9 research outputs found

    Dental fear among adults in Finland

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between dental fear and dental attendance, oral health habits and dental condition. A further aim was to study the association between subjective oral impacts and dental fear. The nationwide two-stage stratified cluster sample (n=8028) represented Finnish adults aged 30 years and older. The data were collected in interviews, with questionnaires and at clinical dental examinations. Dental fear was measured with the question: “How afraid are you of visiting a dentist?” and subjective oral impacts with the OHIP-14 questionnaire. Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to determine the association between dental fear and dental attendance, oral health habits, dental condition and subjective oral impacts, taking into consideration the possible confounding and/or modifying factors (e.g. age, gender and education). Of Finnish adults aged 30 years and older, 10% were very afraid and 30% somewhat afraid of visiting a dentist. Those with high dental fear were more likely to report subjective oral impacts than were those with lower fear. Age modified the effect of the association between dental fear and dental attendance, oral health habits and dental condition. Among all age groups, except the 30- to 34-year-olds, irregular attenders were more likely to be very afraid of visiting a dentist than regular attenders were. Dental condition was also poorer among those with high dental fear than among those with lower fear. The association between dental fear and number of decayed teeth was positive in all age groups. Among the age group 65+ years, the numbers of missing and sound teeth were positively, and among the age group 30-34 years negatively, associated with dental fear. Among the age group 65+years, those who brushed their teeth less than twice a day were more likely to have high dental fear than were those who brushed at least twice a day. Regular smokers were more likely to have high dental fear than were those who smoked occasionally or not at all. Dental fear is very common among adults in Finland. Because those with dental fear use dental services irregularly, they are likely to need emergency care. However, those for whom oral health services have been provided regularly since childhood seem to continue to use these services regularly in spite of high dental fear. Dental teams should be aware of the increased oral health risks that smoking, irregular attendance and poor tooth-cleaning habits cause among those with dental fear. Treating dental fear could have positive effects on subjective oral impacts by reducing psychological and social stress as well as improving regular dental attendance and oral health. Birth cohort or age should be taken into account when associations between dental fear and dental attendance, oral health habits and dental condition are studied.Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää hammashoitopelon ja hammashoitopalveluiden käytön, suunterveyteen liittyvien tapojen sekä hammasterveyden välisiä yhteyksiä. Tavoitteena oli myös tutkia suunterveyteen liittyvien ongelmien yhteyttä hammashoitopelkoon. Kaksivaiheinen ryvästetty otos (n=8028) edusti suomalaista 30 vuotta täyttänyttä väestöä. Tutkimuksessa käytetty tieto koottiin haastattelujen, kyselyjen ja suun kliinisen tutkimuksen avulla. Hammashoitopelkoa selvitettiin kysymyksellä ”Onko hammaslääkärissä käynti mielestänne: ei lainkaan pelottavaa, jonkin verran pelottavaa, erittäin pelottavaa?” ja suun terveyteen liittyviä ongelmia OHIP-14-kyselyllä. Logististen regressioanalyysien avulla tutkittiin hammashoitopelon ja palveluiden käytön, suunterveyteen liittyvien tapojen ja ongelmien sekä hampaiden terveyden välistä yhteyttä huomioiden mahdollisia sekoittavia ja/tai vaikutusta muovaavia tekijöitä (mm. ikä, sukupuoli, koulutus). Suomalaisista aikuisista 10 % pelkäsi hammashoitoa kovasti ja 30 % jonkin verran. Kovasti hammashoitoa pelkäävät raportoivat suunterveyteen liittyviä ongelmia useammin kuin vähän tai ei lainkaan pelkäävät. Ikä vaikutti siihen, millainen yhteys oli hammashoitopelon ja hammashoitopalvelujen käytön, suun terveyteen liittyvien tapojen ja hammasterveyden välillä. Kaikissa muissa ikäryhmissä paitsi ikäryhmässä 30–34 epäsäännöllisesti hoidossa käyvät pelkäsivät hammashoitoa todennäköisemmin kuin säännöllisesti hoidossa käyvät. Kovasti pelkäävillä oli myös huonompi hammasterveys kuin vähemmän pelkäävillä. Kaikissa ikäryhmissä kovasti hammashoitoa pelkäävillä oli useampia reikiintyneitä hampaita kuin jonkin verran tai ei lainkaan pelkäävillä. Poistettujen hampaiden lukumäärän lisääntyessä kovan hammashoitopelon todennäköisyys pieneni ikäryhmässä 30–34 ja kasvoi ikäryhmässä 65+. Näissä ikäryhmissä sama ilmiö oli havaittavissa myös terveiden hampaiden lukumäärän muuttuessa. Ikäryhmässä 65+ hampaansa harvemmin kuin kahdesti päivässä harjanneet pelkäsivät hoitoa todennäköisemmin kuin vähintään kahdesti päivässä harjanneet. Säännöllisesti tupakoivat pelkäsivät hammashoitoa todennäköisemmin kuin epäsäännöllisesti tai ei lainkaan tupakoivat. Hammashoitopelko on yleistä Suomessa. Koska pelkäävät käyvät hoidossa epäsäännöllisesti, hammaslääkärit kohtaavat pelkääviä potilaita usein akuuttivastaanotolla. Ne, jotka ovat tottuneet hammashoitopalveluiden säännölliseen käyttöön lapsuudesta alkaen, näyttävät jatkavan palveluiden säännöllistä käyttöä pelosta huolimatta. Hammashoitotiimien tulee huomioida hammashoitoa pelkäävien epäsäännöllisen hoidossa käymisen, puutteellisten kotihoitotottumusten ja tupakoinnin suunterveydelle aiheuttama kohonnut riski. Hammashoitopelon hoitamisella olisi positiivisia vaikutuksia suunterveyteen liittyvään elämänlaatuun, koska pelon hoito vähentää psykologista ja sosiaalista stressiä, lisää säännöllistä hoidossa käyntiä ja parantaa suun terveyttä. Syntymäkohortti tai ikä pitää huomioida tutkittaessa hammashoitopelon yhteyttä hammashoitopalveluiden käyttöön, suunterveyteen liittyviin tapoihin ja hammasterveyteen

    Psychological distress, dental health, and dental fear among Finnish university students:a national survey

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the association between dental fear, psychological distress, and perceived symptoms of teeth controlled for age, gender, educational sector, and tobacco use. The data from the Finnish University Student Health Survey 2016 targeting students (n = 10,000) of academic universities and universities of applied sciences were used. Psychological distress was measured with the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation 10 (CORE-10) and the General Health Questionnaire 12 (GHQ-12) and dental fear with the question ‘Do you feel scared about receiving dental care?’. The study included 3110 students. In logistic regression analyses those with psychological distress (measured with CORE-10 and GHQ-12) and those reporting teeth-related symptoms were more likely than their counterparts to have high dental fear. In gender-specific analyses men with psychological distress (measured with CORE-10) and women with teeth-related symptoms were more likely to have high levels of dental fear. Finnish university students with psychological distress and teeth-related symptoms were more likely to experience higher levels of dental fear than their counterparts were. The results of this study support possible common vulnerability factors that dental fear and other psychological disorders may share

    Psychological distress, oral health behaviour and related factors among adolescents:Finnish School Health Promotion Study

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    Abstract Background: Psychological distress may affect health behaviour. We examined how psychological distress, social phobia (SP) and anxiety associated with tooth brushing among Finnish adolescents with respect to gender, school grade, parents’ education, family structure, smoking and perceived general health. Methods: This study is part of the Finnish national School Health Promotion Study (SHP). The study population comprised a representative sample of Finnish 15-year-olds (N = 45,877). Mini-Social Phobia Inventory (Mini-SPIN) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) served to assess SP and anxiety. A questionnaire enquired about the respondents’ oral health habits (tooth brushing, smoking), background factors (age, gender, family structure and parents’ education) and perceived general health. Chi-squared tests and logistic regression analyses served in the statistical analyses. Results: About two-thirds of the girls (66.7%) and less than half of the boys (40.1%) followed the international recommendation of tooth brushing twice daily. Girls reported possible problems with SP and GAD more often than boys did. Those reporting possible problems with SP or moderate or severe anxiety brushed their teeth at least twice daily less often than did those reporting no possible problems with SP and those with no, slight or mild anxiety. Logistic regression analyses showed that male gender (OR = 3.2; 95% CI 3.1–3.4), parents’ basic education (OR = 1.5; 95% CI 1.4–1.5), and adolescents’ perception of their current state of health as moderate, fairly or very poor (OR = 1.8; 95% CI 1.5–2.0) associated with not brushing teeth twice daily. Gender-specific logistic regression analyses showed that boys who smoked (OR = 1.7; 95% CI 1.6–1.8) were less likely than non-smokers to brush their teeth twice daily. Conclusion: Adolescents with psychological distress, such as possible SP or possible general anxiety, had less favourable oral health behaviour. Psychological distress indicates a greater risk for oral health problems already in adolescence

    Dental fear and dental health and attendance among Finnish male prisoners

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    Abstract Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of dental fear and the associations between dental fear and dental health and dental attendance among Finnish prisoners. Material and Methods: Eighty-nine voluntary male prisoners from the Pelso Prison participated in this cross-sectional clinical study between September 2014 and February 2015. Forty-six (51.7%) of them were also interviewed for their background factors, dental fear and dental attendance. To evaluate the prisoners’ level of dental fear, the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale and Dental Visual Analogue Scale were used. The numbers of decayed, missing, filled and remaining teeth reported dental health. For analyses Pearson’s Chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test, logistic regression analyses and the independent samples Kruskall-Wallis test were conducted. Results:: Among male prisoners four out of 46 (8.7%) reported severe and fourteen out of 46 (30.4%) moderate dental fear, 60.9% had mild or no dental fear. Those with no dental fear visited a dentist regularly more often than those with dental fear. The use of snuff and number of medications were positively associated with severe dental fear. Conclusions: Dental fear is common among Finnish male prisoners. High number of prescribed medications, use of snuff and irregular dental attendance may indicate severe dental fear among Finnish male prisoners

    Association between dental fear and eating disorders and Body Mass Index among Finnish university students:a national survey

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    Abstract Background: Little is known about the association between eating disorders (ED) and dental fear. This study investigated the association between dental fear and EDs through body mass index (BMI), and SCOFF (sick, control, one stone, fat, food) questionnaire among Finnish university students. We hypothesised that dental fear is associated with EDs and BMI. Methods: We used the latest data from the Finnish University Student Health Survey 2016. This survey targeted undergraduate Finnish students (n = 10,000) of academic universities and universities of applied sciences. We enquired about e.g. age, gender, height, weight, educational sector and perceived mental well-being. We used the SCOFF questionnaire to assess those at risk for developing EDs. The question ‘Do you feel scared about dental care?’ enquired about dental fear. We used the chi-square test and gender-specific logistic regression to analyse the associations between dental fear, EDs and BMI controlling for age, educational sector and mental well-being. Results: In total, 3110 students participated in the study. Overall 7.2% of the students reported high dental fear and 9.2% scored SCOFF positive; more women than men reported high dental fear (11.2% vs. 3.8%, p < 0.001) and scored positive on SCOFF (14.2% vs. 3.6%, p < 0.001). Gender modified the association between dental fear and EDs and BMI. Among females, when controlling for educational sector and BMI, those with positive SCOFF score were more likely to have high dental fear than those with negative SCOFF score (OR = 1.6; CI = 1.0–2.4). After adding perceived mental well-being to the gender-specific regression analyses, overweight and obese males, BMI ≥ 25 (OR = 2.4; CI 1.3–4.4) and females with poor to moderate mental well-being (OR = 2.1; CI 1.4–2.9) were more likely than their counterparts to have high dental fear. Conclusions: Among the Finnish university students BMI in males and problems of mental well-being in females were positively associated with high dental fear. The results of this study support possible common vulnerability factors that dental fear and other psychological disorders may share

    Association of dental fear with caries status and self-reported dentition-related well-being in Finnish conscripts

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    Abstract The main aim of this cross-sectional study was to examine the prevalence of dental fear among Finnish conscripts. Other aims were to study the association between dental fear and cariological status as well as their self-reported, dentition-related well-being. The study material consisted of 13,564 men and 255 women conscripts who underwent oral examinations. Of those, 8713 responded to a computer-based questionnaire. The mean number of decayed teeth (DT) was used in analyses for cariological status. Self-reported dental fear, dentition-related well-being and regular check-ups were analysed. Data were analysed with cross tables, Pearson Chi-Square tests, Fisher’s exact test and binary logistic regressive analysis. High dental fear or finding dental visits very scary was associated with DT > 2 both among women (14.6%, when DT = 0; 33.3%, when DT > 2) and men conscripts (2.3% and 10.8%, respectively). In addition, those reporting that dental health had a negative impact on their well-being and had no regular check-ups were more likely to need cariological treatment than the rest. A high education level, both one’s own and parental, was a protective factor for restorative treatment need in male conscripts. The findings of this study support the concept of a vicious cycle of dental fear and dental caries. A preventive, interactive way of work by dental teams would most likely be beneficial for dental health, avoiding the development of dental fear, and dentition-related well-being