, zato smo opravili intervju z izbranimi zaposlenimi. Na podlagi intervjuja smo kompetence kasneje razdelili.In the Bachelor thesis, we firstly explain the definition of the subject, which are the Competences. We used definitions from different authors, namely Milena Majcen, Andrej Kohont, Brane Gruban and Ivan Svetlik. Secondly, we focus on the goals and hypothesis of the thesis with describing methods that were used during the research. Further, our research focused on choosing ten specific jobs operating in the field of logistics in the Company SŽ-VIT and their competences necessary for the performance of their job. We used next jobs: Coordinator, Assistant Director, Engineer, senior expert associate I, senior expert associate II, expert associate II/1, technical referent III/1, Technologists I, Technologists II, storehouse worker. The competences of selected employees were later on divided into key competences and work related competences. The goal was to find out which competences were gained through education and which during the time of employment. For that reason an interview with the employees was performed and the division of competences, which follow as the last stage

    Two-Phase Binary Fluids and Immiscible Fluids Described By an Order Parameter

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    A unified framework for coupled Navier-Stokes/Cahn-Hilliard equations is developed using, as a basis, a balance law for microforces in conjunction with constitutive equations consistent with a mechanical version of the second law. As a numerical application of the theory, we consider the kinetics of coarsening for a binary fluid in two space-dimensions. Typeset using REVT E X 1 I. INTRODUCTION The Cahn-Hilliard equation [1] 1 ' . = m\Delta [f 0 (') \Gamma ff\Delta'] (1) is central to materials science, as it characterizes important qualitative features of two-phase systems. This equation is based on a free energy /('; grad') = f(') + 1 2 ffjgrad'j 2 ; (2) with f(') a double-well potential whose wells define the phases, and leads to an interfacial layer within which the density ' suffers large variations. The standard derivation of the Cahn-Hilliard equation begins with the mass balance ' . = \Gammadiv h (3) and the constitutive equation 1 Notation. Tensors ar..

    Cavitation in Nonlinearly Elastic Solids: A Review

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