75 research outputs found
The development of tourism in the Historical Silver Mine and the groundwater management system in Tarnowskie Góry – a case study of mining heritage tourism
This article presents the values of the Silesian mining heritage in the context of accessibility of the Zabytkowa Kopalnia Srebra (Historical Silver Mine) in the Tarnowskie Góry. Simultaneously, this is the largest, best-preserved and accessible historicallead-silver mine in Poland with its unique, integrated historical groundwater management system of drainage adits and a potable water supply network. In this area, industrial heritage is now becoming a precious touristic and cultural value in and of itself. The scope of the article includes the characterization of all objects added to the UNESCO World Heritage List, the description of ground and underground tourist trails and the history of their accessibility. Not all underground workings have been included into the tourist trail, due to their preservation conditions, accessibility and mine safety measures. The paper also presentsa multi-faceted evaluation of the accessibility to all objects of mining heritage, including sites that are currently inaccessible, but still have the potential for tourism development
Cellular responses to naphthoquinones : juglone as a case study
The effects of juglone (JG) on the endogenous growth, growth in the presence of either indoleacetic acid (IAA) or fusicoccin (FC) and on proton extrusion were studied in maize coleoptile segments. In addition, membrane potential changes were also determined at chosen JG concentrations. It was found that JG, when added to the incubation medium, inhibited endogenous growth as well as growth in the presence of either IAA or FC. Simultaneous measurements of growth and external pH indicated that inhibition of either IAA-induced growth or proton extrusion by JG was a linear function of JG concentration. Addition of JG to the control medium caused depolarization of the membrane potential (Em), value of which was dependent on JG concentration and time after its administration. Hyperpolarization of Em induced by IAA was suppressed in the presence of JG. It was also found that for coleoptile segments initially preincubated with JG, although subsequently removed, addition of IAA was not effective in the stimulation of growth and medium acidification. Taken together, these results suggest that the mechanism by which JG inhibits the IAA-induced growth of maize coleoptile segments involves inhibition of PM H+-ATPase activity
Some new methodological and conceptual aspects of the "acid growth theory" for the auxin action in Maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptile segments: do acid- and auxin-induced rapid growth differ in their mechanisms?
Two arguments against the “acid growth theory” of auxin-induced growth were re-examined.
First, the lack of a correlation between the IAA-induced growth and medium acidification,
which is mainly due to the cuticle, which is a barrier for proton diffusion. Second, acid- and the
IAA-induced growth are additive processes, which means that acid and the IAA act via different
mechanisms. Here, growth, medium pH, and membrane potential (in some experiments) were simultaneously
measured using non-abraded and non-peeled segments but with the incubation medium
having access to their lumen. Using such an approach significantly enhances both the IAAinduced
growth and proton extrusion (similar to that of abraded segments). Staining the cuticle on
the outer and inner epidermis of the coleoptile segments showed that the cuticle architecture differs
on both sides of the segments. The dose-response curves for the IAA-induced growth and proton
extrusion were bell-shaped with the maximum at 10−4 M over 10 h. The kinetics of the IAA-induced
hyperpolarisation was similar to that of the rapid phase of the IAA-induced growth. It is also proposed
that the K+/H+ co-transporters are involved in acid-induced growth and that the combined
effect of the K+ channels and K+/ H+ co-transporters is responsible for the IAA-induced growth. These
findings support the “acid growth theory” of auxin action
Fusicoccin (FC)-Induced Rapid Growth, Proton Extrusion and Membrane Potential Changes in Maize (Zea mays L.) Coleoptile Cells: Comparison to Auxin Responses
The fungal toxin fusicoccin (FC) induces rapid cell elongation, proton extrusion and
plasma membrane hyperpolarization in maize coleoptile cells. Here, these three parameters were
simultaneously measured using non-abraded and non-peeled segments with the incubation medium
having access to their lumen. The dose–response curve for the FC-induced growth was sigmoidal
shaped with the maximum at 106 M over 10 h. The amplitudes of the rapid growth and proton
extrusion were significantly higher for FC than those for indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). The differences
between the membrane potential changes that were observed in the presence of FC and IAA relate to
the permanent membrane hyperpolarization for FC and transient hyperpolarization for IAA. It was
also found that the lag times of the rapid growth, proton extrusion and membrane hyperpolarization
were shorter for FC compared to IAA. At 30 C, the biphasic kinetics of the IAA-induced growth rate
could be changed into a monophasic (parabolic) one, which is characteristic for FC-induced rapid
growth. It has been suggested that the rates of the initial phase of the FC- and IAA-induced growth
involve two common mechanisms that consist of the proton pumps and potassium channels whose
contribution to the action of both effectors on the rapid growth is different
Psychologiczne i etyczne aspekty zarządzania organizacją biurokratyczną
Poruszanie zagadnień etycznych w odniesieniu do pracy w organizacjach
publicznych jest często rozumiane we współczesnym społeczeństwie
jako luksus, na który pozwolić mogą sobie tylko osoby niemające żadnego
pomysłu na inne pożyteczne działania. Obserwując świat dzisiejszych
organizacji, łatwo dostrzec, że wśród obowiązujących kryteriów oceny
ich działania normy moralne stanowią pewien margines. Dominują zaś
wartości prakseologiczne, takie jak sprawność, skuteczność, a zwłaszcza
ekonomiczność. Organizacje wprawdzie deklarują gotowość do przestrzegania
norm etycznych, ale — jak mówią niektórzy, mrugając przy tym
porozumiewawczo okiem — życie kroczy własną drogą. Autorom niniejszego
artykułu przyświeca teza, że działanie skuteczne nie przeciwstawia
się działaniom etycznym, że nie stoi z nimi w sprzeczności, co więcej, że
nie można działać skutecznie, nie działając etycznie
The influence of thickness of ACL tendon graft on long-term results of treatment
1. INTRODUCTION: Operative treatment is the treatment of choice for the most severe, third-degree ACL sprain. Many operational techniques exist, including technique using a quadruple-folded semitendinosus tendon and the technique of double-folded semitendinosus and gracilis tendons. Depending on the technique chosen, we can obtain different thicknesses of the grafts used. 2. AIM OF THE STUDY: To find a relationship between the type of surgical technique used and the thickness of the graft, as well as to assess the effect of the thickness of the applied autograft on the long-term outcome of the treatment. 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study included a group of 43 patients operated on due to ACL injury. In 21 patients, the procedure was performed using the quadruple-folded semitendinosus tendon, whereas in 22 patients the procedure was performed using double-folded semitendinosus and gracilis tendons. The patients were divided into groups based on the thickness of the transplant. A special questionnaire prepared on the basis of the KOOS scale was used to assess the subjective performance of the knee. The type and thickness of the graft was determined based on the analysis of operational protocols. The statistical analysis of the results of the study was performed. The Chi-square compatibility test or chi-square compatibility test in the Yates modification were used to assess the relationship. 4. RESULTS: A relationship was found between the parameters: "general quality of life" (p = 0.01), "pain" (p = 0.005), "sports activity" (p = 0.05), "everyday activities" (p = 0, 01). There is no dependence for the "other symptoms" parameter (p = 0.1). There is no relationship between the technique used and the graft thickness (p = 0.2). 5. CONCLUSIONS: The choice of the surgical technique does not affect the final thickness of the autograft. Overall quality of life, pain, sports activity; everyday activities are the parameters of the KOOS scale, which are affected by the thickness of the transplant
Jakość przywiązania u osób dorosłych ze zdiagnozowanym płodowym zespołem alkoholowym
Celem badania było określenie charakteru wzorców przywiązania w grupie dorosłych osób z płodowym zespołem
alkoholowym (foetal alcohol syndrome, FAS) pochodzących z rodzin zastępczych, adopcyjnych i biologicznych. Zakładano,
iż osoby te rozwijają pozabezpieczne style przywiązania w większym stopniu, niż to ma miejsce w populacji ogólnej. Materiał
i metoda: W badaniu uczestniczyły dwie grupy po 30 osób. Procedura badania składała się z dwóch faz. W pierwszej
wykonano diagnozę występowania objawów FAS u dzieci na podstawie Czterocyfrowego Kwestionariusza Diagnostycznego
FASD – tzw. Kwestionariusza Waszyngtońskiego. Miało to na celu ocenę spektrum poalkoholowych wrodzonych zaburzeń
rozwojowych. W drugiej fazie zbadano charakter przywiązania u 30 osób z FAS będących obecnie młodymi dorosłymi,
wykorzystując do tego polską wersję kwestionariusza Experience in Close Relationships-Revised. Dodatkowo w obu fazach przeprowadzono poszerzone wywiady z rodzicami lub opiekunami badanych z FAS. W celu porównania wyników tych osób
w stosunku do populacji ogólnej zbadano grupę kontrolną – 30 osób młodych dorosłych z wykluczonym FAS. Wyniki:
Dorosłe osoby ze zdiagnozowanym FAS osiągały wysokie wyniki w przywiązaniu pozabezpiecznym, w którym znaczącą rolę
odgrywały unikanie przywiązaniowe i obawa przed tworzeniem bliskich relacji. Stopień braku ufności przywiązaniowej
wśród osób z FAS jest znacząco wyższy niż w populacji ogólnej. Wśród wskazanych prototypów przywiązaniowych w grupie
osób z FAS dominował typ zaabsorbowany – 40%, mniej częsty był ufny – około 27% – i oddalająco-unikający – około 23%.
W grupie kontrolnej dominował typ ufny – dotyczyło to ponad 61% osób. Rzadziej odnotowano typ zaabsorbowany – około
21% – oraz lękowo-unikający – około 13%. Wnioski: W przywiązaniu osób dorosłych ze zdiagnozowanym FAS dominują
pozabezpieczne style przywiązania oparte na unikaniu i niepokoju, które mogą prowadzić do zaburzeń w kształtowaniu więzi.
Trudności w tworzeniu bliskich związków u dorosłych osób z FAS mogą prowadzić do znacznego obniżenia poziomu jakości życia
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