531 research outputs found

    Slovenija i njezino prilagođavanje procesu održivog razvoja

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    Presented are basic characteristics and problems of adapting of Slovenia to contemporaray trends of environmental-developmental policy of the European Union (EU). Slovenia is marked with a moderate degree of enviromental pollution and exhausted natural resources. Even after the gained independence of 1990, the state of environment has not been significantly improved. A comparison of the indicators of enviromental quality between Slovenia and the EU states shows that the quality of environment in Slovenia is generally below the average of the EU. A sustainably planned economic development is necessary for Slovenia also forma the aspect of economy.U ovom su radu prikazana osnovna obilježja i problemi prilagođavanja Slovenije suvremenim trendovima u politici zaštite okoliša Europske Unije (EU). Sloveniju obilježava umjerena stopa onečišćenja okoliša i iscrpljeni prirodni izvori. Ni nakon osamostaljenja 1990. stanje se okoliša nije bitno poboljšalo. Primjeri pokazatelja kvaliteta okoliša Slovenije i država EU pokazuju da je kvaliteta okoliša u Sloveniji općenito ispod prosjeka EU. Gospodarski razvoj zasnovan na načelima održivog razvoja, dakle, nužan je za Sloveniju i sa ekonomskog stajališta

    Toward a Vygotskian theory of textbook

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    U ovom radu razmatramo elemente i procedure za zasnivanje jedne moguće teorije udžbenika. Osnovne postavke teorije Vigotskog vidimo kao temelje teorije udžbenika. Razmatramo heurističku moć teorijskih ideja Vigotskog kao i moguće pravce elaboracije i operacionalizacije njenih osnovnih postavki. U radovima Vigotskog razvijena je osnovna sociokonstruktivistička ideja, ali on nije stigao da razvije tu ideju do nivoa koji bi bio dovoljno operativan za razne upotrebe. To tretiramo kao izazov. Ovaj rad je pokušaj da se skiciraju mogući pravci operacionalizacije osnovnih postavki Vigotskog. Početna postavka Vigotskog je shvatanje razvoja kao procesa posredovanog kulturom. Više psihičke funkcije su konstrukcija koja se odvija prvo na interpsihičkom planu, u susretu deteta i kulture (najčešće odrasli pripadnici kulture posreduju u tom susretu). Kultura pruža oslonce i osnovnu simboličku građu za konstrukciju na interpsihičkom planu. Ove oslonce Vigotski naziva kulturno-potpornim sredstvima (KPS). Koncept KPS u radu pokušavamo da operacionalizujemo određujući mu tri distinktivne karakteristike: 1. oni su kulturno prepoznatljivi, 2. imaju simboličku prirodu što im omogućuje da budu internalizovani i 3. imaju specifičnu razvojnu misiju koja ih određuje. Primere KPS možemo naći svuda u kulturnom okruženju. Udžbenici su kao žanr određeni da budu nosioci kulturno-potpornih sredstava. Kako je moguće sačiniti iscrpnu listu mogućih KPSova u udžbenicima? Induktivni put je samo jedna mogućnost. Druga mogućnost je deduktivni put, odnosno izvođenje KPSova iz fundamentalnih teorijskih istraživanja relevantnih za udžbenike. Relevantnim disciplinama smatramo razvojnu psihologiju, kognitivnu psihologiju, pedagošku psihologiju i savremene analize diskursa. U radu kratko specifikujemo po čemu su te discipline relevantne za moguću teoriju udžbenika. Iz svih tih bazičnih disciplina moguće je izvesti implikacije za konstrukciju udžbenika i strukturne elemente koji čine dobro oblikovan udžbenik. Strukturne elemente je moguće po formi koju imaju razvrstati u 9 kategorija (u radu navodimo koje su to kategorije). Kakva je, dalje, veza između strukturnih elemenata udžbenika i kulturno-potpornih sredstava? Strukturni elementi udžbenika su, u stvari, KPSovi ugrađeni u udžbenike. Kako to možemo znati? Po njihovoj osnovnoj funkciji! U radu definišemo te osnovne funkcije i strukturnih elemenata udžbenika i KPSova uopšte. Kroz razmatranje tih funkcija vraćamo se i osnovnim individualno psihološkim i kulturnim funkcijama udžbenika. Na kraju razmatramo kritički potencijal koncepta KPS. Ovaj koncept iz svog marksističkog porekla vuče ideju o pozitivnom uticaju sredine na razvoj. Da li je moguće držeći se koncepta KPS razlikovati dobar od lošeg udžbenika. U radu navodimo nekoliko ideja kako je to moguće učiniti.This is an attempt to place the problem of textbook theory into a new frame of reference provided by cultural-historical theory of development, using the idea about cultural-historical mediation of individual development and concept of CST as a basic analytical concepts. The new frame of reference introduces a new language on textbooks, opening a range of new research problems, while dealing with the old ones in a new and more complex way. Textbook is shifted from the usual pedagogic-didactic setting and placed in a more basic and cultural context. The paper is an attempt to bring the concept of cultural tools to a completely operational level, as well as to test the actual power of that concept by identifying CST in textbooks. Furthermore, this paper is an attempt elaborate the forms of social assistance that constitute the zone of proximal development, seen as the characteristics of joint activities of the child and a more competent participant (which is "hidden”, i.e., indirectly present, in this case). Vygotsky never specified the forms of social assistance, but rather gave general prescriptions (Moll, 1990), thus presenting one of the central theoretical and practical tasks for the followers of his ideas

    Toward a Vygotskian theory of textbook

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    This is an attempt to place the problem of textbook theory into a new frame of reference provided by cultural-historical theory of development, using the idea about cultural-historical mediation of individual development and concept of CST as a basic analytical concepts. The new frame of reference introduces a new language on textbooks, opening a range of new research problems, while dealing with the old ones in a new and more complex way. Textbook is shifted from the usual pedagogic-didactic setting and placed in a more basic and cultural context. The paper is an attempt to bring the concept of cultural tools to a completely operational level, as well as to test the actual power of that concept by identifying CST in textbooks. Furthermore, this paper is an attempt elaborate the forms of social assistance that constitute the zone of proximal development, seen as the characteristics of joint activities of the child and a more competent participant (which is "hidden”, i.e., indirectly present, in this case). Vygotsky never specified the forms of social assistance, but rather gave general prescriptions (Moll, 1990), thus presenting one of the central theoretical and practical tasks for the followers of his ideas

    Teachers' attitudes towards school violence and their assessment of their own and collective power to act efficiently

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    Prevencija školskog nasilja, i kod nas i u svetu, sve više postaje jedan od prioritetnih zadataka u ostvarivanju obrazovno-vaspitnog rada u školama, a glavni oslonac vidi se u nastavnicima. Nastavnici će u obavljanju tog zadatka biti efikasni u onoj meri u kojoj prepoznaju nasilje kao dovoljno ozbiljan problem, veruju da angažovanje škole doprinosi smanjenju nasilja, i veruju u vlastitu kompetentnost. Upitnikom je ispitan 9.141 nastavnik iz 188 škola sa teritorije cele Srbije. Većina nastavnika (73%) je zabrinuta zbog porasta školskog nasilja, ali samo manji deo (29%) taj problem prepoznaje u svojoj sredini. Nastavnici vide u porodici glavni uzrok za nasilno ponašanje učenika (66%) i, konsekventno, u saradnji škole i roditelja vide i najefikasniju meru za borbu protiv nasilja (70%). Nastavnici prilično visoko ocenjuju sopstvene kompetencije za borbu protiv nasilja, ali ne vide veliki preventivni značaj metoda koje su u njihovoj direktnoj nadležnosti. Praktične implikacije ovih nalaza su da treba nastaviti proces senzitizacije nastavnika za probleme koje njihovi učenici imaju sa vršnjačkim nasiljem, kao i za veliki preventivni značaj koji ima kvalitetna nastava.Prevention of school violence is increasingly becoming one of priorities of educational work in schools both in our and other countries and teachers are seen as the main support in this prevention. Yet, teachers will be efficient in performing this task according to how much they are convinced that school violence is a serious problem and they believe in their own competence and that their engagement will contribute to the reduction of violence. The questionnaire was filled up by 9 141 teachers from 188 schools in Serbia. The majority of teachers (73%) are worried by the increase of school violence, but in considerably smaller numbers (23%) testify about violence in their environment. The main causes of violence are seen in family (66%) and, consequently, teachers see cooperation between school and parents as the most efficient measure in violence prevention. The teachers assessed their personal competencies for violence prevention rather high, but report that they are authorized to use scarce measures for preventing violence in school. Some practical implications of these findings point to the need for the continuation of sensitizing teachers of the problem their students have with peer violence and the significance of high quality teaching of violence prevention

    Estrategias argumentativas, conducción política y manejo de la opinión pública: estudio de tres discursos presidenciales de Mauricio Macri

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    El autor estudia tres discursos de Mauricio Macri como Presidente dela Nación, a los efectos de detectar cuáles son sus estrategias argumentativas entendidas como manejo de la opinión pública.

    Establishing Hadoop Map/Reduce cluster for teaching purposes

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    Installation and configuration of Hadoop MapReduce distributed system is quite time-consuming and requires thorough compliance with instructions. As such, it can cause considerable inconveniences to new users who would like to get familiar with the MapReduce programming model. The aim of this thesis is to research the possibilities for straight forward installation and configuration of Hadoop distributed system. The thesis focuses on creating a distributed system using Hadoop software with the help of a solution called CDH, developed by an American company Cloudera Inc. The solution is based on Apache Hadoop platform. The company has released several versions of CDH software. The latest available CDH 5.5 can be run on different distributions of Linux operating system. The bachelor thesis is comprised out of instructions and tips which are necessary for the successful setup of such distributed system. The text researches various setup options and the creation of a system using predominantly virtualization. Furthermore, we are describing in detail, with examples, the process of running MapReduce jobs. In the end, we have a brief analysis which compares performance (scalability) of MapReduce jobs run on one, two and more nodes

    Recognition of positional motifs in chess positions

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    In this diploma thesis, we first prepared a programme for automatic recognising of positional motifs. We focused on recognising of pawn structures, such as isolated pawns, passed pawns, doubled pawns, backward pawns, pawn chains, and pawn islands. The programme was implemented in the Python programming language with the help of the library python-chess that enables simple use of bitboards. The developed programme could be used for automatic annotation of chess games. Then, we addressed the problem of searching for chess positions with similar content. The automatic recognising of pawn structures was integrated into the programme as a component, wherein the programme is able to find chess positions with similar content, taking into account the characteristics of pawn structures on a chessboard as well. We used techniques for information retrieval from text documents, using an open-source library Apache Lucene. Partly, the development took place in the environment Jupyter Notebook, which enables simple visualization of chess positions. The search of positions with similar content can be used for automatic preparation of chess trainings, whereby the job of chess trainers can be made easier. We could improve the algorithm for searching similar positions by recognising dynamic, tactical motifs. The competence of the programme for discovering positions with similar content was confirmed by a survey carried out among chess players

    Recognition of positional motifs in chess positions

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    In this diploma thesis, we first prepared a programme for automatic recognising of positional motifs. We focused on recognising of pawn structures, such as isolated pawns, passed pawns, doubled pawns, backward pawns, pawn chains, and pawn islands. The programme was implemented in the Python programming language with the help of the library python-chess that enables simple use of bitboards. The developed programme could be used for automatic annotation of chess games. Then, we addressed the problem of searching for chess positions with similar content. The automatic recognising of pawn structures was integrated into the programme as a component, wherein the programme is able to find chess positions with similar content, taking into account the characteristics of pawn structures on a chessboard as well. We used techniques for information retrieval from text documents, using an open-source library Apache Lucene. Partly, the development took place in the environment Jupyter Notebook, which enables simple visualization of chess positions. The search of positions with similar content can be used for automatic preparation of chess trainings, whereby the job of chess trainers can be made easier. We could improve the algorithm for searching similar positions by recognising dynamic, tactical motifs. The competence of the programme for discovering positions with similar content was confirmed by a survey carried out among chess players