69 research outputs found

    Dermatologcal Complaints of the Elderly Attending a Dermatology Outpatient Clinic in Turkey: A Prospective Study over a One-year period

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    The geriatric population is continuously growing, which leads to more aged patients being admitted to dermatology clinics. The aim of this study is to determine the dermatological complaints of the elderly attending a dermatology outpatient clinic.All of the patients aged 65 years and older admitted to our dermatology outpatient clinic over a 1-year period were included. Patients were divided into 2 groups according to their ages as group I (65-74 years) and group II (≥75 years). The patients were asked about their dermatologic complaints.A total of 240 geriatric patients attended to the dermatology outpatient clinic over a 1-year period. Overall, the five most frequent dermatologic complaints of the patients were eczematous dermatitis (21.7%), pruritus (19.6%), fungal infections (16.7%), precancerous and malignant lesions (9.6%), and bacterial infections (7.1%). The most frequent types of eczematous dermatitis were asteatotic eczema (26.9%), neurodermatitis (26.9%), and stasis dermatitis (17.3%). Among fungal infections, the most frequent was tinea pedis (62.5%), followed by onychomycosis (32.5%) and tinea versicolor (5.0%). The most common precancerous lesion was actinic keratosis (78.3%). Bacterial infections encountered were pyoderma (58.8%), cellulitis (23.5%), and erythrasma (17.6%).Most of the skin problems in the elderly are preventable or treatable, so proper skin care and treatment of skin diseases should be emphasized in general health care for the elderly. </p

    Perkütan endoskopik gastrostomi sırasında kateterizasyon noktasının önemi

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    Amaç: Perkütan endoskopik gastrostomi (PEG) sırasında komplikasyonları minimize etmek esastır. Kateterizasyon noktası ile PEG'in minör komplikasyonlar arasındaki ilişki çok önemlidir. Bu çalışmamızda cerrahi endoskopi ünitemizde uygulanan PEG sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesini amaçladık. Yöntem: Yenikent devlet hastanesi endoskopi ünitesinde 2008- 2011 yılları arasında 76 hastaya PEG girişiminde bulunuldu. PEG uygulanan hasta sonuçları retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Kateter yerleştirme alanına gore hastalar iki gruba ayrıldı. Sonuçlar istatistiksel değerlendirilmesi SPSS, Windows 21.0 ile gerçekleştirildi ve p<0.05 istatistiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edildi. Bulgular: Hastaların 48 (63%) erkek, 28 (37%) kadın ve yaş ortalaması 57.74 idi. Majör komplikasyon gözlenmedi. Minor komplikasyonlar birinci grupta 3(%7.89), ikinci grupta 10(%26,31) ve tüm hastaların 13(%17.10) 'ünde meydana geldi. Istatis tiksel olarak iki grup arasında anlamlı fark bulunmuştur(p <0.05). Sonuç: PEG güvenli, etkili ve hızlı bir yöntemdir. Minor komplikasyonlar özellikle kateterizas yonun yanlış noktada yapılmış hastalarda meydana gelmektedir. Kataterizasyon sol arkus castalis ile umblikus arasındaki doğrunun ¾ veya 2/3 lük alanda yapılır ise mimör komplikasyonları azaltır.Objective: it is essential to minimize complications during percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy(PEG). The relationship between catheter insertion point and minor complications of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy is very important. The aim of this study is to evaluate the PEG results in our surgical endoscopy unit. Method: This study included retrospective review of 76 patients who underwent percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in the endoscopy unit of Yenikent state hosp ital between 2008 and 2011. PEG catheter insertion point evaluated retrospectively. The patients were divided into two groups according to PEG catheter insertion point. The results were processed with SPSS&reg; ver. 21.0 (Chicago IL) p&lt;0.05 was accepted to be statistically significant. Results: There were 48 (63%) men and 28 (37%) women. The median age of the patients was 57.74 years. There was no major complication. Minor complications were occurred in 3 (%7.89) of patients from group I, 10(%26,31) of patients from group II and 13(%17.10) all patients. Statistically significant differences were found between in group I and group II (p&lt;0.005). Conclusions: PEG is a very efficient, safe and fast method. Minor complications are occurred mainly among patients with inappropriate PEG insertion point, which is a technique -related factor. If catheter insertion is made appropriate point where is two-thirds or three-quarters of the distance from the umbilicus to the midpoint of the left costal magrin , it is seem to reduction of minor complications

    Mejora de stocks en el sudeste del Mar Negro, mediante la liberación de rodaballos, Psetta maxima, criados en cautividad: análisis de la captura, migración, crecimiento y dieta

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    In this study, the capture, growth, migration and diet of hatchery-released turbots (Psetta maxima) were examined in the southeastern Black Sea region for six years (2009-2014). A total of 9933 turbots were marked with individual serial-numbered T-bar anchor tags and released at Trabzon, Turkey. The mean TL and weight of the released turbots were 12.91 cm (±1.25) and 35.41 g (±12.38) and the same measurements for the captured turbots were 31.17±0.86 cm and 878.08±69.47 g, respectively. A total of 2.7% (270 fishes) of the tagged individuals were captured during the study period and the age of the captured tagged fishes was between 0+ and 5+ years. Growth of the captured turbots was analytically examined. Movements of the tagged turbots were expressed as “resident” and “migratory”. Three prey groups showed the majority of forage organisms; teleost fishes, crustaceans and mollusks in the stomach of the captured turbots. The hatchery-released turbots might be used for stock enhancement due to their high growth rate and commercial value, and their relatively limited migration range.En este estudio se examinaron datos de captura, crecimiento, migración y dieta, de rodaballos (Psetta maxima) criados en cautividad y liberados en zonas del sudeste del Mar Negro, durante seis años (2009-2014). Se marcaron individualmente un total de 9933 rodaballos, utilizando marcas numeradas en serie (marcas de plástico tipo T) y se liberaron en Trabzon (Turquía). Las medias de longitud total (TL) y peso total de los rodaballos liberados fueron de 12.91 cm (±1.25) y 35.41 g (±12.38), y las mismas medidas para los rodaballos capturados fueron de 31.17±0.86 cm y 878.08±69.47 g, respectivamente. Un 2.7% (270 peces) de los individuos marcados fue capturado durante el periodo de estudio y la edad de estos individuos osciló entre 0+ y 5+ años de edad. El crecimiento de los rodaballos capturados se examinó analíticamente. Los movimientos de los rodaballos marcados fueron expresados como “residentes” y “migratorios”. La mayoría de los organismos presentes en los estómagos de los rodaballos capturados pertenecían a tres grupos de presas: peces teleósteos, crustáceos y moluscos. Los rodaballos criados en cautividad y liberados podrían ser usados en la mejora de stocks debido a su elevada tasa de crecimiento, valor comercial, y su relativamente limitado rango de migración

    Reproductive Characteristics and Egg Development in Flounder (Pleuronectes flesus luscus) in the Southern Black Sea

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    Abstract Spawning time, total fecundity, egg size, fertilization and hatching rates, and egg development of the flounder, Pleuronectes flesus luscus, were investigated in six wild female broodstock (mean wt 394.4±226.8 g). Spawning lasted 33 days from December 29 to January 30. Mean total fecundity was 171.4±109 x 10 3 eggs per female. Newly ovulated eggs were spherical and buoyant, with a diameter of 1.075-1.213 mm (avg 1.156±0.025 mm), a colorless transparent chorion, a slightly yellowish unsegmented yolk, and a narrow perivitelline space, without an oil globule. Fertilization and hatching rates were 17.2±15.7% and 51.5±27.6%, respectively. Hatching occurred after 117 h of incubation at 9.8-11ºC. There were variations in egg size between batches, with the size tending to decrease during the spawning season (p&lt;0.05)

    The Importance of Hospital Choice in Burn Patients: Retrospective Evaluation of 22 Cases

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    Amaç: Çeşitli nedenler ile yanmış 22 hastanın tedavi yeri ve şeklinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Materyal ve metod: Temmuz 2008 - Eylül 2014 tarihleri arasında yanık nedeniyle yanık odasında tedavi edilen 22 hastanın verileri retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Yanık nedeni; olguların %50(11)'ınde sıcak su, %36,4(8)'ınde yanıcı madde ile temas, ve %13,6(3)'ınde tandıra düşmedir. Tüm olgulara antibiyotik ve açık pansuman uygulandı. Sonuç: Genel cerrahi yanık odası; her türlü genişlikteki birinci derece yanık, komorbiditesi olmayan %10 altı ikinci derece yanık ve % 3'ün altı 3 derece yanık olguların tedavisinde yeterli bir ünitedir.Objective: We aimed to evaluate the location and depth of the burn injury of 22 patients treated in local burn unit. Materials and Methods : Data of 22 patients who were treated in the burn unit between July 2008 and September 2014, were reviewed retrospectively. Results: Half of the injuries of the patients studied were due to hot water, %36.4 were due to direct contact with the burning material, %13.5 were due to fall into a heated natural cousine. All cases were treated by antibiotics and open dressing.Conclusion: We found that this burn unit facilities can help to treat 1st degree burn injury of every kind, lower than %10 amount of 2nd degree burn injury treatment and less than %3 3th degree burn injury without transporting the patient to a big burn center

    Gall Bladder Diverticulum: A Case Report

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    Gallbladder pseudodiverticulum is an unusual and uncommon disease. This disorder may not be diagnosed until surgically resected. Preoperative; Ultrasonography findings of gallstones was diagnosed. The presentation may entail nonspecific complaints over a prolonged period as highlighted in a case report of a 50-year-old man with this disease. The incidence and pathophysiology of this disease process is correlated to the symptoms and signs of this patient. In this paper, we report imaging findings and the surgical results, procedure, and outcome are described

    Sigmoid Volvulus Accompanying Acute Mesenteric Ischemia In Operated Patient With Acute Abdominal Pain: A Case Report

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    Concomitant sigmoid volvulus with acute mesenteric ischemia is rare condition. Volvulus can be treated by detorsion with sigmoidoscopy before surgery but urgent surgical intervention is needed in mesenteric ischemia. In this case, delaying the operation in case of mesenteric ischemia with volvulus diagnosis increases mortality and morbidity. In case the diagnosis of sigmoid volvulus was made preoperatively, but intraoperatively acute mesenteric ischemia was seen with concomitant sigmoid volvulus. Operative findings, radiological findings and treatment methods is discussed in this presentation


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    Akut mezenterik iskemi ile eş zamanlı sigmoid volvulusun görülmesi nadir bir durumdur. Volvulusta cerrahi öncesi sigmoidoskop ile detorsiyone edilerek tedavi sağlanabilir ancak iskemide acil cerrahi müdahale gerekir. Volvulus tanısı alan mezenter iskemi olgularında ameliyatın geçiktirilmesi mortalite ve morbiditeyi artırır. Sigmoid volvulusu ön tanısıyla ameliyata alınmış, ancak laparatomide; sigmoid volvulus ve aynı zamanda akut mezenter iskemi gözlenen 68 yaşındaki akut batın olgusunun; operasyon bulguları, radyolojik bulguları ve tedavi yöntemleri açısından tartışmayı amaçladıkConcomitant sigmoid volvulus with acute mesenteric ischemia is rare condition. Volvulus can be treated by detorsion with sigmoidoscopy before surgery but urgent surgical intervention is needed in mesenteric ischemia. In this case, delaying the operation in case of mesenteric ischemia with volvulus diagnosis increases mortality and morbidity. In case the diagnosis of sigmoid volvulus was made preoperatively, but intraoperatively acute mesenteric ischemia was seen with concomitant sigmoid volvulus. Operative findings, radiological findings and treatment methods is discussed in this presentation

    Preparatıon and Implementatıon of A Wrıtıng Skıll Development Program Based on Local Envıronment and Experıences

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    The main purpose of the current study is to investigate the effect of the writing skill development program based on local environment and experiences on the development of the writing skills of 5th graders. In this context, the effect of the prepared program on students’ skill of writing narrative and informative texts, the internal structure of the text, the external structure of the text, language and expression, writing anxiety and writing motivation was examined. The study was designed in line with the mixed method and in the quantitative dimension, it was designed as the multiple probe model, one of the single-subject research models, and in the qualitative dimension, it was designed as the case study model. The study group is comprised of two 5th grade students, one female and one male, attending a state school located in the city of Van. The writing skill development program based on the local environment and experiences, which was prepared by taking expert opinion, was applied for 14 weeks. The data of the study were collected by using the “Story Elements Evaluation Scale”, “Informative Text Evaluation Scale”, “Writing Motivation Scale”, “Writing Anxiety Scale”, student documents, observation, student and parent interview forms. The collected data were analyzed with graphical representation, calculation of non-overlapping data percentage, document analysis and content analysis methods. On the basis of the results derived from the findings of the study, it was concluded that the writing skill development program based on local environment and experiences positively affected the development of the students’ narrative and informative text writing skills, the development of the elements of narrative and informative texts, reduced the students’ writing anxiety, increased their writing motivation, reduced mistakes in sentences and words, yet it did not have any positive effect on the external structure of the text, language and expression (dividing the text into paragraphs, spelling rules, punctuation rules and paper layout). In light of these results, suggestions were made.Bu çalışmanın temel amacı; yerel çevreye ve deneyimlere dayalı yazma becerisi geliştirme programının, 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin yazma becerilerinin gelişimine etkisini araştırmaktır. Bu bağlamda hazırlanan programın; öğrencilerin hikâye edici ve bilgilendirici metin yazma becerisi, metin içyapısı, dış yapısı ile dil ve anlatım, yazma kaygısı ve yazma motivasyonu üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Çalışma karma yöntemde tasarlanmış olup nicel boyutta tek-denekli araştırma modellerinden çoklu yoklama modeli; nitel boyutta ise durum çalışması modeli olarak tasarlanmıştır. Çalışma grubunu, Van ilindeki bir devlet okulunda 5. sınıfa devam etmekte olan biri kız, biri erkek olmak üzere iki öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Uzman görüşü alınarak hazırlanan, yerel çevreye ve deneyimlere dayalı yazma becerisi geliştirme programı 14 hafta boyunca uygulanmıştır. Çalışmanın verileri; “Hikâye Elementleri Değerlendirme Ölçeği”, “Bilgilendirici Metin Değerlendirme Ölçeği”, “Yazma Motivasyonu Ölçeği”, “Yazma Kaygısı Ölçeği”, öğrenci dokümanları, gözlem, öğrenci ve veli görüşme formları aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Veriler; grafiksel gösterim, örtüşmeyen veri yüzdesi hesaplaması, doküman analizi ve içerik analizi yöntemliyle analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın bulgularından elde edilen sonuçlara göre, yerel çevreye ve deneyimlere dayalı yazma becerisi geliştirme programının öğrencilerin, hikâye edici ve bilgilendirici metin yazma becerisi ve hikâye elementleri ile bilgilendirici metin elementlerinin gelişiminde etkili olduğu; öğrencilerin yazma kaygısını azalttığı ve yazma motivasyonunu arttırdığı; cümle hataları ve kelime hatalarını azalttığı; buna karşın metin dış yapısı ile dil ve anlatımda (metni paragraflara ayırma, yazım kuralları, noktalama işaretleri ve kâğıt düzeni) etkili olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu sonuçlar bağlamında öneriler sunulmuştur