1,655 research outputs found

    Discriminations of Color and Pattern on Artificial Flowers by Male and Female Bumble Bees, \u3ci\u3eBombus Impatiens\u3c/i\u3e (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

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    This study examined the performance of male bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) in color and pattern discriminations and compared it to that of female bees. Bees were trained to forage from rewarding (S+) and unrewarding (S-) artificial flowers which differed in color (blue vs yellow) or pattern (e.g., concen­tric vs radial). Learning of the discrimination by the bees was then assessed by examining choice proportions of different flower types while none of the flowers offered reward. Color discriminations were made with 98% accuracy by the males, and the choice proportion was no different for females. Pattern discriminations were very poor or nonexistent for males but significantly better for females, especially in one of three pattern discriminations (radial vs concentric patterns)

    Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization spectroscopy oflaser-ablated copper atoms

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    Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) spectra of laser-ablated copper atoms entrainedin a supersonic free jet expansion are reported. Depending on the ionization scheme employed, andthe conditions under which the copper atoms are produced, very different spectra are produced, whichare discussed. In some circumstances, high proportions of metastable atoms survive the ablation andexpansion process and are clearly seen in the spectra. The spectroscopic transitions for the observedlines are identified, and it is noted that some caution is merited in the assumption that only ground statecopper atoms are present following laser ablation

    Native Pottery: hand-made pottery in the prehistoric and Roman period in northern England and southern Scotland

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    The thesis is a survey and catalogue of most of the pottery found in the area between the Clyde and Solway and the southern boundaries of Cumbria and Durham, and to which previously the label of Iron age or Roman native pottery had been assigned. The paucity of contextual information is demonstrated. An attempt is made to classify types for comparison with the small amount of contextual data. The result of this, combined with external evidence, illustrates the probable Late Bronze age origins for at least two types, and the presence of a Roman native pottery, but does not allow a closer type classification to be put forward

    Spectroscopy and interactions of metal and metal cation complexes

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    The work in this thesis looks at the spectroscopy and interactions of metals and metal cation complexes. There are two aspects of this vast subject that are considered: the electronic spectroscopy of Au-RG complexes and the ion-molecule chemistry of metals important in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere (MLT) region of the atmosphere. The spectroscopy of the molecular states in the vicinity of the strong Au 2P3/2, 1/2 ← 2S1/2 atomic transition, have been studied for the Au-RG (RG = Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) series using resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI). The spectroscopy of these systems was more involved than expected and high level ab initio calculations were required to complement and aid interpretation of the REMPI spectra obtained. Two main effects were seen to influence the spectroscopy in this energetic region — the mixing between D2Π1/2 and E2Σ1/2+ states through spin-orbit interactions and the interaction of lower lying states arising from the Au(2D) + RG (1S0) asymptote, resulting in predissociation being observed. The MLT is the only region of the Earth’s atmosphere in which metals exist in a free atomic state. It is known that their presence in this region occurs via the ablation of meteors entering the upper atmosphere, but certain aspects of their chemistry are still unclear. Using high level ab initio theory, spectroscopic constants were determined for metal cation complexes that can be formed in this region. These values are used by collaborators in conjunction with laboratory measurement to establish accurate rate coefficients that will allow the ion-molecule chemistry of calcium and magnesium in the MLT region to be modelled

    Aspects of resistance in deepwater rice to the stem nematode Ditylenchus angustus

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    Une technique utilisant les plants de riz a Ă©tĂ© mise au point pour cribler la rĂ©sistance du riz flottant Ă  #Ditylenchus angustus.Cettetechniquecopielâ€Činfestationnaturelleaˋpartirdelâ€Čeauetpermetuneinfestationde100. Cette technique copie l'infestation naturelle Ă  partir de l'eau et permet une infestation de 100 % sur le cv. tĂ©moin sensible NC492. Environ 10 % de l'inoculum pĂ©nĂštre dans les racines, les stades infestants Ă©tant surtout reprĂ©sentĂ©s par les J3, J4 et adultes. La reproduction de #D. angustus est rapide sur les cvs sensibles (la durĂ©e du cycle est de 10 Ă  20 jours, Ă  30°C). L'expression des symptĂŽmes et la multiplication du nĂ©matode ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es sur une sĂ©rie de cultivars et lignĂ©es de riz flottant, tant sensibles que rĂ©sistants. La rĂ©sistance est en partie confĂ©rĂ©e par une rĂ©action nĂ©crotique rapide de l'hĂŽte lors de la prise de nourriture du nĂ©matode. Cette rĂ©action est prĂ©sente chez quelques lignĂ©es (CNL 319, Bazail 65, Rayada 16-02, Rayada 16-03, Rayad 16-06 Ă  16-09) qui se sont montrĂ©es en champ rĂ©sistantes en divers endroits et au cours du temps. Une telle rĂ©action est qualitativement diffĂ©rente de celle, bien connue, montrĂ©e par les plantes sensibles, et peut ainsi fournir une base en vue de la sĂ©lection gĂ©notypique. La relation entre profondeur de l'eau et taille des plants de riz est d'une importance cruciale pour le dĂ©clenchement de l'infestation et le dĂ©veloppement des symptĂŽmes. #D. angustus$ pĂ©nĂštre dans les plants d'abord au niveau de la surface de l'eau, aussi une submersion des gaĂźnes des feuilles retardera-t-elle l'infestation. Les symptĂŽmes se dĂ©veloppent plus rapidement si, durant l'infestation, le niveau de l'eau est voisin de ou trĂšs peu infĂ©rieur Ă  celui du collet situĂ© au sommet de la gaĂźne foliaire. L'expression des symptĂŽmes, et par consĂ©quent les dĂ©gĂąts prĂ©coces, sont ralentis en abaissant le niveau de l'eau. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur

    An integrated professionalism in further education: a time for phronesis?

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    The aim of this article is to examine the role taken by the Institute for Learning (IfL) in England to promote the nature of professionalism in the lifelong learning sector. It raises the possibility that the decisions taken by the IfL, since its inception in 2002, are leading to the de-professionalisation of teachers. It is argued that what is now needed is a new professionalism that is driven by the practice of phronesis: wise practical reasoning, based on judgement and wisdom, and that accords with the centrality of context and the reflective nature of the activity of teaching. It will be informed by values that enable practitioners to mediate the confrontational forces of managerialism which might otherwise threaten to undermine their professionalism

    Spectroscopy and interactions of metal and metal cation complexes

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    The work in this thesis looks at the spectroscopy and interactions of metals and metal cation complexes. There are two aspects of this vast subject that are considered: the electronic spectroscopy of Au-RG complexes and the ion-molecule chemistry of metals important in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere (MLT) region of the atmosphere. The spectroscopy of the molecular states in the vicinity of the strong Au 2P3/2, 1/2 ← 2S1/2 atomic transition, have been studied for the Au-RG (RG = Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) series using resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI). The spectroscopy of these systems was more involved than expected and high level ab initio calculations were required to complement and aid interpretation of the REMPI spectra obtained. Two main effects were seen to influence the spectroscopy in this energetic region — the mixing between D2Π1/2 and E2Σ1/2+ states through spin-orbit interactions and the interaction of lower lying states arising from the Au(2D) + RG (1S0) asymptote, resulting in predissociation being observed. The MLT is the only region of the Earth’s atmosphere in which metals exist in a free atomic state. It is known that their presence in this region occurs via the ablation of meteors entering the upper atmosphere, but certain aspects of their chemistry are still unclear. Using high level ab initio theory, spectroscopic constants were determined for metal cation complexes that can be formed in this region. These values are used by collaborators in conjunction with laboratory measurement to establish accurate rate coefficients that will allow the ion-molecule chemistry of calcium and magnesium in the MLT region to be modelled

    Rethinking models of architectural research:: we don't do objects

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    Historically, an argument can be made that architectural research was produced internal to firms and manufacturers as proprietary objects or sets of data. The concept of disciplines and professions reinforced the separation of open-sourced knowledge and the application of that knowledge in a commercial context. However, design has rapidly changed from an object-solution profession and is now faced with finding solutions to complex problems within complex systems. The past practice model of client, architect, and final product seems an ill-fit in this new context. The question is how to integrate a critical research process into a professional capacity in which that architectural research needs an inherent and immediate value to be performed or pursued. The SYNCH Research Group [synchRG] was formed in response to this question. Although research consortiums, design initiatives and research centres exist within many schools of architecture, most operate as a department or extensions of a school of architecture. SynchRG operates in neither private practice nor as a division of the university. Organized as a diverse and fluid association of faculty, students, professionals, and consultants, the synchRG group is focused on a design methodology and philosophical structure rather than a client, site, building, typology, or object. The focus on idiosyncratic or aesthetic solutions to singular problems is set aside in order to provide a collaborative intellectual space for professional based explorations. The paper will examine synchRG's response to current architectural research challenges and illustrate its unique structure as a possible model to be replicated. A dialogue will be initiated on a model for practice aligned with both academia and industry
