131 research outputs found

    3,3′-Di-tert-butyl-2′-hydr­oxy-5,5′,6,6′-tetra­methyl­biphenyl-2-yl benzene­sulfonate

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    In the title compound, C30H38O4S, the hydroxyl group bonded to one phenyl ring and an O atom of the benzene­sulfonate group attached to the other phenyl ring of the biphenyl backbone of the structure are involved in an intra­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bond. The dihedral angle between the planes of the two aromatic rings of the biphenyl unit is 70.4 (2)°

    Molecular population genetics and gene expression analysis of duplicated CBF genes of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>CBF/DREB </it>duplicate genes are widely distributed in higher plants and encode transcriptional factors, or CBFs, which bind a DNA regulatory element and impart responsiveness to low temperatures and dehydration.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We explored patterns of genetic variations of <it>CBF1, -2</it>, and -<it>3 </it>from 34 accessions of <it>Arabidopsis thaliana</it>. Molecular population genetic analyses of these genes indicated that <it>CBF2 </it>has much reduced nucleotide diversity in the transcriptional unit and promoter, suggesting that <it>CBF2 </it>has been subjected to a recent adaptive sweep, which agrees with reports of a regulatory protein of <it>CBF2</it>. Investigating the ratios of K<sub>a</sub>/K<sub>s </sub>between all paired <it>CBF </it>paralogus genes, high conservation of the AP2 domain was observed, and the major divergence of proteins was the result of relaxation in two regions within the transcriptional activation domain which was under positive selection after <it>CBF </it>duplication. With respect to the level of <it>CBF </it>gene expression, several mutated nucleotides in the promoters of <it>CBF3 </it>and <it>-1 </it>of specific ecotypes might be responsible for its consistently low expression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We concluded from our data that important evolutionary changes in <it>CBF1, -2</it>, and -<it>3 </it>may have primarily occurred at the level of gene regulation as well as in protein function.</p

    Gastrojejunocolic fistula after gastrojejunostomy: a case series

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Gastrojejunocolic (GJC) fistulae represent a significant post-surgical cause of morbidity and mortality. GJC fistulae represent rare post-surgical complications, and most are associated with gastric surgery. In the past, this complication has been under-recognized because a fistula may form years after surgery.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We describe two cases of gastrojejunocolic fistula in men aged 67 and 60 who both initially presented with watery diarrhea and weight loss. Upper GI studies with small bowel follow-through or barium contrast enema studies allowed a conclusive diagnosis to be made. Both patients underwent one-stage en bloc resection, and their postoperative course was uneventful.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>With surgery, this condition is entirely correctable. Pre-operative nutritional status should be evaluated in patients undergoing corrective surgery, and total parenteral nutrition plays a major role in the provision of bowel rest to allow recovery in malnourished patients.</p

    Sub-millisecond pulsed laser engineering of CuOx-decorated Pd nanoparticles for enhanced catalytic CO2 hydrogenation

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    Catalytic CO2 hydrogenation to fuels and chemicals presents a promising avenue for addressing global warming and advancing toward a net-zero economy. Surface atomic rearrangement of catalysts has attracted growing interest as a means to manipulate catalyst activity and selectivity. Herein, we designed a ternary nanocatalyst comprising CuOx species decorated Pd nanoparticles (NPs) supported on Co oxide (denoted as CPCu) for catalytic CO2 hydrogenation. Sub-millisecond laser treatment (1 mJ per pulse) was used to manipulate the surface atomic arrangements of CPCu the catalyst. The CPCu nanocatalyst showed a significant enhancement in both CH4 production and CO production at 300 °C compared to the Pd/Co catalyst. Notably, the CH4 production using the laser-treated nanocatalyst (denoted as CPCu-L) was 66.6 % higher than the untreated one (CPCu) at 300 °C. Comprehensive catalyst characterizations revealed that CuOx species promoted CO2 activation, while neighboring Pd domains effectively dissociated H2 molecules, leading to enhanced CH4 production. This study demonstrates the potential of sub-millisecond laser treatment for tailoring catalyst surfaces, offering a promising strategy to design more active and selective catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation

    Inhibited Spontaneous Emission in Solid-State Physics and Electronics

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    Abstract: In this report, we present the design principles to achieve a highly sensitive optical stress sensor. The structure we use is a double-layered (DL) photonic molecule with optical bonding and anti-bonding states based on whispering-gallery mode in photonic crystal microcavity. By applying finite-difference time-domain and finite-element methods, we simulate the change of optical properties (including wavelength and quality (Q) factor) of bonding mode caused by the DL structural variation due to the applied stress in two DL geometries. In the end, we summarize an optical stress sensor design with high Q factor, large structural response due to the applied stress, and large optical spectrum change due to the DL structural variation. The minimum detectable stress variation is estimated to be as small as 0.95 nN

    OCIS codes: (230.5298) Photonic crystals; (140.3945) Nanocavities; (140.5960) Semiconductor lasers

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    Abstract: We propose a point-shifted nanocavity based on square lattice photonic crystal, which sustains a lowest-order whispering-gallery (WG) mode. In simulation, the optimized WG mode (quality (Q) factor ~14,000) in point-shifted nanocavity can be with smaller mode volume (~5.5(λ/2n) 3 ) but larger nano-post tolerance than those in single-defect cavity design. From well-fabricated device, single WG mode lasing with measured Q factor of 4,100 and low threshold of 160 µW is obtained. Besides, we also observe the changed polarization of WG mode due to modal symmetry breaking caused by the presence of a nearby dielectric nano-particle, which would be useful in sensing molecule binding or attaching for bio-chemical applications. (C ©2010 Optical Society of Americ

    C-reactive protein concentration as a significant correlate for metabolic syndrome: a Chinese population-based study. Endocrine 43

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    Abstract Increasing evidence suggests that chronic, lowgrade inflammation may be a common soil involving the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and cardiovascular disease. We examined the association between C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration, an extensively studied biomarker of low-grade inflammation, and the MetS in a representative sample of Chinese adults in Taiwan. We performed a cross-sectional analysis of data from 4234 subjects [mean (±SD) age, 47.1 (±18.2) years; 46.4 % males] who participated in a population-based survey on prevalences of hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia in Taiwan. CRP levels were measured by the immunoturbidimetric CRP-latex high-sensitivity assay. The MetS was defined by an unified criteria set by several major organizations. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated with logistic regression model. Overall, there were 938 subjects with MetS among 4,234 participants, resulting in a prevalence rate of 22.1 %. A significantly progressive increase in the prevalence of MetS across quartiles of CRP was observed (p for trend \0.001). Participants in the second, third, and upper quartiles of CRP had significantly higher risk of having MetS when compared with those in the lowest quartile [adjusted ORs (95 % CIs) were 2.18 (1.62-2.94), 4.39 (3.31-5.81), and 7.11 (5.39-9.38), respectively; p for trend \0.001]. Furthermore, there was a strong stepwise increase in CRP levels as the number of components of the MetS increased. The prevalence of MetS showed a graded increase according to CRP concentrations. The possible utility of CRP concentration as a marker for MetS risk awaits further evaluation in prospective studies

    Dominância fiscal : uma investigação empírica sobre o caso brasileiro no período de 2003 a 2014

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    A estabilização econômica dos anos de 1990 e a adoção do tripé econômico, a partir de 1999, marcam o fim de um capítulo delicado da história brasileira; a partir de então, era necessária a existência de certa sintonia de políticas monetária e fiscal para a manutenção do controle dos diversos indicadores econômicos. Contudo, com essa reciprocidade na política econômica, são incitadas discussões sobre a orientação do governo na hora de definir suas prioridades nesse campo: as variáveis fiscais são priorizadas e, por conseguinte, determinadas, forçando as monetárias a se ajustarem – ou o contrário? A resposta para esse questionamento leva à discussão sobre a dominância fiscal. Assim, esse trabalho visa verificar empiricamente, usando das modelagens econométricas VAR e estudo de eventos, se há dominância fiscal ou monetária na economia brasileira e se a eficácia da política monetária mudou na transição do governo Lula para o governo Dilma. O resultado foi inconclusivo para o governo Lula e indicou dominância fiscal no governo Dilma. Ainda verificou-se não haver modificação na eficácia da política monetária.Economic stabilization, in the 1990s, and utilization of an economic tripod, after 1999, represents the end of a delicate chapter in Brazilian history. Ever since, it was necessary the existence of a certain agreement between monetary and fiscal politic, in order to maintain under control a variety of economic indicators. However, this reciprocity (in economic politic) starts discussions about the real government orientations when it comes to define its priority on this subject: are the fiscal variables priorized, and then, determined, forcing monetary variables to adjust themselves, or the opposite? The answer to these questions emerge from the fiscal dominance discussion. This paper intends to empiric verify, using econometric modeling VAR and event study, if there is fiscal dominance or monetary in Brazilian economy and whether the effectiveness of monetary politic has changed in the transition from Lula's government to the Dilma government. The result was inconclusive for the Lula government and indicated fiscal dominance in the Dilma government. There was still no change in the efficiency of the monetary politic.CAPE