771 research outputs found

    Internal Fictions: Günter Grass’ Use of Projection in his Autobiographically-informed Fiction of the 1970s and 80s

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    I argue that Aus dem Tagebuch einer Schnecke (1972), Der Butt (1977) and Die Rättin (1986), Grass’ main autobiographically-informed fictions of the 1970s and 80s, portray the internal workings of a male narrator’s mind as he creates and tells stories, a process which entails psychological projection. Grass constructs his narrators’ stories as ambiguous projections that combine the fictive strands of an overtly constructed narrator with the more concealed elements based on Grass himself. In employing projection and, in Der Butt and Die Rättin, dreamwork to structure his narratives, Grass draws on Freud’s theory of the unconscious to imply that the narratives manifest latent material, which Freud describes as ‘der latente Trauminhalt’, which will explain them. That latent material – the repressed, unconscious impulses informing projections – emerges as a group of interrelated concerns embedded in all three fictions associated with, on the one hand, the narrator and on the other, the author. As projections based on a highly ambiguously constructed narrator, they imply doubts about how change can be effected (through revolution or reform) as well as whether dominant economic and political interests make progress impossible, condemning societies to a cyclical history (a fundamentally Schopenhauerian and Nietzschean view). Similarly, what appear to be authorial projections suggest a persistence of Grass’ wartime guilt and shame, rooted in a failure to have questioned or challenged National Socialism. I suggest that Grass exploits, rather than simply employs, Freud’s concept of projection to raise questions about what it reveals. He underlines the provisionality of ‘his’ social and political critique, expressed through the narrators’ projections, and raises questions about the relationship he has with a past he struggles to identify with. The uncertainties exposed through Grass’ exploitation of projection and its Freudian rationale takes readers to the edge of an epistemological argument by exposing the limitations of human knowledge – the limitations of the power of rationality and irrationality to validate any claims to knowledge as authoritative and definitive

    A Study of Police Officer\u27s Perceptions of Recruit Training within the Omaha Police Division

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    Recruit training is a key element in police personnel management in the United States. Modern police managers easily recognize the importance of recruit training in terms of job performance and police professionalism. The improvement of recruit training was given special emphasis as a result of the civil disorders of the 1960\u27s. Following a national trend, legislation requiring mandatory training of all police officers was enacted in Nebraska in 1969

    XMM-Newton view of the N 206 superbubble in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We perform an analysis of the X-ray superbubble in the N 206 HII region in the Large Magellanic Cloud using current generation facilities to gain a better understanding of the physical processes at work in the superbubble and to improve our knowledge of superbubble evolution. We used XMM-Newton observations of the N 206 region to produce images and extract spectra of the superbubble diffuse emission. Morphological comparisons with Halpha images from the Magellanic Cloud Emission Line Survey were performed, and spectral analysis of the diffuse X-ray emission was carried out. We derived the physical properties of the hot gas in the superbubble based on the results of the spectral analysis. We also determined the total energy stored in the superbubble and compared this to the expected energy input from the stellar population to assess the superbubble growth rate discrepancy for N 206. We find that the brightest region of diffuse X-ray emission is confined by a Halpha shell, consistent with the superbubble model. In addition, faint emission extending beyond the Halpha shell was found, which we attribute to a blowout region. The spectral analysis of both emission regions points to a hot shocked gas as the likely origin of the emission. We determine the total energy stored in the bubble and the expected energy input by the stellar population. However, due to limited data on the stellar population, the input energy is poorly constrained and, consequently, no definitive indication of a growth rate discrepancy is seen. Using the high-sensitivity X-ray data from XMM-Newton and optical data from the Magellanic Cloud Emission Line Survey has allowed us to better understand the physical properties of the N 206 superbubble and address some key questions of superbubble evolution.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    The Complex Interstellar Na I Absorption toward h and Chi Persei

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    Recent high spatial and spectral resolution investigations of the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) have found significant evidence for small-scale variations in the interstellar gas on scales less than or equal to 1 pc. To better understand the nature of small-scale variations in the ISM, we have used the KPNO WIYN Hydra multi-object spectrograph, which has a mapping advantage over the single-axis, single-scale limitations of studies using high proper motion stars and binary stars, to obtain moderate resolution (~12 km/s) interstellar Na I D absorption spectra of 172 stars toward the double open cluster h and Chi Persei. All of the sightlines toward the 150 stars with spectra that reveal absorption from the Perseus spiral arm show different interstellar Na I D absorption profiles in the Perseus arm gas. Additionally, we have utilized the KPNO Coude Feed spectrograph to obtain high-resolution (~3 km/s) interstellar Na I D absorption spectra of 24 of the brighter stars toward h and Chi Per. These spectra reveal an even greater complexity in the interstellar Na I D absorption in the Perseus arm gas and show individual components changing in number, velocity, and strength from sightline to sightline. If each of these individual velocity components represents an isolated cloud, then it would appear that the ISM of the Perseus arm gas consists of many small clouds. Although the absorption profiles vary even on the smallest scales probed by these high-resolution data (~30";~0.35pc), our analysis reveals that some interstellar Na I D absorption components from sightline to sightline are related, implying that the ISM toward h and Chi Per is probably comprised of sheets of gas in which we detect variations due to differences in the local physical conditions of the gas.Comment: 27 pages text; 8 figure

    Autonomous model protocell division driven by molecular replication

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    The coupling of compartmentalisation with molecular replication is thought to be crucial for the emergence of the first evolvable chemical systems. Minimal artificial replicators have been designed based on molecular recognition, inspired by the template copying of DNA, but none yet have been coupled to compartmentalisation. Here, we present an oil-in-water droplet system comprising an amphiphilic imine dissolved in chloroform that catalyses its own formation by bringing together a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic precursor, which leads to repeated droplet division. We demonstrate that the presence of the amphiphilic replicator, by lowering the interfacial tension between droplets of the reaction mixture and the aqueous phase, causes them to divide. Periodic sampling by a droplet-robot demonstrates that the extent of fission is increased as the reaction progresses, producing more compartments with increased self-replication. This bridges a divide, showing how replication at the molecular level can be used to drive macroscale droplet fission

    YES Ambassador Program Frequently Asked Questions

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    What is the YES Ambassador Program? Sponsored by The Points of Light Foundation, the YES (Youth Engaged in Service) Ambassador program places community-minded young people between the ages of 18-25 for one year with statewide leadership organizations (Partner Organizations) in order to create initiatives and partnerships and provide technical assistance and training in youth service, service-learning and youth le:adership

    The relationship between functional health literacy of African American veterans and nonveterans and their ability to read and comprehend medical information for a chronic illness

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    The purpose of this study was to determine if there were differences between male African Americans who have served in the military and those who are not veterans in their ability to read and comprehend medical information for a chronic illness prevalent among African Americans, such as type 2 diabetes. The participants included 92 African American men of whom 44 were veterans and 48 were nonveterans. The participants were drawn from fraternal organizations and churches in a large metropolitan area located in the Midwestern part of the United States. The Short Test of Health Literacy Assessment (STOFHLA), a knowledge questionnaire, and a short demographic survey were used as the data collection tools. Four research questions were developed for the study. Each of these questions were addressed using inferential statistical analysis. The findings indicated that veterans and nonveterans did not differ in their health literacy levels or in their ability to read and comprehend medical information contained in a pamphlet about diabetes prepare by the Michigan Department of Public Health. One variable, scores on the STOFHLA, was a statistically significant predictor of the ability to read and comprehend medical information on the pamphlet. Health literacy is an important indicator of the ability to read and comprehend medical information in written form that is given to patients with chronic diseases, such as diabetes. Further study is needed to continue research on how to provide this information to individuals, especially those with limited health literacy

    Impact of genotype on EPA and DHA status and responsiveness to increased intakes

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    At a population level, cardioprotective and cognitive actions of the fish oil (FO) derived long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC n-3 PUFAs) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have been extensively demonstrated. In addition to dietary intake, which is limited for many individuals, EPA and DHA status is dependent on the efficiency of their biosynthesis from α-linolenic acid. Gender and common gene variants have been identified as influencing the rate-limiting desaturase and elongase enzymes. Response to a particular intake or status is also highly heterogeneous and likely influenced by genetic variants which impacts on EPA and DHA metabolism and tissue partitioning, transcription factor activity, or physiological end-point regulation. Here available literature relating genotype to tissue LC n-3 PUFA status and response to FO intervention is considered. It is concluded that the available evidence is relatively limited, with much of the variability unexplained, though APOE and FADS genotypes are emerging as being important. Although numerous genotype × LC-n3 PUFA × phenotype associations have been described, few have been confirmed in independent studies. A more comprehensive understanding of the genetic, physiological and behavioural modulators of EPA and DHA status and response to intervention is needed to allow refinement of current dietary LC n-3 PUFA recommendations and stratification of advice to ‘vulnerable’ and responsive subgroups

    Statistics Related to Youth Service

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    Compiled into this resource packet you will find information to guide the reader towards statistical and narrative research published about young people and volunteer service. Some examples of each report\u27s information are listed, along with a description, when possible, of the methodology involved and contact information for the publisher or research group. Studies are listed in chronological order, with the most recent first, and are not grouped by topic since many studies look at multiple issues related to young people
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