35 research outputs found

    The peculiarities of perspective students selection mechanism by the future employers-enterprise

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The search of qualified staff is an up-to-date problem for all enterprises. In this regard the aim of the research is the development of perspective students selection mechanism by the future employers. One of the sub-stages of the algorithm is the formation of the resource and reserve groups of students by the enterprise representatives and by tutors of the faculty of professional educational institutions. The formation of the resource and reserve groups of students with flexible system of transition from one group into another according to the results of their progress, according to participation extracurricular life of the institute, participation at the international, All-Russian scientific and practical conferences, allow to intensify the process of their self-preparation by means of creation of the natural competitive environment in educational institution of professional education. It also helps to do the selection by employers and to distribute perspective students taking into account their potential opportunities and professional interests

    Влияние соблюдения базисной терапии на частоту госпитализаций у больных бронхиальной астмой

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of compliance to basic therapy for asthma on rate of exacerbations. The asthma patients were interviewed with a specialized questionnaire before and after their studying at asthma-school. The authors revealed that only 12.7 % of the patients were fully compliant with a physician's recommendations on basic therapy and 23.1 % were not before studying; after that the proportion was 69.6 % and 0.7 %, respectively. Before attending the asthma-school, 61.8 % of the patients had 2 or more admissions to a hospital for a year, this number reduced to 4.4 % after school. Therefore, the results highlight a direct relationship between compliance to the basic therapy for asthma and the rate of hospitalizations. This allows significant reduction in hospital admission due to thorough keeping to the physician's recommendations on basic therapy for asthma.Цель исследования — оценить, как соблюдение базисной терапии влияет на частоту госпитализаций. Проводилось анкетирование больных бронхиальной астмой с помощью специализированной анкеты-вопросника до и после обучения в астма-школе. Выявлено, что до обучения в астма-школе полностью выполняли рекомендации врача по базисной терапии всего 12,7 % пациентов, не выполняли 23,1 %, после обучения — 69,6 и 0,7 % соответственно. До обучения 61,8 % больных госпитализировались 2 и более раз в течение календарного года, после обучения — 4,4 %. Таким образом, показана прямая зависимость между соблюдением базисной терапии и частотой госпитализаций и возможность значительного ее снижения в случае выполнения пациентами рекомендаций врача относительно базисной терапии


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    Today, there is no unambiguous definition of the phenomenon of professional deformation of an individual, which makes it impossible to separate the professional deformation from common errors in work, inadequate education of managers, normal fatigue, workaholism and professional “burnout”. An important feature of professional deformations is their gradual development in the process of activity and unawareness thereof by the employee. The lack of clear qualification requirements in the case when negative qualities are compensated with positive qualities often allowing the employee to perform his duties effectively lead to the fact that the professional deformation is not taken into account by the management. One of the problems of the professional deformation phenomenon is that the professional and personal deformations may not match and even contradict each other. The professional deformation is also developed if there is a mismatch between the education and the requirements of a particular job. The experience in different occupations, in addition to the development of positive qualities of a professional, often contributes to the development of negative qualities, i.e., professional deformations produced by various activities. The paper demonstrates the ambiguous relationship between professional deformations and professional incompetence, inadequate professional and life experience, common errors in professional activities. For every of such “paradoxes” general preventive measures are proposed not to allow these phenomena to escalate into a real professional deformation.Сегодня отсутствует однозначное определение феномена профессиональной деформации личности, что не позволяет отделить эту деформацию от обычных ошибок в работе, недостаточного качественного образования управленческих работников, от обычной усталости, трудоголизма и профессионального «выгорания». Важная особенность профессиональных деформаций - их постепенное формирование в процессе деятельности и недостаточное осознание самим работником. Отсутствие четких квалификационных требований в случае компенсаций негативных качеств позитивными, часто позволяющих работнику эффективно выполнять свои обязанности, приводит к тому, что профессиональные деформации не учитываются руководством. Одна из проблем феномена профессиональной деформации заключается в том, что профессиональные и личностные деформации могут не соответствовать и даже противоречить друг другу. Фактором формирования профессиональной деформации также становится несоответствие полученного образования и требований конкретной работы. Опыт работы в разных видах профессиональной деятельности, помимо развития позитивных качеств профессионала, способствует формированию в том числе и негативных свойств, т.е. профессиональных деформаций, полученных при разных видах деятельности. В статье показана неоднозначная взаимосвязь профессиональных деформаций с профессиональной непригодностью, отсутствием профессионального и жизненного опыта, обычными ошибками в профессиональной деятельности. По каждому такому «парадоксу» предлагаются общие пути профилактики данных явлений и недопущения их перерастания в настоящие профессиональные деформации


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    С целью изучения возможности биопсии сигнального лимфатического  узла (СЛУ) методом  флуоресцентной лимфографии с применением зелёного индоцианина оперированы 65 больных раком молочной железы (РМЖ) 0-III стадий,  в том числе: 1) 8 больных РМЖ cTisN0M0; 2) 45 больных РМЖ cT1–4N0M0; 3) 12 больных РМЖ cT1–4N1–3M0 после эффективной системной терапии с неопределяемыми регионарными метастазами. Больным первой группы выполнялись биопсия СЛУ и мастэктомия с первичной реконструкцией. Дополнительная подмышечная лимфаденэктомия не производилась. Больным второй и третьей групп первым этапом операции выполнялась биопсия СЛУ, затем – органосохраняющая операция или радикальная мастэктомия с сохранением грудных мышц +/- первичная реконструкция молочной железы + подмышечная лимфаденэктомия I–II или  I–II–III уровней. СЛУ были выявлены у 60 больных – 92%, не найдены в 5 случаях. В том числе в первой  группе  СЛУ был найден у 7, у всех – без метастатического поражения.Во второй  группе  СЛУ найден  у 43 – в 96%. В 11 случаях из 43 обнаружены метастазы в СЛУ (26%). Ложноотрицательный результат 1 из 43 (2%). При РМЖ cT1–4N1–3M0 после эффективной системной терапии с исчезновением регионарных метастазов: из 12 таких больных СЛУ найден  у 10 – в 83%. В 4 случаях из 10 обнаружены метастазы в СЛУ (40%). Ложноотрицательных результатов 0 из 10. Не было зафиксировано  ни одного случая аллергических реакций или других побочных реакций при стандартном подкожном применении индоцианина. Флуоресцентный метод поиска СЛУ имеет свои технологические особенности: в большинстве случаев СЛУ не визуализируется через кожу, его нужно искать в ране, ориентируясь на ход лимфатического протока. Выполнение метода поиска от введения препарата до получения СЛУ занимает 15–30 минут. По нашей предварительной оценке, метод не уступает радионуклидному методу по частоте обнаружения СЛУ и частоте ложноотрицательных результатов


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    Today, there is no unambiguous definition of the phenomenon of professional deformation of an individual, which makes it impossible to separate the professional deformation from common errors in work, inadequate education of managers, normal fatigue, workaholism and professional “burnout”. An important feature of professional deformations is their gradual development in the process of activity and unawareness thereof by the employee. The lack of clear qualification requirements in the case when negative qualities are compensated with positive qualities often allowing the employee to perform his duties effectively lead to the fact that the professional deformation is not taken into account by the management. One of the problems of the professional deformation phenomenon is that the professional and personal deformations may not match and even contradict each other. The professional deformation is also developed if there is a mismatch between the education and the requirements of a particular job. The experience in different occupations, in addition to the development of positive qualities of a professional, often contributes to the development of negative qualities, i.e., professional deformations produced by various activities. The paper demonstrates the ambiguous relationship between professional deformations and professional incompetence, inadequate professional and life experience, common errors in professional activities. For every of such “paradoxes” general preventive measures are proposed not to allow these phenomena to escalate into a real professional deformation

    The Main Problems of the Existing Systems of Labor Motivation of Civil Servants and the Prospects for Overcoming them

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    Introduction, Purpose. The research topicality is determined by the lack of systematization of the key problems associated with motivation, encouragement and reward for work that generates not only the decrease of production efficiency in different spheres, but also the increasing of workers dissatisfaction. Accordingly, the aim of the study is to analyze and synthesize the problems of motivating work motivation. And the more specific objectives of our research are focused on: 1) the selection of key subject areas; 2) specific analysis for each problematic direction, in particular, the polymotivation (mngoaspektnosti), lack of professional graphic study (as a basis for a better labor norming), according to the labor and implementation of the principle of fairness in the system of motivation, incentives and rewards for work. Methods.The main method of our research is theoretical and methodological analysis and synthesis of existing domestic and foreign research on the stated issues, supplemented by methods involving analysis, hermeneutics, social cultural and socio-economic implementation context of the principle of equity in different systems of motivation, incentives and rewards for work. Results. The main results (findings) of the study are: 1) the allocation of the most problematic areas analysis of imperfection of many existing motivation systems work, in particular: a) labor polymotivation, often distorting labor motivation, if managers and subordinate lose his labor relationship with the Organization and of the entire society values, dljakotorogo they employ; b) insufficient professional graphic study of the specific work, complicating the development of labor standards, loads of medical and hygiene restrictions, as well as on the relevant remuneration standards; in) ill-founded evaluation system; g) common disregard for the principle of equity in the systems of motivation, or a perverse interpretation. Discussion. We see the future of research in a more specific analysis, synthesis and building a clear typology (System) of the various problems associated with motivation, encouragement and reward for labor, in relation to specific organizations and labor posts. This, in our view, is essential not only to improving the activities in specific organizations, but also a kind of prevention of discontent by the work of individuals and entire communities, as well as prevention and reduction of general discontent at the level of the regions and the country as a whole


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    The study has demonstrated that medical abortion in women with a history of breast cancer is not justified as a medical intervention in further pregnancy. After 2 years of the termination of treatment, there may be procreation in a patient with early cancer, a good prognosis, and an active wish to have a baby. At the same time, the patient should undergo a complete examination, involving a geneticist's counseling


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    Eleven cases of breast cancer (BC) diagnosed during or after in-vitro fertilization (IVF) are considered. The study group was observed to have cases of familial BC in 18.2% of the patients and BRCA1 gene mutations in 60%. At the same time 45.5% of cases had local- ly advanced and generalized BC, which suggests that there is a tumor at the initiation of a regular IVF cycle. The authors arrive at the conclusion that it is necessary to include a mammologist's examination, breast ultrasonography, and an oncogeneticist's counseling into the package of compulsory measures during IVF

    The peculiarities of perspective students selection mechanism by the future employers-enterprise

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The search of qualified staff is an up-to-date problem for all enterprises. In this regard the aim of the research is the development of perspective students selection mechanism by the future employers. One of the sub-stages of the algorithm is the formation of the resource and reserve groups of students by the enterprise representatives and by tutors of the faculty of professional educational institutions. The formation of the resource and reserve groups of students with flexible system of transition from one group into another according to the results of their progress, according to participation extracurricular life of the institute, participation at the international, All-Russian scientific and practical conferences, allow to intensify the process of their self-preparation by means of creation of the natural competitive environment in educational institution of professional education. It also helps to do the selection by employers and to distribute perspective students taking into account their potential opportunities and professional interests