41 research outputs found

    Az exonima kifejezés értelmezésének változása a földrajzinév-egységesítés nemzetközi gyakorlatában

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    Changing definitions of the term exonym in the international practice of geographical names standardization     In the first United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, a recommendation was accepted that international standardization should be based on the national usage of names. UN decision makers had in mind here that international practice should use the smallest amount of names that differ from locally used forms. Some experts say official names should be equal to the actual names used by the local communities. Representatives of other countries believe local names are the ones that have been sanctioned by names authorities at the national level, while other names given by the small local communities, even if in local languages, are considered unofficial names. Experts in the field of toponymy regard names given from outside and different from local names as exonyms. Several differing interpretations of the term have emerged during the past decades. Although the UN has made several recommendations for the sensible limitation and recording of exonyms, their implementation is made difficult by the changing definition of the term itself. A good balance between the primacy of local names and the name forms shaped by various languages and cultural traditions requires further discussion among the users of geographical names. The Hungarian legal measure on geographical names [Gov. decree 303/2007. (XI. 14.) Korm.] recognizes the term ‘the Hungarian equivalent of a foreign geographical name’. The Hungarian Committee on Geographical Names passes relevant recommendations, but does not prepare lists of exonyms

    Az exonima kifejezés értelmezésének változása a földrajzinév-egységesítés nemzetközi gyakorlatában. [Changing definitions of the term exonym in the international practice of geographical names standardization]

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    In the first United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, a recommendation was accepted that international standardization should be based on the national usage of names. UN decision makers had in mind here that international practice should use the smallest amount of names that differ from locally used forms. Some experts say official names should be equal to the actual names used by the local communities. Representatives of other countries believe local names are the ones that have been sanctioned by names authorities at the national level, while other names given by the small local communities, even if in local languages, are considered unofficial names. Experts in the field of toponymy regard names given from outside and different from local names as exonyms. Several differing interpretations of the term have emerged during the past decades. Although the UN has made several recommendations for the sensible limitation and recording of exonyms, their implementation is made difficult by the changing definition of the term itself. A good balance between the primacy of local names and the name forms shaped by various languages and cultural traditions requires further discussion among the users of geographical names. The Hungarian legal measure on geographical names [Gov. decree 303/2007. (XI. 14.) Korm.] recognizes the term ‘the Hungarian equivalent of a foreign geographical name’. The Hungarian Committee on Geographical Names passes relevant recommendations, but does not prepare lists of exonyms

    A pioglitazon újrafelfedezése = Rediscovery of pioglitazone

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    Az elmúlt mintegy másfél évtizedben a klinikai diabetológia hatalmas fejlődésen ment keresztül. Új hatástani csoportok jelentek meg a mindennapi gyakorlatban (GLP1-receptor-agonisták, SGLT2-gátlók), melyek – a korábbi, nagy esetszámú, prospektív vizsgálatokban (UKPDS, VADT) alkalmazott gyógyszerekkel ellentétben – már néhány év vagy akár néhány hónap távlatában is képesek előnyösen befolyásolni a diabetesszel kapcsolatos szív-ér rendszeri (macrovascularis) szövődmények alakulását. Mind nemzetközi, mind hazai viszonylatban sajnálatosan és jelentősen visszaszorult a tiazolidindionok, ezen belül a pioglitazon alkalmazása az utóbbi években, holott randomizált, kontrollált keretek között vizsgálva (PROactive, 2005) e készítmény csökkentette először – mondhatni „korát megelőzően” – szignifikáns módon a 3 pontos MACE-ként ismertté vált és középpontba került, összevont kemény klinikai végpontot, mely a cardiovascularis halálozást, a nem fatális myocardialis infarktust és a nem fatális stroke-ot foglalja magában. Közleményünkben a pioglitazonnal kapcsolatban az elmúlt évek során felgyülemlett fontosabb evidenciákat, mértékadó klinikai vizsgálatokat foglaljuk össze. Először röviden kitérünk az általa előidézett molekuláris, sejtszintű és kórélettani változásokra, majd a cardiovascularis, metabolikus és egyéb előnyök taglalásán felül a korábban feltételezett, illetve mára bizonyosságot nyert lehetséges mellékhatásokat is tárgyaljuk. Meggyőződésünk, hogy megfelelően megválasztott betegek esetén, kellő gondosság mellett a pioglitazont napjainkban is eredményesen lehetne alkalmazni kombinált kezelés tagjaként 2-es típusú diabetesben szenvedő pácienseink személyre szabott gyógyításában. | In the past decade and a half, clinical diabetology has undergone enormous development. New drug classes have appeared in everyday practice (GLP1 receptor agonists, SGLT2 inhibitors), which are able to improve the outcome of cardiovascular (macrovascular) complications in diabetes within a few years or even a few months, in contrast to the drugs used in previous large, prospective studies (UKPDS, VADT). The use of thiazolidinediones (including pioglitazone) unfortunately and significantly has declined in recent years, both internationally and domestically, although tested in a randomized, controlled setting (PROactive, 2005), this drug was the first, one might say ‘ahead of its time’, that significantly reduced the composite clinical endpoint of cardiovascular death, nonfatal myocardial infarction and nonfatal stroke, which became later well-known and took center stage as the 3-point MACE. In this paper, we summarize the most important evidence that accumulated with pioglitazone over the past years. We briefly overview the molecular, cellular and pathophysiological changes it causes, and then, in addition to discussing the cardiovascular, metabolic and other benefits, mention the previously suspected and now confirmed possible side effects. It is our belief that pioglitazone could be successfully used today as part of a combined treatment in properly selected patients, with due care, in the personalized treatment of type 2 diabetes

    tanári székfoglaló értekezés

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    Pokoly József tartotta 1913. évi febr. hó 22-én történt beiktatása alkalmából.Pokoly Józse

    4. La cartographie des populations en Hongrie

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    Pokoly Béla, Désiré Joëlle. 4. La cartographie des populations en Hongrie. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1991-3. Méthodes de cartographie statistique des populations - Statistical population mapping. pp. 531-533

    Elnöki megnyitó beszéd

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    a Tisza István Tudományos Társaság 1922. évi junius hó 18-án, Debreczenben tartott alakuló közgyülésén elmondotta Pokoly Józse