54 research outputs found

    Genetic parameters of some growth and egg production traits in laying Brown Tsaiya (Anas platyrynchos)

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    Five hundred and thirty seven female ducks from the native Brown Tsaiya in Taiwan, derived from 156 dams, 40 sires, 4 locations (sire origin), from five hatches were used in study. Fifteen traits were recorded. Average values of traits measured were the following: adult (30 weeks of age) body weight, 1397 ± 120 g; age at first egg, 121 ± 11 days; egg numbers up to 245, 280 and 360 days of age, 107 ± 13, 139 ± 15, 207 ± 26, respectively; egg shell strength, 3.8 ± 0.5 kg/cm2; egg shell thickness, 0.37 ± 0.02 mm; egg weight at 30 and 40 weeks of age, 64.2 ± 4.3 g and 67.8 ± 4.3 g. Genetic parameters were calculated: heritability estimate from the sire variance component (formula, see attached document), dam variance component (formula, see attached document). Body weights at 8, 16, 20, 30, 40 weeks of age showed high additive genetic variation (formula, see attached document). For egg weight at 30 and 40 weeks of age, (formula, see attached document). For traits related to egg number, (formula see attached document) values were low and increased with age, being 0.02, 0.12 and 0.14 respectively for 245, 280 and 360 days of age. But the respective heritabilities calculated from dam variance components were higher, being 0.32, 0.17 and 0.26. The non-additive genetic variation of these traits and perhaps the existence of maternal genetic variance indicate the possibility of conducting within line selection and cross-breeding between lines of the same breed.Cinq cent trente-sept femelles de la race locale de cane Tsaiya Brune à Taiwan, issues de 156 mères, 40 pères, 4 régions de Taiwan (origine des pères), nées dans 5 lots d’éclosion, sont utilisées dans cette étude, 15 caractères sont étudiés. Les poids des adultes (âge : 30 semaines) sont de 1397 ± 120 g. Les valeurs moyennes des caractères mesurés sont les suivantes : âge au le 1er œuf, 126 ± 11 j. Pour les nombres d’oeufs pondus aux âges de 245, 280 et 360 jours, on a respectivement 107 ± 13, 139 ± 15, 207 ± 26. Pour l’épaisseur de la coquille 0,37 ± 0,02 mm et pour sa solidité, 3,8 ± 0,5 kg/cm2. Les poids de l’oeuf, respectivement aux âges de 30 et 40 semaines sont 64,2 ± 4,3 g et 67,8 ± 4,3 g. Les paramètres génétiques ont été calculés: estimation des héritabilités à partir des composantes père (formule, voir document attaché) et mère (formule, voir document attaché) de la variance. Les poids corporels aux âges de 8, 16, 20, 30 et 40 semaines présentent une variabilité génétique additive forte (formule, voir document attaché). Pour le poids de l’oeuf à 30 et 40 semaines d’âge, (formule, voir document attaché). Pour les caractères de production d’oeufs, les valeurs de (formule, voir document attaché) sont faibles et s’accroissent avec l’âge : (formule, voir document attaché). Par contre les héritabilités calculées à partir des composantes mères de la variance sont significatives : (formule, voir document attaché). L’existence d’une variabilité génétique non additive pour ces caractères conduira à envisager une sélection de souches et leur croisement

    Prediction of genetic gains in body weight, egg production and shell quality traits in the Brown Tsaiya laying duck (Anas platyrhynchos)

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    An evaluation was made of the expected genetic gain and predicted genetic responses for egg weight and body weight at 40 weeks of age (EW40, BW40), number of eggs laid up to 52 weeks of age (NEGG52), eggshell strength at 30 or 40 weeks of age (ES30 or ES40) in Brown Tsaiya laying ducks selected for five generations by independent culling levels, first on a linear phenotypic index for the first three traits, and then on ES30 or ES40. The genetic parameters estimated in the base population were used to calculate the expected genetic gains in one generation of selection. The genetic responses per generation were evaluated by averaging the multitrait best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) animal model predictors and regressing them on generation number. The per generation genetic responses were +0.177 g (EW40); +8.029 g (BW40); +0.935 eggs (NEGG52); +0.017 k2 g/cm (ES30); +0.014 kC2 gM/ (ES40). These values fit the expected genetic gains for NEGG52, but they are higher than those for BW40 and lower than those for ES30 and ES40. It was shown that, compared to the selection method which has been used and with the same selection intensity in female ducks (i = 1.271), constrained selection based on a phenotypic selection index or a genetic index could increase the expected genetic gains in NEGG52 by a factor of 3.5 or 5.7, respectively, while maintaining constant EW40 and BW40.Les gains génétiques attendus et les réponses génétiques prédites du poids de l’oeuf et du poids corporel à l’âge de 40 semaines (EW40, BW40), du nombre d’oeufs pondus jusqu’à l’âge de 52 semaines (NEGG52), de la solidité de la coquille aux âges de 30 et 40 semaines (ES30 ou ES4O) chez la cane pondeuse Tsaiya Brune sélectionnée pendant cinq générations ont été calculés. La sélection par niveaux indépendants était basée sur un premier choix des 50% meilleures femelles d’après leurs valeurs individuelles d’un indice de sélection massale sur les trois caractères EW40, BW40, NEGG52 et sur un deuxième choix portant sur les valeurs individuelles de ES30 (deux premières générations) puis de ES40 à partir de la troisième génération. Les reproducteurs mâles étaient choisis de façon comparable à partir de l’information sur leurs sœurs. Au total, 3 482 femelles et 2 093 mâles ont été étudiés. Pendant les quatre premières générations, en moyenne 25,6% des femelles et 12,2% des mâles furent sélectionnés. À partir des paramètres génétiques de la population de base, les gains génétiques attendus ont été calculés. Les réponses génétiques par génération ont été estimées par ailleurs à partir des moyennes des prédicteurs de valeurs génétiques du BL UP modèle animal, en calculant la régression des moyennes en fonction du numéro de génération. Les réponses par génération sont de + 0,177g (EW40); de + 8, 029 g (BWl, 0); de + 0, 935 oeufs (NEGG52); de + 0, 017 k2g/cM (ES30); de + 0, 014 k2 g/cm (ES40). Ces valeurs correspondent au gain génétique attendu pour NEGG52, elles sont plus fortes pour BW40 et plus faibles pour ES30 and ES40. Il est montré que, par rapport à la méthode de sélection qui a été appliquée et avec la même intensité de sélection chez les canes (i = 1, 271), la sélection avec contraintes sur un indice de sélection massale ou un indice génétique sur quatre caractères pourrait multiplier le gain génétique attendu de NEGG52 par 3,5 et 5,7 respectivement, tout en maintenant constant le poids de l'œuf (EW40) et le poids corporel (BW40)

    Texas Instruments-Digital Signal Processor(TI-DSP)SMJ320F20 SEL Testing

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    This viewgraph presentation reviews the testing of the Texas Instrument Digital Signal Processor(TI-DSP)SMJ320F20. Tests were performed to screen for susceptibility to Single Event Latchup (SEL) and measure sensitivity as a function of Linear Energy Transfer (LET) for an application specific test setup. The Heavy Ion Testing of two TI-DSP SMJ320F240 devices experienced Single Event Latchup (SEL) conditions at an LET of 1.8 MeV/(mg/square cm) The devices were exposed from a fluence of 1.76 x l0(exp 3) to 5.00 x 10(exp 6) particles/square cm of the Neon, Argon and Krypton ion beams. For DI(sub DD) an average latchup current occurred at about 700mA, which is a magnitude of 10 over the nominal current of 700mA

    How Long Can the Hubble Space Telescope Operate Reliably? A Total Dose Perspective

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    The Hubble Space Telescope has been at the forefront of discoveries in the field of astronomy for more than 20 years. It was the first telescope designed to be serviced in space and the last such servicing mission occurred in May 2009. The question of how much longer this valuable resource can continue to return science data remains. In this paper a detailed analysis of the total dose exposure of electronic parts at the box level is performed using solid angle sectoring/3-dimensional ray trace and Monte Carlo radiation transport simulations. Results are related to parts that have been proposed as possible total dose concerns. The spacecraft subsystem that appears to be at the greatest risk for total dose failure is identified. This is discussed with perspective on the overall lifetime of the spacecraft

    Selection responses for the number of fertile eggs of the Brown Tsaiya duck (Anas platyrhynchos) after a single artificial insemination with pooled Muscovy (Cairina moschata) semen

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    A seven-generation selection experiment comprising a selected (S) and a control (C) line was conducted with the objective of increasing the number of fertile eggs (F) of the Brown Tsaiya duck after a single artificial insemination (AI) with pooled Muscovy semen. Both lines consisted of about 20 males and 60 females since parents in each generation and each female duck was tested 3 times, at 26, 29 and 32 weeks of age. The fertile eggs were measured by candling at day 7 of incubation. The selection criterion in the S line was the BLUP animal model value for E On average, 24.7% of the females and 15% of the males were selected. The direct responses to the selection for F, and correlated responses for the number of eggs set (le), the number of total dead embryos (M), the maximum duration of fertility (Dm) and the number of hatched mule ducklings (H) were measured by studying the differences across the generations of selection between the phenotypic value averages in the S and C lines. The predicted genetic responses were calculated by studying the differences between the S and C lines in averaged values of five traits of the BLUP animal model. The selection responses and the predicted responses showed similar trends. There was no genetic change for le. After seven generations of selection, the average selection responses per generation were 0.40, 0.33, 0.42, 0.41 genetic standard deviation units for F, M, Din, and H respectively. Embryo viability was not impaired by this selection. For days 2-8 after Al, the fertility rates (F/Ie) were 89.2% and 63.8%, the hatchability rates (H/F) were 72.5% and 70.6%, and (H/Ie) were 64.7% and 45.1% in the S and C lines respectively. It was concluded that upward selection on the number of fertile eggs after a single Al with pooled Muscovy semen may be effective in ducks to increase the duration of the fertile period and the fertility and hatchability rates with Al once a week instead of twice a week

    Effectiveness of Internal vs. External SEU Scrubbing Mitigation Strategies in a Xilinx FPGA: Design, Test, and Analysis

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    We compare two scrubbing mitigation schemes for Xilinx FPGA devices. The design of the scrubbers is briefly discussed along with an examination of mitigation limitations. Proton and Heavy Ion data are then presented and analyzed

    Heterogeneity of variance components for preweaning growth in Romane sheep due to the number of lambs reared

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The pre-weaning growth rate of lambs, an important component of meat market production, is affected by maternal and direct genetic effects. The French genetic evaluation model takes into account the number of lambs suckled by applying a multiplicative factor (1 for a lamb reared as a single, 0.7 for twin-reared lambs) to the maternal genetic effect, in addition to including the birth*rearing type combination as a fixed effect, which acts on the mean. However, little evidence has been provided to justify the use of this multiplicative model. The two main objectives of the present study were to determine, by comparing models of analysis, 1) whether pre-weaning growth is the same trait in single- and twin-reared lambs and 2) whether the multiplicative coefficient represents a good approach for taking this possible difference into account.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data on the pre-weaning growth rate, defined as the average daily gain from birth to 45 days of age on 29,612 Romane lambs born between 1987 and 2009 at the experimental farm of La Sapinière (INRA-France) were used to compare eight models that account for the number of lambs per dam reared in various ways. Models were compared using the Akaike information criteria.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The model that best fitted the data assumed that 1) direct (maternal) effects correspond to the same trait regardless of the number of lambs reared, 2) the permanent environmental effects and variances associated with the dam depend on the number of lambs reared and 3) the residual variance depends on the number of lambs reared. Even though this model fitted the data better than a model that included a multiplicative coefficient, little difference was found between EBV from the different models (the correlation between EBV varied from 0.979 to 0.999).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Based on experimental data, the current genetic evaluation model can be improved to better take into account the number of lambs reared. Thus, it would be of interest to evaluate this model on field data and update the genetic evaluation model based on the results obtained.</p