5 research outputs found

    Dekoracje maswerkowe szczytu prezbiterium kościoła pw. Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Marii Panny w Toruniu

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    Tracery decorations at the top of presbytery in the Church of Th Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Toruń This article was written as a contribution to studies on medieval architectural detail over the gothic steeples and their decoration with tracery subjects. The top above presbytery of post – Franciscan Saint Mary’s Church in Toruń was the beginning of our research. Working together, we had to analyse the mass, steeples and tracery decorations of this shrine and we treated them together as a coherent whole. Firstly, we limited to the typological and formal analysis within the territorial researches of Ziemia Chełmińska region. Then we indicated some signifiant features which are to be testament to the architect author’s project of this church. Also, we undertook some efforts of full reconstruction as to the original look of the steeple, based on the conservation specifiation by George Cuny from 1899 and a contemporary photographic records by Andrzej Skowroński. Leading our own regional studies on the engraved tracery decorations on the elevations of gothic buildings we successfully reconstructed all the themes and compositions of tracery decorations in the engravings, ornamental borders, panels and blind windows of the top in the presbytery of the mentioned above shrine and to indicate analogies among them. This publication is particularly a valuable result in case of undertaking reconstruction as to original look of church and its art of painting


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    The first part of the paper presents a brief characteristics of both the employed research methods and the mode of interpretation of the results obtained in the polarogram. In the following parts, the general schemes are given o f the examination of yellow foils (the gold one and ’’goldmetal”), the white foils (silver, aluminium, tin) and, also, the detailed methods o f the analysis of the respective foils. All the foils mentioned above were subject to a qualitative examination basing on model samples. The quantitative composition was ascertained but with regard to the so-called gold-metal foil, a standard alloy of known composition, two different gold-metal foils, and the gold-metal foil sample — taken from the historical object — having been used for the purpose. The results of the quantitative analysis carried out were calculated according to the scheme given in the Table. Now in the part dealing with research on the foil from the historical objects the mode of taking samples, and their preparation for polarographic analysis, are described. The assay o f the samples was conducted in strict consonance with the description given in the experimental part of the paper. The results obtained in investigation of the foil taken from historical objects were identical with those of the analysis of model samples. Polarography is thus a method which may be successfully applied in the examination o f gold-foil

    Thermovision applications for conservation of monuments

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    W pracy przedstawiono podstawy i zastosowania termowizji w konserwacji zabytków. Opisano podstawy metody termowizji pasywnej i aktywnej do wykrywania defektów i identyfikacji struktur wielowarstwowych. Przestawiono system i oprogramowanie do rejestracji i przetwarzania obrazów. W programie zaimplementowano analizę częstotliwościową, która zapewnia przedstawienie sekwencji termogramów w postaci amplitudy i fazy. Pozwala to na lepszą interpretacę warstw złożonych struktur oraz łatwe wykrywanie defektów. Jako przykład w pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań termograficznych kościoła na zamku w Malborku.Abstract - Applications of passive and active thermovision for conservation of monuments, especially architectural ones are presented in the paper. Basis of lock-in thermovision with the details of the system for nondestructive testing are described. The dedicated computer program has been created for image recording and processing. The function of frequency analysis is implemented in the program, allowing the display the sequence of images by its amplitude and phase. It give significant improvement of defects or multilayer structure interpretation. An example of application of this new measurement technique for investigation of the church in the castle of Malbork illustrates the presented method


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    The method comprises the identification of oils in dried-up oil films. The following four oils used as binding agents in painting were studied: linseed oil, poppy-seed oil, nut oil and oil made from the egg yolks. The method is based on a different relation between palmitine acid and stearic acid in the above-listed oils. A separation of isolated saturated fatty acids was carried out by means o f paper chromatography. The quantitative interpretation of chromatograms was made after a densitometric method. The method was successfully employed to identify oils in samples taken from polychromed historic works of art. The samples were 10—30 mg in size