4 research outputs found


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    In 1993 the GARR (Italian Academic and Research Network) was connected to MBONE (worldwide IP multicast enabled network backbone). Since then, and especially in the last few years, this network has been used to test and develop new IP multicast routing protocols and applications. However it was a tunnel-based solution, not suitable for taking advantage of the new potential of IP multicast nor for use by a large community. This paper describes the work done for a migration to a native IP multicast routing deployment, highlighting the solutions adopted when dealing with the implementation problems and the complex wide area network management. The aim of this work is also to ensure a native IP multicast connection with the other Research Networks and the rest of Internet

    Rete GARR-B: Piano di routing IP multicast

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    The IP multicast was introduced in the GARR network (Italian Network for University and Scientific Community) in 1993 with the connection to Mbone (worldwide virtual multicast network). Since then the Italian Mbone developed constantly allowing the test of protocols and applications. Nevertheless the original Mbone structure is not suitable for an efficient utilization of multicast potentialities and advantages, preventing from exploiting all the services on a large scale; moreover it doesn\u27t allow an interconnection with those ISP which are enabling multicast in their networks but with different technical solutions. This document, after a description of the limits of the present Mbone on GARR, proposes the steps for an updating plane: - IP multicast implementation on the production routers of the backbone, using the PIM-SM protocol; - choice and configuration of the Rendez-Vous Points; - definition of IP multicast boundary routers; - bandwidth limitation; - inter-domain routing (MSDP and MBGP); - international multicast connections. The document deals with some of IP multicast management tools, as well.L\u27introduzione del multicast IP sulla rete GARR (Rete per l\u27Universit? e la Ricerca Scientifica Italiana) risale al 1993 con la prima connessione a Mbone (rete virtuale multicast mondiale). Da allora c\u27e\u27 stato un costante sviluppo sulla Mbone italiana che ha reso possibile la sperimentazione di protocolli e applicativi. Tuttavia la struttura originaria di Mbone non consente un utilizzo efficace delle potenzialita\u27 e dei vantaggi del multicast, precludendo la possibilita\u27 di sfruttarne appieno i servizi su larga scala; cosi\u27 come non consente l\u27interconnessione con quegli ISP che stanno gia\u27 abilitando le loro reti al multicast con soluzioni tecniche diverse. Questo documento, dopo una descrizione dei limiti dell\u27attuale Mbone sul GARR, ne propone le fasi necessarie per un piano di aggiornamento: - implementazione di IP multicast sulla dorsale sui router di produzione con protocollo PIM-SM; - scelta e configurazione dei Rendez-Vous Point; - definizione delle frontiere amministrative (boundary router); - limitazioni di banda; - inter-domain routing (MSDP e MBGP); - connessioni multicast internazionali. Il documento contiene anche un accenno ad alcuni degli strumenti utilizzabili per la gestione dell?IP multicast