405 research outputs found

    Apsaros, Apsyrtos, Andreas, Mathata. Heroentraditionen im politischen Kontext

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    Gustav Radde und die Kaukasische Archäologie

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    Gustav Radde (1831 Danzig – 1903 Tbilisi), Biologe, Geograph und Universalgelehrter aus Danzig, war seit 1867 Direktor des Kaukasischen Museums in Tbilisi und leistete in dieser Funktion wesentliche Beiträge zur geographisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Erforschung Kaukasiens, die mehrfach gewürdigt worden sind. Im vorliegenden Aufsatz wird erstmals sein Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Archäologie in Kaukasien untersucht, wozu auch bislang unveröffentlichte Briefe aus dem Berliner Virchow-Archiv herangezogen werden.Radde konnte als Präsident des Vorbereitungskomitees für den V. Allrussischen Archäologenkongreß 1881 in Tbilisi die Erweiterung des Kaukasischen Museums vorantreiben und anläßlich des Kongresses diea rchäologische Abteilung einrichten. Rudolf Virchow, der als einziger Vertreter Deutschlands an dem Kongreß teilnahm, bezeichnete Radde als “tatkräftigen Direktor des Tifliser Museums“ und das Kaukasische Museum als “als ein umfassendes Archiv für das Studium der kaukasischen Länder“. Erhob hervor, “dass die von ihm [Radde] geleitete Anstalt sowohl in wissenschaftlicherals auch in ästhetischer Hinsicht als eine wahre Musteranstalt geltendürfe“. Der bereits seit 1872 geführte wissenschaftliche Austauschzwischen Virchow und Radde war von großer Bedeutung für die Bekanntmachungvon Ergebnissen der kaukasischen Archäologie in Europa.Der Aufsatz beleuchtet mit einer Darstellung des Verhältnisses zwischen Radde und dem “erfahrene[n] Nekropolen-Ausgräber“ Friedrich Bayern anhand von Briefen an Rudolf Virchow auch ein dunkleres Kapitel des reichen Gelehrtenlebens.Radde war ein Wissenschaftsmanager, er erkannte sehr rasch Ansatzpunkte und dachte stets konzeptionell und zielorientiert, und er war ein Netzwerker, der seine weitreichenden internationalen Kontakte klug für die Sache einzusetzen wußte. Die Kaukasische Archäologie verdankte ihm ein für seine Zeit hochmodernes Museum, das mit seiner Ausstattung die Vorstellungswelt der Besucher anregte und so das Verständnis für die Objekte beförderte

    Therapy of hearing disorders - conservative procedures

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    A wide range of therapeutic strategies are available for the therapy of hearing disorders including pharmaceutical, acoustic, electrical, surgical, radiological, cognitive-behavioural and so-called "alternative" strategies. This review focuses on general conservative strategies and specific therapeutic approaches mainly for inner ear disorders, whereas surgical and device-based therapies including hearing aids and cochlear implants are described in other chapters in this volume

    Pityous and its mosaics

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    “Setting out from Dioskourias the first harbour will be in Pityous, at a distance of 350 stadia” reports Flavius Arrianus in his Periplous Ponti Euxini (peripl. 18, 1). The governor of Cappadocia and his representative fleet – one trireme and some liburnae – traveled in 134 AD along the Eastern Pontos shore and inspected the Roman garrisons between Trapezous and the “end of the Roman dominion” which was at his time in Dioskourias-Sebastopolis. Continuing the journey to the Crimea Arrian came to Pityous which was the first harbour after Sebastopolis, at a distance of 350 stadia. So there was no Roman garrison at Pitiunt in Hadrianic time. But it seems that the journey of Arrian gave the impetus to install in Pityous Roman forces because he recognized the importance of the place for the grain transport from the Northern Pontos to Trapezous which was the supply base for the Roman forces in Anatolia.Римская крепость Питиунт, расположенная на западном берегу Пицундского мыса, является одним из лучше всего исследованных мест Восточного Причерноморья. Крепость была основана в середине II в.н.э. Первые постройки были сооружены из дерева. Аналогичную ситуацию можно было наблюдать в крепости Фазис в устье современной реки Риони, о чем мы узнаем из Аррианского перипла. Сохранившиеся крепостные стены Питиунта с U-образными угловыми башнями были построены во времена тетрархии или правления Константина I. Крепость была отремонтирована после нашествия гениокхов в 257 г. Во время усиления римской власти в V-VI вв.н.э. была построена крепостная стена, вокруг неё canabae и сооружен порт

    Simulation and Visualization of Medical Application to the Inner Ear of the Guinea Pig to Reduce Animal Experiments

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    We present a novel approach to simulate drug application to the inner ear of the guinea pig with the goal to reduce animal experiments and to increase the accuracy of measurements. The framework is based on a tetrahedral grid representing the individual compartments of the cochlea, associated with a finite element model used to simulate medical diffusion and clearance. In a first simulation scenario, we were able to compute transfer coefficients between the inner compartments of the ear, validating experiments from the literature, and to prove the existence of clearance at the inner scala tympani. In a second scenario, the cochlea was unwound to obtain a one-dimensional model for efficient simulation-based transfer coefficient identification. These coefficients are useful to predict the impact of novel medication application systems

    International consensus (ICON) on treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss

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    © 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is a common and alarming symptom that often prompts an urgent visit to an ENT specialist. Treatment of SSNHL remains one of the most problematic issues for contemporary otorhinolaryngology: although many meta-analyses and national guidelines have been issued, management is not standardized in terms of medical treatment, and duration and route of administration. We present several methodological suggestions for the study of treatments for SSNHL. These were developed from the existing level of evidence of the main treatments used in SSNHL by experts who convened at the IFOS 2017 ENT World Congress in Paris, France. All panelists agreed that one of the main limitations present in studies on SSNHL is related to the wide heterogeneity, which characterizes both the initial hearing deficit and the amount of hearing recovery. Although evidence of the efficacy of systemic steroids cannot be considered as strong enough to recommend their use, it is still the most widespread primary therapy and can be considered as the current standard of care. Therefore, systemic steroids stand as an adequate control for any innovative treatment. To reduce the number of subjects we suggest that the inclusion criteria should be restricted to moderate to profound levels of hearing loss. The efficacy of trans-tympanic steroids as a salvage therapy was suggested in several reports on small populations and needs to be confirmed with larger randomized controlled trials

    Birds flee en mass from New Year’s Eve fireworks

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    Anthropogenic disturbances of wildlife, such as noise, human presence, hunting activity, and motor vehicles, are becoming an increasing concern in conservation biology. Fireworks are an important part of celebrations worldwide, and although humans often find fireworks spectacular, fireworks are probably perceived quite differently by wild animals. Behavioral responses to fireworks are difficult to study at night, and little is known about the negative effects fireworks may have on wildlife. Every year, thousands of tons of fireworks are lit by civilians on New Year’s Eve in the Netherlands. Using an operational weather radar, we quantified the reaction of birds to fireworks in 3 consecutive years. Thousands of birds took flight shortly after midnight, with high aerial movements lasting at least 45 min and peak densities measured at 500 m altitude. The highest densities were observed over grasslands and wetlands, including nature conservation sites, where thousands of waterfowl rest and feed. The Netherlands is the most important winter staging area for several species of waterfowl in Europe. We estimate that hundreds of thousands of birds in the Netherlands take flight due to fireworks. The spatial and temporal extent of disturbance is substantial, and potential consequences are discussed. Weather radar provides a unique opportunity to study the reaction of birds to fireworks, which has otherwise remained elusive