145 research outputs found

    A mesh algorithm for principal quadratic forms

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    In 1970 a negative solution to the tenth Hilbert problem, concerning the determination of integral solutions of diophantine equations, was published by Y. W. Matiyasevich. Despite this result, we can present algorithms to compute integral solutions (roots) to a wide class of quadratic diophantine equations of the form q(x) = d, where q : Z is a homogeneous quadratic form. We will focus on the roots of one (i.e., d = 1) of quadratic unit forms (q11 = ... = qnn = 1). In particular, we will describe the set of roots Rq of positive definite quadratic forms and the set of roots of quadratic forms that are principal. The algorithms and results presented here are successfully used in the representation theory of finite groups and algebras. If q is principal (q is positive semi-definite and Ker q={v ∈ Zn; q(v) = 0}= Z · h) then |Rq| = ∞. For a given unit quadratic form q (or its bigraph), which is positive semi-definite or is principal, we present an algorithm which aligns roots Rq in a Φ-mesh. If q is principal (|Rq| is less than ∞), then our algorithm produces consecutive roots in Rq from finite subset of Rq, determined in an initial step of the algorithm

    P-critical integral quadratic forms and positive unit forms: An algorithmic approach

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    AbstractWe introduce the class of P-critical integral unit forms q:Zn→Z containing the critical forms in the sense of Ovsienko [13]. Several characterisations of P-critical forms are given. In particular, it is proved that q is P-critical if and only if there is a uniquely determined extended Dynkin diagram Δ∈{A∼n,D∼n,E∼6,E∼7,E∼8} and a special group isomorphism T:Zn→Zn such that q∘T is the quadratic form qΔ:Zn→Z,n=|Δ0|, of the diagram Δ. A correspondence between positive forms p:Zn-1→Z with a sincere root and P-critical forms q:Zn→Z is described and efficient linear algebra algorithms for computing P-critical unit forms and positive forms are constructed

    „Nowa Jutrzenka” (1908–1924) – jako narzędzie działalności ks. Antoniego Kwiatkowskiego. Wybrane zagadnienia

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    The article presents the periodical “Nowa Jutrzenka” [“The New Morning Star”] which circulated in Bychawa between 1908 and1924, founded and edited by the Roman Catholic parish priest of Bychawa, Fr Antoni Kwiatkowski. On the basis of its contents analysis we wish to present the selected socio-economic initiatives, undertaken by the priest-editor for the development of Bychawa, as well as the improvement of its inhabitants’ well-being. That activity brought significant changes in many areas of life, whose results are visible in its urban space even today. Fr Kwiatkowski is regarded as one of the main precursors of the development of Bychawa. He takes a significant place in the regional historical memory. „Nowa Jutrzenka” constituted the main tool for presenting the intentions of its founder and initiating specific social, economic or educational undertakings.Artykuł przedstawia czasopismo „Nowa Jutrzenka” wychodzące w Bychawie w latach 1908–1924, założone i redagowane przez ówczesnego proboszcza rzymskokatolickiej parafii w Bychawie – księdza Antoniego Kwiatkowskiego. Na podstawie analizy zawartości pragniemy zaprezentować wybrane inicjatywy społeczno-gospodarcze, podejmowane przez księdza redaktora na rzecz rozwoju Bychawy i poprawy dobrostanu jej mieszkańców. Działalność ta przyniosła znaczące zmiany w wielu dziedzinach życia, a rezultaty do dziś są widoczne w przestrzeni miejskiej. Postać księdza Kwiatkowskiego jest uważana za jednego z głównych prekursorów rozwoju miasta i zajmuje znaczące miejsce w regionalnej pamięci historycznej. „Nowa Jutrzenka” stanowiła główne narzędzie prezentacji zamierzeń jej twórcy, organizacji i inicjowania konkretnych przedsięwzięć społecznych, gospodarczych czy oświatowych

    „Pamiętnik Harbiński” (1923-1924) – periodyk kolonii polskiej w Harbinie (Chiny)

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    The article is a presentation of the periodical “Pamiętnik Harbiński” [“The Harbin Diary”], which was published in the town of Harbin in China, in the years 1923–1924. There was quite a big Polish colony, connected with eastern Chinese railway built by Russia. Its administrative center was located in the place that soon developed into an economically thriving town called Harbin, established in 1898. Fair working conditions attracted many engineers, white collar and blue collar workers, including great numbers of Poles. Their growing educational and cultural needs brought fruit in the formation of Polish organizations and associations, as well as in the development of publishing market. One of the 25 identified Polish periodical titles that were published in Harbin from the beginnings of press publishing movement in 1917 to the eradication of Polish Diaspora in 1949 was “Pamiętnik Harbiński” which, due to its characteristic profile, deserves to be analyzed in a much greater detail.Artykuł przedstawia czasopismo „Pamiętnik Harbiński” wydawane w mieście Harbin w Chinach w latach 1923–1924. Istniała tam liczna kolonia polska, związana z budowaną przez Rosję koleją wschodniochińską i usytuowaniem jej centrum administracyjnego w miejscu, w którym wkrótce rozwinęło się prężne gospodarczo miasto nazwane Harbin, założone w 1898 roku. Godziwe warunki pracy przyciągnęły inżynierów, urzędników i robotników, wśród nich bardzo wielu Polaków. Rosnące potrzeby oświatowe i kulturalne zaowocowały powstaniem polskich organizacji i stowarzyszeń, a także rozwojem rynku wydawniczego. jednym z 25 zidentyfikowanych tytułów polskich czasopism wychodzących w Harbinie od początku prasowego ruchu wydawniczego w 1917 roku do likwidacji diaspory polskiej w roku 1949 był „Pamiętnik Harbiński”, który ze względu na swój charakterystyczny profil zasługuje na bardziej szczegółowe omówienie.

    Assessment of knowledge and skills of patients with hypertension related to self-measurement of blood pressure (SBPM)

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    Background Scientific societies have provided massive guidance on the role blood pressure self-measurements play in assessing hypertension treatment effectiveness, where the necessity for the measurements to strictly follow manual and general instructions in order to obtain proper and reliable readings have been underlined and highlighted. Material and methods The present study has been aimed at assessing knowledge and skills regarding blood pressure self-measurements by hypertension patients. The patients self-monitored their blood pressure twice a day with a RossmaxAI95CA sphygmomanometer for 10 days. The videorecorded measurements were analysed and the patients’ skills were marked independently by 2 researchers with regard to 20 parameters. A 10 question test was applied to rank each patient’s knowledge. The study was performed at community pharmacies and a health centre in Malopolska region. Results The study involved 14 patients. A score of 4 points was found to be the mean test score. Less than 30% of the respondents answered properly the questions on cuff inflation value, time interval between having a coffee and taking the measurement to be respected, or which arm to select for measurements. A mean score for measurement performance skills, based on the video analysis, reached 12.2 points, which corresponds to 61% compliance. The patients tended to take blood pressure measurements while leaning forward, as they sat too far from the table, thus having their arm not supported properly. The cuff placed too low, i.e. at the bend of the elbow, or set inversely, with the air tube up, proved to be the most common mistakes. While taking measurements patients would adjust their position in the chair, re-inflate the cuff, write, or inflate the cuff with the hand on which it was placed. Conclusions The study has shown that hypertension patients due to their insufficient skills and limited knowledge shall be subjected to proper educational procedures on blood pressure self-measurements

    Cardiovascular risk assessment, cardiovascular disease risk factors, and lung function parameters

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    Background: Decreased lung function is related to higher cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence and mortality. However, little is known about the relationship between the risk factors of CVD and pulmonary function. Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, the total CVD risk, and pulmonary function. Methods: The analysis included 4104 men and women aged 45 to 69 years, participants of the Polish part of the Health, Alcohol, and Psychosocial factors In Eastern Europe (HAPIEE) Project, who provided valid measurements of forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) using a Micro-Medical Microplus spirometer. The prevalence of CVD risk factors was defined as follows: hypertension (systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg or taking hypertension medication), diabetes (glucose ≥ 7.1 mmol/L or self-reported diabetes), and hypercholesterolaemia (total cholesterol ≥ 5 mmol/L or low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol ≥ 3 mmol/L or taking lipid lowering medication). Categories of total CVD risk were defined according to the 2016 European Guidelines on CVD prevention in clinical practice. The analysis of covariance was used to compare the lung function in the CVD risk factors and the total CVD risk categories. Results: Mean values of FEV1 and FVC, adjusted for age and height, were significantly higher in men than in women (3.02 L; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.96–3.08 L vs. 2.52 L; 95% CI 2.45–2.63 L for FEV1 and 3.62 L; 95% CI 3.56–3.69 L vs. 3.05 L; 95% CI 2.98–3.12 L for FVC). Obesity was significantly associated with FVC in men and women; it was associated with FEV1 only in men. Compared with participants with normal body mass index, obese men and women had 280 mL and 112 mL lower mean FVC, respectively. Men without hypertension had almost 100 mL higher mean FVC than those with hypertension. The difference in FVC in women was approximately 80 mL. Diabetes was associated with lower values of FVC in both sexes and with FEV1 in women. A significant negative trend was observed in the mean FVC and FEV1 by the considered CVD risk categories. Conclusions: Impaired lung function was associated with higher CVD risk, which could be explained partly by an adverse association between lung function and prevalence of obesity, hypertension, and diabetes.Wstęp: Upośledzenie funkcji oddechowych  jest związane z wyższym ryzykiem zachorowania i zgonu  z powodu chorób  sercowo-naczyniowych (ChSN). Jednak  wiedza dotycząca związku pomiędzy czynnikami ryzyka ChSN oraz ogólną oceną ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego, a funkcjami oddechowymi nie jest pełna. Cel: Oszacowanie związku pomiędzy występowaniem czynników ryzyka ChSN oraz  całkowitym ryzykiem sercowo-naczyniowym a funkcjami oddechowymi. Metody: Do analizy zakwalifikowano 4104 mężczyzn i kobiet w wieku pomiędzy 45 a 69 lat, uczestników polskiej części badania HAPIEE (Health, Alcohol and Psychosocial factors In Eastern Europe), dla których uzyskano wiarygodne pomiary natężonej pojemności życiowej płuc (FVC) oraz  natężonej objętości wydechowej pierwszo-sekundowej (FEV1) przy użyciu aparatu Micro-Medical Microplus. Przyjęto następujące definicje czynników ryzyka: nadciśnienie tętnicze (SBP≥140 [mmHg] lub DBP≥90 [mmHg] lub przyjmowanie leków hipotensyjnych), cukrzyca (glukoza≥7,1[mmol/l] lub cukrzyca rozpoznana przez lekarza), hipercholesterolemia (cholesterol całkowity≥5 [mmol/l]  lub LDL-cholesterol≥3 [mmol/l] lub przyjmowanie leków hipolipemizujących). Kategorie całkowitego ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego  zostały określone w oparciu o wytyczne ESC dotyczące prewencji chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego w praktyce klinicznej w 2016 roku.. Do porównania funkcji oddechowych w kategoriach narażenia na czynniki ryzyka ChSN zastosowana została analiza kowariancji. Wyniki: Średnie wartości FEV1 oraz FVC standaryzowane do wieku oraz wzrostu były istotnie wyższe u mężczyzn w porównaniu do kobiet i wynosiły odpowiednio FEV1:3.02 L; 95% CI = 2,96–3,08 L vs. 2,52 L; 95% CI = 2,45–2,63 L;  FVC: 3,62 L: 95% CI= 3,56-3,69 L  vs.  3,05L; 95% CI= 2,98-3,12 L). Otyłość była istotnie związana z FVC u kobiet i mężczyzn, natomiast z FEV1 tylko u kobiet. W porównaniu do badanych o pożądanej masie ciała (BMI=20-25), otyli mężczyźni i kobiety (BMI>30) mieli niższe wartości FVC odpowiednio o 280 ml i 122 ml. Nadciśnienie tętnicze było istotnie związane z FEV1 i FVC. Mężczyźni z nadciśnieniem mieli o 100 ml niższe FVC w porównaniu do mężczyzn bez nadciśnienia. U kobiet różnica ta była mniejsza i wynosiła 80 ml. Występowanie cukrzycy było istotnie związane z niższymi wartościami  FVC u mężczyzn i u kobiet, natomiast z FEV1 tylko u kobiet. Nie zaobserwowano istotnego związku pomiędzy hipercholesterolemią a FEV1 i FVC. Zaobserwowano istotny ujemny trend w średnich wartościach FEV1 i FVC pomiędzy kategoriami całkowitego ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego. Wniosek: Upośledzenie funkcji oddechowych  było związane z wyższym ryzykiem sercowo-naczyniowym, co częściowo może być wyjaśnione odwrotnym związkiem pomiędzy obniżonymi funkcjami  oddechowymi a występowaniem otyłości, nadciśnienia tętniczego  i cukrzycy.

    Are we ready to implement competence-based teaching in pharmacy education in Poland?

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    Pharmacists in Poland are responsible for the dispensing and quality control of pharmaceuticals. The education process in pharmacy is regulated and monitored at the national level. Pharmacy education at Jagiellonian University is organized in a traditional way based on input and content teaching. The aim of the study was to determinate whether the Jagiellonian University curriculum in the Pharmacy program meets the criteria of the European Competence Framework. The mapping of the intended curriculum was done by four academic teachers. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the distribution of the European Competence Framework among a group of courses and study years was done. We observed that most of the personal competencies are offered to students in their senior years, while the patient care competencies are distributed equally during the cycle of the study, and only some of them are overrepresented at the senior years. We need a legislation change at the national level as well as organizational and mental change at the university level to move from learning outcome-based pharmacy education to competence-based

    Time-varying group delay as a basis for clustering and segmentation of seismic signals

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    In this paper the applications of group delay in seismic vibration signals analysis are discussed. A method which bases on the autoregressive model with sliding-window is used to track volatility of signal’s properties in time. The analysis of time-frequency maps of group delay can be used in a process of distinguishing signals of different characteristics. Moreover, the method is robust for the different parameters of the sliding-window AR model. In the article applications of the time-frequency maps of group delay in a signal segmentation and clustering are also discussed. In seismic analysis an ability to distinguish signals with different seismic nature is very important, especially in case of safety in copper-ore underground mines. Creation of tools for revealing the origin of vibration will have positive impact on evaluation of hazard level