3,754 research outputs found

    Nutritional and Defensive Chemistry of Three North American Ash Species: Possible Roles in Host Performance and Preference by Emerald Ash Borer Adults

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    Black ash (Fraxinus nigra), green ash (F. pennsylvanica), and white ash (F. americana) are the three most abundant ash species in the northeastern USA. We compared emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), adult performance and preference among seedlings of the three ash species, and then related performance and preference to foli- age nutritional quality and defensive compounds. Longevity of EAB adults reared on green and white ash was found to be greater than on black ash. EAB adult females also seemed to show feeding preference among the three species of ash trees because the total foliage area consumption was greater on green ash and white ash compared to black ash in dual-choice tests; however, the total mass of foliage consumed did not differ. The foliage of all ash species was high in nitrogen and in most macro- and micro-nutrients studied. The patterns of EAB performance and preference did not correspond to any of the individual chemical compounds tested (nitrogen, proteins, most macro- and micro-nutrients, or putative defensive compounds of ash seedlings). Never- theless, greater longevity of EAB adults on green and white ash compared to black ash was probably related to unbalanced nutrients (total nitrogen/total non-structural carbohydrate ratio) of black ash. Putative defensive compounds (i.e., phenolics and protease inhibitors) did not contribute to EAB longevity in this study, probably because (1) EAB adults were able to excrete most of these compounds and (2) their effects were alleviated by high nitrogen levels. More research is needed to elucidate the interactions of nitrogen and carbohydrate levels, and the interactions of nutrient balance and defensive plant allelochemicals on EAB performance and preference

    Effects of Visual Silhouette, Leaf Size and Host Species on Feeding Preference by Adult Emerald Ash Borer, \u3ci\u3eAgrilus Planipennis\u3c/i\u3e Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)

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    The emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) is an invasive species recently established in North America. In large arena bioassays, when given a choice among live green ash, Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh and artificial ash saplings that were hidden or exposed from view, beetles preferred live trees (either visible or hidden) compared to artificial trees that had similar visual silhouettes, confirming that olfactory cues are used to locate hosts. Examination of the effect of leaf size revealed that large leaves attracted more beetles than medium-sized leaves that in turn attracted more beetles than small leaves of the same age. Beetles also consumed more of the large leaves in terms of total leaf area than either medium or small leaves, but the proportion of foliage that beetles consumed relative to total available leaf area, did not differ. When newly emerged adults were fed on green and Manchurian ash, Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr., foliage in a no- choice assay, beetles that were given green ash consumed significantly more foliage compared to those that fed on Manchurian ash, but neither longevity nor beetle body weight differed. Our results suggest that while beetles might use olfactory cues to identify suitable hosts, visual cues also play a role in landing and feeding behavior. Manchurian ash might have greater nutritive value or resistance than green ash, necessitating lower consumption and therefore less damage in nature

    \u3ci\u3eTomicus Piniperda\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Scolytidae): Is Shoot Feeding Required for Reproductive Maturation?

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    The pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), is a univoltine pest of pine in its native range of Europe and Asia. Tomicus piniperda is now widely established in the Great Lakes region and poses a potentially significant threat to other pine-producing areas in North America. An unusual aspect of the life history of T. piniperda is the extended period of maturation-feeding that takes place in the shoots of living pine trees and subsequent overwintering before adults reproduce the following year. We investigated the extent to which shoot-feeding is required by newly-emerged T. piniperda before introduction into Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris) logs and before any overwintering, in order for successful reproduction to occur. Tomi­cus piniperda F1 adults successfully reproduced in pine logs in the laboratory after either no shoot-feeding or after 2 to 10 weeks of shoot-feeding. Thus, it is theoretically possible for T. piniperda to be multivoltine, yet it remains univoltine

    Current status of plague and plague control in the United States

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    During the first quarter of the 20th century, massive rat-borne plague epidemics occurred in port cities of the United States in conjunction with the last world-wide pandemic which originated in China in 1893. By 1950, plague was found to be firmly established in wild rodent populations in states west of the 100th meridian. Presumably because of improved sanitation coupled with retreat of the world-wide pandemic, there have been no human cases in this country associated with urban rats since 1924. However, sporadic cases, fewer than 10 per year, are reported as due to contact with wild rodents, lagomorphs, rural rats, and/or their fleas. Recent observations suggest that: a) in the current decade there has been an increase in human plague cases; b) there continues to be a serious potential of a single undiagnosed and untreated case, which possibility is intensified by the very paucity of human cases decreasing the likelihood of a correct diagnosis and by changing patterns of life exhibited by members of our society (e.g., hippie communes and a generally increased mobility); and c) the apparent distribution of plague only in the area west of the 100th meridian might be found to represent an unrealistic generalization if adequate surveillance were carried out. At the present time human plague cases from wild animal sources tend to be isolated events both spatially and temporally and often cannot be attributed to confined and definable epizootic sources amenable to effective control programs. Improved means for epizootic control and long-term management of enzootic plague sources must be sought aggressively. These measures should include development of: a) a surveillance network to detect plague activity in rodent and lagomorph populations throughout the western United States; b) effective, yet ecologically sound, means of ectoparasite control, including suitable materials and methods of application; c) methods for management of plague-susceptible wild animal populations, particularly where they exist in contact with high use recreation and residential areas; and d) more extensive knowledge of enzootic plague and the factors that bring about epizootic plague and potential human contact

    Supersymmetry without the Desert

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    Naturalness of electroweak symmetry breaking in weak scale supersymmetric theories may suggest the absence of the conventional supersymmetric desert. We present a simple, realistic framework for supersymmetry in which (most of) the virtues of the supersymmetric desert are naturally reproduced without having a large energy interval above the weak scale. The successful supersymmetric prediction for the low-energy gauge couplings is reproduced due to a gauged R symmetry present in the effective theory at the weak scale. The observable sector superpotential naturally takes the form of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model, but without being subject to the Landau pole constraints up to the conventional unification scale. Supersymmetry breaking masses are generated by the F-term and D-term VEVs of singlet and U(1)_R gauge fields, as well as by anomaly mediation, at a scale not far above the weak scale. We study the resulting patten of supersymmetry breaking masses in detail, and find that it can be quite distinct. We construct classes of explicit models within this framework, based on higher dimensional unified theories with TeV-sized extra dimensions. A similar model based on a non-R symmetry is also presented. These models have a rich phenomenology at the TeV scale, and allow for detailed analyses of, e.g., electroweak symmetry breaking.Comment: 42 page

    Evaluation of Three Trap Types and Five Lures for Monitoring \u3ci\u3eHylurgus Ligniperda\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) and Other Local Scolytids in New York

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    Hylurgus ligniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) is a pine (Pinus spp.) pest native to Eurasia and northern Africa. In December 2000, an established population of H. ligniperda was discovered in Monroe County, New York. When surveys were initiated to determine the distribution of H. ligniperda, questions arose regarding the most effective trap and lure for survey purposes. We conducted a study in April-May 2001 to compare the effectiveness of commercially available scolytid traps and lures for attracting and capturing H. ligniperda. Traps tested included: 1) 12-unit Lindgren funnel trap, 2) Intercept panel trap, and 3) Theysohn slot-trap. Lures tested included: 1) α-pinene high release (750 mg/day) and ethanol (280 mg/ day), 2) α-pinene low release (300 mg/day) and ethanol, 3) β-pinene high release (2000 mg/day) and ethanol, 4) α-pinene low release, and 5) the “exotic bark beetle lure” [ipsdienol (0.15 mg/day), cis-verbenol (0.35 mg/day), and methylbutenol (10 mg/day)]. All three trap designs captured H. ligniperda, however, the Lindgren funnel trap caught significantly higher numbers. Capture rates of Tomicus piniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) and Hylastes opacus were highest in Lindgren funnel traps; whereas Orthotomicus caelatus collections were highest in Theysohn traps. Capture rates of Ips grandicollis and Xyleborinus saxeseni did not vary significantly among trap types. Behavioral differences among scolytid species such as visual stimuli, flight and landing behavior, and host selection may explain some of these differences. Lures containing α-pinene or β-pinene and ethanol were most attractive to H. ligniperda adults, with ethanol and high-release α-pinene attracting the highest numbers in absolute terms. The exotic bark beetle lure was the least attractive lure to H. ligniperda. Attractiveness of the lures tested varied significantly for other Scolytidae, including Dendroctonus valens, H. opacus, Ips calligraphus, I. grandicollis, I. pini, O. caelatus, T. piniperda, and X. saxeseni. These differences likely were due to variation in lure release rates, host preferences, and/or species-specific pheromone attraction

    Generative AI and US Intellectual Property Law

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    The rapidity with which generative AI has been adopted and advanced has raised legal and ethical questions related to the impact on artists rights, content production, data collection, privacy, accuracy of information, and intellectual property rights. Recent administrative and case law challenges have shown that generative AI software systems do not have independent intellectual property rights in the content that they generate. It remains to be seen whether human content creators can retain their intellectual property rights against generative AI software, its developers, operators, and owners for the misappropriation of the work of human creatives, given the metes and bounds of existing law. Early signs from various courts are mixed as to whether and to what degree the results generated by AI models meet the legal standards of infringement under existing law.Comment: 6 page

    Unfolding and unzipping of single-stranded DNA by stretching

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    We present a theoretical study of single-stranded DNA under stretching. Within the proposed framework, the effects of basepairing on the mechanical response of the molecule can be studied in combination with an arbitrary underlying model of chain elasticity. In a generic case, we show that the stretching curve of ssDNA exhibits two distinct features: the second-order "unfolding" phase transition, and a sharp crossover, reminiscent of the first-order "unzipping" transition in dsDNA. We apply the theory to the particular cases of Worm-like Chain (WLC) and Freely-Joint Chain (FJC) models, and discuss the universal and model--dependent features of the mechanical response of ssDNA. In particular, we show that variation of the width of the unzipping crossover with interaction strength is very sensitive to the energetics of hairpin loops. This opens a new way of testing the elastic properties of ssDNA.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, substantially revised versio

    The GSFC scientific data storage problem

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    Scientific data storage problems of telemetry tape

    Disruptant Effects of 4-Allylanisole and Verbenone on \u3ci\u3eTomicus Piniperda\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Response to Baited Traps and Logs

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    We assessed the inhibitory effects of the host compound 4-allylanisole (release rates = 1 and 2 mg/d in 1994, and 1 and 10 mg/d in 2001) on the response of the pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda (L.), adults to funnel traps baited with the attractant host compound α-pinene (release rate = 150 mg/d) in two pine Christmas tree plantations in Michigan in spring 1994 and two other plantations in spring 2001. In three of the four plantations, all doses of 4- allylanisole significantly reduced T. piniperda attraction to α-pinene-baited traps by 46 to 76%. We also tested the inhibitory effect of the antiaggregation pheromone verbenone (release rates = 2 and 4 mg/d) on T. piniperda attack density on pine bolts (average bolt length was 62 cm and diameter was 19 cm) at three sites (two pine forest stands and one Christmas tree plantation) in Michigan in 1994. Verbenone significantly reduced T. piniperda attack density by 37 to 60% at the two pine stands, but not at the Christmas tree plantation