20 research outputs found

    The impact of sexual harassment on job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and absenteeism: findings from Pakistan compared to the United States

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    The purpose of this study was to compare and contrast how differences in perceptions of sexual harassment impact productive work environments for employees in Pakistan as compared to the US; in particular, how it affects job satisfaction, turnover, and/or absenteeism. This study analyzed employee responses in Pakistan (n = 146) and the United States (n = 102, 76) using questionnaire data. Significant results indicated that employees who were sexually harassed reported (a) a decrease in job satisfaction (b) greater turnover intentions and (c) a higher rate of absenteeism. Cross-cultural comparisons indicated that (a) Pakistani employees who were sexually harassed had greater job dissatisfaction and higher overall absenteeism than did their US counterparts and (b) Pakistani women were more likely to use indirect strategies to manage sexual harassment than were US targets

    An exploration of the dynamic longitudinal relationship between mental health and alcohol consumption: a prospective cohort study

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    ICN Based Shared Caching in Future Converged Fixed and Mobile Network

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    The explosion of mobile multimedia and Internet-of-things (IoT) services implies strong requirements for seamless switching among various types of networks. Thus, to offer true ubiquitous Internet connection, a Fixed and Mobile Converged (FMC) network architecture is essential for the future 5G network. Such a convergent network can not only improve the utilization of network resources, but also inspire new add-on services for FMC network operators. In this paper, we introduce a shared caching overlay based on Information Centric Networking (ICN). It is deployed on top of the FMC network and controlled by the FMC network operator to offer Caching as a Service (CaaS) to Over-The-Top (OTT) service providers and virtual network operators. Business analysis and performance evaluation will highlight the benefits of deploying such a controlled Shared Caching System (SCS) over an FMC network

    Hierarchical, virtualised and distributed intelligence 5G architecture for low-latency and secure applications

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    CHARISMA aims to tackle low‐latency and end‐to‐end security for converged fixed/wireless 5G networks in order to meet the complex demands of emerging business paradigms, such as Smart Cities, eHealth and Industry 4.0. In this paper, we present the key drivers and requirements towards a hierarchical, distributed‐intelligence 5G architecture, supporting low latency, security and open access as features intrinsic to its design. We also investigate the business perspective of the proposed 5G solution and the changes that can be foreseen for the telecom ecosystem

    Ultra-low latency 5G CHARISMA architecture for secure intelligent transportation verticals

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    We describe low end-to-end latencies of 6.69 ms in the 5G CHARISMA network, that has been optimised for both device and system technologies speed, as well as with its virtualised, hierarchical and distributed, edge-centric architecture, that processes data as near as possible to their source and destination. Such an ultra-high speed 5G network can be utilised in intelligent transport system (ITS) applications, and we describe a public transport bus-based use case that takes advantage of the CHARISMA capabilities

    Floating-point LLL : theoretical and practical aspects

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    The text-book LLL algorithm can be sped up considerably by replacing the underlying rational arithmetic used for the Gram–Schmidt orthogonalisation by floating-point approximations. We review how this modification has been and is currently implemented, both in theory and in practice. Using floating-point approximations seems to be natural for LLL even from the theoretical point of view: it is the key to reach a bit-complexity which is quadratic with respect to the bitlength of the input vectors entries, without fast integer multiplication. The latter bit-complexity strengthens the connection between LLL and Euclid’s gcd algorithm. On the practical side, the LLL implementer may weaken the provable variants in order to further improve their efficiency: we emphasise on these techniques. We also consider the practical behaviour of the floating-point LLL algorithms, in particular their output distribution, their running-time and their numerical behaviour. After 25 years of implementation, many questions motivated by the practical side of LLL remain open.35 page(s

    Polymer crystallization theories

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    CHARISMA: Converged heterogeneous advanced 5G cloud-RAN architecture for intelligent and secure media access

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    5G networks aims to tackle the complex demands of emerging business paradigms, such as Smart Cities, eHealth, and Industry 4.0. In this paper, a hierarchical, distributed-intelligence 5G architecture is described, offering low latency, security, and open access as features intrinsic to its design. SDN and NFV principles are employed to create a networking solution applicable to a large number of high-specification 5G use case scenarios