245 research outputs found

    Laboratory study of the impact of repetitive electrical and mechanical stimulation on brown shrimp Crangon crangon

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    Pulse trawling is currently the best available alternative to beam trawling in the brown shrimp Crangon crangon and Sole Solea solea (also known as Solea vulgaris) fisheries. To evaluate the effect of repetitive exposure to electrical fields, brown shrimp were exposed to the commercial electrodes and pulse settings used to catch brown shrimp (shrimp startle pulse) or Sole (Sole cramp pulse) 20 times in 4 d and monitored for up to 14 d after the first exposure. Survival, egg loss, molting, and the degree of intranuclear bacilliform virus (IBV) infection were evaluated and compared with those in stressed but not electrically exposed (procedural control) and nonstressed, nonexposed (control) brown shrimp as well as brown shrimp exposed to mechanical stimuli. The lowest survival at 14 d (57.3%) occurred in the Sole cramp pulse treatment, and this was significantly lower than in the group with the highest survival, the procedural control (70.3%). No effect of electrical stimulation on the severity of IBV infection was found. The lowest percentage of molts occurred in the repetitive mechanical stimulation treatment (14.0%), and this was significantly lower than in the group with the highest percentage of molts, the procedural control (21.7%). Additionally, the mechanically stimulated brown shrimp that died during the experiment had a significantly larger size than the surviving individuals. Finally, no effect of the shrimp startle pulse was found. Therefore, it can be concluded that repetitive exposure to a cramp stimulus and mechanical stimulation may have negative effects on the growth and/or survival of brown shrimp. However, there is no evidence that electrical stimulation during electrotrawls would have a larger negative impact on brown shrimp stocks than mechanical stimulation during conventional beam trawling

    Evidence for Increased Beta-Adrenoreceptor Responsiveness Induced by 14 Days of Simulated Microgravity in Humans

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    We studied hemodynamic responses to alpha and beta receptor agonists in 8 healthy men ( 38+- 2 yrs) before and after 14 days of 6 degree head-down tilt (HDT) to test the hypothesis that increased adrenergic responsiveness is induced by prolonged exposure to microgravity. Immediately following a 30-min baseline period, a steady-state infusion of isoproterenol (ISO) was used to assess beta 1- and beta 2-adrenergic responsiveness. ISO was infused at three graded constant rates of 0.005, 0.01 and 0.02 ug/kg/min. After heart rate and blood pressure had been allowed to return to baseline levels following ISO infusion graded infusion of phenylephrine (PE) was used to assess responsiveness of alpha I-vascular receptors. PE was infused at three graded constant rates of 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 ug/kg/min. Each infusion interval for both drugs was 9 min. During the infusions, constant monitoring of beat-to-beat blood pressure and heart rate was performed and leg blood flow was measured with occlusion plethysmography at each infusion level. The slopes calculated from linear regressions between ISO and PE doses and changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and leg vascular resistance for each subject were used to represent alpha- and beta- adrenoreceptor responsiveness. Fourteen days HDT increased the slopes of heart rate (1056 +- 107 to 1553 +- 83 beats/ug/kg/min; P= 0.014) and vasodilation (-469ft +- 111 to -l446 +- 309 PRU/ug/kg/min; P =0.0224) to ISO infusion. There was no alteration in blood pressure or vascular resistance responses to PE infusion after HDT. Our results provide evidence that microgravity causes selective increases in beta 1- and beta 2-adrenergic responsiveness without affecting alpha 1-vascular responses

    Application of the Scale for Assessment and Rating of Ataxia in toddlers

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    Introduction: In young children with early onset ataxia (EOA), quantitative rating of ataxia by the Scale for Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA) is longitudinally influenced by the physiological age effect on motor coordination. To enable longitudinal quantitative interpretation of ataxia by SARA in children with EOA, the EPNS ataxia working group has previously determined SARA-scores in typically developing children (4-16 years of age). In toddlers, this information is still lacking. We therefore aimed to investigate the feasibility and reliability of SARA-scores in typically developing toddlers. Methods: In 57 typically developing toddlers (2-4 years), we aimed to determine the: 1. feasibility of SARA -scores, 2. age-related pre-requisites to obtain SARA-scores in toddlers over all domains, 3. SARA-score reliability, 4. mathematical age connection of SARA-scores in toddlers and older children. Results: In typically developing toddlers, the feasibility of SARA is strongly age-dependent (p < .000). After computing compensations for two age-related, unfeasible and therefore un-assessable kinetic subtasks and after allowing the videotaping of non-kinetic SARA sub-task performances at home, the SARA was fully reliably assessable in all (n = 57) toddlers (ICC = 0.732). From two to 16 years of age, SARA-scores were mathematically represented by one continuous, exponentially decreasing trend line approaching the adult-optimum at 16 years of age. Conclusion: In toddlers, SARA-scores are reliably assessable, by using two age-compensations and allowing the videotaping of SARA-performances partly at home. In children with EOA, these data enable longitudinal quantification and interpretation of quantitative ataxia-scores by SARA from 2 years of age throughout childhood

    Working Group on Electrical Trawling (WGELECTRA; outputs from 2021)

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    The Working Group on Electrical Trawling creates a platform for supra-national joint research projects on electro-trawling and scientific publications. The group also reviews all relevant studies on marine electrofishing and discusses the ongoing and upcoming research projects in the light of knowledge gaps. Research areas covered by the group included fishing tactics and dynamics, organisms and ecological impacts and selectivity of electro trawling. A study into the exploitation of local fishing grounds revealed that pulse trawlers and conventional tickler chain beam trawlers had similar tactics spending 10% of their tows searching for a fishing ground and spending 90% of their tows exploiting a fishing ground. In-situ field campaigns revealed a lower impact of pulse trawls on biogeochemical parameters compared to traditional beam trawl methods. Laboratory experiments found that while alternating or pulsed bipolar currents readily penetrated the sediment, biogeochemical effects appeared to be inhibited from occurring. The combined results concluded that the environmental impact of electricity from pulse trawls is relatively minor compared to the mechanical disturbances created from the same gears. Behavioral response thresholds for pulsed electric fields were determined in laboratory experiments for electroreceptive as well as non-electroreceptive fish species. Comparison of these thresholds to simulations of electric fields around commercial fishing gears suggest that electrical pulses are unlikely to substantially affect the investigated fish species outside the trawl track. A field study into direct mortality among fish and benthic organisms in the wake of pulse trawlers refuted claims that pulse trawling causes mass mortality among non-target species. A study into the selectivity of shrimp pulse trawling vs. traditional trawling concluded that that shrimp fishing using pulse gear does not result in higher amounts of undesired bycatches of small shrimp, fish and benthos when compared to the traditional shrimp beam trawl fisheries. The outline of a PhD project that started in 2021 into organism and ecological impacts of electrofishing for razor clams in Scottish shallow coastal habitats was presented and preliminary results were shared

    Mitigating seafloor disturbance of bottom trawl fisheries for North Sea sole Solea solea by replacing mechanical with electrical stimulation

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    Funding: ADR, NTH, PM, HP, JJP, TvK: European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) through the Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture Nature and Food Quality (LNV) (Grand/Award Number: 1300021172); NO ADR, JD, ORE, NTH, AI, FO, HP, JJP, TvK: FP 7 project BENTHIS (grant no. 312088); NO.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Comparison of mechanical disturbance in soft sediments due to tickler-chain SumWing trawl versus electro-fitted PulseWing trawl

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    This study was part-funded by the EU FP 7 project BENTHIS (grant no. 312088). It does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission and does not anticipate the Commissionā€™s future policy in this area. We are grateful for the logistic support of VLIZ, the fishermen of TX43 and TX29 and crew members of RV ISIS and RV Simon Stevin during the sea trials and NIOZ for the use of their box corer. ADR and LRT were partly supported by the project ā€œImpact assessment pulsvisserijā€. We are indebted to the skippers and Eddy Buyvoets for drawing the net plans of the trawls. We thank John Aldridge for his insights in sediment transport in relation to natural dynamics; Bavo De Witte for conducting the particle size analysis; Daniel Benden for assisting SPI analyses; Miriam Levenson for English-language editing and Julie Bremner and Stefan Bolam for their critical review. We also wish to thank 3 anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments on earlier drafts of this manuscript.Peer reviewedPostprin
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