100 research outputs found

    Domniemania i fikcje prawne w ogólnym postępowaniu administracyjnym. Wybrane zagadnienia

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    The subject of the article was to discuss the institutions of presumptions and legal fictions applicable in the general administrative procedure. Due to the complexity of the problem, the author has attempted to only analyse selected issues relating to the subject matter hereof. The study identifies situations in which the discussed institutions are established, describes their substance, function and the objective for which they were introduced. The impact presumptions and legal fictions on the validity of objective truth in the course of administrative proceedings have been demonstrated and the values underlying their introduction to the Code of Administrative Procedure have been discussed.Przedmiotem artykułu było omówienie instytucji domniemań oraz fikcji prawnych występujących w ogólnym postępowaniu administracyjnym. Z uwagi na złożoność problemu autor podjął próbę analizy tylko wybranych zagadnień odnoszących się do tematu opracowania. Wskazano sytuacje, w jakich ustanawiane są omawiane instytucje, opisano ich istotę, funkcję, a także cel, dla którego zostały wprowadzone. Wykazano, jaki wpływ na obowiązywanie prawdy obiektywnej w toku postępowania administracyjnego mają domniemania oraz fikcje prawne. Ponadto omówiono wartości leżące u podstaw ich wprowadzenia do Kodeksu postępowania administracyjnego

    Media simulation and manipulation in two novels of Philip K. Dick from the 1960s

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    Anti-Hypochlorite, Antioxidant, and Catalytic Activity of Three Polyphenol-Rich Super-Foods Investigated with the Use of Coumarin-Based Sensors

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    The anti-hypochlorite activity of açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.), goji (Lycium barbarum L.) and schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) fruit extracts were assessed by determining the reactive chlorine species (RCS)-scavenging ability of these three “super-food” berries. In addition, the aqueous extracts obtained were employed as both the media and the catalyst in a green chemistry approach to the synthesis of a coumarin-based fluorescence turn-off sensor, which was then used for anti-hypochlorite activity testing. The aqueous extracts were also assessed for total phenolic content (TPC), using the Folin–Ciocalteu method, and the antioxidant activity using the ABTS+• assay. Moreover, the main water-soluble polyphenolic constituents of the extracts were identified by the HPLC-PDA-ESI-MS technique. Among the extracts tested, açaí demonstrated the highest anti-hypochlorite and antioxidant activities, while the highest TPC value was found for the goji extract. All extracts demonstrated modest catalytic activity as Knoevenagel condensation catalysts

    Ventral tegmental area disconnection contributes two years early to correctly classify patients converted to Alzheimer's Disease: implications for treatment

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    Background: Recent cross-sectional studies highlighted the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) as an early pathophysiological event in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Objective: In this study, we longitudinally investigated by resting-state fMRI (RS-fMRI) a cohort of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) due to AD to evaluate the impact of VTA disconnection in predicting the conversion to AD. Methods: a cohort of 35 patients with MCI due to AD were recruited and followed-up for 24 months. They underwent cognitive evaluation and RS-fMRI to assess VTA connectivity at baseline and at follow-up. Results: At 24-month follow-up, 16 out of 35 patients converted to AD. Although converters and non-converters to AD did not differ in demographic and behavioral characteristics at baseline, the first group showed a significant reduction of VTA-driven connectivity in the posterior cingulate and precentral cortex. This pattern of additional disconnection in MCI-converters compared to non-converters remained substantially unchanged at 24-month follow-up. Discussion: This study reinforces the hypothesis of an early contribution of dopaminergic dysfunction to AD evolution by targeting the default-mode network. These results have potential implications for AD staging and prognosis and support new opportunities for therapeutic interventions to slow down disease progressio

    A New Strategy for Effective Succinic Acid Production by Enterobacter sp. LU1 Using a Medium Based on Crude Glycerol and Whey Permeate

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    The newly-isolated strain Enterobacter sp. LU1, which has previously been shown to be an effective producer of succinic acid on glycerol with the addition of lactose, was used for further intensive works aimed at improving the production parameters of the said process. The introduction of an initial stage of gentle culture aeration allowed almost 47 g/L of succinic acid to be obtained after 168 h of incubation, which is almost two times faster than the time previously taken to obtain this amount. Furthermore, the replacement of glycerol with crude glycerin and the replacement of lactose with whey permeate allowed the final concentration of succinic acid to be increased to 54 g/L. Considering the high content of yeast extract (YE) in the culture medium, tests were also performed with a reduced YE content via its partial substitution with urea. Although this substitution led to a deterioration of the kinetic parameters of the production process, using the fed-batch strategy, it allowed a succinic acid concentration of 69 g/L to be obtained in the culture medium, the highest concentration ever achieved using this process. Furthermore, the use of microaerophilic conditions meant that the addition of lactose to the medium was not required, with 37 g/L of succinic acid being produced on crude glycerol alone

    Przydatność siewu punktowego w uprawie wybranych gatunków roślin strączkowych

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące wpływu siewu punktowego na wzrost, rozwój oraz plonowanie łubinu białego i bobiku. Doświadczenie polowe prowadzono w Rolniczym Zakładzie Doświadczalnym IUNG-PIB w Grabowie, w latach 2001-2003. Czynnikiem I rzędu były gatunki roślin strączkowych: łubin biały odmiany Butan i bobik odmiany Nadwiślański, a czynnikiem II rzędu - sposoby siewu: siew rzędowy-niepunktowy oraz siew rzędowy-punktowy. Stwierdzono, że sposób siewu miał istotny wpływ na przebieg ontogenezy badanych gatunków roślin oraz modyfikował wielkość plonu nasion. Rośliny wyrosłe z nasion wysiewanych punktowo plonowały lepiej niż rośliny wyrosłe z nasion wysiewanych niepunktowo. Stosując siew punktowy uzyskano istotnie wyższe plony nasion w porównaniu do siewu niepunktowego. Lepsze efekty stosowania siewu punktowego uzyskano w uprawie łubinu białego niż bobiku. Przyrost plonu nasion łubinu białego i bobiku na wskutek zastosowania siewu punktowego był konsekwencją mniejszych ubytków roślin z łanu, zwiększonej obsady strąków na roślinie i większej liczby nasion z rośliny.The paper presents test results regarding effect of point sowing on growth, development and cropping of white lupine and horse bean. A field experiment was carried out at the Farm Experimental Plant IUNG-PIB in Grabów, in the period of 2001-2003. The factor of the 1st order included species of the following leguminous plants: white lupine of Butan variation and horse bean of Nadwiślański variation, and the factor of the 2nd order - sowing methods: non-point seed drill and point seed drill. It was found out that sowing method had significant effect on the process of ontogeny of the tested plant species and modified size of seed crop. Plants grown out of seeds sown pointwise gave better crop than plants grown out of seeds sown non-pointwise. Use of point sowing enabled to achieve significantly higher seed crops when compared to non-point sowing. Use of point sowing gave better effects for cultivation of white lupine rather than horse bean. Growth of seed crop of white lupine and horse bean as a result of using point sowing was a result of lower losses of plants per corn-field, increased stock of pods on the plant and more seeds per plant

    Granice samodzielności finansowej a realizacja zadań JST

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    Jednostki samorządu terytorialnego stanowią ważne ogniwo w realizacji zadań państwa. Wiąże się to zarówno z zaspokajaniem potrzeb lokalnych społeczności, jak i gospodarowaniem majątkiem i środkami publicznymi. W artykule podjęto temat samodzielności finansowej JST w kontekście realizacji zadań tychże jednostek. Dokonano przeglądu koncepcji i typów samodzielności JST na gruncie ekonomicznym i prawnym oraz jej ograniczeń. Autor stawia pytanie o wpływ wyznaczonych granic samodzielności finansowej JST na realizację zadań. Omawiana problematyka ma charakter interdyscyplinarny. Działania JST są ściśle uregulowane przepisami prawa i z tej perspektywy należy je analizować. Jednocześnie w koncepcji samodzielności JST znajduje się odwołanie do podstaw lokalnej gospodarności, co powinno kierować ich działania w stronę zbliżoną do lokalnej przedsiębiorczości. W podsumowaniu rozważań Autor podkreśla, że w systemie ekonomiczno-prawnym w Polsce istnieją zasady gwarantujące JST samodzielność finansową, a wyznaczone granice dają stabilne podstawy realizacji przypisanych zadań. Przy czym podkreśla także, że omawiana samodzielność wyraźnie odróżnia się od samodzielności działania przedsiębiorstw prywatnych.Local government units are an important link in the implementation of public objectives. It is related to meeting the needs of local communities as well as managing property and public funds. The article deals with the financial independence of local government units in the context of the implementation of the tasks of these units. The concept and types of independence of local government units from economic and legal perspectives and their limitations were reviewed. The author poses a question about the impact of the defined limits of financial independence of local government units on the implementation of tasks. The discussed issues are of an interdisciplinary nature. The activities of local government units are strictly regulated by law and should be analyzed from this perspective. At the same time, the concept of independence of local government units includes a reference to the foundations of local economy, which should direct their activities towards activities similar to local entrepreneurship. Summarizing the considerations, the author emphasizes that in the economic and legal system in Poland, there are rules guaranteeing local government units' financial independence, and the designated boundaries provide a stable basis for the implementation of assigned tasks. At the same time, it also emphasizes that the discussed independence is clearly distinguished from the independence of private enterprises