3 research outputs found

    Аналіз конкурентоспроможності приладобудування в Україні за допомогою ромбу національних переваг

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    The article analyzes the ten-year dynamics of the export and import of instrument-making to identify the main trends in the industry. The international competitiveness of Ukraine's instrument-making has been analyzed with the use of M. Porter diamond in measurements of factor conditions (human resources, natural resources, finance, technology and infrastructure), cluster of supporting industries, domestic demand and competition in the domestic market. The method of national preferences in the industry has allowed to give full characteristics of the positive and negative factors that influence the competitiveness of the industry and identify problems and perspectives for the future development. In this study we founded that the industry is import-oriented and has problems in the areas of raw material supply, infrastructure of small towns, related industries and tough competition conditions. At the same time, there are advantages in the form of highly skilled personnel and scientific potential, as well as opportunities for attracting investment funds. The conducted research allowed to give comprehensive assess to the current state of the instrument-making industry, as well as provide a list of practical recommendations aimed to increase the competitiveness of the instrument-making in Ukraine.Проведен анализ международной конкурентоспособности приборостроения Украины с помощью ромба национальных преимуществ М. Портера. Анализ проводился по таким показателям, как: факторные условия (человеческие ресурсы, природные ресурсы, финансы, технологии, инфраструктура), кластер поддерживающих отраслей, спрос на внутреннем рынке и конкуренция на внутреннем рынке. Проведено аналіз міжнародної конкурентоспроможності приладобудування України за допомогою ромбу національних переваг М. Портера. Аналіз проводився за такими показниками, як: факторні умови (людські ресурси, природні ресурси, фінанси, технології, інфраструктура), кластер підтримуючих галузей, попит на внутрішньому ринку та конкуренція на внутрішньому ринку

    Аналіз конкурентоспроможності приладобудування в Україні за допомогою ромбу національних переваг

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    The article analyzes the ten-year dynamics of the export and import of instrument-making to identify the main trends in the industry. The international competitiveness of Ukraine's instrument-making has been analyzed with the use of M. Porter diamond in measurements of factor conditions (human resources, natural resources, finance, technology and infrastructure), cluster of supporting industries, domestic demand and competition in the domestic market. The method of national preferences in the industry has allowed to give full characteristics of the positive and negative factors that influence the competitiveness of the industry and identify problems and perspectives for the future development. In this study we founded that the industry is import-oriented and has problems in the areas of raw material supply, infrastructure of small towns, related industries and tough competition conditions. At the same time, there are advantages in the form of highly skilled personnel and scientific potential, as well as opportunities for attracting investment funds. The conducted research allowed to give comprehensive assess to the current state of the instrument-making industry, as well as provide a list of practical recommendations aimed to increase the competitiveness of the instrument-making in Ukraine.Проведен анализ международной конкурентоспособности приборостроения Украины с помощью ромба национальных преимуществ М. Портера. Анализ проводился по таким показателям, как: факторные условия (человеческие ресурсы, природные ресурсы, финансы, технологии, инфраструктура), кластер поддерживающих отраслей, спрос на внутреннем рынке и конкуренция на внутреннем рынке. Проведено аналіз міжнародної конкурентоспроможності приладобудування України за допомогою ромбу національних переваг М. Портера. Аналіз проводився за такими показниками, як: факторні умови (людські ресурси, природні ресурси, фінанси, технології, інфраструктура), кластер підтримуючих галузей, попит на внутрішньому ринку та конкуренція на внутрішньому ринку

    Analysis of the Ukrainian Instrument-making Industry International Competitiveness Using Porter's Diamond

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    The article analyzes the ten-year dynamics of the export and import of instrument-making to identify the main trends in the industry. The International competitiveness of Ukraine's instrument-making has been analyzed with the use of M. Porter diamond in measurements of factor conditions (human resources, natural resources, finance, technology and infrastructure), cluster of supporting industries, domestic demand and competition in the domestic market. The method of national preferences in the industry has allowed to give full characteristics of the positive and negative factors that influence the competitiveness of the industry and identify problems and perspectives for the future development. In this study we founded that the industry is import-oriented and has problems in the areas of raw material supply, infrastructure of small towns, related industries and tough competition conditions. At the same time, there are advantages in the form of highly skilled personnel and scientific potential, as well as opportunities for attracting investment funds. The conducted research allowed to give comprehensive assess to the current state of the instrument-making industry, as well as provide a list of practical recommendations aimed to increase the competitiveness of the instrument-making in Ukraine