97 research outputs found

    Vortex Interferometric Microscopy with Laguerre-Gaussian Beams

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    In the present research, we discuss the results of analysis of coherent light beams carrying an optical vortex and propagating through the isotropic medium with a complex surface microrelief and its application to super resolution microscopy. It was shown, that phase analysis of singular beam with single charged centered optical vortex allow to retrieve information about sample surface relief. High spatial resolution caused by vortex helical phase sensitivity to disturbances in wave front after reflection or spreading through studying sample, which can be optically transparent or have a reflecting surface. This method applicable for non-destructive testing of live cells and biological tissues in real-time regime with exceeding optical diffraction limit. Vertical resolution of a microscope based on the phase singularity of Laguerre-Gaussian beams of low order can be achieved down to 5,27 nm for helium-neon laser source for optically transparent and reflecting surfaces. Keywords: optical vortex, phase, microscopy, singularit

    Dialectics and Implications of Natural Neurotropic Autoantibodies in Neurological Disease and Rehabilitation

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    The role of natural idiotypic (Id-Abs) and anti-idiotypic (AId-Abs) autoantibodies against neuro-antigens observed in different neurological disorders is not fully understood. In particular, limited experimental evidence has been provided concerning the qualitative and quantitative serological response after acute injuries of the central nervous system or during chronic mental diseases. In this study, we analyzed the specific Id-Abs and AId-Abs serological reactivities against 4 neuro-antigens in a large population of patients with ischemic stroke, schizophrenia, as well as healthy individuals. Patients with ischemic stroke were tested at different time points following the acute stroke episode and a correlation was attempted between autoantibodies response and different patterns of functional recovery. Results showed variable and detectable Id-Abs and AId-Abs in different proportions of all three populations of subjects. Among patients with different functional recovery after ischemic stroke, a difference in time-related trends of Id-Abs and AId-Abs was encountered. Our observations suggest that changes in the production of natural neurotropic Abs may engender a positive homeostatic, beside a possible pathogenic effect, in specific neurological disorders


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    In this article bactericidal material was proposed. A key features of this material are the ability to inhibit reproduction of bacteria and not to make a change in the chemical composition and structure of the object to be preserved


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    In this paper the design of a device for detecting the displacement of an object during microscopic studies is proposed. A detailed description of the device is given and an experi-mental assessment of its parameters is carried out.Исследование частично профинансировано в рамках поддержанного Российским научным фондом гранта № 20-72-00065


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    In this report we apply a new laser scanning profilometer and review principles and applications of using an optical vortex in high spatial resolution metrology at nanoscale three-dimensional regime. The phase-shifting technique with coherent Laguerre-Gaussian beams demonstrates ability to examine profile of transparent and reflecting samples with high accuracy and resolution down to 1 nm.Данная работа выполнена в рамках ГСУ-проекта «АММУР – академическая мобильность молодых ученых России» Программы развития ФГАОУ ВО «КФУ им. В.И. Вернадского»

    Device for Monitoring Research Object's Position

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    In this paper a device for monitoring research object's position is proposed. A description of the design of the device, the algorithm of operation is given, the limits of applicability are highlighted.Исследование частично профинансировано в рамках поддержанного Российским научным фондом гранта № 20-72-00065

    Network Theory Analysis of Antibody-Antigen Reactivity Data: The Immune Trees at Birth and Adulthood

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    Motivation: New antigen microarray technology enables parallel recording of antibody reactivities with hundreds of antigens. Such data affords system level analysis of the immune system’s organization using methods and approaches from network theory. Here we measured the reactivity of 290 antigens (for both the IgG and IgM isotypes) of 10 healthy mothers and their term newborns. We constructed antigen correlation networks (or immune networks) whose nodes are the antigens and the edges are the antigen-antigen reactivity correlations, and we also computed their corresponding minimum spanning trees (MST) – maximal information reduced sub-graphs. We quantify the network organization (topology) in terms of the network theory divergence rate measure and rank the antigen importance in the full antigen correlation networks by the eigen-value centrality measure. This analysis makes possible the characterization and comparison of the IgG and IgM immune networks at birth (newborns) and adulthood (mothers) in terms of topology and node importance. Results: Comparison of the immune network topology at birth and adulthood revealed partial conservation of the IgG immune network topology, and significant reorganization of the IgM immune networks. Inspection of the antigen importance revealed some dominant (in terms of high centrality) antigens in the IgG and IgM networks at birth, which retain their importance at adulthood