1,694 research outputs found

    Representation Learning in Sensory Cortex: A Theory

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    We review and apply a computational theory based on the hypothesis that the feedforward path of the ventral stream in visual cortex's main function is the encoding of invariant representations of images. A key justification of the theory is provided by a result linking invariant representations to small sample complexity for image recognition - that is, invariant representations allow learning from very few labeled examples. The theory characterizes how an algorithm that can be implemented by a set of "simple" and "complex" cells - a "Hubel Wiesel module" - provides invariant and selective representations. The invariance can be learned in an unsupervised way from observed transformations. Our results show that an invariant representation implies several properties of the ventral stream organization, including the emergence of Gabor receptive filelds and specialized areas. The theory requires two stages of processing: the first, consisting of retinotopic visual areas such as V1, V2 and V4 with generic neuronal tuning, leads to representations that are invariant to translation and scaling; the second, consisting of modules in IT (Inferior Temporal cortex), with class- and object-specific tuning, provides a representation for recognition with approximate invariance to class specific transformations, such as pose (of a body, of a face) and expression. In summary, our theory is that the ventral stream's main function is to implement the unsupervised learning of "good" representations that reduce the sample complexity of the final supervised learning stage

    Force sensing with nanowire cantilevers

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    Nanometer-scale structures with high aspect ratio such as nanowires and nanotubes combine low mechanical dissipation with high resonance frequencies, making them ideal force transducers and scanning probes in applications requiring the highest sensitivity. Such structures promise record force sensitivities combined with ease of use in scanning probe microscopes. A wide variety of possible material compositions and functionalizations is available, allowing for the sensing of various kinds of forces with optimized sensitivity. In addition, nanowires possess quasi-degenerate mechanical mode doublets, which has allowed the demonstration of sensitive vectorial force and mass detection. These developments have driven researchers to use nanowire cantilevers in various force sensing applications, which include imaging of sample surface topography, detection of optomechanical, electrical, and magnetic forces, and magnetic resonance force microscopy. In this review, we discuss the motivation behind using nanowires as force transducers, explain the methods of force sensing with nanowire cantilevers, and give an overview of the experimental progress and future prospects of the field

    Boundary between the thermal and statistical polarization regimes in a nuclear spin ensemble

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    As the number of spins in an ensemble is reduced, the statistical uctuations in its polarization eventually exceed the mean thermal polarization. This transition has now been surpassed in a number of recent nuclear magnetic resonance experiments, which achieve nanometer-scale detection volumes. Here, we measure nanometer- scale ensembles of nuclear spins in a KPF6 sample using magnetic resonance force microscopy. In particular, we investigate the transition between regimes dominated by thermal and statistical nuclear polarization. The ratio between the two types of polarization provides a measure of the number of spins in the detected ensemble

    Nonlinear motion and mechanical mixing in as-grown GaAs nanowires

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    We report nonlinear behavior in the motion of driven nanowire cantilevers. The nonlinearity can be described by the Duffing equation and is used to demonstrate mechanical mixing of two distinct excitation frequencies. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the nonlinearity can be used to amplify a signal at a frequency close to the mechanical resonance of the nanowire oscillator. Up to 26 dB of amplitude gain are demonstrated in this way


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    Observation of vortex-nucleated magnetization reversal in individual ferromagnetic nanotubes

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    The reversal of a uniform axial magnetization in a ferromagnetic nanotube (FNT) has been predicted to nucleate and propagate through vortex domains forming at the ends. In dynamic cantilever magnetometry measurements of individual FNTs, we identify the entry of these vortices as a function of applied magnetic field and show that they mark the nucleation of magnetization reversal. We find that the entry field depends sensitively on the angle between the end surface of the FNT and the applied field. Micromagnetic simulations substantiate the experimental results and highlight the importance of the ends in determining the reversal process. The control over end vortex formation enabled by our findings is promising for the production of FNTs with tailored reversal properties.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figure

    South African fireweed Senecio madagascariensis (Asteraceae) in Argentina: Relevance of chromosome studies to its systematics

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    The systematic identity of Senecio madagascariensis is ratified against the opinion that it is conspecific with Senecio inaequidens. Both species are native to South Africa and have been merged in the 'Senecio inaequidens complex', a group of entities difficult to distinguish from each other. Senecio madagascariensis is widespread in South America and Australia, where it is an invasive weed. Mitotic and meiotic studies were conducted on Argentinian material; chromosome counts solved the chromosome number controversy, validating 2n = 20. The karyotype was symmetrical, composed of ten pairs of metacentric chromosomes varying from 1.62 to 2.38 μm in length. The most frequent number of satellited chromosomes was three, but their position was difficult to assign. Meiosis was regular, with a configuration of ten predominantly open bivalents. Univalents and quadrivalents were rarely observed. High frequencies of secondary associations of bivalents, chromosome asynchrony and bivalent grouping were documented, reinforcing the hypothesis that x = 5 is the basic chromosome number. Pollen stainability ranged from 94 to 99%. The relevance of chromosomal studies in the circumscription of S. madagascariensis is discussed. Hybridization and polyploidy, as principal evolutionary forces in this genus, explain the systematic difficulties.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    South African fireweed Senecio madagascariensis (Asteraceae) in Argentina: Relevance of chromosome studies to its systematics

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    The systematic identity of Senecio madagascariensis is ratified against the opinion that it is conspecific with Senecio inaequidens. Both species are native to South Africa and have been merged in the 'Senecio inaequidens complex', a group of entities difficult to distinguish from each other. Senecio madagascariensis is widespread in South America and Australia, where it is an invasive weed. Mitotic and meiotic studies were conducted on Argentinian material; chromosome counts solved the chromosome number controversy, validating 2n = 20. The karyotype was symmetrical, composed of ten pairs of metacentric chromosomes varying from 1.62 to 2.38 μm in length. The most frequent number of satellited chromosomes was three, but their position was difficult to assign. Meiosis was regular, with a configuration of ten predominantly open bivalents. Univalents and quadrivalents were rarely observed. High frequencies of secondary associations of bivalents, chromosome asynchrony and bivalent grouping were documented, reinforcing the hypothesis that x = 5 is the basic chromosome number. Pollen stainability ranged from 94 to 99%. The relevance of chromosomal studies in the circumscription of S. madagascariensis is discussed. Hybridization and polyploidy, as principal evolutionary forces in this genus, explain the systematic difficulties.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Deep cytogenetics analysis reveals meiotic recombination depletion in species of Senecio (Asteraceae)

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    Background: Senecio is the largest genus in the Asteraceae family growing in all environments around the world. It displays taxonomic and systematical difficulties. Cytogenetic knowledge of this genus is ancient, scarce and mainly restricted to chromosome number records. Results: In this study we analyzed chromosome number, meiotic configuration, bivalent morphology, meiotic behavior and pollen grain stainability on 100 accessions of 27 different polyploid Senecio L. sect Senecio entities. Median, standard deviation and mode were calculated for number and position of chiasmata and meiotic recombination was statistically evaluated. Although high frequency of multivalents and associated meiotic irregularities are expected in high polyploids, bivalents predominance and, consequently, regular meiosis were observed, with normal sporogenesis and high pollen grain stainability. Conclusion: Depletion in the total chiasmata was significant only in some species but the terminal position was preferential in all the entities analyzed, indicating significant reduction in recombination. The regular meiosis observed suggest that intra and intergenomic reorganization process occur quickly and efficiently in this genus. Mechanisms of diploidization, common to all polyploids, are reinforced by the strong reduction in crossing-over rushing polyploids stabilization.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse
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