4 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Script terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Teks Prosedur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran Cooperative Script pada keterampilan menulis teks prosedur siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen kuantitatif dengan desain the randomized posttest only control group. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan tes unjuk kerja dengan aspek penilaian struktur kebahasaan laporan hasil observasi dan aspek kebahasaan laporan hasil observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar menulis teks prosedur antara model pembelajaran Cooperative Script dan metode konvensional dengan Thitung yang lebih besar dari Ttabel (2,562> 1,684). Simpulan, hasil belajar siswa kelas eksperimen yang diajarkan dengan model pembelajaran Cooperative Script lebih baik dari pada hasil belajar siswa kelas kontrol yang diajar menggunakan metode konvensional. Kata Kunci: Menulis Teks Prosedur, Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Scrip

    Implementation of School Culture Management in State Elementary School in the District of Aur Birugo Tigobaleh

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    The formation development and maintenance of school cultural values is very important in order to create honesty, mutual trust, discipline, neat, clean, beautiful and create a harmonious atmosphere so that the formation of student character is good. This study aims to describe the school's cultural planning and implementation. The subjects of this study were principals of primary schools, teachers and students in primary schools in the Aur Birugo Tigobaleh district. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by means of observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques use techniques developed by Miles and Huberman (1996). The findings of this study include: (1) school cultural planning is not planned according to MoNE standards; (2) the implementation of school culture is implemented by every school member but it does not yet refer to the correct guidelines. For this reason, it is recommended that schools make plans and implement correctly according to applicable guidelines

    Penggunaan Media Visual dalam Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Keterampilan Menulis Laporan

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    This study aims to describe the improvement of student report writing activities and skills through visual media. This research data in the form of qualitative data and quantitative data. Research procedures through stages: 1) observation and identification of problems, 2) pre-action activities, 3) planning research, 4) choosing a process approach using visual media to increase the activity and value of report writing skills, 5) making three-dimensional visual learning media to be projected through the LCD of the projector, 6) making observation sheets, 7) implementing research (observation, analysis and reflection). Research activities were carried out 2 times without using visual media and using visual media. Data collection was carried out by 2 researchers with observers. The results of the study found that after the research was conducted, it appeared that there was an improvement in student processes and grades. The results showed an increase in activity indicators (an average of 60 with sufficient qualifications (before the use of the media), to 80 with good qualifications (after the use of the media). Improved values ​​can be seen from an average of 54.17 (before) with almost enough qualifications being 76.25 with good qualifications (after). This explains that visual media can improve student activities and grades in writing reports based on visual objects. Keywords: Activities, Skills, Writing, Reports, Visual Medi

    An Analysis of Phonological Errors of Children with Intellectual Disabilities in Special Schools and its Correlation with Islamic Education

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    Phonological error analysis in this study is related to the pronunciation of sounds of language in communication. Given the importance of communication between speakers and listeners, it is imperative to conduct a study of the analysis of children with intellectual disability's phonological errors. This study aims to analyze phonological errors consisting of phonetics and phonemics in the vocabulary of children with intellectual disability in SLB (Special School) Insan Mandiri, Tanah Pak Lambiak Village, Padangpanjang City. The method employed was the descriptive qualitative method. The data collection method was the listening and speaking method called the Simak Libat Cakap (SLC) technique. The instruments were the researchers, 200 basic Morris Swadesh vocabularies, stationery, and recording devices (cellphones). Data analysis techniques employed were (1) classify, (2) describe, (3) analyze, (4) discuss or implement, and (5) conclude. Based on the findings, phonological errors generally occurred in the phonetic domain, especially in pronouncing vibration sounds due to an illness that inhibits the speaking process of children with intellectual disabilities. Several errors were found in the pronunciation of consonants and clusters in the phonemic domain. Therefore, constant attention, guidance, and practice are needed so children with intellectual disabilities can communicate well. In Islam, education is considered one of the important aspects of life. Thus, the principles of inclusion and attention to individuals with intellectual limitations should be applied to children with intellectual disabilities. The ultimate goal is to ensure that all individuals have equal access to religious education and moral values that are important in the Islamic religion