9 research outputs found

    Diffusion and sorption of trace organic micropollutants in biofilm with varying thickness

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    Solid-liquid partitioning is one of the main fate processes determining the removal of micropollutants in wastewater. Little is known on the sorption of micropollutants in biofilms, where molecular diffusion may significantly influence partitioning kinetics. In this study, the diffusion and the sorption of 23 micropollutants were investigated in novel moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) carriers with controlled biofilm thickness (50, 200 and 500 ÎŒm) using targeted batch experiments (initial concentration = 1 ÎŒg L−1, for X-ray contrast media 15 ÎŒg L−1) and mathematical modelling. We assessed the influence of biofilm thickness and density on the dimensionless effective diffusivity coefficient f (equal to the biofilm-to-aqueous diffusivity ratio) and the distribution coefficient Kd,eq (L g−1). Sorption was significant only for eight positively charged micropollutants (atenolol, metoprolol, propranolol, citalopram, venlafaxine, erythromycin, clarithromycin and roxithromycin), revealing the importance of electrostatic interactions with solids. Sorption equilibria were likely not reached within the duration of batch experiments (4 h), particularly for the thickest biofilm, requiring the calculation of the distribution coefficient Kd,eq based on the approximation of the asymptotic equilibrium concentration (t > 4 h). Kd,eq values increased with increasing biofilm thickness for all sorptive micropollutants (except atenolol), possibly due to higher porosity and accessible surface area in the thickest biofilm. Positive correlations between Kd,eq and micropollutant properties (polarity and molecular size descriptors) were identified but not for all biofilm thicknesses, thus confirming the challenge of improving predictive sorption models for positively charged compounds. A diffusion-sorption model was developed and calibrated against experimental data, and estimated f values also increased with increasing biofilm thickness. This indicates that diffusion in thin biofilms may be strongly limited (f â‰Ș 0.1) by the high biomass density (reduced porosity)

    Diffusion and sorption of trace organic micropollutants in biofilm with varying thickness

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    Solid-liquid partitioning is one of the main fate processes determining the removal of micropollutants in wastewater. Little is known on the sorption of micropollutants in biofilms, where molecular diffusion may significantly influence partitioning kinetics. In this study, the diffusion and the sorption of 23 micropollutants were investigated in novel moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) carriers with controlled biofilm thickness (50, 200 and 500 ÎŒm) using targeted batch experiments (initial concentration = 1 ÎŒg L−1, for X-ray contrast media 15 ÎŒg L−1) and mathematical modelling. We assessed the influence of biofilm thickness and density on the dimensionless effective diffusivity coefficient f (equal to the biofilm-to-aqueous diffusivity ratio) and the distribution coefficient Kd,eq (L g−1). Sorption was significant only for eight positively charged micropollutants (atenolol, metoprolol, propranolol, citalopram, venlafaxine, erythromycin, clarithromycin and roxithromycin), revealing the importance of electrostatic interactions with solids. Sorption equilibria were likely not reached within the duration of batch experiments (4 h), particularly for the thickest biofilm, requiring the calculation of the distribution coefficient Kd,eq based on the approximation of the asymptotic equilibrium concentration (t > 4 h). Kd,eq values increased with increasing biofilm thickness for all sorptive micropollutants (except atenolol), possibly due to higher porosity and accessible surface area in the thickest biofilm. Positive correlations between Kd,eq and micropollutant properties (polarity and molecular size descriptors) were identified but not for all biofilm thicknesses, thus confirming the challenge of improving predictive sorption models for positively charged compounds. A diffusion-sorption model was developed and calibrated against experimental data, and estimated f values also increased with increasing biofilm thickness. This indicates that diffusion in thin biofilms may be strongly limited (f â‰Ș 0.1) by the high biomass density (reduced porosity)

    Transformation and sorption of illicit drug biomarkers in sewer biofilm

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    In-sewer transformation of drug biomarkers (excreted parent drugs and metabolites) can be influenced by the presence of biomass in suspended form as well as attached to sewer walls (biofilms). Biofilms are likely the most abundant and biologically active biomass fraction in sewers. In this study, 16 drug biomarkers were selected, including the parent forms and the major human metabolites of mephedrone, methadone, cocaine, heroin, codeine, and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Transformation and sorption of these substances were assessed in targeted batch experiments using laboratory-scale biofilm reactors operated under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. A one-dimensional model was developed to simulate diffusive transport, abiotic and biotic transformation, and partitioning of drug biomarkers. Model calibration to experimental results allowed estimating biotransformation rate constants in sewer biofilms, which were compared to those obtained for suspended biomass. Our results suggest that sewer biofilms can enhance the biotransformation kinetics of most selected compounds. Through scenario simulations, we demonstrated that the estimation of biotransformation rate constants in biofilm can be significantly biased if the boundary layer thickness is not accurately estimated. This study complements our previous investigation on the transformation and sorption of drug biomarkers in the presence of only suspended biomass in untreated sewage. A better understanding of the role of sewer biofilmsalso relative to the in-sewer suspended solidsand improved prediction of associated fate processes can result in more accurate estimation of daily drug consumption in urban areas in wastewater-based epidemiological assessments

    Impacts of competitive inhibition, parent compound formation and partitioning behavior on the removal of antibiotics in municipal wastewater treatment

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    We present a process model that predicts the removal of the antibiotic micropollutants, sulfamethoxazole (SMX), tetracycline (TCY), and ciprofloxacin (CIP), in an activated sludge treatment system. A novel method was developed to solve the inverse problem of inferring process rate, sorption, and correction factor parameter values from batch experimental results obtained under aerobic and anoxic conditions. Instead of spiking the batch reactors with reference substances, measurements were made using the xenobiotic organic micropollutant content of preclarified municipal sewage. Parent compound formation and removal were observed, and the model developed using the simulation software West showed limited efficiency to describe the selected micropollutants profiles, when growth substrate removal occurs. The model structure was optimized by accounting for competitive inhibition by readily biodegradable substrates on the cometabolic micropollutant biotransformation processes. Our results suggest that, under anoxic conditions, hydrophobicity-independent mechanisms can significantly impact solid-liquid partitioning that our model takes into account by using the sorption coefficient as a lumped parameter. Forward dynamic simulations were carried out to evaluate the developed model and to confirm it for SMX using data obtained in a full-scale treatment plant. Evaluation of measured and simulation results suggest that, robust model prediction can be achieved by approximating the influent load of chemicals biodegrading via a given parent compound, e.g., human conjugates, as an antibiotic mass that is proportional to the parent compound load

    Diurnal variations in the occurrence and the fate of hormones and antibiotics in activated sludge wastewater treatment in Oslo, Norway

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    We present an assessment of the dynamics in the influent concentration of hormones (estrone, estriol) and antibiotics (trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin) in the liquid phase including the efficiency of biological municipal wastewater treatment. The concentration of estradiol, 17-α-ethinylestradiol, doxycycline, oxytetracycline, demeclocycline, chlortetracycline, cefuroxime, cyclophosphamide, and ifosfamide were below the limit of detection in all of the sewage samples collected within this study. Two different types of diurnal variation pattern were identified in the influent mass loads of selected antibiotics and hormones that effectively correlate with daily drug administration patterns and with the expected maximum human hormone release, respectively. The occurrence of natural hormones and antimicrobials, administered every 12 hours, shows a daily trend of decreasing contaminant mass load, having the maximum values in the morning hours. The occurrence of antibiotics, typically administered every 8 hours, indicates a daily peak value in samples collected under the highest hydraulic loading. The efficiency of biological removal of both hormones and antibiotics is shown to be limited. Compared to the values obtained in the influent samples, increased concentrations are observed in the biologically treated effluent for trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole and ciprofloxacin, mainly as a result of deconjugation processes. Ciprofloxacin is shown as the predominant antimicrobial compound in the effluent, and it is present at quantities approximately 10 fold greater than the total mass of the other of the compounds due to poor removal efficiency and alternating solid-liquid partitioning behaviour. Our results suggest that, to increase the micro-pollutant removal and the chemical dosing efficiency in enhanced tertiary treatment, significant benefits can be derived from the optimisation of reactor design and the development of control schemes that accounts for diurnal secondary effluent micro-pollutant and hydraulic loading patterns

    Ethik, Recht und Kommunikation als Grundlagen professionellen Verhaltens in der Medizin. Ein Beitrag zur theoretisch und praktisch begrĂŒndeten integrierten Vermittlung im Medizinstudium

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    Many of the pharmaceuticals and personal care products occurring in municipal sewage are ionizing substances, and their partitioning behaviour is affected by ionic interactions with solid matrices. In activated sludge systems, such interactions have currently not been adequately understood and described, particularly for zwitterionic chemicals. Here we present an assessment of the effects of pH and iron salt dosing on the sorption of ciprofloxacin onto activated sludge using laboratory experiments and full-scale fate modelling. Experimental results were described with Freundlich isotherms and showed that non-linear sorption occurred under all the conditions tested. The greatest sorption potential was measured at pH = 7.4, at which ciprofloxacin is speciated mostly as zwitterion. Iron salt dosing increased sorption under aerobic and, to a lesser extent, anoxic conditions, whereas no effect was registered under anaerobic conditions. The activated sludge model for xenobiotics (ASM-X) was extended with Freundlich-based sorption kinetics and used to predict the fate of ciprofloxacin in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Scenario simulations, using experimental Freundlich parameters, were used to identify whether the assessed factors caused a significant increase of aqueous ciprofloxacin concentration in full-scale bioreactors. Simulation results suggest that a pH increase, rather than a reduction in iron salt dosing, could be responsible for a systematic deterioration of sorption of ciprofloxacin in the WWTP

    Zastrupitve s paracetamolom: kako učinkovita je zakonodaja v Veliki Britaniji in kakơno je stanje v Sloveniji?

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    This paper demonstrates how occurrence, transport and fate of pharmaceuticals at trace levels can be assessed when modelling wastewater treatment systems using two case studies. Firstly, two approaches based on: 1) phenomenology; and, 2) Markov Chains, are developed to describe the dynamics of pharmaceuticals with or without clear administration patterns. Additional simulations also show that sewer conditions might have an important effect on the behaviour of the generated compounds and their metabolites. The results demonstrate that different operating conditions in wastewater treatment plants can have opposite effects on the studied pharmaceuticals, especially when they present co-metabolic or inhibitory behaviour in the presence of biodegradable substrate. Finally, the paper ends with: i) a critical discussion of the presented results; ii) a thorough analysis of the limitations of the proposed approach; and, iii) future pathways to improve the overall modelling of micropollutants. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved