36 research outputs found

    Strategic partnership in new multipolar world order: European Union’s ‘Three-Step Strategy’. Theory and empirical evidence in the European Union from a multidimensional approach

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    The EU has developed a ‘three-step strategy’, which pre-supposes strategic partnerships, firstly, with traditional post-Second World War Western partners, secondly, with the anticipated advantage of regional and inter-regional organization, and, thirdly, with the involvement of emerging powers in a new multipolar world order. However, there are some uncertainties with regard to the relationship between bilateral ‘strategic partnerships’ and the EU’s regional and inter-regional ‘strategies’. The present paper aims to investigate the role of strategic partnership and international institutions in new multipolar world order, to compare these concepts of strategic partnership with the realities of regional integration, and to match the bilateral and multilateral approaches toward strategic partnership. At the same time, the paper will offer an analysis of the six regional organizations in order to compare bilateral ‘strategic partnerships’ and the EU’s regional ‘strategies’, simultaneously applying both techniques: the binary logistic model and the synthetic index of strategic partner suitability.Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    La unión bancaria europea: Un decálogo de aportaciones a la consolidación de la UEM y a la salida de la crisis

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    La crisis actual tanto, en la Unión Europea como en la Zona Euro o Unión Económica y Monetaria (UEM), se debe a una gran multitud de causas, cada una de las cuales ha ido provocando sus propios síntomas. Uno de los principales motivos de la crisis ha sido el fracaso de los mercados financieros, por lo que la estabilidad financiera en la UEM requiere de un marco global que implica avanzar hacia una unión bancaria. La presente contribución pretende aportar un decálogo de aportaciones de la puesta en marcha de la unión bancaria al perfeccionamiento de la UEM y, por ende, a la salida de la actual crisis en la zona euro, en particular, y en la UE, en general, así como de previsión de futuras crisisUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El futuro de los estudios europeos. La educación y la formación de los "nuevos europeos". El caso de España

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    Si combinamos las facilidades para el desplazamiento y la telecomunicación con las facilidades para la instalación y residencia en países distintos al de origen, planteadas por la libre circulación de personas y el Convenio de Schengen (1985), para el caso de la Unión Europea, el resultado es una “Nueva Europa” donde los tradicionales estados-nación europeos presentan paulatinamente un perfil cada vez más cosmopolita, incorporando a su población grupos, cada vez más numerosos, de ciudadanos procedentes de otros países de la UE o del resto de Europa que optan por vivir, residir y trabajar en un país europeo distinto al de su nacimiento. Este fenómeno dibuja toda una constelación de realidades humanas, situaciones personales (o familiares) y de tipologías de desplazamiento que, en buena medida, podría considerarse transeuropeo.En el presente trabajo se pretende poner la atención en la categoría “Estudiantes Extranjeros”, entendida como el conjunto de ciudadanos de la UE o de terceros países que estudian en otro país comunitario, con la intención de destacar el papel de esta nueva categoría en el futuro de los estudios europeos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Strategic Partner Election: Proposal for a Binary Logistic Model for the EU

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    El artículo “Strategic Partner Election: Proposal for a Binary Logistic Model for the EU”, es uno de los resultados de investigación basados en la línea de investigación para la realización de la Tesis Doctoral dirigida por el candidato y defendida por su coautora, titulada: “The role of the models of strategic partnership in the new world order. Euro-Russian relations and the Eurasian Economic Union in strategic perspective” (defendida en 2019 con calificación de Sobresaliente Cum Laude por unanimidad y Mención Internacional).The European Union awarded the special status of strategic partner to ten states. Its key partners are dissimilar in political philosophies and structure, power status, ethical values, economic development, unequal in size and mineral reserves. Some of them are traditional Post-Second World War partners while the others have established recent partnerships in a new multipolar world order. However, from the very beginning the EU Conception of Strategic Partnership was just an assemblage of political statements without any official definition and clear established criteria for being chosen as a strategic partner. In this regard, this paper aims to analyze the strategic partnership phenomenon in EU Foreign Policy and provide our own definition of the term with a view to underpin it subsequently by common criteria. Based upon obtained main components the Binary Logistic Model was applied, which not only did allow to make the election of EU strategic partners more science-based but also propose the potential EU partners

    Heterogeneity of the European Union's strategic partners: can they still be compatible?

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://www.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/1577The present paper aims at investigating EU’s strategic partners using both theoretical and empirical analysis. Applying the technique of cluster analysis allowed us, first, to demonstrate that not all of the EU’s ‘special ten’ are strategically sound for the EU; second, to investigate which regional organizations represent the best interest of the EU from a strategic standpoint; third, to find out the true potential of the EU’s strategic partners; and, finally, to prove empirically that the EU’s strategic partners are so heterogeneous as to represent a collective response to multilateralism and that a bilateral approach should be applied instead, taking into consideration the specific character of every strategic partner

    European neighbourhood policy: the eastern partnership. A decalogue of differentiation and reform proposals

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    We could consider that the neighborhood policy of the EU begins to take shape from the very moment that Robert Schumann and Jean Monnet announced the intention to create an economic community of coal and steel. However, it gains special relevance from May 1, 2004, when the biggest enlargement known until the European Union took place. This paper aims to contribute to the debate on the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy in the framework of the EU consultation on the future of its relations with neighboring countries, launched on March 4, 2015.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Rethinking the territorial cohesion in the EU: institutional and functional elements of the concept.

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    https://ejes.uaic.ro/about_EJES.htm#xl_open: Copyright of the articles published in EJES belongs to the author(s). The authors grant EJES the right to publish the article and be recognised as the original publisher. All articles are available under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 which formalises the relation between authors, publisher and third parties.In the present work we propose a better understanding of the concept of territorial cohesion from its thematic components. The „cohesion” concept has been called vague, ambiguous and subjective, generating a great debate still far from over. However, its relevance as an engine of the current European regional policy is simply indisputable; therefore, its importance for the EU, at a critical moment like the current one, is undeniable. Hence the need for its reformulation from a European construction perspective, posing a formulation of the Territorial Cohesion as a metaconcept integrated by various functional components, without implying obviating its political nature or its conceptual weaknesses

    The Eurasian Economic Union in Search of Strategic Partners: The Gravity Effects of Integration Blocs

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    Se trata de uno de los resultados de investigación basados en la línea de investigación para la realización de la Tesis Doctoral dirigida por el candidato y defendida por su coautora, titulada: “The role of the models of strategic partnership in the new world order. Euro-Russian relations and the Eurasian Economic Union in strategic perspective” (con calificación de Sobresaliente cum laude por unanimidad y Mención Internacional). Inspirado en la participación de los candidatos en el Congreso Internacional: 32nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Bilbao (2-4/09/2020) y organizado por la prestigiosa European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, así como en aportaciones de los autores a otros congresos como: XIX Reunión de Economía Mundial / XIX World Economy Meeting (10-12/05/2017); XII Jornadas de Seguridad, Defensa y Cooperación (14-16/11/2018); XXXII Congreso Internacional de Economía Aplicada, ASEPELT (4-7/07/2018), entre otros.The present contribution aims at researching the new Eurasian project on the post-Soviet area, the Eurasian Economic Union, by analyzing the legal aspects of both its institutional and economic frameworks. Because of its relatively small size, not only should the Eurasian Economic Union increase bilateral trade with its member states but also promote commerce outside the Union. In this regard, the crucial objective for success is the development of long-term relationships with its strategic partners based on mutual economic benefits and shared values. We applied the gravity model and identified not only which factors influence bilateral foreign trade, including the differences in partners’ values based on a neo-institutional approach, but also analyzed those integration blocs and groups of countries to determine with which partners the Eurasian Economic Union should develop strategic partnerships

    Cross-sectional and spatial panel data analysis of territorial economic cohesion in the European Union regions based on convergence approach: From 2 to 8 per cent?

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    From an economic, political and social standpoint, one of the most evident and visible features of today’s European Union as a supranational regional organization is its heterogeneity, where disparity seems to be the common denominator. This leads to the interest for measuring the territorial economic cohesion of the EU. From an eminently economic perspective, and working with the GDP per capita of the EU NUTS-2 regions for the period 2003–2021, this paper aims to provide evidence of a lack of territorial economic cohesion through a beta and sigma convergence methodology by applying cross-sectional and spatial panel data analysis. The findings show that the speed of convergence depends mainly on the level of economic development, its cycles and the heterogeneity of the, which implies conditional convergence. Less developed regions show higher convergence speeds, which are also accentuated during recession periods. Greater heterogeneity among the regions also increases the convergence speed, while accentuating in the less developed regions. In general terms, the results reveal convergence speeds of the entire NUTS-2 regions between 7 and 11 per cent (much higher than 2 per cent under absolute convergence). Likewise, when considering spatial dependence, a reduction in convergence speeds between approximately 3 and 8 per cent is detected. Finally, the 29 vulnerable regions have been identified, with economic development and growth below the EU average mean, emphasizing the need to take the concerns of territorial economic cohesion into account.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Despoblación de las regiones de bajos ingresos de la UE: ¿puede la digitalización a través del acceso de banda ancha reducirlo?

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    Depopulated rural or post-industrial areas, which are often low-income with fewer job opportunities, represent an open challenge for the European Union. Sharp demographic declines especially in Eastern and Southern Europe, due to the intra-EU migration of younger, skilled workers from these areas have become a serious obstacle to the sustainable development of many EU lowerincome regions. The European Parliament highlights the gap in ICT connectivity among other reasons. This paper aims to provide empirical evidence, by applying Panel Data Analysis, that digitalisation of European NUTS-2 regions with lower incomes via Broadband Access may contribute to reversing negative demographic trends.Las zonas rurales despobladas o postindustriales, que suelen ser de bajos ingresos y con menos oportunidades laborales, representan un desafío abierto para la Unión Europea. Las fuertes caídas demográficas, especialmente en Europa del Este y del Sur, debido a la migración dentro de la UE de trabajadores más jóvenes y calificados de estas áreas, se han convertido en un serio obstáculo para el desarrollo sostenible de muchas regiones de la UE con bajos ingresos. El Parlamento Europeo destaca la brecha en la conectividad de las TIC, entre otras razones. Este artículo tiene como objetivo proporcionar evidencia empírica, mediante la aplicación de análisis de datos de panel, de que la digitalización de las regiones europeas NUTS-2 con ingresos más bajos a través del acceso de banda ancha puede contribuir a revertir las tendencias demográficas negativas