5 research outputs found

    New behavioral forms of sportsman students identification in university digital educational reality

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    The relevance of the research is due to a wide range of changes in the University educational reality caused by the influence of the Internet, computers, smartphones, mobile devices and modern gadgets on the behavioural forms of student identification. These processes are becoming a matter of particular concern to the public and University teachers. In this regard, this study reveals the features of the value priorities of the University digital educational reality, which modify the behavioural forms of student identification. In the course of pedagogical modelling, which is the leading research method, the phenomenon of new behavioural forms of student identification is identified as the leading idea of the University digital educational reality. This article reveals the key values of student identity identification in the University digital educational reality. The structure and content of new behavioural forms of student identification are established. Based on the research materials, the correction module of new behavioural forms of student identification in the University digital educational reality is justified. The module effectiveness is proved by the results of using new behavioural forms of student identification in the University educational process. The materials of the article are recommended to teachers, methodologists, organizers of the educational process and University students

    The model of specialists’ training and retraining in high technologies

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    The paper aims to investigate the model of specialists’ training and retraining in the field of high technologies via a theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem and monitoring research. As a result, psychological training aimed at developing professionally important personal qualities of a specialist, should be a necessary element in the content of the educational process. In conclusion, the contemporary system of higher professional education should ensure the development of a professional who is able to verify, evaluate, creatively synthesize information, disclose the essence of the problem, and make adjustments to previous conclusions based on new findings.El documento tiene como objetivo investigar el modelo de capacitación y capacitación de especialistas en el campo de las altas tecnologías a través de un análisis teórico y metodológico del problema y el seguimiento de la investigación. Como resultado, la capacitación psicológica dirigida a desarrollar cualidades personales profesionalmente importantes de un especialista debe ser un elemento necesario en el contenido del proceso educativo. En conclusión, el sistema contemporáneo de educación profesional superior debería garantizar el desarrollo de un profesional que sea capaz de verificar, evaluar, sintetizar creativamente la información, revelar la esencia del problema y hacer ajustes a las conclusiones anteriores basadas en nuevos hallazgos

    The influence of educational and professional activity on the socialization of students

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    The study aims to investigate the influence of educational and professional activity on the socialization of students at a higher education institution via comparative qualitative research methods. As a result, the development level of the individual human capital index is higher in the control group. The conclusions have been drawn that the modernization of the Russian state, socio-economic political transformations, a difficult situation on the labor market have revealed the need for specialists with an active lifestyle, competitive, mobile, able to realize the professional potential, leading a healthy lifestyle.El estudio tiene como objetivo investigar la influencia de la actividad educativa y profesional en la socialización de los estudiantes en una institución de educación superior a través de métodos comparativos de investigación cualitativa. Como resultado, el nivel de desarrollo del índice de capital humano individual es mayor en el grupo de control. Se ha llegado a la conclusión de que la modernización del estado ruso, las transformaciones políticas socioeconómicas, una situación difícil en el mercado laboral han revelado la necesidad de especialistas con un estilo de vida activo, competitivo, móvil, capaz de realizar el potencial profesional, liderando un estilo de vida saludable

    Chapter I/2: INNOVATIONS AND KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER FOR ACHIEVINGLANDSCAPE SUSTAINABILITYГлава I/2: Инновации и передача знаний для достижения устойчивости ландшафтов

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    The need for soil tillage and its appropriate depth and procedures has been key questions of plant cropping and design of agricultural landscapes worldwide. We re-evaluated the largest series of international soil tillage trials, ever conducted. They were carried out on 50 locations in 8 countries of Eastern and Central Europe from 1955 to 1967. Framework conditions were Late-Holocene: Mechanized tillage and cropping technologies and organo-mineral fertilisers were available, whilst fungicides, herbicides, pesticides and hybrid seeds were little applied or not available during that time. Rotations were wide and balanced. These conditions come close to current organic farming systems. We analysed a multivariate set of more than 4,000 crop yield meta-data. Results revealed strong effects of soil fertility (as evaluated based on the Muencheberg Soil Quality Rating) and of organo-mineral fertilisation on crop yields, whilst soil tillage depth had lower and site-specific effects. Ploughing led to higher crop yields due to better suppression of weeds and mineralisation of plant nutrients. On humid sites in Europe without erosion risks, in a well structured agricultural landscape, the moldboard plough should be an inevitable part of productive and sustainable cropping systems.Необходимость обработки почвы, ее оптимальная глубина и приемы были ключевыми вопросами растениеводства и создания сельскохозяйственных ландшафтов во всем мире. Мы выполнили переоценку международной серии опытов по обработке почвы, крупнейшей из когда-либо проводившихся. Опыты были проведены в 50 географических точках в 8 странах Восточной и Центральной Европы с 1955 по 1967 гг. Рамочные условия – позднеголоценовые: использовались механизированные технологии обработки почвы и возделывания сельскохозяйственных культур, органические и минеральные удобрения, тогда как фунгициды, гербициды, пестициды и гибридные семена в то время применялись мало или отсутствовали. Севообороты включали широкий набор культур и были сбалансированными. Эти условия близки к современным системам органического сельского хозяйства. Мы проанализировали многомерный массив из более чем 4 тысяч метаданных, относящихся к урожайности сельскохозяйственных культур. Результаты выявили выраженные эффекты плодородия почвы (оцененного на основе Мюнхебергской системы рейтинга качества почвы), органических и минеральных удобрений на урожайность. Эффект глубины обработки почвы был ниже и зависел от местоположения. Вспашка повышала урожайность культур благодаря лучшему подавлению сорняков и минерализации питательных веществ в почве. В условиях влажного климата в Европе и отсутствия рисков эрозии, в хорошо структурированном сельскохозяйственном ландшафте, отвальный плуг должен быть необходимой частью продуктивных и устойчивых систем земледелия