14 research outputs found

    Rhizopus oryzae as the cause of mycosis of the paranasal sinuses

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    Food intake changes across the menstrual cycle : a preliminary study

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    Wprowadzenie. Ostatnie doniesienia wskazują, że zmiana wydzielania hormonów w poszczególnych fazach cyklu u kobiet niestosujących terapii hormonalnej wpływa na ich zachowania żywieniowe. Cel pracy. Ocena zachowań żywieniowych kobiet w poszczególnych fazach cyklu menstruacyjnego w grupie kobiet niestosujących antykoncepcji hormonalnej. Materiał i metody. Do badania wykorzystano kwestionariusz składający się z 2 części. Oceny żywienia dokonano za pomocą wywiadu o spożyciu z 24 godzin. Obliczono dzienną podaż energetyczną diety (kcal) oraz zawartość białka, tłuszczu, węglowodanów i sacharozy (g, %). Grupę badaną stanowiły studentki jednej ze szkół wyższych. Do badania włączono 77 kobiet mających regularny cykl menstruacyjny. Kryterium wykluczenia z badania było przyjmowanie każdego rodzaju doustnej antykoncepcji hormonalnej, jakichkolwiek leków stosowanych w leczeniu chorób przewlekłych, zaburzenia odżywiania oraz brak zgody na udział w badaniu. Wyniki. Mediana podaży energii ze składników odżywczych była najwyższa w fazie lutealnej. W tej fazie zaobserwowano również najwyższe (mediana) spożycie białka, tłuszczu, węglowodanów i sacharozy. Procentowy udział energii pochodzącej z białka był najniższy w fazie lutealnej, a najwyższy w fazie folikularnej. Z kolei procentowy udział energii pochodzącej z sacharozy był najwyższy w fazie lutealnej i znacząco przewyższał udział energii z tego składnika w fazie owulacyjnej. Wnioski. Zachowania żywieniowe mogą być kształtowane przez hormony wydzielane podczas cyklu menstruacyjnego. Wzrost apetytu zaobserwowano w fazie lutealnej. Wartość energetyczna diety oraz spożycie tłuszczu, węglowodanów i białka ulega wahaniom w trakcie cyklu menstruacyjnego. Spożycie tłuszczu, białek, węglowodanów i sacharozy było najwyższe w fazie lutealnej.Background. Recent studies have reported that hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle in women who do not receive hormonal therapy have a significant influence on their eating habits. Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the eating habits of women not receiving hormonal contraception in relation to menstrual cycle phases. Material and methods. A two-part survey questionnaire was used as a study tool. Eating habits were analyzed with a 24-hour dietary recall questionnaire. The following macronutrients were calculated: daily energy value (kcal), and amounts (g, %) of protein, fat, carbohydrates, and sucrose. The study group comprised 77 college students with regular menstrual cycles. Exclusion criteria included the use of any oral contraceptive, the use of medication for any chronic disease, any eating disorder, and a lack of written informed consent. Results. The median total energy intake from macronutrients was highest during the luteal phase. Median protein, fat, carbohydrate, and sucrose intake were also highest during the luteal phase. The percentage of energy intake from protein was lowest during the luteal phase and highest during the follicular phase. The percentage of energy intake from sucrose was highest during the luteal phase, which was significantly greater than that during the ovulation phase. Conclusions. Eating habits could be influenced by hormone secretion throughout the menstrual cycle. Increased appetite was observed in the luteal phase. Total energy, fat, carbohydrate, and protein intake fluctuated across the menstrual cycle. Fat, protein, carbohydrate, and sucrose intake were highest in the luteal phase

    Absidia coeruleaa as a cause of pulmonary mucormycosis

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    The autors present the case of lung mucormycosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by thę presence of hyphae characteristic of Mucoruca in the sputum specimen and by the growth of fungi in the sputum culture and pus derived from the pleura empyema. On the grounds of the culture morphology the fungus was identified as Absidia caerulea

    Care for pregnant women with diabetes

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    Cukrzyca jest najczęstszym powikłaniem metabolicznym ciąży. Przed odkryciem insuliny cukrzyca często uniemożliwiała donoszenie zdrowego dziecka. Od czasu wprowadzenia insulinoterapii rokowania dla przebiegu ciąży u kobiety z cukrzycą się poprawiły. Choroba ta ma jednak wpływ nie tylko na zdrowie i życie samych ciężarnych, ale także na różne objawy manifestowane przez noworodki matek chorych na cukrzycę. Ponadto stanowi również duże wyzwanie w opiece neonatologicznej. Wprowadzenie nowoczesnych metod nadzoru biofizycznego płodu w ostatnich latach ułatwiło ustalenie terminu ukończenia ciąży i pozwoliło w efekcie na zmniejszenie częstości zgonów donoszonych płodów. Jednocześnie w badaniach klinicznych wykazano, że wprowadzenie opieki nad kobietą przed zajściem w ciążę i podczas jej pierwszego trymestru znacząco zmniejsza częstość występowania wad wrodzonych u dzieci tych kobiet w porównaniu z dziećmi kobiet chorych na cukrzycę niepoddanych opiece przed zapłodnieniem. Ważne jest więc, aby objęcie opieką medyczną wszystkich kobiet ciężarnych z cukrzycą następowało jeszcze w okresie prekoncepcyjnym. Lekarze i położne zajmujący się opieką nad ciężarnymi powinni prowadzić wczesną diagnostykę w kierunku cukrzycy ciężarnych według najnowszych zaleceń medycznych, a pozostały personel ochrony zdrowia powinien się zajmować szeroko rozumianą edukacją kobiet chorych na cukrzycę, ukierunkowaną na normalizację glikemii i zapobieganie powikłaniom. Problemy Pielęgniarstwa 2010; 18 (3): 348-352Diabetes is the most common metabolic complication of pregnancy. Before the discovery of insulin, diabetes often made it impossible for a pregnant woman to carry a healthy baby to term. Since the introduction of insulin therapy the prognoses for pregnant women with diabetes have improved. However, the disease not only has an impact on the health and life of pregnant women but the variety of symptoms manifested by fetuses of diabetic mothers is also a significant challenge in neonatal care. The introduction of modern methods of biophysical monitoring of the fetus in the recent years has made it easier to determine the term of delivery and consequently has resulted in reducing the mortality rate of full-term fetuses. Simultaneously, clinical tests have revealed that care for a woman before she gets pregnant and during the first trimester, considerably decreases the frequency of congenital defects in children of such women compared to children of women suffering from diabetes not cared for before conception. It is thus important to give medical care to all pregnant women with diabetes already in the preconception period. Therefore doctors and midwives caring for pregnant women should perform early diagnostics of GDM based on the latest medical recommendations and other members of the healthcare team should provide broadly understood education of women suffering from diabetes, aimed at glycaemia normalization and prevention of complications. Nursing Topics 2010; 18 (3): 348-35

    Education, medical care and treatment of women with various forms of high blood pressure during pregnancy

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    Nadciśnienie tętnicze jest jedną z najczęściej występujących patologii ciąży oraz najczęstszym czynnikiem śmiertelności matek w krajach rozwiniętych, a także źródłem wielu powikłań u dzieci. Pomimo ogromnego rozwoju wiedzy na temat etiopatologii i leczenia nadciśnienia w ciąży, jedynym przyczynowym leczeniem stanu przedrzucawkowego jest doprowadzenie do urodzenia dziecka i wydalenia łożyska. Aby w leczeniu i opiece nad ciężarną z nadciśnieniem osiągnąć zamierzony cel, należy uwzględnić nie tylko wiedzę i doświadczenie personelu medycznego, ale również współpracę pacjentki i jej świadome podejście do leczenia. Problemy Pielęgniarstwa 2010; 18 (4): 512-517Hypertension is one of the most common pathology in pregnancy and factors of maternal mortality in developed countries, as well as the source of many complications in children. Despite a significant progress in knowledge of etiopathology and treatment of high blood pressure during pregnancy the only causal treatment of preeclampsia is by induction of the labour of a child and placenta. Knowledge and experience of medical staff is of importance to achieve intended aims in treatment and care of hypertensive pregnant women; however, patient’s cooperation and an aware approach towards treatment is also essential. Nursing Topics 2010; 18 (4): 512-51

    Analysis of the Influence of Pre-Pregnancy BMI and Weight Gain during Pregnancy on the Weight of Healthy Children during the First 2 Years of Life: A Prospective Study

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    Background: Increased pre-pregnancy maternal BMI (pBMI) and gestational weight gain (GWG) have been found to increase infants’ birthweight and result in the programming of child weight and impact its later weight gain. Aim: To assess the impact of pBMI and GWG on the weight of children from birth to 2 years of age and over the duration of breastfeeding. Methods: Single Centre observational prospective longitudinal cohort study. Data were collected from medical records, and medical history. The analysis of multiple linear and mixed models was involved. Findings: 20% of females were overweight, while 13% were obese before the pregnancy. An overall model, including gender and smoking, indicated a significant impact of pBMI category on a child’s birth mass (p = 0.01). The GWG category affected a child’s birth weight (p = 0.018, Effect size 0.41). pBMI did not affect the breastfeeding duration. Conclusion: pBMI and GWG correlate with birth weight and weight in neonatal period, however they become insignificant in later childhood. Weight assessment methods among children aged up to two years of age require standardization. Maternal weight before the pregnancy nor the weight gain during the pregnancy do not influence the length of breastfeeding. The biggest limitation was the small sample size and the failure to account for weight gain per trimester of pregnancy. Further research on a larger population should be continued

    Invasive Aspergillosis (IA) In Patients Treated in the Institute of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases in the Years 1993–2005—Diagnostic Problems

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    The aim of this study was to present the diagnostic problems in pts treated for invasive aspergillosis (IA) in the Illrd Clinic of the Institute of Tuberculosis in the years 1993–2005. The material consisted of clinical documentation of 18 pts. 15 out of 18 pts (83.4%) died. In all those cases autopsy examination was done. In 13 pts IA was the main and in another 2 only the accessory cause of death. AU pts were treated with corticosteroids and/or cytostatic drugs because of lung cancer (13 pts), haematologic disorders (1 pts), Wegener\u27s granulomatosis (3 pts) and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (1 pts). In 13 out of 18 pts granulocytopenia was revealed (on an average from 0.008 × 109/L to 0.95 × 109/L) one month before death. In 13 pts IA was limited to the lungs, in 5 others there were also fungal lesions in brain, kidneys, liver, spleen, pleura, pericardium and heart. Pts with disseminated fonn ofIA had significantly lower granulocyte count and were treated with higher doses of corticosteroids than others. Immunosupressive drugs and granulocytopenia can be regarded as predisposing factors. IA was diagnosed before death only in 5 out of 18 pts. This was mainly caused by the lack of the symptoms of in­fection (4 pts) and negative results ofmycological (6 pts) and serological examination (8 pts). We should underline that mycological examination was only done in 11 pts and serological examination of blood for fungal antigen only in 6 pts. We conclude that mycological infection ought to be searched in all pts treated with high doses of corticosteroids and those with prolonged granulocytopenia, especially if they have the symptoms of infection which does not respond to antibiotic therapy

    Water Needs of the Ash-Leaved Maple (Acer negundo L.) at the Period Over Three Years after Reclamation in Different Regions of Poland

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    The ash-leaved maple (Acer negundo L.) has low habitat requirements, which is why this species is often used in the reclamation or industrial areas. Development of the reclamation plantings depends on the optimal water soil conditions that can be controlled by watering treatments. However, the use of irrigation requires determining the water needs of cultivated species. The objective of the study was to evaluate the water needs of ash-leaved maple in the reclamation plantings, in the period of over three years after planting. The water needs of ash-leaved maple were determined using the crop coefficients method. Potential evapotranspiration was calculated using the Blaney-Criddle’s formula that was modified for Polish conditions by Żakowicz. The water needs of ash-leaved maple were assessed for five agro-climatic regions of Poland, in the years 1981-2010. The water needs of ash-leaved maple in the growing period (April-October) were the highest in the C-E (638 mm) and C-N-W (637 mm) regions, and the lowest in the N-E (598 mm) and S-E (601 mm) regions. In July, the highest water needs were noted in the C-N-W region (149 mm) and the lowest in the S-W region (129 mm). In the studied thirty-years period, there was a significant upward trend in the water needs of ash-leaved maple both during the growing season (except for the C-N-W region) and in July, in all considered regions