74 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Possibility to Replace Conventional Rheological Wheat Flour Quality Control Instruments with the New Measurement Tool – Mixolab

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    Because of the belief that the rheological properties of wheat fl our and dough are related to the flour quality and its processing characteristics, they are of great importance in the baking and milling industries. The Farinograph, Extensograph, Amylograph and Alveograph tests are the most common empirical tests used for assessing rheological properties of wheat dough. Recently, new rheological tool for wheat fl our characterization, called Mixolab, has been developed. The advantage of using Mixolab is that one can measure protein and starch characteristics in a single test. The objective of this study was to determine the relationships between Mixolab parameters and parameters obtained using Farinograph and Amylograph among flour samples of different technological quality. Mixolab water absorption value was significantly correlated to Farinograph water absorption value (r = 0.9816) as well as Mixolab dough formation time value (time for C1) to dough development time obtained using Farinograph (r = 0.9668), while the values which indicate dough stability have not expressed so high correlation (r = 0.7484). In addition, difference between the values of maximum torque (C1) and torque at the end of the first period of constant temperature (T= 30°C) obtained by Mixolab expressed good correlation with the Farinograph degree of softening (r = 0.8504). A significant correlation coefficient (r = 0.8812) was determined between the Amylograph peak viscosity parameter and C3 value which is an indication of starch gelatinization

    Emulsifying properties of hemp proteins: Effect of isolation technique

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    peer-reviewedHemp protein was isolated from hemp seed meal using two different isolation procedures: alkali extraction/isoelectric precipitation (HPI) and micellization (HMI). The ability of these proteins to form and stabilize 10% (w/w) sunflower oil-in-water emulsions (at pH = 3.0) was studied at three different concentrations, 0.25, 0.75 and 1.5% (w/w), by monitoring emulsion droplet size distribution, microstructural and morphological properties, rheological behaviour and stability against flocculation, coalescence and creaming. In addition, hemp proteins were analysed for water solubility, denaturation degree and surface/interfacial activity. HMI protein, which was found to be less denatured after isolation, exhibited higher solubility and slightly higher surface/interfacial activity than HPI protein. HMI emulsions possessed a smaller volume mean droplet diameter (d4,3 = 1.92–3.42 μm in 2% SDS) than HPI emulsions (d4,3 = 2.25–15.77 μm in 2% SDS). While HMI stabilized emulsions were characterized with individual droplets covered by protein film, both confocal laser scanning microscopy and flocculation indices indicated occurrence of bridging flocculation in HPI stabilized emulsions. Protein aggregation, which induced flocculation of the droplets, contributed to higher apparent viscosity of HPI stabilized emulsions compared to HMI stabilized emulsions. Interestingly, emulsions stabilized with 1.5% (w/w) HPI exhibited much better creaming and coalescence stability than other emulsions due to the formation of a weak transient network of floccules and higher continuous phase viscosity which both suppressed the movement of the droplets

    Die Organisation der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Heeres auf dem Territorium Kroatiens 1868-1914

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    Članak daje pregled organizacije austrougarske vojske na području Kraljevina Hrvatske, Slavonije i Dalmacije u razdoblju od početka uspostave novog vojnog ustroja dvojne monarhije 1868. do početka Prvog svjetskog rata 1914. godine. Pisan je na temelju onovremenih zakona s pripadajućim napucima koji su se odnosili na vojnu organizaciju Austro-Ugarske Monarhije, službenih vojnih listova i šematizama.Seit dem Jahr 1868 gibt es in der Österreich-ungarischen Monarchie zwei parallele Militärorganisationen: das gemeinsame Heer und die Kriegsmarine und die separat für den österreichischen und für den ungarischen Teil der Monarchie organisierte Landwehr. Durch die dualistische Staatsorganisation Österreich-Ungarns wurde Kroatien in Wirklichkeit in den österreichischen und ungarischen Teil geteilt. Die Militäreinheiten des gemeinsamen Heeres in den Königreichen Kroatien und Slavonien waren dem Generalkommando zu Agram/13. Korpskommando in Agram unterstellt, und die auf dem Territorium des Königreichs Dalmatien dem Militärkommando zu Zara/16. Korpskommando in Ragusa. Dieselbe Einteilung in der militärischen Unterordnung erfuhren auch die Landwehrformationen. Die in Dalmatien stationierten Landwehreinheiten wurden dem Landwehrkommando in Zara unterstellt, während die Landwehr in den Königreichen Kroatien und Slavonien dem Königlichen ungarischen Agramer, kroatisch-slavonischen Landwehrdistrikt unterstand. Die staatsrechtliche Lage Kroatiens im Rahmen der “Länder der St. Stephans Krone” verschaffte den Einheiten der Königlich-ungarischen Landwehr auf dem Territorium der Königreichen Kroatien und Slavonien eine Sonderstellung. Denn die Befehlssprache sowie die Fahne der Landwehreinheiten waren kroatisch und auch die Mehrheit der Offiziere waren Kroaten. Die Soldaten aus den Königreichen Kroatien, Slavonien und Dalmatien wurden für sieben Infanterie-, zwei Ulanen-, und vier Feldkanonenregimenter, dann für die Kriegsmarine und einige kleinere Einheiten des gemeinsamen Heeres rekrutiert, sowie für sechs Landwehrinfanterieregimenter, ein Landwehrhusaren-, und ein Landwehrkanonenregiment und für einige kleinere Einheiten der ungarischen bzw. österreichischen Landwehr

    Die Organisation der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Heeres auf dem Territorium Kroatiens 1868-1914

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    Članak daje pregled organizacije austrougarske vojske na području Kraljevina Hrvatske, Slavonije i Dalmacije u razdoblju od početka uspostave novog vojnog ustroja dvojne monarhije 1868. do početka Prvog svjetskog rata 1914. godine. Pisan je na temelju onovremenih zakona s pripadajućim napucima koji su se odnosili na vojnu organizaciju Austro-Ugarske Monarhije, službenih vojnih listova i šematizama.Seit dem Jahr 1868 gibt es in der Österreich-ungarischen Monarchie zwei parallele Militärorganisationen: das gemeinsame Heer und die Kriegsmarine und die separat für den österreichischen und für den ungarischen Teil der Monarchie organisierte Landwehr. Durch die dualistische Staatsorganisation Österreich-Ungarns wurde Kroatien in Wirklichkeit in den österreichischen und ungarischen Teil geteilt. Die Militäreinheiten des gemeinsamen Heeres in den Königreichen Kroatien und Slavonien waren dem Generalkommando zu Agram/13. Korpskommando in Agram unterstellt, und die auf dem Territorium des Königreichs Dalmatien dem Militärkommando zu Zara/16. Korpskommando in Ragusa. Dieselbe Einteilung in der militärischen Unterordnung erfuhren auch die Landwehrformationen. Die in Dalmatien stationierten Landwehreinheiten wurden dem Landwehrkommando in Zara unterstellt, während die Landwehr in den Königreichen Kroatien und Slavonien dem Königlichen ungarischen Agramer, kroatisch-slavonischen Landwehrdistrikt unterstand. Die staatsrechtliche Lage Kroatiens im Rahmen der “Länder der St. Stephans Krone” verschaffte den Einheiten der Königlich-ungarischen Landwehr auf dem Territorium der Königreichen Kroatien und Slavonien eine Sonderstellung. Denn die Befehlssprache sowie die Fahne der Landwehreinheiten waren kroatisch und auch die Mehrheit der Offiziere waren Kroaten. Die Soldaten aus den Königreichen Kroatien, Slavonien und Dalmatien wurden für sieben Infanterie-, zwei Ulanen-, und vier Feldkanonenregimenter, dann für die Kriegsmarine und einige kleinere Einheiten des gemeinsamen Heeres rekrutiert, sowie für sechs Landwehrinfanterieregimenter, ein Landwehrhusaren-, und ein Landwehrkanonenregiment und für einige kleinere Einheiten der ungarischen bzw. österreichischen Landwehr


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    Lako prevozni zdrug Hrvatske legije (Legione Croata Autotransportabile) hrvatska je legionarska postrojba koja se tijekom 1942. godine borila u sastavu talijanske vojske na Istočnom bojištu. LPZ se ustrojava u Hrvatskoj od srpnja do prosinca 1941. godine. Nakon provedene obuke u Italiji u Riva del Garda od prosinca 1941. do ožujka 1942. godine, Zdrug je upućen na Istočno bojište u sastav Talijanskog ekspedicionog zbora (Corpo di spedizione italiano in Russia /C.S.I.R./), od srpnja 8. talijanske armije kao truppa d armata. Zdrug je sudjelovao u borbama na Donu od travnja do prosinca 1942. godine kada je zajedno s dijelom talijanske 8. armije uništen u ruskoj navali u okviru širih ratnih djelovanja poznatih kao Staljingradska bitka.The Light Transport Unit of the Croatian Legion (Legione Croata Autotransportabile) was a unit of the Croatian Legion which fought with the Italian army on the Eastem Front in World War II. The unit was trained in Croatia from July to December, 1941. After being equipped in Italy in Riva del Garde from December 1941 to March 1942, the Unit was deployed in the East as part of the Italian Expeditionary Corps (Corps di spedizione italiano in Russia C.S.I.R), and after July, as part of the Italian 8th Army as truppa di armata (armoured troops). The unit took part in the battles on the Don from April until December 1942, when it together with a large part of the Italian 8th Army was destroyed by the Russian offensive well known in the annals of the War as the Battle of Stalingrad

    Development of industrial tourism in Zagreb

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    Industrijski turizam je jedan od mnogih oblika turizma u svijetu. Kao i razni ostali oblici turizma, on doživljava rast pojavom raznih trendova kao i sve većom educiranosti turista i rastom interesa za različitim atrakcijama u destinacijama. U ovom je radu opisana opća teorija turizma te teorija vrsta i oblika turizma s naglaskom na njegov razvoj i usporedbu s masovnim turizmom. Posebno je istražen Zagreb kao turistička destinacija s resursnom osnovom te naglaskom na mogućnosti razvoja industrijskog turizma. Svrha je bila prikazati ovaj oblik turizma te naglasiti njegovu važnost i nedovoljnu iskorištenost u turističkoj ponudi. Na primjeru industrije piva, a posebno na primjeru Zagrebačke pivovare, pokazalo se kako uključivanje turizma u industriju može doprinositi samoj industriji kao i destinaciji. Također je pokazano koliko razvoj industrijskog turizma u Zagrebačkoj pivovari može doprinijeti atraktivnosti samoga grada, kako se u usporedbi na primjeru Heineken Experience muzeja to i prikazalo. Za potrebe rada provedeno je istraživanje metodom strukturiranog intervjua o stavovima dionika o potencijalu razvoja industrijskog turizma na primjeru industrije piva u Zagrebu.Industrial tourism is one of the many forms of tourism in the world. Like many other forms of tourism, it is experiencing growth through the emergence of various trends, as well as the increase of tourist education and their interest for different attractions in destinations. This theisis describes the general theory of tourism and the theory of kinds and forms of tourism with an emphasis on its development and comparison with mass tourism. Zagreb was especially explored as a tourist destination with a resource base and emphasis on the possibilities of developing industrial tourism. The purpose was to present this form of tourism, to emphasize its importance and present its insufficient use in tourist offer. The example of the beer industry, particularly, the example of the Zagreb brewery, indicates that the inclusion of tourism in the industry can contribute to the industry itself as well as to the destination. It has also been shown how much the development of industrial tourism in the Zagreb brewery can contribute to the attractiveness of the city itself, as compared to the example of the Heineken Experience Museum. For research purposes, a survey was conducted with a structured interview on stakeholder attitudes on the potential of industrial tourism development in the example of beer industry in Zagreb

    Development of industrial tourism in Zagreb

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    Industrijski turizam je jedan od mnogih oblika turizma u svijetu. Kao i razni ostali oblici turizma, on doživljava rast pojavom raznih trendova kao i sve većom educiranosti turista i rastom interesa za različitim atrakcijama u destinacijama. U ovom je radu opisana opća teorija turizma te teorija vrsta i oblika turizma s naglaskom na njegov razvoj i usporedbu s masovnim turizmom. Posebno je istražen Zagreb kao turistička destinacija s resursnom osnovom te naglaskom na mogućnosti razvoja industrijskog turizma. Svrha je bila prikazati ovaj oblik turizma te naglasiti njegovu važnost i nedovoljnu iskorištenost u turističkoj ponudi. Na primjeru industrije piva, a posebno na primjeru Zagrebačke pivovare, pokazalo se kako uključivanje turizma u industriju može doprinositi samoj industriji kao i destinaciji. Također je pokazano koliko razvoj industrijskog turizma u Zagrebačkoj pivovari može doprinijeti atraktivnosti samoga grada, kako se u usporedbi na primjeru Heineken Experience muzeja to i prikazalo. Za potrebe rada provedeno je istraživanje metodom strukturiranog intervjua o stavovima dionika o potencijalu razvoja industrijskog turizma na primjeru industrije piva u Zagrebu.Industrial tourism is one of the many forms of tourism in the world. Like many other forms of tourism, it is experiencing growth through the emergence of various trends, as well as the increase of tourist education and their interest for different attractions in destinations. This theisis describes the general theory of tourism and the theory of kinds and forms of tourism with an emphasis on its development and comparison with mass tourism. Zagreb was especially explored as a tourist destination with a resource base and emphasis on the possibilities of developing industrial tourism. The purpose was to present this form of tourism, to emphasize its importance and present its insufficient use in tourist offer. The example of the beer industry, particularly, the example of the Zagreb brewery, indicates that the inclusion of tourism in the industry can contribute to the industry itself as well as to the destination. It has also been shown how much the development of industrial tourism in the Zagreb brewery can contribute to the attractiveness of the city itself, as compared to the example of the Heineken Experience Museum. For research purposes, a survey was conducted with a structured interview on stakeholder attitudes on the potential of industrial tourism development in the example of beer industry in Zagreb

    Biomolecules from Macroalgae-Nutritional Profile and Bioactives for Novel Food Product Development

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    Seaweed is in the spotlight as a promising source of nutrition for humans as the search for sustainable food production systems continues. Seaweed has a well-documented rich nutritional profile containing compounds such as polyphenols, carotenoids and polysaccharides as well as proteins, fatty acids and minerals. Seaweed processing for the extraction of functional ingredients such as alginate, agar, and carrageenan is well-established. Novel pretreatments such as ultrasound assisted extraction or high-pressure processing can be incorporated to more efficiently extract these targeted ingredients. The scope of products that can be created using seaweed are wide ranging: from bread and noodles to yoghurt and milk and even as an ingredient to enhance the nutritional profile and stability of meat products. There are opportunities for food producers in this area to develop novel food products using seaweed. This review paper discusses the unique properties of seaweed as a food, the processes involved in seaweed aquaculture, and the products that can be developed from this marine biomass. Challenges facing the industry such as consumer hesitation around seaweed products, the safety of seaweed, and processing hurdles will also be discussed