105 research outputs found

    The evolution of early Spermophilus in eastern Europe and the antiquity of the Old World ground squirrels

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    Spermophilus is the most diverse and abundant genus of Eurasian sciurids. Even though many species have been described, the early evolution of the group is poorly understood. Here we present a review of the evolution and taxonomy of early Spermophilus, based on analysis of more than 1500 specimens from the late Pliocene and Early–Middle Pleistocene of Ukraine and European Russia, representing the most complete and continuous fossil record of the early Old World ground squirrels known to date. In addition to documenting previously unpublished specimens of Spermophilus nogaici, we describe a new species, Spermophilus praecox sp. nov., the oldest member of the genus, from the late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene (middle Villanyian to earliest Biharian) of southern Ukraine. It is intermediate in size between a somewhat smaller Spermophilus nogaici and larger Spermophilus polonicus and Spermophilus primigenius. Morphologically, the new species can be distinguished from all known Spermophilus by the retention of primitive traits including a small P3; rudimentary lingual metaloph; large metaconule and mesostyle; presence of P4–M2 endoloph; and premolariform p4 lacking a lingual metalophid. The patterns of dental evolution in eastern European early Spermophilus throughout 2.15 My indicates the existence of a single gradually evolving S. praecox–S. nogaici lineage characterized by a decrease of molar size but enlargement of premolars; the tendency toward high-crowned teeth with more expanded anterior and reduced posterior lobes; well-developed transverse ridges and anterostyles; reduced endolophs, anteroconules, metaconules, and mesostyles of P4–M2; molariform p4; complete m1–m2 metalophids; and stronger m3 hypoconid, hypoconulid, and entoconulid. Dental character regression suggests that Spermophilus evolved from a relatively large-sized sciurid having generalized Otospermophilus-like dentition, probably an unknown North American member of stem Marmotina. Copyright © 2019 M.V. Sinitsa and N.V. Pogodina. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (for details please see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Government Council on Grants, Russian FederationWe would like to thank Dmitry V. Ivanoff, Oleksandr M. Kovalchuk, Vadym O. Yanenko (all National Museum of Natural History, Kiev, Ukraine), Olga V. Makarova (Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia), Mihály Gasparik and Piroska Pazonyi (both Hungarian Museum of Natural History, Budapest, Hungary) for access and guidance during MVS’s visits to their respective institutions. We are also grateful to Alexey S. Tesakov (Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia) for discussions on fossil ground squirrels and southern Ukraine stratigraphy. Finally, we thank Thomas H. Goodwin (Andrews University, Berrien Springs, USA), William W. Korth (Rochester Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology, New York, USA), and the Editor, Olivier Lambert (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium) for their constructive comments that greatly improved the manuscript. The research was supported by Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, contract No. 02.A03.21.0006; and by INQUA Project 1606:‘Ground Squirrels on the March: Expansion and Speciation in the Quaternary of the Circum-Pontic Area and Surroundings’

    Plio-Pliocene vole fauna from Zverinogolovskoye locality (Southern Trans-Urals region)

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    The Plio-Pleistocene arvicoline fauna of Zverinogolovskoye is revised. The molar morphology of Pliomys sp., Borsodia praehungarica, Pitymimomys ex gr. inceptor, Pitymimomys baschkiricus, Mimomys ex gr. hajnackensis, Mimomys polonicus, Mimomys hintoni, and M. cf. reidi is described. Biozones of most forms indicate the Late Pliocene-earliest Pleistocene interval (Villanyian European Land Mammal Age, zones MN16 to MN17). The vole fauna includes common species occurring in Western Europe, the Russian Plain, and West Siberia. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA

    Морфология и эволюционная позиция раннеплиоценовой полёвки Propliomys jalpugensis из Восточной Европы

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    Propliomys jalpugensis, a fossil rhizodont vole (late Early Pliocene, late Ruscinian, MN15), is revised based on materials from the type locality Kotlovina (southwestern Ukraine). This form is interpreted as a phyletic stage, marked by dental complication of first lower molar and hypsodonty, intermediate between the preceding late Early Pliocene Propliomys kowalskii and P. destinatus, and successive Late Pliocene Propliomys ucrainicus. Molar enamel of P. jalpugensis shows a pattern with the radial enamel in leading edges, occasionally with the incipient lamellar enamel, and the inner radial and outer primitive tangental enamel in trailing and closing edges © RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF THERIOLOGY, 2022Government Council on Grants, Russian FederationWe thank the technical staff of the Geological Institute RAS, Paleontological Institute RAS, and the Ural Center for Shared Use “Modern nanotechnology” SNSM UrFU for the assistance with SEM microscopy and preparing of helped to refine the manuscript. The work was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract No. 02.A03.21.0006. This work conforms to the scientific plan of the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of SciencesACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We thank the technical staff of the Geological Institute RAS, Paleontological Institute RAS, and the Ural Center for Shared Use “Modern nanotechnology” SNSM UrFU for the assistance with SEM microscopy and preparing of samples. We thank the two reviewers for comments that helped to refine the manuscript. The work was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract No. 02.A03.21.0006. This work conforms to the scientific plan of the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

    Organization and management of clusters in Russia in the context of import substitution

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    The article covers the trends of the agribusiness development in Russia. It is shown that it is desirable to develop organizational-economic forms of entrepreneurship based on the cluster approach in the modern realities. The most famous agribusiness clusters in the world are explored. Regions of Russia that have achieved the most significant results in agribusiness clustering are mentioned. It is found that the establishment of agribusiness in Russia is defined by the political decision of regional authorities rather than based on research and development. An algorithm for establishing the agribusiness cluster is proposed, which includes four stages: methodological, analytical, organizational-economic and control. The key areas of state support for the development of agribusiness clusters in Russia are defined.peer-reviewe

    Synthesis of phosphorylated piperazines

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    Heating 3-methyl-1,2-butadienyl phosphonates with piperazine leads to the formation of 2-piperazinyl-butenyl phosphonates containing the enamine functionality. From the reaction of piperazine with four equivalents of 1,2-butadienyl phosphonate a bis(phosphonate) is obtained, in which the piperazine bridge links two phosphorylbutene fragments. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Assessment of the actual nutrition of rural adolescents of the Irkutsk region because of revision of the norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients

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    Background. The rational nutrition of the child population is given great medical importance as a factor in preserving the health and development of the child. A complete and balanced diet in terms of the content of basic nutrients ensures the normal growth and development of the child’s body.The aim. To analyze of the actual nutrition of adolescents living in rural areas of the Irkutsk region.Materials and methods. The study involved 69 rural adolescents aged 11–17 years (34 boys, 35 girls). The actual nutrition was studied by the method of 24-hour nutrition reproduction. The energy value of the diet was determined, the nature of the provision of the diet with basic macro- and microelements was studied. The obtained values were compared with the norms of  physiological needs for energy and nutrients in 2008 and 2021.Results. The analysis of actual nutrition revealed deviations from the principles of  healthy nutrition: insufficient energy value of the diet, deficiency of proteins and  fats. The diet of  adolescents was characterized by an insufficient content of the main groups of macro- and micronutrients – vitamins A, C and D, essential trace elements, and a deficiency of dietary fiber. The diet of adolescents was characterized by increased sodium intake. The calculated ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates indicated a carbohydrate type of diet.Conclusion. Despite the great attention to the problem of balanced nutrition of adolescents, the question of the impact of nutrition on the health of a teenager, considering the regional factor, remains open. Recommendations for the development of a regional program for the organization of proper nutrition for school-age children are of great practical importance

    A dynamic analysis of the incidence rate in adolescents of the Russian Federation and Novosibirsk Region

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    By means of calculation of the incidence mean value, the amplitude of oscillation and a dynamic analysis, we investigated data from official statistical collections of the Federal State Statistics Service (Public Health in Russia, Russian Statistical Yearbook). We assessed the incidence rate using medical aid appealability of adolescents (15-І7 years) in the Russian Federation and Novosibirsk region during the period from 2004 to 2013. A comparative dynamic analysis of general incidence of the adolescents of the Russian Federation and Novosibirsk region has shown that the medical referral level is higher in the Russian Federation by 33.8 % with an average increase by 3.4 % per year on average, especially for such types of diseases as digestive diseases, diseases of the endocrine system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, circulatory system diseases, diseases of the eye and adnexa, diseases of the ear and mastoid process, nervous system diseases (44.1 %; 31.9 %; 26.0 %; 24.9 %; 23.8 %; 22.9 %; 21.3 %; 19.8 % respectively); the medical referral level of Novosibirsk region was higher by 30.2 % with an average increase by 3.0 % per year on average, infectious and parasitic pathology was higher by 43.0 % mainly. The differences in the levels of medical help and the structure of the main types of diseases that determine the nature of adolescent morbidity in the Russian Federation and Novosibirsk region, which predetermines the need to ensure appropriate coordination of medical activities and services

    Obese Adolescent: Social and Psychological Portrait

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    Background. Obesity and its complications continue to be a serious problem in children and adolescents in the 21st century. Clinical and psychological studies show that obesity may lead to changes in emotional status of adolescents. Today exposure to sociodemographic parameters is known to be a risk factor for the development of obesity in children. Thus, our research focuses on the relationship between sociodemographic  and psychological factors and obesity in adolescents, as this link has not been sufficiently studied.Aim. To determine sociodemographic and psychological factors associated with adolescent obesity.Materials and methods. Our cross-sectional study included 111 obese adolescents and 39 normal weight adolescents, aged 11–17 years. We used anthropometry and questionnaire methods to examine emotional state, eating habits and socio-demographic characteristics of teenagers.Results. It is shown that adolescents with obesity are more likely than adolescents with normal weight to  have a stepparent (p = 0.002). All adolescents with normal weight were involved in extracurricular activities  and attended different courses (studying with tutors, going to language schools, exam preparation courses),  compared to adolescents with obesity (75 %) (p < 0.001). We did not find any differences between the groups in the domains of sports activities and screen time. When examining the emotional state of adolescents, we found that more people from the group with obesity suffered from lower self-esteem than from the control group (p = 0.041). Adolescents with obesity tend to have (15.3 %) severe depression, while no controls reported this issue.Conclusions. We found that adolescents with obesity more often live in a step-family. They are less likely to be engaged in additional educational activities. We succeeded to describe the emotional status and eating habits of obese adolescents

    Excimer Laser Correction of Myopia Using Aspheric Technology. Literature Review

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    The article presents a literature review of scientific sources on the use of aspheric technology for the correction of refractive errors at the present stage of development of excimer laser surgery. The article highlights the pressing challenge of developing algorithms that improve quality indicators, maintaining subtle visual functions (low-contrast visual acuity, visual acuity in various illuminating conditions) after excimer laser correction of ametropy. The literature data on the etiology of visual acuity reduction after refractive operations are given. Special consideration is given to the description of asphericity indicators by the researchers, the importance of influence of the indicators on the qualitative characteristics of vision. The mechanism of influence of the modified aberration balance of the cornea after refractive interventions on the indicators of spatial-contrasting characteristics of vision in refractive patients is clarified; the importance of evaluating these indicators before and after refractive surgeries is emphasized. The types of aspherical ablation algorithms used in modern, both foreign and domestic, excimer laser systems, and their differences are described. Advantages and disadvantages of the aspherical algorithms used have been analyzed, historical evolution of the software that was developed and introduced into the new excimer laser systems for aspherical operations has been traced. Fundamental difference between aspheric ablation optimized with respect to wavefront with average asphericity index, introduced by the manufacturer of the facility, and the algorithm, where aspheric ablation is performed with personalized Q-factor, which can be controlled by the surgeon himself, is presented in detail. The problem of developing optimized technology of aspheric ablation algorithm in correcting myopia due to the existence of restrictions on the use of aspheric techniques on domestic “Microscan-VIZUM” excimer laser unit is emphasized


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    Nowadays, the introduction of innovative business models is a factor of sustainable development of the Russian economy and its regions. One of such models is creation of clusters. The cluster approach came into widespread use in the 80s of the last century. The innovative development and understanding of the importance of the economy at the regional level made it possible to apply the cluster theory to these problems. At present, the cluster approach is regarded as one of the most effective tools for the development of national and regional economies. This is the way to allow the country to maintain the domestic industry and promote the development of entrepreneurship in the regions. Although the budget funding of the country’s industrial potential is characterized by relatively high indices it is not sufficient for the concurrent implementation of many large-scale projects, including the creation of innovative regional clusters and ensuring high rates of economic development of the country and individual regions. The paper discusses the use of the cluster approach to boost the innovative development of the region, methods for building a cluster management system, organizational and financial mechanisms for the development of a cluster. The analysis of the Russian experience in the use of innovative financial and economic mechanisms for creation and development of regional clusters made it possible to identify the main trends in the application of such mechanisms, evaluate their effectiveness and outline possible areas of improvement.В современных условиях одной из составляющих обеспечения устойчивого развития экономики России и ее регионов является внедрение инновационных моделей хозяйствования, одна из которых - создание кластеров. Кластерный подход получил широкое распространение в 80-х годах XX в. Инновационное развитие и понимание важности развития экономики на региональном уровне позволили применить к этим задачам кластерную теорию. В настоящее время кластерный подход рассматривается в качестве одного из наиболее эффективных инструментов развития национальных и региональных экономик. Именно такой путь позволит стране сохранить отечественное производство и стимулировать развитие предпринимательства в регионах. Несмотря на то что бюджетное финансирование развития промышленного потенциала страны характеризуется относительно высокими показателями, его недостаточно для одновременной реализации многих масштабных проектов, в том числе создания инновационных территориальных кластеров и обеспечения высоких темпов экономического развития страны и отдельных регионов. В статье рассмотрены вопросы применения кластерного подхода для активизации инновационного развития регионов, направления построения системы управления кластером и организационно-финансовые механизмы развития кластера. Анализ российского опыта использования финансово-экономических механизмов создания и развития инновационных территориальных кластеров позволил выявить основные тенденции в применении таких механизмов, оценить их эффективность и наметить возможные направления совершенствования