75 research outputs found

    Ways to protect your ideas

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    Nowadays the protection of intellectual property is very important in our society. Several forms of legal protection are available for your creations. Which you should use depends on what you have created

    A sidelight on conversational english

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    If we were to compare the spoken and the literary language we should be greatly impressed by the marked difference that distinguishes the one from the other. This renders a closer study of spoken English all the more important especially because no serious effort has been devoted to this essential aspect of linguistic training. Greater flexibility as regards syntax and grammar is pointed out as one of the distinctive features of spoken English. It can best of all be perceived in its syntactical pattern ever so different from that of the literary language. As W. J. Ball in "Conversational English" puts it: "In conversation a much looser word order than in the literary language is customary. Conversation makes its own rules and if from time to time, they run counter to those of written English they are none the less valid – but in their own territory." And elsewhere: "Conversational English is more broken up in texture and the strands of grammar are less closely knit than in written English." Thus, depended as they are on the basic facts of traditional grammar, conversational structures should be studied as a separate entity if we are to learn speaking in an easy, expressively dynamic manner. It is an urgent, but difficult task

    Innovation in accounting system

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    The full automation of the accounting system is able to substitute the process of documentation and registration of primary data directly for fully automatic system on the basis of book-entry. Main object is the improvement and confirmation of feasibility of constructing the appropriate financial tax and administrative accounting systems in a single input information database. It is a fully automated and electronic data collection, recording, processing and transmission of accounting information. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3113

    Most effective advertising forms

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    The intensive development of advertising communication is a powerful tool for the sale of goods and services, as well as a means of active economic and technological improvement, the development of Internet sites and determines the face of the modern Internet

    Type of intellectual property interest

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    Робота присвячена інтелектуальній власності, розкриває поняття "інтелектуальна власність". Увагу акцентовано на понятті "торгова марка", а також особливостях доменів верхнього рівня.Работа посвящена интеллектуальной собственности, раскрывает понятие "интеллектуальная собственность" . Внимание акцентировано на понятие "торговая марка" , а также особенностях доменов верхнего уровня.The work is devoted to the intellectual property, reveals the concept of "intellectual property." The attention is accentuated to the concept of "trade mark" and features of top level domains

    The truth is worth it

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    Today we can find a lot of information everywhere. We are overloaded by it. There are a lot of facts we can find, but how we decide that it’s truth? Some information is forbidden for us. Fortunately, there are journalists who want to know the truth. While we are taking care about ourselves, many things happen all around the world. We don’t often think about global problems and the destiny of other people. But there are a lot of issues that should be solved and plenty of people need someone’s help. We don’t know how the world can be changed, so we should support each other as often as we can and be united. The truthful information can prevent a lot of cruel occasions. All in all, everyone should have a right to know the truth, which will connect the whole world to solve their problems together. But what is the value of truth

    Newspaper genres

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    Practicing journalists actively use a lot of different genres in their work. Open any newspaper and you will find notes, reports, interviews, articles, reviews and essays. Any material can be called an article or news items. But professionals must clearly recognize a particular genre in the publication and in any case don‘t call a sketch, for example, an article. If you are not sure how to classify the given text correctly, it is better to use a neutral word ''material''

    Healthy environment for our future

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    "Environmental pollution" is a phrase with sounds almost everyday because this problem is very ugent now. It's the greatest trouble of people of all nations. Our planet must be saved. We must do something to prevent the pollution. But few people worry about our environment. Although the consequences of our indifference are terrible. The life of future generations depends on our decisions. The sustainability discourse started in the 1970s, and the 1992 UN Conference on the Environment and Development recognized intergenerational equity as central for policymaking that safeguards the future. This principle is now found in the constitutions of many countries. But its implementation in the world policy-making, however, is rare. The World Commission on Environment and Development states, “We borrow environmental capital from future generations with no intention or prospect of repaying. We act as we do because we can get away with it: future generations do not vote; they have no political or financial power; they cannot challenge our decisions.