444 research outputs found

    Do highly exclusive social welfare programs increase political inequality? A comparative analysis of the 50 US states

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    "In this paper, I empirically test the notion that the degree of inclusion/ exclusion of social welfare policies can have important feedback effects on political participation of poor citizens. I conduct a comparative analysis of the 50 US states, using the uptake (or coverage rate) of the Food Stamp program as an indicator of relative inclusiveness. If the inclusiveness of the program 'sends a message' to potential recipients about their worth in the community, these messages may encourage or discourage participation. Using data from the National Education Longitudinal Survey, 1988-2000, I show that the turnout of young citizens raised in poor families is dramatically influenced by the inclusiveness of the state's Food Stamp program. High inclusive states displayed much lower rates of political inequality. The mechanisms underlying this effect remain to be specified. However, in the context of previous individual-level studies, the results bolster the idea of policy feedback generally, and its impact on political inequality in particular." (author's abstract

    The Self-Appraisal of Masking Instrument

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    We explore mask-wearing behavior during the coronavirus pandemic using the Self-Appraisal of Masking Instrument (SAMI). We situate this survey-based instrument within a theory in which the decision to mask reflects social identity, an associated identity standard, and appraisals that generate feelings about oneself. Analyses of SAMI's empirical properties reveal that masking-specific emotional reactions are distinct from emotional reports related to current events and politics (discriminant validity). We also uncover evidence of predictive validity: expressed feelings about masking predict future voting more than 6 months later. We recommend SAMI to researchers interested in studying mask resistance in an increasingly polarized political climate, and the intuition behind SAMI could prove useful in other research contexts in which health decisions reflect a conscious comparison to standards held by those who share an identity or will otherwise pass judgment

    Evolution and Creationism in America's Classrooms: A National Portrait

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    Despite many legal and legislative decisions, a new study shows that one in eight high school biology instructors teach their students that creationism or intelligent design is a valid alternative to evolutionary biology

    Influence of first-time mothers' early employment on severe early childhood caries in their child

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    Aim. To examine whether mothers' early employment status is related to the development of severe early childhood caries in their child. Methods. Questionnaire survey of 429 first-time mothers in metropolitan Adelaide, South Australia, and dental examinations of their child at 20 months of age. Results. At 20 ± 2.5 months of age, 5.6% of children exhibited caries defined as one or more demineralized or cavitated lesions on the upper incisors. Of the mothers, 52.2% had no paid employment, 39.6% were part-time and 8.2% full-time employed. Overall, mothers' participation in the workforce had no influence on the frequency of severe early childhood caries in their child, but there was a significant interaction with family structure. For mothers without employment there was no difference between single, and two-parent families, but children with an employed single mother more frequently had caries than those with a working mother in a two-parent family (P < 0.04). However, there were no significant differences in children's reported general health. Conclusions. The data indicate a need to explore strategies that may assist single mothers and especially those in the workforce to prevent severe early childhood caries in their child.Kamila Plutzer and Marc J. N. C. Keirs

    Influence of an intervention to prevent early childhood caries initiated before birth on children's use of dental services up to 7 years of age

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    BACKGROUND: In a previously reported randomised controlled trial, advising first time mothers on the prevention of early childhood caries from before their child was born, decreased the prevalence of early childhood caries at 20 months of age 5-fold. OBJECTIVE: We examined the effect of the intervention on the frequency and nature of dental visits up to 7 years of age. METHODS: Of 649 expectant mothers who participated in the trial, 277 completed a "Child Oral Health Survey" 7 years later. Their answers were compared with those of a comparison group of 277 mothers selected at random among those living in the same area with a first child born in the same year enrolled with the South Australian School Dental Services (SA SDS). RESULTS: Only 1.5% of children had a dental visit before 12 months of age and only 4% before 2 years of age unless a dental problem had arisen. The age at the first visit did not differ among groups, but the reasons for the visit did as did the number of visits and the need for treatment under sedation or anaesthesia. In the trial group, 34% of first visits were for pain, 29% for injury, and 29% for concern with appearance. In the comparison group, pain was the main concern in 49%, injury in 9.5%, and appearance in 25% (p=0.019). Over time, children in the trial had an average of 2.2 visits compared with 3.1 in the comparison group. In the intervention group of the trial, no child had required treatment under sedation or general anaesthesia compared with 2.9% in the control group, and 6.5% in the comparison group. Only 15% of mothers reported that they had received any information on caries prevention from health care professionals other than dental care practitioners. CONCLUSION: Providing first-time mothers with guidance on the prevention of childhood caries decreased the use of dental services to deal with problems in preschool children.Kamila Plutzer, Marc J.N.C Keirs

    Global, cell non-autonomous gene regulation drives individual lifespan among isogenic C. elegans

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    Across species, lifespan is highly variable among individuals within a population. Even genetically identica

    Ösztrogének és ösztrogénhatású anyagok a növénytermesztésben

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    Összefoglalás Egy vegyület akkor tekinthető ösztrogén hatásúnak, ha alacsony affinitással is, de az ösztrogén receptorokhoz (ER) kötődni képes, az ösztrogén érzékeny sejtekben, szövetekben biológiai hatást képes kiváltani, melyek hasonlóak a petefészek eredetű ösztrogén hormonok által előidézett folyamatokhoz. Irodalmi adatok alapján a hígtrágyával történő öntözés és intenzív állattartásból származó trágya termőföldre juttatása következtében a szteroid ösztrogének, beleértve az ösztron E1, ösztradiol E2, ösztriol E3, valamint a szintetikus ösztrogén EE2, mindenütt jelen vannak a termőtalajban. A növények felhalmozhatják az ösztrogéneket gyökereikben és hajtásaikban, bekerülve a táplálékláncba akár hatást fejthetnek ki a humán egészségre. A vegyületek ösztrogén potenciálját legtöbbször a 17β-ösztradiol referencia vegyülethez viszonyított relatív potenciálként fejezik ki. Meghatározó szerepe van a vegyületek minőségének, ugyanis az egyes ösztrogénhatású vegyületek különböző hatással lehetnek a receptorokra Ahogy korábban említettük, hígtrágya csak talajtani szakvéleményre alapozott talajvédelmi hatósági engedély birtokában juttatható ki mezőgazdasági területre, melyben az is meghatározásra kerül, hogy a területre milyen mennyiségű hígtrágya helyezhető el. A különböző típusú hígtrágyák nemcsak tápanyag összetételben, hanem EDC tartalomban is különböznek egymástól. A természetes hormon kiválasztódás és a hormonhatású készítmények felhasználása tekintetében fontos az állatállomány ivararányát és korcsoportját figyelembe venni. A jövőre nézve fontos, hogy toxikológiai vizsgálatokat végezzünk, és nagyobb hangsúlyt fektessünk a mezőgazdasági melléktermékek által kijuttatott hormonhatású anyagok mennyiségére és lehetséges hatásaira

    First Cryptosporidium outbreak in Hungary, linked to a treated recreational water venue in 2015

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    In June 2015, an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis with 35 cases (23 probable and 12 laboratory-confirmed) occurred among 191 attendees of a residential rehabilitation holiday for paediatric organ transplant patients (n = 49) and their families at a hotel in Somogy county, Hungary. The overall attack rate was 18%. Most of the cases were transplanted children who experienced severe acute disease and required adjustment to their tacrolimus immunosuppression. A retrospective case-control study suggested an association between recreational water exposures and illness: cases were seven times more likely than controls to have swum in the children's pool (odds ratio 7.17; 95% confidence interval 2.9-17.2; P < 0.0001) and five times more likely to have used the jetted whirlpool (odds ratio 5.25; 95% confidence interval 2.1-13.1; P < 0.0001). This was the first outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in Hungary and it is especially unfortunate that it affected vulnerable children who experienced severe symptoms. Cryptosporidium presents specific infection control difficulties in treated recreational water venues; the link to a whirlpool is unusual and highlights the importance of the age-appropriate use of these facilities and reminding users not to immerse their heads or swallow the water. Cryptosporidiosis is more commonly linked to children' pools where improved bather hygiene and promoting exclusion of diarrhoea cases could help to avoid similar outbreaks

    The effect of calcium hydroxide on the steroid component of Ledermix® and Odontopaste®

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    AIM: To investigate the chemical interaction of calcium hydroxide with the corticosteroid triamcinolone acetonide in Ledermix Paste and in Odontopaste, a new steroid/antibiotic paste. METHODOLOGY: Validated methods were developed to analyse the interaction of calcium hydroxide in two forms, Pulpdent Paste and calcium hydroxide powder, with triamcinolone acetonide within Odontopaste and Ledermix Paste. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to analyse the mixed samples of the pastes and calcium hydroxide. The concentration of triamcinolone acetonide within the pastes was determined over 0, 2, 6, 24 and 72-h time-points. All tests with the HPLC involved the testing of the standard with triplicate injections alongside the samples. All samples were tested in duplicate with each injected twice; therefore, four tests were performed for each investigation. Linearity, precision and specificity of the testing procedures and apparatus were validated. Descriptive statistics are provided. RESULTS: In both pastes, there was a marked rapid destruction of the triamcinolone acetonide steroid upon mixing with calcium hydroxide. Odontopaste suffered a lower rate of destruction of the triamcinolone acetonide component than Ledermix Paste, but both pastes showed very similar degrees of steroid destruction after 72 h. When using calcium hydroxide powder with Ledermix Paste, the triamcinolone was destroyed entirely and immediately. CONCLUSION: The addition of calcium hydroxide to Odontopaste or Ledermix Paste results in the rapid destruction of the steroid