11 research outputs found

    Seamless Language Learning: Second Language Learning with Social Media

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    This conceptual paper describes a language learning model that applies social media to foster contextualized and connected language learning in communities. The model emphasizes weaving together different forms of language learning activities that take place in different learning contexts to achieve seamless language learning. It promotes social interactions with social media about the learners’ day-to-day life using the targeted second or foreign language. The paper first identifies three key features of the language learning approach, namely, authenticity, contextualization and socialization. How these features are related to the communicative approach of language learning are subsequently explicated. This is followed by further explication on how the notion of seamless language learning could inform learning designers and learners in synergizing the desired characteristics of language learning together. Eventually, we propose the SMILLA (Social MedIa as Language Learning Artifacts) Framework to operationalize seamless language learning with the use of social media. A case of seamless language learning environment design known as MyCloud will be described to illustrate the practicality of the SMILLA Framework

    Seamless Language Learning: Second Language Learning with Social Media

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    This conceptual paper describes a language learning model that applies social media to foster contextualized and connected language learning in communities. The model emphasizes weaving together different forms of language learning activities that take place in different learning contexts to achieve seamless language learning. It promotes social interactions with social media about the learners’ day-to-day life using the targeted second or foreign language. The paper first identifies three key features of the language learning approach, namely, authenticity, contextualization and socialization. How these features are related to the communicative approach of language learning are subsequently explicated. This is followed by further explication on how the notion of seamless language learning could inform learning designers and learners in synergizing the desired characteristics of language learning together. Eventually, we propose the SMILLA (Social MedIa as Language Learning Artifacts) Framework to operationalize seamless language learning with the use of social media. A case of seamless language learning environment design known as MyCloud will be described to illustrate the practicality of the SMILLA Framework

    唐代传奇中的女性形象 = The womens' role during the Tang Dynasty as portrayed in "Tang Chuanqi" (short stories of Tang Dynasty)

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    Tang Chuanqi is an important literature creation in ancient China . As compared to the Pre-Tang literature , Tang Chuanqi has created quite a number of women with speciflc role . It is indeed very special in a man dominated society like ancient China . Therefore , it is interesting to look into the womens' role of Tang Dynasty as portrayed in Tang Chuanqi.Master of Art

    二十世纪七八十年代新华女性小说作者的世界 = The worlds of Singapore Chinese female writers of fiction : a study of short stories and novellas during the seventies and eighties from a feminist perspective

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    This dissertation is a comprehensive study of Singapore Chinese female writers' short stories and novellas from 1970 to 1989. The idea of the four coordinates of artist/writer, text, universe/world, and audience/reader in Literary creation/criticism as proposed by M.H. Abrams and modified by James J.Y. Liu is adopted as an organizing framework. The concepts of diachronic and synchronic used in linguistics are also incorporated. The dissertation includes 283 short stories and novellas. From a feminist perspective, the study focuses on the three “worlds" of Singapore Chinese female writers: namely, the diachronic, the synchronic and the textual worlds. It comprises seven chapters. The first chapter begins with a definition or key terms and concepts in the dissertation. A brief introduction to Singapore Chinese literature in general and Singapore Chinese female literature in particular is provided in the course. This is followed by an explanation of the theoretical framework of the dissertation and its structure. The second and third chapters focus on the diachronic and synchronic worlds of Singapore Chinese female writers. The second chapter examines the status of Singapore women from 1819 to 1969. Special attention is paid to the status of Singapore Chinese women. The aim is to explore into their diachronic world. The third chapter looks into their synchronic world. The changes in women' s status from 1970 to 1989 are-outlined and analyzed. The cultural, economical, educational as when legal statuses of women are reviewed. These chapters serve to lay a foundation for us to examine how the realistic diachronic and synchronic worlds will influence the textual world of Singapore Chinese female writers. Chapters four to six form the main theme of the dissertation. Chapter four discusses the influences of both the diachronic and synchronic worlds on the textual world of Singapore Chinese female writers in general while chapters five and six explores into the private and public spheres of Singapore Chinese women as reflected the textual world in particular. The subject matters, themes and the literary techniques and language use are dealt with in chapter four. Chapter five highlights the private sphere where the themes of love and marriage are dominant. Chapter six probes into the public sphere, where the social domain is the focus. The last chapter, the Conclusion, re-examines the textual world of Singapore Chinese female writers from a feminist perspective.Doctor of Philosophy (CCLC

    Aprendizaje de idiomas «sin costuras»: Aprendizaje de segundas lenguas y redes sociales

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    This conceptual paper describes a language learning model that applies social media to foster contextualized and connected language learning in communities. The model emphasizes weaving together different forms of language learning activities that take place in different learning contexts to achieve seamless language learning. It promotes social interactions with social media about the learners’ day-to-day life using the targeted second or foreign language. The paper first identifies three key features of the language learning approach, namely, authenticity, contextualization and socialization. How these features are related to the communicative approach of language learning are subsequently explicated. This is followed by further explication on how the notion of seamless language learning could inform learning designers and learners in synergizing the desired characteristics of language learning together. Eventually, we propose the SMILLA (Social MedIa as Language Learning Artifacts) Framework to operationalize seamless language learning with the use of social media. A case of seamless language learning environment design known as MyCloud will be described to illustrate the practicality of the SMILLA Framework.Este artículo describe un modelo de aprendizaje de lenguas que se sirve de las redes sociales para promover un aprendizaje contextualizado y conectado en comunidades. El modelo propone la interconexión entre diferentes tipos de actividades de aprendizaje en contextos diversos con el objetivo de lograr un aprendizaje discontinuo. Promueve las interacciones sociales a través de los medios compartiendo aspectos de la vida cotidiana en la lengua meta. Este trabajo identifica en primer lugar aspectos clave del enfoque de aprendizaje tales como la autenticidad, la contextualización y la socialización, al tiempo que explica cómo se relacionan estos aspectos con el enfoque comunicativo en el aprendizaje de lenguas. A continuación se presenta una discusión acerca de cómo la noción de aprendizaje discontinuo puede orientar a los creadores de materiales, docentes y aprendientes en la sinergia de todas las características del aprendizaje de lenguas. Para concluir, se propone el modelo SMILLA (Redes sociales como instrumentos para el aprendizaje de lenguas) para poner en práctica la noción de aprendizaje discontinuo con la ayuda de las redes sociales. Los resultados de su aplicación sugieren un potencial efecto sobre los aprendientes, generando usuarios más activos en contextos socialmente significativos, preparados para la autorreflexión sobre el uso que hacen de esa lengua, y con una menor necesidad de intervención del docente

    Seamless Language Learning: Second Language Learning with Social Media

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    Este artículo describe un modelo de aprendizaje de lenguas que se sirve de las redes sociales para promover un aprendizaje contextualizado y conectado en comunidades. El modelo propone la interconexión entre diferentes tipos de actividades de aprendizaje en contextos diversos con el objetivo de lograr un aprendizaje discontinuo. Promueve las interacciones sociales a través de los medios compartiendo aspectos de la vida cotidiana en la lengua meta. Este trabajo identifica en primer lugar aspectos clave del enfoque de aprendizaje tales como la autenticidad, la contextualización y la socialización, al tiempo que explica cómo se relacionan estos aspectos con el enfoque comunicativo en el aprendizaje de lenguas. A continuación se presenta una discusión acerca de cómo la noción de aprendizaje discontinuo puede orientar a los creadores de materiales, docentes y aprendientes en la sinergia de todas las características del aprendizaje de lenguas. Para concluir, se propone el modelo SMILLA (Redes sociales como instrumentos para el aprendizaje de lenguas) para poner en práctica la noción de aprendizaje discontinuo con la ayuda de las redes sociales. Los resultados de su aplicación sugieren un potencial efecto sobre los aprendientes, generando usuarios más activos en contextos socialmente significativos, preparados para la autorreflexión sobre el uso que hacen de esa lengua, y con una menor necesidad de intervención del docenteThis conceptual paper describes a language learning model that applies social media to foster contextualized and connected language learning in communities. The model emphasizes weaving together different forms of language learning activities that take place in different learning contexts to achieve seamless language learning. It promotes social interactions with social media about the learners’ day-to-day life using the targeted second or foreign language. The paper first identifies three key features of the language learning approach, namely, authenticity, contextualization and socialization. How these features are related to the communicative approach of language learning are subsequently explicated. This is followed by further explication on how the notion of seamless language learning could inform learning designers and learners in synergizing the desired characteristics of language learning together. Eventually, we propose the SMILLA (Social MedIa as Language Learning Artifacts) Framework to operationalize seamless language learning with the use of social media. A case of seamless language learning environment design known as MyCloud will be described to illustrate the practicality of the SMILLA Framewor

    Seamless Language Learning: Second Language Learning with Social Media

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    This conceptual paper describes a language learning model that applies social media to foster contextualized and connected language learning in communities. The model emphasizes weaving together different forms of language learning activities that take place in different learning contexts to achieve seamless language learning. It promotes social interactions with social media about the learners’ day-to-day life using the targeted second or foreign language. The paper first identifies three key features of the language learning approach, namely, authenticity, contextualization and socialization. How these features are related to the communicative approach of language learning are subsequently explicated. This is followed by further explication on how the notion of seamless language learning could inform learning designers and learners in synergizing the desired characteristics of language learning together. Eventually, we propose the SMILLA (Social MedIa as Language Learning Artifacts) Framework to operationalize seamless language learning with the use of social media. A case of seamless language learning environment design known as MyCloud will be described to illustrate the practicality of the SMILLA Framework

    Learning Performance of Different Genders’ Computational Thinking

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    While the role of computational thinking (CT) has been widely reported in technology applications and further integrated into interdisciplinary learning, the integration of pedagogy-supported interdisciplinary activities for the empowerment of girls’ learning must not solely emphasise CT problem-solving skills. Rather, it must scaffold them with interactive learning that supports their characteristics while catering to gender equality. In this study, a gender-balanced interdisciplinary activity, integrating CT with Mandarin learning (ML), was designed for an elementary school in the Mandarin as a Second Language learning context using Social Robots (SRs). It sought to verify the results of the proposed method along with focused activities and interaction in an SR-integrated activity on the CT abilities and target-language learning of young learners. A total of 46 Grade 5 students, 26 boys and 20 girls, participated in the experiment. The study used a quasi-experimental method by examining the result of pre- and post-tests on language acquisition, programming self-efficacy, the educational robot attitude, and learning perceptions in the activity. The results indicated that there were no gender differences in terms of ML, self-efficacy in programming, or attitudes toward using SRs in the SR-integrated interdisciplinary activities. However, the boys and girls had different perceptions of learning. Suggestions for conducting SR-integrated interdisciplinary learning are given, along with pedagogical implications for the further promotion of women in technology

    Learning Performance of Different Genders’ Computational Thinking

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    While the role of computational thinking (CT) has been widely reported in technology applications and further integrated into interdisciplinary learning, the integration of pedagogy-supported interdisciplinary activities for the empowerment of girls’ learning must not solely emphasise CT problem-solving skills. Rather, it must scaffold them with interactive learning that supports their characteristics while catering to gender equality. In this study, a gender-balanced interdisciplinary activity, integrating CT with Mandarin learning (ML), was designed for an elementary school in the Mandarin as a Second Language learning context using Social Robots (SRs). It sought to verify the results of the proposed method along with focused activities and interaction in an SR-integrated activity on the CT abilities and target-language learning of young learners. A total of 46 Grade 5 students, 26 boys and 20 girls, participated in the experiment. The study used a quasi-experimental method by examining the result of pre- and post-tests on language acquisition, programming self-efficacy, the educational robot attitude, and learning perceptions in the activity. The results indicated that there were no gender differences in terms of ML, self-efficacy in programming, or attitudes toward using SRs in the SR-integrated interdisciplinary activities. However, the boys and girls had different perceptions of learning. Suggestions for conducting SR-integrated interdisciplinary learning are given, along with pedagogical implications for the further promotion of women in technology