10,162 research outputs found

    Classifying motor imagery in presence of speech

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    In the near future, brain-computer interface (BCI) applications for non-disabled users will require multimodal interaction and tolerance to dynamic environment. However, this conflicts with the highly sensitive recording techniques used for BCIs, such as electroencephalography (EEG). Advanced machine learning and signal processing techniques are required to decorrelate desired brain signals from the rest. This paper proposes a signal processing pipeline and two classification methods suitable for multiclass EEG analysis. The methods were tested in an experiment on separating left/right hand imagery in presence/absence of speech. The analyses showed that the presence of speech during motor imagery did not affect the classification accuracy significantly and regardless of the presence of speech, the proposed methods were able to separate left and right hand imagery with an accuracy of 60%. The best overall accuracy achieved for the 5-class separation of all the tasks was 47% and both proposed methods performed equally well. In addition, the analysis of event-related spectral power changes revealed characteristics related to motor imagery and speech

    Using webcrawling of publicly available websites to assess E-commerce relationships

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    We investigate e-commerce success factors concerning their impact on the success of commerce transactions between businesses companies. In scientific literature, many e-commerce success factors are introduced. Most of them are focused on companies' website quality. They are evaluated concerning companies' success in the business-to- consumer (B2C) environment where consumers choose their preferred e-commerce websites based on these success factors e.g. website content quality, website interaction, and website customization. In contrast to previous work, this research focuses on the usage of existing e-commerce success factors for predicting successfulness of business-to-business (B2B) ecommerce. The introduced methodology is based on the identification of semantic textual patterns representing success factors from the websites of B2B companies. The successfulness of the identified success factors in B2B ecommerce is evaluated by regression modeling. As a result, it is shown that some B2C e-commerce success factors also enable the predicting of B2B e-commerce success while others do not. This contributes to the existing literature concerning ecommerce success factors. Further, these findings are valuable for B2B e-commerce websites creation

    Temporary staffing services: a data mining perspective

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    Research on the temporary staffing industry discusses different topics ranging from workplace safety to the internationalization of temporary labor. However, there is a lack of data mining studies concerning this topic. This paper meets this void and uses a financial dataset as input for the estimated models. Bagged decision trees were utilized to cope with the high dimensionality. Two bagged decision trees were estimated: one using the whole dataset and one using the top 12 predictors. Both had the same predictive performance. This means we can highly reduce the computational complexity, without losing accuracy

    Slow Sphering to Suppress Non-Stationaries in the EEG

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    Non-stationary signals are ubiquitous in electroencephalogram (EEG) signals and pose a problem for robust application of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). These non-stationarities can be caused by changes in neural background activity. We present a dynamic spatial filter based on time local whitening that significantly reduces the detrimental influence of covariance changes during event-related desynchronization classification of an imaginary movement task

    Weak signal identification with semantic web mining

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    We investigate an automated identification of weak signals according to Ansoff to improve strategic planning and technological forecasting. Literature shows that weak signals can be found in the organization's environment and that they appear in different contexts. We use internet information to represent organization's environment and we select these websites that are related to a given hypothesis. In contrast to related research, a methodology is provided that uses latent semantic indexing (LSI) for the identification of weak signals. This improves existing knowledge based approaches because LSI considers the aspects of meaning and thus, it is able to identify similar textual patterns in different contexts. A new weak signal maximization approach is introduced that replaces the commonly used prediction modeling approach in LSI. It enables to calculate the largest number of relevant weak signals represented by singular value decomposition (SVD) dimensions. A case study identifies and analyses weak signals to predict trends in the field of on-site medical oxygen production. This supports the planning of research and development (R&D) for a medical oxygen supplier. As a result, it is shown that the proposed methodology enables organizations to identify weak signals from the internet for a given hypothesis. This helps strategic planners to react ahead of time

    Temporary staffing services: a data mining perspective

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    Research on the temporary staffing industry discusses different topics ranging from workplace safety to the internationalization of temporary labor. However, there is a lack of data mining studies concerning this topic. This paper meets this void and uses a financial dataset as input for the estimated models. Bagged decision trees were utilized to cope with the high dimensionality. Two bagged decision trees were estimated: one using the whole dataset and one using the top 12 predictors. Both had the same predictive performance. This means we can highly reduce the computational complexity, without losing accuracy

    Succession in harvestman (Opiliones) communities within an abandoned sand quarry in Belgium

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    Sand mining strongly alters the existing landscape, transforming an area into a mosaic of native (sand deposits) and foreign soils, strongly influencing biotic development. The method of restoration of such excavated areas is often debated: natural succession or active restoration. We investigated how natural succession shapes harvestman communities, as part of the soil-dwelling community. We sampled harvestmen over a continuous period of 14 months in 25 plots in an abandoned sand quarry in Belgium using pitfall traps. We found significant increases in harvestman activity-density, species richness and diversity with time since abandonment of the various sections of the quarry. After about 15 years, a drastic change in species composition was observed with the establishment of forest species that more strongly depend on humid conditions to complete their life cycle. Colonisation of harvestmen closely followed vegetation succession despite their limited mobility. We argue that natural succession could be a good management tool for restoring harvestman communities as well as those of other soil-dwelling invertebrates in abandoned sand quarries

    System converts slow-scan to standard fast-scan TV signals

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    Signal conversion system converts slow-scan video signals into standard fast-scan television signals that are required for reproduction of television pictures on American TV sets. This system permits conversion of TV pictures produced in accordance with the standards of one country into the standards of another country

    A Fast Parameterized Algorithm for Co-Path Set

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    The k-CO-PATH SET problem asks, given a graph G and a positive integer k, whether one can delete k edges from G so that the remainder is a collection of disjoint paths. We give a linear-time fpt algorithm with complexity O^*(1.588^k) for deciding k-CO-PATH SET, significantly improving the previously best known O^*(2.17^k) of Feng, Zhou, and Wang (2015). Our main tool is a new O^*(4^{tw(G)}) algorithm for CO-PATH SET using the Cut&Count framework, where tw(G) denotes treewidth. In general graphs, we combine this with a branching algorithm which refines a 6k-kernel into reduced instances, which we prove have bounded treewidth