215 research outputs found

    Tensile strength of composite sheets with unidirectional stringers and crack-like damage

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    The damage tolerance characteristics of metal tension panels with riveted and bonded stringers are well known. The stringers arrest unstable cracks and retard propagation of fatigue cracks. Residual strengths and fatigue lives are considerably greater than those of unstiffened or integrally stiffened sheets. The damage tolerance of composite sheets with bonded composite stringers loaded in tension was determined. Cracks in composites do not readily propagate in fatigue, at least not through fibers. Moreover, the residual strength of notched composites is sometimes even increased by fatigue loading. Therefore, the residual strength aspect of damage tolerance, and not fatigue crack propagation, was investigated. About 50 graphite/epoxy composite panels were made with two sheet layups and several stringer configurations. Crack-like slots were cut in the middle of the panels to simulate damage. The panels were instrumented and monotonically loaded in tension to failure. The tests indicate that the composite panels have considerable damage tolerance, much like metal panels. The stringers arrested cracks that ran from the crack-like slots, and the residual strengths were considerably greater than those of unstiffened composite sheets. A stress intensity factor analysis was developed to predict the failing strains of the stiffened panels. Using the analysis, a single design curve was produced for composite sheets with bonded stringers of any configuration

    Simulated impact damage in a thick graphite/epoxy laminate using spherical indenters

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    A study was made to determine the extent of fiber damage caused by low-velocity impact of spherical impactors to a very thick graphite/epoxy laminate. The laminate was cut from a filament wound case being developed for the Space Shuttle solid rocket motors. The case was wound using a wet process with AS4W graphite fiber and HBRF-55A epoxy. Impacts were simulated under quasi-static conditions by pressing hemispherically shaped indenters against the laminate at different locations. The contact force and indenter diameter were varied from location to location. The forces were chosen for each indenter diameter to produce contact pressures below and above that required to initiate damage. After the forces were applied, the laminate was cut into smaller pieces so that each piece contained a test site. The pieces were then deplied and the individual plies examined to determine the extent of fiber damage. Broken fibers were found in the outer layers directly beneath the contact site. The locus of broken fibers in each layer resembled a crack normal to the direction of the fibers. The maximum length and depth of the cracks increased with increasing contact pressure and indenter diameter. The internal stresses in the laminate were calculated using Hertz's law and Love's solution for pressure applied on part of the boundary of a semi-infinite body. The maximum length and depth of the cracks were predicted using a maximum shear stress criterion. Predictions and measurements were in good agreement

    A parametric study of fracture toughness of fibrous composite materials

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    Impacts to fibrous composite laminates by objects with low velocities can break fibers giving crack-like damage. The damage may not extend completely through a thick laminate. The tension strength of these damage laminates is reduced much like that of cracked metals. The fracture toughness depends on fiber and matrix properties, fiber orientations, and stacking sequence. Accordingly, a parametric study was made to determine how fiber and matrix properties and fiber orientations affect fracture toughness and notch sensitivity. The values of fracture toughness were predicted from the elastic constants of the laminate and the failing strain of the fibers using a general fracture toughness parameter developed previously. For a variety of laminates, values of fracture toughness from tests of center-cracked specimens and values of residual strength from tests of thick laminates with surface cracks were compared to the predictions to give credibility to the study. In contrast to the usual behavior of metals, it is shown that both ultimate tensile strength and fracture toughness of composites can be increased without increasing notch sensitivity

    The effect of broken stringers on the stress intensity factor for a uniformly stiffened sheet containing a crack

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    A linear elastic stress analysis was made of a centrally cracked sheet stiffened by riveted, uniformly spaced and sized stringers. The stress intensity factor for the sheet and the load concentration factor for the most highly loaded stringer were determined for various numbers of broken stringers. A broken stringer causes the stress intensity factor to be very high when the crack tip is near the broken stringer, but causes little effect when the crack tip extends beyond several intact stringers. A broken stringer also causes an increase in the load concentration factor of the adjacent stringers. The calculated residual strengths and fatigue-crack-growth lives of a stiffened aluminum sheet with a broken stringer were only slightly less than a sheet with all intact stringers, and were still much higher than those of an unstiffened sheet

    Relevance of impacter shape to nonvisible damage and residual tensile strength of a thick graphite/epoxy laminate

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    A study was made to determine the relevance of impacter shape to nonvisible damage and tensile residual strength of a 36 mm (1.4 in.) thick graphite/epoxy motor case. The shapes of the impacters were as follows: 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) and 25.4 mm (1.0 in.) diameter hemispheres, a sharp corner, and a 6.3 mm (0.25 in.) diameter bolt-like rod. The investigation revealed that damage initiated when the contact pressure exceeded a critical level. However, the damage was not visible on the surface until an even higher pressure was exceeded. The damage on the surface consisted of a crater shaped like the impacter, and the damage below the surface consisted of broken fibers. The impact energy to initiate damage or cause visible damage on the surface increased approximately with impacter diameter to the third power. The reduction in strength for nonvisible damage increased with increasing diameter, 9 and 30 percent for the 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) and 25.4 mm (1.0 in.) diameter hemispheres, respectively. The corner impacter made visible damage on the surface for even the smallest impact energy. The rod impacter acted like a punch and sliced through the composite. Even so, the critical level of pressure to initiate damage was the same for the rod and hemispherical impacters. Factors of safety for nonvisible damage increased with increasing kinetic energy of impact. The effects of impacter shape on impact force, damage size, damage visibility, and residual tensile strength were predicted quite well assuming Hertzian contact and using maximum stress criteria and a surface crack analysis

    Strain intensity factor approach for predicting the strength of continuously reinforced metal matrix composites

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    A method was previously developed to predict the fracture toughness (stress intensity factor at failure) of composites in terms of the elastic constants and the tensile failing strain of the fibers. The method was applied to boron/aluminum composites made with various proportions of 0 to + or - 45 deg plies. Predicted values of fracture toughness were in gross error because widespread yielding of the aluminum matrix made the compliance very nonlinear. An alternate method was developed to predict the strain intensity factor at failure rather than the stress intensity factor because the singular strain field was not affected by yielding as much as the stress field. Strengths of specimens containing crack-like slits were calculated from predicted failing strains using uniaxial stress-strain curves. Predicted strengths were in good agreement with experimental values, even for the very nonlinear laminates that contained only + or - 45 deg plies. This approach should be valid for other metal matrix composites that have continuous fibers

    Strength of a thick graphite/epoxy rocket motor case after impact by a blunt object

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is developing graphite/epoxy filament-wound cases (FWC) for the solid rocket motors of the Space Shuttle. The membrane region is about 36 mm thick. A study was made to determine the reduction in strength of the FWC due to accidental damage caused by low-velocity impacts. Two 76.2 cm diameter by 30.5 cm long cylinders were impacted every 5 cm of circumference with 1.27 cm radius impacters of various mass. The impacters represented tools and equipment dropped from various heights. One cylinder was empty and the other was filled with inert propellant. Five cm wide test specimens were cut from the cylinder. Each was centered on an impact sight. The specimens were X-rayed and loaded to failure in uniaxial tension. The strengths and depths of impact damage were analyzed in terms of maximum impact force. Rigid body mechanics and the Hertz law were used to derive an equation for impact force in terms of kinetic energy and the masses of the impacter and target. The depth of damage was predicted in terms of impact force using Love's solution of pressure applied on part of the boundary of a semi-infinite body

    Fracture toughness of boron/aluminum laminates with various proportions of 0 deg and plus or minus 45 deg

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    The fracture toughness of boron/aluminum laminates was measured on sheet specimens containing central slits of various lengths that represent cracks. The specimens were loaded axially and had various widths. The sheets were made with five laminate orientation. Fracture toughness was calculated for each laminate orientation. Specimens began failing at the ends of the slit with what appeared to be tensile failures of fibers in the primary load carrying laminae. A general fracture toughness parameter independent of laminate orientation was derived on the basis of fiber failure in the principal load carrying laminae. The value of this parameter was proportional to the critical value of the stress intensity factor. The constant of proportionality depended only on the elastic constants of the laminates

    Tensile stress-strain behavior of boron/aluminum laminates

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    The tensile stress-strain behavior of five types of boron/aluminum laminates was investigated. Longitudinal and transverse stress-strain curves were obtained for monotonic loading to failure and for three cycles of loading to successively higher load levels. The laminate strengths predicted by assuming that the zero deg plies failed first correlated well with the experimental results. The stress-strain curves for all the boron/aluminum laminates were nonlinear except at very small strains. Within the small linear regions, elastic constants calculated from laminate theory corresponded to those obtained experimentally to within 10 to 20 percent. A limited amount of cyclic loading did not affect the ultimate strength and strain for the boron/aluminum laminates. The laminates, however, exhibited a permanent strain on unloading. The Ramberg-Osgood equation was fitted to the stress-strain curves to obtain average curves for the various laminates

    A single fracture toughness parameter for fibrous composite laminates

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    A general fracture toughness parameter Qc was previously derived and verified to be a material constant, independent of layup, for centrally cracked boron aluminum composite specimens. The specimens were made with various proportions of 0 and + or - 45 degree plies. A limited amount of data indicated that the ratio Qc/epsilon tuf' where epsilon tuf is the ultimate tensile strain of the fibers, might be a constant for all composite laminates, regardless of material and layup. In that case, a single value of Qc/epsilon tuf could be used to predict the fracture toughness of all fibrous composite laminates from only the elastic constants and epsilon tuf. Values of Qc/epsilon tuf were calculated for centrally cracked specimens made from graphite/polyimide, graphite/epoxy, E glass/epoxy, boron/epoxy, and S glass graphite/epoxy materials with numerous layups. Within ordinary scatter, the data indicate that Qc/epsilon tuf is a constant for all laminates that did not split extensively at the crack tips or have other deviate failure modes