19 research outputs found

    Influence of Edge Effects on Laser-Induced Surface Displacement of Opaque Materials by Photothermal Interferometry

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    We demonstrate the influence of edge effects on the photothermal-induced phase shift measured by a homodyne quadrature laser interferometer and compare the experiments with rigorous theoretical descriptions of thermoelastic surface displacement of metals. The finite geometry of the samples is crucial in determining how the temperature is distributed across the material and how this affects the interferometer phase shift measurements. The optical path change due to the surface thermoelastic deformation and thermal lens in the surrounding air is decoded from the interferometric signal using analytical and numerical tools. The boundary/edge effects are found to be relevant to properly describe the interferometric signals. The tools developed in this study provide a framework for the study of finite size effects in heat transport in opaque materials and are applicable to describe not only the phase shift sensed by the interferometer but also to contribute to the photothermal-based technologies employing similar detection mechanisms

    Vpliv robnih učinkov na lasersko induciran pomik površine neprozornih materialov s fototermalno interferometrijo

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    We demonstrate the influence of edge effects on the photothermal-induced phase shift measured by a homodyne quadrature laser interferometer and compare the experiments with rigorous theoretical descriptions of thermoelastic surface displacement of metals. The finite geometry of the samples is crucial in determining how the temperature is distributed across the material and how this affects the interferometer phase shift measurements. The optical path change due to the surface thermoelastic deformation and thermal lens in the surrounding air is decoded from the interferometric signal using analytical and numerical tools. The boundary/edge effects are found to be relevant to properly describe the interferometric signals. The tools developed in this study provide a framework for the study of finite size effects in heat transport in opaque materials and are applicable to describe not only the phase shift sensed by the interferometer but also to contribute to the photothermal-based technologies employing similar detection mechanisms.Prikažemo vpliv robnih učinkov na fototermalno inducirani fazni premik, ki ga merimo s homodinskim kvadraturnim laserskim interferometrom in poskuse primerjamo z eksaktnimi teoretičnimi opisi termoelastičnih površinskih premikov kovin. Končna geometrija vzorcev je ključnega pomena pri določanju, kako se temperatura porazdeli po materialu in kako to vpliva na merjenje faznega premika interferometra. Razliko optične poti zaradi površinske termoelastične deformacije in termalne leče v okoliškem zraku dekodiramo iz interferometričnega signala s pomočjo analitičnih in numeričnih orodij. Mejni/robni učinki so pomembni za pravilen opis interferometričnih signalov. Orodja, razvita v tej študiji, nudijo okvir za preučevanje učinkov zaradi končnih dimenzij pri prenosu toplote v neprozornih materialih in niso uporabna le za opisovanje faznega premika, ki ga zazna interferometer, temveč prispevajo tudi k fototermalnim tehnologijam, ki uporabljajo podobne mehanizme zaznavanja

    Chaetozone carpenteri, McIntosh, 1911 from the Mediterranean Sea and records of other bi-tentaculate Cirratulids

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    Many species of Cirratulidae have been recorded from the Mediterranean Sea since the descriptions and figures of the Naples fauna in one of the first comprehensive studies of polychaetes by delle Chiaje, 1823–3022. Chiaje, SD. 1823–30. Memorie sulla storia e notomia degli animali senza vertebre del Regno di Napoli, Vol.4, 109–214 . Napoli: Dalla stamperia de’ Fratelli Fernandes. View all references. This original publication included only multi-tentaculate cirratulids and what we would now identify as Cirriformia and Cirratulus. Since delle Chiaje's publication, 25 bi-tentaculate taxa have been recorded from the Mediterranean. During recent sampling programmes Chaetozone carpenteri McIntosh, 191155. McIntosh, WC. 1911. Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St Andrews. No. XXXII . Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series, 8(7): 145–173. View all references, a bi-tentaculate cirratulid, has been recorded from several Mediterranean sites and is redescribed. All records of C. setosa will need to be re-examined as they may have been misidentified

    Impact of hybrid system in polyester production

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    This study represents the evaluation of energy efficiency improvement using combination of natural gas, solar energy and flue gases heat recovery in polyester production. The analyzed energy sources are used for dry saturated steam generation. The energy consumption for combined system on location (φ = 45°49′) with collector field of 23.23 × 103 m2, was investigated. The hybrid system was calculated for four variants: (1) solarized process without flue gases heat recovery, (2) solarized processes with heat contend in flue gases using economizer, (3) solarized processes with heat contend in flue gases using an air preheater and (4) solarized processes with heat contend in flue gases using economizer and air preheater. The best method among presented sources is solution using economizer and the air preheater with natural gas, solar energy and flue gases heat recovery. The natural gas consumption is reduced for 67.82% which indicates that this solution is the optimal one. At the same time the volume of exhaust flue gases is diminished from 4947.1 to 1430.4 mFG3 m^3_{\text{FG}} /h while simultaneously decreasing outlet temperature of 172.85°. Together with considerable energy savings, this hybrid system is sustainable and environmentally acceptable

    Probing an Interfacial Ionic Pairing‐Induced Molecular Dipole Effect in Ionovoltaic System

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    A surficial molecular dipole effect depending on ion-molecular interactions has been crucial issues regarding to an interfacial potential, which can modulate solid electronic and electrochemical systems. Their properties near the interfacial region can be dictated by specific interactions between surface and adsorbates, but understandings of the corresponding details remain at interesting issues. Here, intuitive observations of an ionic pair formation-induced interfacial potential shifts are presented with an ionovoltaic system, and corresponding output signal variations are analyzed in terms ofthe surficial dipole changes on self-assembled monolayer. With aiding of photoelectron spectroscopies and density function theory simulation, the ionic pair formation-induced potential shifts are revealed to strongly rely on a paired molecular structure and a binding affinity of the paired ionic moieties. Chemical contributions to the binding event are interrogated in terms of polarizability in each ionic group and consistent with chaotropic/kosmotropic character of the ionic groups. Based on these findings, the ionovoltaic output changes are theoretically correlated with an adsorption isotherm reflecting the molecular dipole effect, thereby demonstrating as an efficient interfacial molecular probing method under electrolyte interfacing conditions. A surficial molecular dipole effect depending on ion-molecular interactions has been crucial issues regarding to an interfacial potential, which can modulate solid electronic and electrochemical systems. Their properties near the interfacial region can be dictated by specific interactions between surface and adsorbates, but understandings of the corresponding details remain at interesting issues. Here, intuitive observations of an ionic pair formation-induced interfacial potential shifts are presented with an ionovoltaic system, and corresponding output signal variations are analyzed in terms ofthe surficial dipole changes on self-assembled monolayer. With aiding of photoelectron spectroscopies and density function theory simulation, the ionic pair formation-induced potential shifts are revealed to strongly rely on a paired molecular structure and a binding affinity of the paired ionic moieties. Chemical contributions to the binding event are interrogated in terms of polarizability in each ionic group and consistent with chaotropic/kosmotropic character of the ionic groups. Based on these findings, the ionovoltaic output changes are theoretically correlated with an adsorption isotherm reflecting the molecular dipole effect, thereby demonstrating as an efficient interfacial molecular probing method under electrolyte interfacing conditions.11Nsciescopu