272 research outputs found

    Stimulating curiosity to enhance learning

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    Curiosity is an aspect of intrinsic motivation that has great potential to enhance student learning. Theory and evidence describing curiosity are discussed, focusing on psychological and pedagogical literature relating to adult education. In particular, the concept of ‘information gaps’ as a source of academic curiosity is explored. In addition, the concept of curiosity in two disparate sample disciplines; second language learning and medical education are considered. The role of inquiry based learning approaches are also discussed as potential modes of stimulating student curiosity, as well as simple classroom techniques, which could be applied to almost any academic discipline and based on the theories should act to enhance student curiosity

    Cognitive and affective correlates of temperament in Parkinson's Disease

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients display low novelty seeking scores on the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ), which may reflect the low dopamine function that characterises the disease. People with PD also display raised harm avoidance scores. Due to these and other observations, a “parkinsonian personality” has been suggested. However, little is known about how these features relate to cognitive and affective disorders, which are also common in PD. We examined links between TPQ scores and performance on an attentional orienting task in a sample of 20 people with PD. In addition, associations between TPQ and depression and anxiety scores were explored. It was found that novelty seeking scores were significantly correlated with a reaction time measure of attentional orienting to visual novelty. Harm avoidance scores were significantly correlated with anxiety, but not depression scores. These findings extend our understanding of how temperament interacts with cognitive and affective features of the disorder

    Time perspective, depression, and substance misuse among the homeless

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    Using the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI; P. G. Zimbardo & J. N. Boyd, 1999), the authors found that homeless people, in comparison with a control group, had a significantly more negative outlook concerning their past and present as evinced by high Past-Negative and Present-Fatalistic scores and low Past-Positive scores on the ZTPI. However, the homeless individuals were almost indistinguishable from control participants on measures of Present-Hedonism and Future thinking. The homeless individuals had significantly higher levels of depression, with 31 out of 50 (62%) reaching criteria for probable depression. However, this finding was unrelated to their atypical time perspective. There was no significant relation between substance misuse and time perspective. Despite their current difficulties, including depression and drug abuse, the homeless individuals maintained a propensity toward future thinking characterized by striving to achieve their goals.

    Challenges and strengths, thinking about ´street children´

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    The term ‘street children’ is often used as an umbrella category for street-connected children and youth. In this post, Graham Pluck discusses research approaches to street children, from those documenting their dire situation to those advocating their resourcefulness. However, if researchers are to effectively tackle street children’s problems, facile distinctions should be avoided by acknowledging both their strengths and weaknesses, he writes

    Cognitive Abilities of \u27Street Children\u27: A systematic Review

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    Although relatively rare in industrialised and developed countries, the phenomenon of young people spending much of their time in urban environments in the context of extreme poverty is common in the cities of the developing world. Interventions are generally focused on bringing the children into education systems. However, the children have often been exposed to a range of factors likely to impair cognitive development, such as trauma and substance abuse, potentially limiting the efficacy of education programmes. A systematic review was performed of studies reporting cognitive function data of street children in developing countries. Only seven studies were found, which reported on 215 individuals. A review of the studies revealed a pattern of below normal general intellectual function and neuropsychological impairments. In those studies where measures of general intellectual functioning were reported, e.g. IQ, comparisons of effect sizes were made. This revealed that cognitive impairment appeared to be relatively minor in samples from Indonesia and South Africa but somewhat larger in samples from Ethiopia and Colombia. The results suggest cross-cultural variation in the effects of street living on cognitive development. However, in general, there is a pattern of lower than normal cognitive performance which is comparable to that observed in studies of homeless children in the USA

    Executive function and adult homelessness, true impairment or frontal lobology?

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    Homelessness is associated with multiple risk factors for neurocognitive impairment. Past research with people experiencing homelessness has described “frontal lobe” dysfunction including behavioral disorders and executive cognitive impairments. In the current study, 72 adults experiencing homelessness were assessed with a standardized assessment of executive function, and interviewed regarding neurological and psychiatric history. When compared to a control sample of 25 never-homeless participants, and controlling for level of education, there was little evidence for executive dysfunction in the sample of people experiencing homelessness. Levels of substance abuse, past head injury, and post-traumatic stress disorder were notably high. However, there were no statistically significant associations between cognitive task performance and clinical or substance abuse variables. Gambling was surprisingly infrequent, but risk-taking behavior among intravenous drug users was common. Though in neither case was it linked to executive function. Overall, there was little evidence for executive impairment in this sample of people experiencing homelessness. I suggest that past research has often used inappropriate criteria for “normal” performance, particularly comparing people experiencing homelessness to control data of relatively high education level. This has led to elements of “frontal lobology,” that is, clinical neuroscience research that tends to overly link non-typical or pathological behavior to frontal lobe impairment. When appropriate comparisons are made, controlling for education level, as in this study, associations between executive function impairments and adult homelessness may be weaker than previously reported

    Understanding avian egg cuticle formation in the oviduct; a study of its origin and deposition

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    The cuticle is a unique invisible oviduct secretion that protects avian eggs from bacterial penetration through gas exchange pores. Despite its importance, experimental evidence is lacking for where, when, and what is responsible for its deposition. By using knowledge about the ovulatory cycle and oviposition, we have manipulated cuticle deposition to obtain evidence on these key points. Cuticle deposition was measured using staining and spectrophotometry. Experimental evidence supports the location of cuticle deposition to be the shell gland pouch (uterus), not the vagina, and the time of deposition to be within the final hour before oviposition. Oviposition induced by arginine vasotocin or prostaglandin, the penultimate and ultimate factors for the induction of oviposition, produces an egg with no cuticle; therefore, these factors are not responsible for cuticle secretion. Conversely, oviposition induced by GNRH, which mimics the normal events of ovulation and oviposition, results in a normal cuticle. There is no evidence that cuticle deposition differs at the end of a clutch and, therefore, there is no evidence that the ovulatory surge of progesterone affects cuticle deposition. Overall, the results demonstrate that the cuticle is a specific secretion and is not merely an extension of the organic matrix of the shell. Cuticle deposition was found to be reduced by an environmental stressor, and there is no codependence of the deposition of pigment and cuticle. Defining the basic facts surrounding cuticle deposition will help reduce contamination of hen's eggs and increase understanding of the strategies birds use to protect their eggs

    Cuticle deposition improves the biosecurity of eggs through the laying cycle and can be measured on hatching eggs without compromising embryonic development

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    The cuticle is part of the egg's natural defense and it can be improved by genetic selection. Prior to adoption of this measurement in breeding programs, questions that need to be addressed are whether improved cuticle deposition will result in a reduced risk of eggs becoming contaminated and whether selection for this trait will have any unintended consequences on the incubation process. Bacterial penetration experiments were carried out using eggs from a pedigree line of broiler breeders (BB) and Rhode Island Red (RIR) layers. Within the natural variation in cuticle deposition in each line, a good cuticle was shown to reduce an egg's susceptibility to penetration by Escherichia coli (BB, P = 0.023) and Salmonella typhimurium (RIR, P < 0.001). Deglycosylation of cuticle proteins had little effect on their antimicrobial activity. The effect of bird age on cuticle deposition was also examined. Shell color decreased with age as anticipated; however, we found no evidence that cuticle deposition decreases with age, at least up to 50 wk. A thicker cuticle could affect the water vapor conductance (WPC) of hatching eggs. The WPC of eggs was, therefore, measured on eggs selected from the top and tail of the cuticle distribution, this time in a Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL) pedigree line. Broiler breeder eggs were also tested. No evidence of a relationship between cuticle deposition and WPC was found for LSL or BB eggs. Cuticle deposition measurements require eggs to be stained. Here, we show that this has no adverse effect on embryo development at d 12 of incubation. Thus, we conclude that cuticle deposition is important in preventing bacterial penetration of eggs in genetically divergent breeds of chicken and that the measurement can be practically incorporated into breeding programs. This will contribute to improving the biosecurity of eggs by reducing vertical and horizontal transmission of potentially zoonotic and pathogenic organisms from parent to offspring

    Leveraging SN Ia spectroscopic similarity to improve the measurement of H0H_0

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    Recent studies suggest spectroscopic differences explain a fraction of the variation in Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) luminosities after light-curve/color standardization. In this work, (i) we empirically characterize the variations of standardized SN Ia luminosities, and (ii) we use a spectroscopically inferred parameter, SIP, to improve the precision of SNe Ia along the distance ladder and the determination of the Hubble constant (H0H_0). First, we show that the \texttt{Pantheon+} covariance model modestly overestimates the uncertainty of standardized magnitudes by 7\sim 7%, in the parameter space used by the SH0ES\texttt{SH0ES} Team to measure H0H_0; accounting for this alone yields H0=73.01±0.92H_0 = 73.01 \pm 0.92 km s1^{-1} Mpc1^{-1}. Furthermore, accounting for spectroscopic similarity between SNe~Ia on the distance ladder reduces their relative scatter to 0.12\sim0.12 mag per object (compared to 0.14\sim 0.14 mag previously). Combining these two findings in the model of SN covariance, we find an overall 14% reduction (to ±0.85\pm 0.85km s1^{-1} Mpc1^{-1}) of the uncertainty in the Hubble constant and a modest increase in its value. Including a budget for systematic uncertainties itemized by Riess et al. (2022a), we report an updated local Hubble constant with 1.2\sim1.2% uncertainty, H0=73.29±0.90H_0 = 73.29 \pm 0.90km s1^{-1} Mpc1^{-1}. We conclude that spectroscopic differences among photometrically standardized SNe Ia do not explain the ``Hubble tension." Rather, accounting for such differences increases its significance, as the discrepancy against Λ\LambdaCDM calibrated by the Planck{\it Planck} 2018 measurement rises to 5.7σ\sigma.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures, accepted to JCA

    Self-harm in schizophrenia is associated with dorsolateral prefrontal and posterior cingulate activity

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    elf-harm, such as self-cutting, self-poisoning or jumping from height, regardless of intentions, is common among people with schizophrenia. We wished to investigate brain activations relating to self-harm, in order to test whether these activations could differentiate between schizophrenia patients with self-harm and those without. We used event-related functional MRI with a go/no-go response inhibition paradigm. Fourteen schizophrenia patients with a history of self-harm were compared with 14 schizophrenia patients without a history of self-harm and 17 healthy control participants. In addition, we used standard clinical measures and neuropsychological tests to assess risk factors associated with self-harm. The right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the left posterior cingulate cortex differentiated all three groups; brain activation in these regions being greatest in the control group, and the self-harm patient group being greater than in the non-self-harm patient group. In the self-harm patient group, right DLPFC activity was positively correlated with severity of suicidal thinking. In addition, both patient groups showed less activation in the right orbitofrontal cortex, left ventral anterior cingulate cortex and right thalamus. This is the first study to report right DLPFC activation in association with self-harm and suicidal thinking in patients with schizophrenia. This area could be a target for future neuromodulation studies to treat suicidal thinking and self-harm behaviors in patients with schizophrenia